3 Days of Obscurity, Suite

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3 Days of obscurity, suite…

Audio version on our You Tube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfXKoBshge8

March 5, 2022

“Brothers of the Earth, Children of the Light, it is always with immense happiness that we come towards you.

We understand that after the message there have been many questions, maybe some fears and also much joy. It is for this that we wish
today to give you some complimentary information.

It is not possible, when we deliver such a message, to go into the minutest details, because some of them cannot be given to you. We
remind you that what is happening, or at least what is going to happen, is something gigantic that goes well beyond the human
consciousness, well beyond your imagination. It is something magnificent and if you really had the consciousness of what is going to
happen to you, souls of the Light, you would be in such joy that there would no longer be, even for a second, any traces of fear in you. That
immense joy would create in you something like fireworks, that is to say that it would make you aware of who you are and of your own
Divinity, of your belonging to the Universe.

Human beings, our beloved brothers, are aware of what they are in the place where they live; they are aware of their bodies, of their
spiritual state – at least a part of it – of their joy, of their pain and of things that are totally adapted to what they are in the third dimension.

You are going to leave this third dimension. Already, many of you have left this third dimension and all those who have left have much
difficulty living harmoniously in your era, in the current civilization.

We are going to say two words about your civilization; you know it, from one end to the other of your planet Earth, your civilization is
sick; it is sick from being cut off from its essence, from God the Father-Mother, from its own Divine essence. When the people of planet
Earth, in its globality, is sick, it must be treated.

So, before the extraordinary and marvelous shifting, each one will be given the possibility, in these last days, of becoming aware of who
he is and to work in respect, in Love, in the Light, in the new consciousness of what he is and towards which he is going.

More and more, the Light Workers will be taught in their sleep or in their awake state. More and more beings will become kind and less
and less they will generate fears.

For the moment, you are in disequilibrium, that is to say that a part of humanity is still suffering. Another part of humanity is really
beginning to awaken and to engage itself towards a total transformation, consciously or unconsciously.

Now we are going to speak about necessary things to help you understand better.

You human beings, have enormous Love for the animal kingdom. We easily understand this. You must know that you will never be
separated from the pets that you have loved. (W are speaking of small animals).

All of the large animals, that is to say that you call animals in the wild, who are free animals as we have always been pleased to tell you,
whether they are domestic animals like horses, cows, sheep, etc., will be saved.

They are telling me:

They will not be placed in a state of stasis, they will be removed. This may seem impossible and gigantic to you; can you imagine the
power of the Great Beings of Light whose mission is to help the worlds to shift into another time, into another space?

Why will all of these animals be taken elsewhere, to other places, to then be reintegrated where they wish, with a collective or individual
conscience depending on the animal species? Because God the Father-Mother, in its immense Love has total respect for life. God has
created life; as it has been told you, the Divine Mother is in all life. All that you perceive outside, in the various kingdoms and even in your
human brothers, is the manifestation of God in the life that he has offered, that he has created, therefore, there is no fear to be had!

Of course, those who do not have a sufficiently awakened conscience could say that we are telling you stories, that this is not possible, but
what is possible and what is not? If you look backwards in relation to your technology, what is now possible could have seemed magical to
human beings who lived two hundred years ago, such as flying in the sky, being able to communicate with, to see another person at the
other end of the world thanks to technology. Everything is possible, and it is beyond anything that you could put in the word “possible”.

Have no fear in regard to the animals! Your little family pets could stay with you and as it has already been told you, at the moment when
that state of stasis will begin, they will also be removed.

We wish to emphasize this: everything is just! Do you believe that the Universe is not just? Do you believe that God the Father-Mother who
has created all lives, is not just?

So, obviously, there are still worlds in involution in relation to other worlds who are much more advanced, but as we have told you, there
are billions of places where each soul can go to experiment life. Do not remain stuck in your little world, in your little consciousness.
Enlarge this consciousness as much as possible, try to begin to speak like a galactic being, as a cosmic being. No longer limit yourself to the
Earth because soon the Earth as you know it will not exist. We do not wish to say that it will be destroyed, (be certain that it is far from us
to express ourselves this way)! No, it will be rebuilt!

We are going to speak again for a few minutes about these “three days of night”, even if these words are not adapted because they are
restrained and limited. The words “three days of shadows or night”, do not correspond to reality, but we always try to find an adapted
language for what you are and who you are.

