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Message from Korton

“Children of the Earth, Children of the Light, it is always with great happiness that I come to you.

This is your friend, your Galactic Brother, Korton.

I have come again because there are an enormous number of things to say, to tell you, not only to reassure you but to prove to you that the
change is there.

It has been decided that we will show ourselves more and more in your dimension, and I do mean: “we will show ourselves more and
more in your dimension”, because now we must work in your dimension; we must work in relation to all that is happening in your world
and be certain that many things are happening that you are not aware of.

We must now deliver your world before the great shifting because certain energies are slowing down not only the ascension of Mother
Earth, but the opening of consciences of human brothers, our brothers.

When I say this, it is to tell you how much aid is given to you to prepare you for the great shifting.

Therefore, you will perceive us more and more. Your cameras, your cellphones, etc., can already capture us; they have the capacity
sometimes to capture what the human eye cannot see.

Your medias will begin to talk about apparitions; for this we are warning you, because there will be false and true apparitions. You know
what holograms are, but the technology of the evil ones is so perfected at the level of holograms that they can make you see things that do
not exist!

We will manifest ourselves above all to help the great mutation of humanity.

We are activating ourselves particularly in what you call “Eastern Europe,” even at the level of Russia. We have considerable work to do
and many of our brothers are taking on a body of matter in order to be able to help in matter.

We have alerted many government leaders; some have believed us, some have seen us, for others we have been obligated to alert them in
their dreams or in a much more intuitive manner.

Your world will no longer be what it was; you yourself will no longer be what you have been. All is going to go very fast for the profound
transformation of life, and I do mean: for the profound transformation of life. You will always be given the necessary time to accomplish
what you must still accomplish in matter and above all to prepare yourself for change not only in vibratory frequency but also of

As it has already been told you, you will feel more and more different and there will also be more and more opening of consciences;
however, the contacts between what we are and what you are, you our brothers of the Earth, will take place in dreams, through intuition
or in physical reality. This physical contact will not manifest itself until the end so as not to disturb our human brothers.

We are activating ourselves particularly in Ukraine, not to fight because we do not fight but to transform things by sending very powerful
vibrations that weaken those of the shadow and of those who work for it.

Therefore, the combat will not manifest itself in matter, even if we are present. It will take place at the spiritual level, by sending energies
of Love and other means; for the moment we cannot speak to you about the “other means,” but know, Brothers of the Earth, that we have
considerable means. However, we will still be obligated to leave things alone for a little while, so that each human being living on the
planet can position himself in relation to himself, in relation to what he desires, in relation to his fragility and to his fears.

Right now, the biggest problem of humanity is to be able to understand its fears, to go beyond them and to eradicate them. You must tell
yourself that what you may not know, is that waves of low frequency are constantly being sent, waves that carry the vibration of fear.

Do not believe that the people of the Earth are subjected to this, as is currently the case, without there being external things that happen
and that provoke this submission; of course, there has been a submission to fear but once again there are many things that you do not
understand and that are sent.

There is also an essential thing, which is the telepathic projections towards human beings to put them to sleep, but there is not only that.”

They are showing me something like fluids; this is something almost material that is constantly being sent and is produced by a type of
machine. They are showing me a machine with a sort of parabola at the end of which vibrations are projected; this is something physical
and vibratory at the same time; I do not know how to describe it because I do not have the words to do so.

“Therefore, before being able to act upon humans in the totally positive sense obviously, we are obligated to neutralize that which
provokes this sleepiness or this non-reaction in relation to the manipulation. We are beginning to do this little by little, but we have waited
so that a maximum of beings can awaken themselves from this fabricated and provoked sleeping.

Many of you, little by little, will feel our presence; you will be more and more intuitive because we work on all of our brothers who are
Light Workers, because we need them, who can work in matter, in their current dimension. However, the third dimension is in the
process of becoming diluted to give place to the fourth, even the fifth dimension.

In a very short while, your third dimension will no longer exist. So, obviously, you will still be in matter, but if you could measure the
vibratory frequency of your body, you would see that it does not vibrate at all at the same frequency that it did a month or a few days ago.

All of this is going to happen in a very, very progressive way, but with an accelerated process. We must allow the time for human beings,
our brothers, to be able to integrate what they must integrate, and above all to be able to eliminate and to eradicate all that must be
because there are many, many things that you must eliminate and eradicate.

