Hydrologic Effects of Forest Disturbance Water Yield and Regime

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Hydrologic Effects of forest disturbance

Water yield and regime Forest/Water related legislation

Forest Reserves Act 1964


 Conservation of forest resources
 Long term studies  Maintenance of optimal water supply
 Water yield
 Snow redistribution  East Slopes Policy 1977
Maintain or increase water yield/quality

 Intensive management - S. Sask.
 Manage for maintenance - N. Sask, Athab.
 Management for recreation

Long term studies (paired basin approach)

Long term studies (paired basin approach)
 Two watersheds near one another
Apply treatment to one basin
Monitor streamflow from both for a period of years

Continue monitoring streamflow for a period of years
Relate flow “A” to flow “B”

A B A After

Q (B)
Q (B) Before

Q (A)
Q (A)
 Relate flow “A” to flow “B” … change as a result of treatment will
 Accounts for variation in climatic conditions year to year be reflected in change to relationship after treatment
Treatment Watershed - Annual Yield (Ac. Ft.)

Y = a x bX
Prediced yield Treatment = a x b (yield control basin)

Before Treatment (cal ibration period)
1200 1200 After Treatment
Average Annual Water Yield (Ac. Ft.)

Average Annual Water Yield (Ac. Ft.)

1000 1000

800 800 400 2

r = 0.87
600 600
400 400
200 200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

0 0 Control Watershed - Annual Yield (Ac. Ft)

Control Treated Control Treated
Treatment Watershed - Annual Yield (Ac. Ft.)


1000 Post-treatment period

Long term studies (paired basin approach) 2
r = 0.92


 Give us the “best” picture of how forest practices

affect water yield and regime 600

Calibration period
400 2
r = 0.87
 Fully controlled studies …
 can separate harvest effects from climate effects 200

 Very expensive !!! 0

 10-20 yrs to conduct (good part of an entire career) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Control Watershed - Annual Yield (Ac. Ft)
Yield increases
Yield increases

Magnitude of increases is a direct function of area of harvest

Increase in streamflow (mm)

(% of watershed)

 Maximum increases usually 0-2 years after cutting
Conifer  Results are highly variable
Range (brush)  Due to differences in climatic conditions

Actual increase (change) in runoff depends on ...


 Availability of water and energy ?
 How well they are synchronized in time ?

20 100
Reduction in cover (%)

Coweeta experimental forest

North Carolina Fool Creek experimental watershed
Precip 1775-2025 mm (Colorado) 550 mm
Mean Q 775-1250 mm
Mean Q 160 mm
Potential ET 780-1200 mm
Potential ET 450 mm

 Warm climate - little variation throughout the year  Cool / dry climate - Mostly snowfall, relatively little rain
 Precipitation (rain) evenly distributed throughout the year  Generally cold, but can get quite hot in summer



J F M A M J J A S O N D
J F M A M J J A S O N D

Magnitude of yield increases

Increases in annual water yield
Year 1 2 3 4 5
COW EETA mm 360 273 273 245 198
% 66 46 29 26 31

FOOL CRK mm 83 130 93 115 135

% 19 27 16 12 12

Yield increases
Yield and snow redistribution
 Yield increases greatest where ...
 Water and energy are abundant and synchronized in time
Water yield increases in climates like Colorado and Alberta are
… ET is high

thought to be caused by
 Reduction in ET
 Wet years compared to dry years
2/3 to 3/4 of total increase in water yield
Humid areas then sub-humid or semi-arid

 On the landscape … wet areas compared to upland areas  Redistribution of snow

 Reduced evaporative losses from snowpacks
 1/4 to 1/3 of increase in water yield
Clearing Forest

James river study Alberta

max accumulation last measure of season

Snow accumulation (cm SWE)





0 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 2 3 4 5 6

Opening diameter (tree heights)

Yield and snow redistribution

 Increase in total water yield …
most of which shows up during
spring freshet
Wagon Wheel Gap Fool Creek
 Advance the timing of
snowmelt … snowmelt runoff
earlier (if left uncut)

 De-synchronize snowmelt from

different regions in the

Fool Creek Experimental

Watershed (Colorado)
Duration of yield increases ?
 A function of how rapidly
transpiration and interception is H.J. Andrews
re-established Coastal watershed
Pacific Northwest
 Transpiration / interception
regulated by leaf area index (LAI)

 ET recovery - how fast

evapotranspiration (thus
streamflow) recovers to pre-
disturbance levels

 Warm climates like Coweeta, yield increases can disappear fast …. 7-

10 years
 Cool climates where growth rates are slow … Increases can last for a Fool Creek
very long time Rocky Mtn. Region

Year after logging

Yield Increases … how much ? Regime

 Area harvested or disturbed

Q proportion of watershed harvested

 Climatic region
Q Annual Ppt

 Is snow re-distribution important ?

Q snow : annual ppt

 How long since harvested ?

Q Time since disturbance

35-85 % harvested: Storm Peaks up to 150-200% increase


55-70 % burned: Storm Peaks 60% average increase

Wright et al , 1990

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