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Chapter 4: Structural Relations

 Branch: A line connecting two parts of a tree.

 Label: the name given to a node.
 Node: ends of a branch
Root node: the node that dominates everything but dominated by nothing.
Terminal node: the node that dominates nothing.
Non-terminal node: a node that dominates something.

 Domination: Node A dominates node B iff A is higher in the tree than B and A to B is only downward traceable.
Immediate domination: A immediately dominates B if there is no intervening node that is also dominated by
Exhaustive domination: A exhaustively dominates all members of a set of all terminal nodes and there is no
node A dominates that is not in the set.

 Constituent: a set of terminal nodes exhaustively dominated by a particular node.

Constituent of: A is a constituent of B iff B dominates A.
Immediate constituent of: A is an immediate constituent of B iff Be immediately dominates A

 Precedence: A precedes B iff neither A dominates B nor B dominates A and A or some node dominating A
sister-precedes B or some node that dominating B.
Sister-precedence: A sister-precedes B iff both are immediately dominated by the same node and A appears to
the left of B.
-> No crossing branches constraint: If X precedes another node Y, then X and all nodes dominated by X must
precede Y and all nodes dominated Y.
Immediate precedence: A immediately precedes B if there is no node that follows A but precedes B

 C-command: A c-commands B if every node dominating A also dominates B and neither A nor B dominates
the other -> One node c-commands its sisters and all nieces.
Symmetric c-command: A symmetrically c-commands B if A c-commands B and B c-commands A.
Asymmetric c-command: A asymmetrically c-commands B if A c-commands B but B does not c-command A.

 Government: A governs B if A c-commands B and there is no node G such that it is c-commanded by A and G
asymmetrically c-commands B.
Phrase-government: If A is a phrase, than G must also be a phrase (a node that isn’t a phrase does not count
as G)
Head-government: If A is a head(word) then G must also be a head(word).
 Grammatical relations
Subject: {NP/CP} that is daughter of TP
Ex) The puppy licked the kitten’s face.
Object of preposition: NP daughter of PP
Ex) Les Kissed Paula on Tuesday.
Direct object:
- For V[NP_NP], V[NP_CP], V[NP_NP PP]: {NP/CP} daughter of VP
Ex) Les gave peanuts to Paula. (V[NP_NP PP])
- For V[NP_NP{NP/CP}: {NP/CP} daughter of VP that is preceded by and NP daughter of VP
Ex) Les gave Paula peanuts. (V[NP_NP{NP/CP}])
Indirect object:
- For V[NP_NP PP] : PP daughter of VP immediately preceded by and NP daughter of VP.
Ex) Les gave peanuts to Paula.
- For V[NP_NP {NP/CP}] : NP daughter of VP immediately preceded by V (the 1st daughter of VP)
Ex) Les gave Paula peanuts.
Oblique: Any NP/PP in a sentence that is not S, DO of prep, DO or IO.
Depends on the argument structure of the verb.
Ex) give = V[NP_NP PP] : Les gave peanuts to Paula. PP = indirect object.
Eat = V[NP_NP] : Les ate peanuts with beer. PP=oblique.

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