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Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu FX-ACA-002

Issue 0 Rev. 1
Jubail University College January 2, 2014

Department of Mechanical Engineering


Exam Type: Assignment-1 Semester: 432

Course Code ME 310 Mechanics of Machines

Name of Student St. ID

Final Date of
28-02-2022 Section

Please read each question carefully and show all the calculation

Question No. Maximum Marks Marks Obtained

1 5

2 5


Assignment - 1, ME 310, Sem 432, JUC-Male Branch Page 1 of 2

Q-1: [5 Marks]
In the linkage shown below, find the followings using the Kennedy’s
(a) The degree of freedom. (1 Marks)
(b)Total number of instant centers. (1/2 Marks)
(c) Draw the Kennedy’s circle. (1/2 Marks)
(d)Construct a table for all ICs. (1/2 Marks)
(e) Locate all of the instant centers on the provided figure with proper
numbering. (2 Marks)
(f) Classify the instant centers according to their types. (1/2 Marks)

2|P a g e 2
Find the degree of freedom of the given mechanisms. Also decide whether it is a
mechanism (which type) or structure (which type). Show the detail calculation
steps. [5 Marks]

Fig. (a)

Fig. (b)

Fig. (c)

Fig. (d)
3|P a g e 2
Fig. (e)

4|P a g e 2

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