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Lesson 4 Preparation

Appreciative Inquiry in Coaching

Lesson 4 draws on Appreciative Inquiry (AI), based on the work of David Cooperrider, to introduce other
considerations for coaching behavior change. This strengths-based approach is an excellent tool for
increasing client self-confidence, expanding what’s possible, and designing dynamic actions.

Please complete before Lesson 4:

1. Read Chapter 4: Appreciative Inquiry in Coaching

2. Review and practice using the AI Approaches in Coaching

3. Read the following articles related to Appreciative Inquiry and the value of positive

• Promoting Health Behavior with AI

• Coaching with AI
• AI: A Transformative Paradigm
• The Value of Positive Emotions

4. If time permits, listen to the following:

Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry – Part One

Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry – Part Two

Coaching Change Pyramid – Part One

Coaching Change Pyramid – Part Two
Coaching Change Pyramid – Part Three

Be Prepared to Discuss:

A time when you have had a challenge that “faded from view” when you were connected with a
higher and wider interest
The five principles of Appreciative Inquiry
5-D cycle of the Appreciative Inquiry process
Your observations of the coaching demonstration conducted in class

August 2010

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