There will be sounds, of course, but there will be such turbulences, such transformations, that it is indispensable that you do not see them
because you will not be able to do so. At the beginning of these “three days”…(again “three days” are not the exact words, but are going to
continue to say them) you will not be in stasis, YOU WILL BE IN A VERY HIGH LEVEL OF SPIRITUAL PREPARATION, because many veils
will be removed from you all of a sudden and you will understand the need to find yourself, to connect yourself, and also to connect
yourself with what is most elevated in you and to connect yourself to the Source.

During these “three days of night”, in the first moments of obscurity, your Guides will be present. Some of you may be able to see them,
others will receive messages that will reassure them.
What else can we tell you? If…something very important! We have already said this but there are things that must be underlined and
repeated, because when you listen to our messages, you focus your attention on what, in the moment, grabs your intellect, your

We have said that life is sacred. Therefore, all the beings who do not have a home, for a thousand reasons, cultural or social, all these
beings will be removed in priority, that is to say sheltered in priority, except – and this we insist on saying because this is very important -
except if these beings do not have Love in their heart, except if these beings ae in revolt, in violence, if they are in total service to the
somber light. Those beings will disappear, but not in the same way. They will be dead to terrestrial life to be reborn elsewhere because the
adventure, that is to say, evolution, continues to infinity.

We are going to repeat something because this is very important:

Every person, no matter where they are, who has covered or not a spiritual path, who has survived or not a religious teaching who has
Love in his heart, who knows nothing about spirituality or religion but who is capable of loving, who is capable of being kind, who is
capable of bringing relief, comfort, and aid to his brothers, will be taken where he must be after the state of stasis.

When you will be reintegrated into this world or elsewhere, depending on your deep desire, you can also meet up with the beings who
have left the plane of Earth and who will have, at that moment, the possibility of manifesting themselves before you; they will not
necessarily have the same body as yours, but they can create a body by the spirit.

You will also have the capacity (we have already said this) to communicate telepathically.

As for the animals who have been so dear to your heart, who have a soul and not a collective soul, could also choose to come back to you if
there has been a very strong affective connection between you and them.

What can we add to this? Once again, we say: prepare yourselves! What is going to happen in this world, in the entire Galaxy, is something
immense, something that you cannot imagine as human beings but that you will experience.

You can ask yourself: “When?” And we will answer we do not know. We do not know this! This may seem bizarre to you, but even us, we
do not know the date as you may wish to know it, because cosmic time (as we have said) is not terrestrial time, the astral time, or the time
that we live in. We live outside of time, of course, but even for us who speak through your channel, this is something so gigantic that we
cannot know the moment. We will follow the movement.”

They are telling me: “We will follow the movement!

We can also tell you this:

We who have communicated with this channel that you have listened to for such a long time, we can have the joy of manifesting ourselves
to you. So, some of us will manifest ourselves to you with a form, to others, we will manifest ourselves without a form but by light. Your
Brothers in the Light will not take a form, but they can manifest themselves in another way to you because you will already have another
consciousness; you could perceive them beyond the analysis of the mind, beyond vision, beyond your perceptions that are so reduced,
almost to nothing, in this era of your life. When we say “reduced to nothing” we wish to say that in relation to the perceptions that you will
have, you are blind, you are deaf, you do not see what surrounds you, you do not hear the sounds that are not yet perceptible to your ears

So here is a little of what we wanted to say. We have gotten away from the subject at times, but it is so vast, so immense that we could
speak about it for days and days because we also have something to add.

The Sacred leads you to the Divine. To ignore the Sacred of life keeps you away from the Divine.

These “three days of obscurity” will be, do not forget it, the biggest spiritual initiation; this is how you must conceive of what is going to
happen to you!

If you love yourself, you will love others; if you do not judge yourself, you will not judge others; if you accept yourself totally, you will
accept others. So, love yourself, very simply.

Try to discover the most beautiful qualities that dwell in you; these qualities of the heart, these qualities of the soul, that kindness.”

They are telling me:

Now, may your path be magnificent. Sew the most beautiful flowers, enlightened by the most beautiful Light there is. May your path be
gentle, full of Love and grow in all of that. You are loved, you are helped by the Universe much more than you think.

Sometimes, you have the impression of being alone, but you are not, and you will never be alone. Dwelling near each of you are
marvelous Beings who take you by the hand, but you do not feel it, who show you the path; sometimes you take this path that they show
you and sometimes you take the opposite path. So, then, there are sometimes painful experiences, but now, you will be aware that you
walk accompanied, that you are not alone and that you never will be.

Be blessed, we Love you infinitely and we say we will see you very soon.”

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