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Solutions for QAHO1001903

Solutions for questions 1 to 20: 1

(b) 33 % is 1/3
1. (a) 62.5% of 960 = (960) = 600 ∴ Quantity of jowar produced in 2013 (in tons)
8 1
= 21,000 + (21, 000 )
(b) 44.44% of 2790 = (2790) = 1240 = 21000 + 7,000 = 28,000
(c) This problem can be solved in different ways as shown
(c) 60% of x = 75% of 1200 ⇒ x = 1500 below.

400 − I
(d) 13.6% of 750 = 136% of 75 = 75% of 136
25 = (100 ) (where I is production in 2011)
3 I
= × 136 = 102 .
⇒ 25I = 40000 – 100I ⇒ 125I = 40000
2. Let Bobby’s income be `x. His savings are 25% of x.
Given, 25% of x = 15000 ⇒ x = 60,000 40000
3. (a) A’s income is more than B’s and he spends ∴ The quantity of pulses produced in 2011 is
a higher % of income (30% > 20%) on food. 320 thousand tons.
Hence A spends more on food than B.
(b) As a percentage, 30% > 25%. But here we
are taking higher % (i.e., 30%) of a lower base Using multiplication factor,
(i.e., A). This may be more or less than 25% of B. (prod. in 2011) (1.25) = prod. in 2012
Hence, answer is cannot be determined. (prod. in 2011) (1.25) = 400 thousand tons
∴ prod. in 2011 = = 320 thousand tons
50 − 40 1.25
4. (a) x100% = 25%
10 If production in 2011 = 100%
(b) x100% = 20%
50 then production in 2012 = 125%.
Out of given 125%. We want 100%. Hence, prod. in
50 100
(c) x100% = 125% 2011 = (400) thousand tons = 320 thousand tons
40 125
Please note that the last two methods are based on
40 the same concept, only the way of representation is
(d) x100% = 80% different. The student can follow any method based on
his/her comfort level. The last method is intuitively the
5. (a) The salary of A is 20% more than that of B. It is
convenient to take B’s salary as 100. 7. (a) If a quantity increases to n times itself, it increases by
∴ A’s salary = 120. (n – 1) times.
∴ % by which B’s salary is less than A’s salary ∴ % increase is 200%.
120 − 100
= (100 ) = 16.67% . Alternately, let x be the production in 2010.
120 3x − x 2x
% increase = (100%) = (100%) = 200%
x x
(b) Can be solved as (a) above i.e., by assuming
some values. Alternately, it can be solved by 1− 0.6
application of formulas as below. (b) Required percentage = (100%) = 40%.
Since here one quantity is 10% less than a second 1
 100 x 
quantity, the second quantity is  % more than 8. (a) The price of an item is increased by 25% Let us
 100 − x  assume that before increase it was 100.
100 ( 10 ) 1000 An increase of 25% makes it 125. Now this 125 has
the first i.e %= % = 11.11% more to be brought back to 100 i.e., the % by which it should
100 − 10 90 125 − 100
than the first. be reduced is = (100%) = 20%.
6. (a) % change
(b) As mentioned in the solution above, let the original
price be 100. A decrease of 25% makes it 75. For
75,000 − 60,000 15 1 100
= = = = % = 25% . 75 to become 100, we need to increase it by
60,000 60 4 4 100 − 75
(100%) = 33.33%
 Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.), 95B, Siddamsetty Complex, Park Lane, Secunderabad – 500 003.
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9. (a) As price is increased by 25%, new price is 125% i.e., 105 − 75
5 15. (a) %increase = (100%) = 30 (100%) = 40%.
times the initial price. 75 75
4 (b) Percentage marks in mid term exam
∴ Consumption has to become times so that
5 =
(100%) = 50%
expenditure remains unchanged. The consumption 150
has to become 80% or decrease by 20%. Percentage marks in end term exam

(b) As expenditure (E) = price (consumption) =

(100%) = 70%
New expenditure = 110% of initial expenditure
New price = 80% of initial price ∴ Change in percentage points is 70 – 50 = 20
110% of E = 80% of P(x) (where x is the new
consumption) 16.

110  E  11 3 2006 2007

x = =  As = 1+ i.e., the new
80  P  8 8 Total food grain production 100 120
consumption is 137.5% of initial consumption.
Hence new consumption should be 37.5% more than Wheat Production 20 x
the initial consumption.

