Syntax Ch.5 Summary

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Ch.5 Binding Theory

Binding theory: consider NP and NP only!

R-expression: an NP that gets its meaning by referring to an entity in the world.

Anaphor: an NP that obligatorily gets its meaning from another NP in the sentence.

Pronoun: an NP that may get its meaning from another NP in the sentence.

Antecedent: the element that binds a pronoun, anaphor, or R-expression.

Binding: A binds B iff

1) A c-commands B

2) A and B are coindexed

A=binder, B=bindee.

Index: subscript mark indicating what an NP refers to

Coindex: when two NPs have the same index.

Corefer: when two NPs coindex

Locality constraint: two syntactic entities must be local (near to one another)

Binding domain: the clause

Free=not bound

Binding Principles

Principle A: an anaphora must be bound in its binding domain

Principle B: a pronoun must be free in its binding domain

Principle C: an r-expression must be free everywhere.

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