What causes us the most pain – if we consider that we have pain, because we do not have the same emotions as you, our human brothers –
therefore, what causes us the most pain (to speak in the human language) is to see the terrible manipulation that humanity has been
subjected to. It has prevented human beings from being able to think; they have established and provoked common thought.

There are some beings who have been protected because they have the capacity of the being, which is to say some old souls of which you
are a part, but the majority of beings have really been totally “lobotomized.”

As a priority, we are going to try, but we will do this to the maximum, to liberate your human brothers, our human brothers, from this
hold, because this hold is exerted by your evil human brothers but especially by other entities (we will not rename them, you know them
very well) who wish to take over the planet Earth, and who absolutely do not want any vibratory or spiritual transformation; they wish to
take over from above and they are at this moment below; you have understood who we are talking about.

We now have an order to act in a much more visible way, visible to liberate the human people, all of our brothers on planet Earth. Some
will not be able to be liberated because the hold on them has been so profound that all that we could do will serve nothing, but this is not
absolutely grave because life is eternal. They will continue their path in another world that suits them and that will allow them to evolve
much faster and much more easily than they have done on planet Earth.

I would like to add that all is perfect in the Divine Plan. I would also like to add that the unity of human beings will take place! There will
be no more split, there will be no more duality between those who think in one way and those who think in another. There will be events
that will cause human beings to be obliged to unite before the great shifting.

You will have signs. All cannot arrive suddenly without you being warned; you will have signs, therefore, be vigilant! The signs will be
more and more numerous to signal the immense transformations and to prepare you. There will be signs in the sky on Earth there will be
signs in the deepest part of yourselves and what we call “new codes” will be implanted in your conscience.

Now, above all be ready to welcome all that is going to happen; I cannot not say that there will be some difficult things, this would be lying
to you but the only thing that I can tell you, is that for all of the Light Workers who have resisted this great manipulation, there will be
much less of a journey, a path to cover, to arrive where they must arrive, that is to say that immense preparation for the great shifting.

So, do not be afraid of the word “shifting,” do not be afraid of the word “shadow;” do not be afraid of words! Certainly, words carry an
energy, but you must see what other words they are associated with; you must have the capacity to remove the negative from words.

For example: if I speak about “obscurity”, you must not take this word as something absolutely negative, you must simply say that the
obscurity is the opposite of the Light and that obscurity is always born of the Light, that is to say that the Light is going to enlighten the
obscurity more and more and the obscurity is going to become Light.

You must understand words, you must not get stuck on some of them but continue to evolve, more and more.”

They are telling me:

“I am right now on the vessel of our Great Brother of Love, the vessel of Sananda. I can communicate with you because you are a part of
me – like the projection of conscience that this little channel makes – a part of myself is near you.

Therefore, even on the Celestial Star or the Blue Star, many things are happening. We have welcomed onto our immense vessel some
Forces from several parts of your galaxy, from our galaxy and well beyond. These are not combatant forces; these are Forces of Light not
only to help at the vibratory level but to help liberate humanity from this terrible hold.

It is constantly projected onto your solar system, but especially right now on planet Earth, waves of Love…

These are not waves but I cannot find the word…

They are telling me:

“This is of no importance…therefore, some vibrations, some waves are projected upon all human beings to accelerate the process of
liberation and of profound transformation of human beings, our brothers.

So, this is what I came to tell you:

Have total confidence, the Plan is just! All is going to precipitate itself but in a good sense.

Do not listen to all the noise that can frighten you; words about war, of course, there will be some, but do not give importance to all that
can slow you down; on the contrary, give importance to all that allows you to liberate yourself, essentially from fears, and that allow you
to advance much faster.

Now, with all my Love, I say goodbye; I salute you in my own name, I salute you from all of my brothers, from all of your Galactic
Brothers, I salute you in the name of Sananda, in the name of Commander Ashtar and from all of my Galactic brothers and sisters. I say,
“my Galactic brothers and sisters” because the feminine side also exists on the vessels; but this is still something else, another teaching
that we my give you in the coming days.”

We Love you infinitely, Brothers of the Earth, be blessed.”

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