10. (a) As revenue = price (sales), x = 25% of 120 = 30

New revenue = 130% of old price (80% of old sales) 30 − 20
= 104 % of (old price) (old sales) ∴ % increase in wheat production = × 100%
= 104 % of original revenue.
Hence new revenue is 4% more than the original = 50%.
17. Let the total number of polled votes be x. Amar got
(b) Required percentage = (1.2) (0.8) × 100% = 96% x
331/3% of x i.e. x/3 votes. ∴ remaining votes = x −
∴ The sales revenue decreased by 4%. 3
11. (a) As Area = Length (Breadth) = x.
New area = (110% of ℓ) (120% of b) = 132% of initial area. 3
Increase in the area = 32% 2 2
Bhima got x ⋅ 426/7% = x
3 7
(b) As length becomes times the initial length, new x 2
4 Given, − x = 4000 ⇒ x = 84000.
3 7
breadth should be times (i.e., 80%) of the initial
5 18. Let the number of days that his workshop ran last year
breadth. It has to decrease by 20%. be D. Let the training charge for each day last year be T
Total amount he earned from the workshop
(c) 112% of ℓ b = (x) (80% of b) ⇒ x = 140 %of ℓ. = (Number of days) (Training charge)
Hence length should increase by 40 %.
D 1 − 20  T 1 + 30  – DT = 8400
 100   100 
(d) 63% of ℓ b = (70% of ℓ) (x) ⇒ x = 90 % of b
Hence breadth should decrease by 10 %. 0.04DT = 8400 ⇒ DT = 2,10,000

12. Method - I ∴ He earned a total amount of `2.1 lakhs last year. This
year he earned `2,18,400.
19. Let the total population be x
116 100 (80)
Population of minors = 40x/100
Population of majors = 60x/100
116 − 80
A earns × 100 % or 45% more than C. Educated population
= (35/100) (40x/100) + (60/100) x (60x/100) = 48,000
∴ A’s income is 45% more than C’s income
⇒ x = 96,000.
Method - II
20. Let the monthly income of Anand be `x initially.
Using successive percentage formula, His monthly expenditure = `0.7x initially.
 25 × 16  His monthly savings = x − 0.7x
25 + 16 + 100 % = 45%. = `0.3x initially.
 
His monthly income after the increase
= (1.2) (x) = `1.2x.
13. Let the sales in 2009 be 100. His monthly expenditure after the increase
Sales in 2013 = 100 (1.2) (1.3) (1.16) (1.24) = 224.39 which is
an increase of approx 124%. = (1.1) (0.7x) = `0.77x.
His monthly savings after the increase = 1.2x − 0.77x = `0.43x.
14. Required percentage Percentage increase in his savings
36% of 200 + 44% of 300 0.43 x − 0.3 x 1
= (100%) = 40.8% =
0 .3 x
(100) = 43 %

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : QAHO1001903.Sol/2

Solutions for questions 1 to 10: 7. Let there be 100 bees initially

1. Let their respective populations be 3k, 5k and 6k. Therefore 1st hour 2nd hour 3rd hour
total population is 14k. Increments are equal to 3k, k and
Number 100 + 20 = 120 120 + 36 = 156 156 + 62.4
0.9k respectively. Total increase = 2.2k.
of bees = 218.4
Percentage increase = 2.2k/14k x 100 ≈ 15.71%.
Given 62.4 – 1248
2. Let the price of the camera be `x. 36 – ?
Given, 6% of (x – 120000) = 5670 36 × 1248
?= = 720
⇒ x = 2,14,500. 62.4
∴ increase = 720.
3. Let the incomes of the three people be ` 600, 700 and
`800 respectively. Since, C saves 3/8 of his income, his 8. 62.5 (120,000) cartons i.e. 75,000 cartons was the total
expenditure = 5/8 of his income = `500. 100
Since the ratio of the expenditures is given, the 38
stock held by stockists i.e., 19 stockists. Each of these
expenditures of A and B will be `250 and `300 respectively. 2
So, Savings of B = `400. stockists held not more than 4000 cartons. Any of these
Savings of A = 350. stockists would have held the minimum possible stock if
Savings of A is 7/8 or 87.5% of B's. each of the others held the maximum possible stock.
∴ Minimum stock held by any of the 19 stockists
= 75,000 – (18) (4000) = 3000.
4. Let the earning of Achyut be `100. His savings will be
`30 and the savings of Ranjit = `45. Since Ranjit’s saving is 9. Total complaints received = 12,00,000
`45, his income must be at least `45, meaning their combined
income must be at least 145. So, the ratio of their combined Complaints due to lack of water = × 12,00,000
earning to Achut’s earning can not be less than 145%. 100
Choice (C) = 7,56,000
756000 × 100
Total households in the district =
5. When the total revenue is `15 crore, the company will 28
charge `40 lakh for the first `8crore and `28 lakh = 27,00,000.
(∵ `4 lakh × 7 = `28 lakh) for the next `7crore.
∴ The restaurant pays `68 lakh or 4.53% of its revenue. 10. Given Q(b, c, d) = b + cd
Similarly, the company charges `88 lakh for a revenue of After changes,
`20 crore, viz 4.4% of revenue. 4 8 5
QNew(b, c, d) = b+ c× d
∴In one year, the restaurant pays a royalty which is 3 5 6
0.13 percentage points more than the second one.
(b + cd )
6. Let Ajay’s income be ` x. 4
Given his savings = `4500. = Q(b, c, d)
i.e., 50% of 40% of 75% of 83.33% of x = 4500.
⇒ x = 36,000. 1
Hence Q(b, c, d) also increases by 33 %.

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : QAHO1001903.Sol/3

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