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Population (Universe)
Population means complete enumeration of all items under the
study. The population consist of any well-defined set of
Types of population
1. Homogenous population
2. Heterogeneous population
3. Finite population
4. Infinite population
5. Existence population
6. Hypothetical population
It is a small representation of a large unit.
Difference between population and sample
Population Sample
Population is a complete set. It is the sub set of population.
Measurable quality of Measurable quality of sample
population is parameter. is statistic.
It consist of each and every It is the small number of items
items of entire group. of the population.
Information collected from all Information collected from
units of population is called sample is called sample
census. survey.
It is a process of selecting sample from the population.
Sampling frame
It is the source of material or device from which a sample is
Difference between sampling and census
Census Sampling
Enumeration of each and It is a process of selecting
every population is called sample from given
census. population.
This method is not scientific. This method is scientific.
Non-sampling errors is more. Sampling errors are more.
Time consuming method. Less time consuming.
Expensive method. Less expensive.
It require more labour. It require less labour.
Sampling design
It is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given
Characteristics of a good sample design
 True representative
 Small sampling error
 Economic viability
 Bias control
 Generalization of results
Steps in sampling design
1. Define population
2. State the sampling frame
3. Identify the sample unit
4. State the sampling method
5. Determine the sample size
6. Spell out the sampling plan
7. Select the sample
Principles of Sampling
1. Principle of statistical regularity
2. Principle of inertia of large numbers
Merits and demerits of sampling
Advantages of sampling Limitations of sampling
Economical Chances of bias
Better speed Changeability of units
Large scope Absence of knowledge in subject
High accuracy Impossibility of sampling
Better rapport Chances of sampling error
Intensive and exhaustive data
Criteria in the selection of sampling techniques
 Purpose of the survey
 Measurability
 Degree of precession
 Information about population
 Nature of the population
 Geographical area of the population
 Financial resources
 Time
 Economy
Types/Methods /Techniques of sampling design (ESSAY)
Probability sampling Non-probability sampling
Simple random sampling convenience sampling
Systematic sampling Purposive sampling
Stratified sampling Accidental sampling
Cluster sampling Quota sampling
Multi stage sampling Snowball sampling
Sequential sampling
 Probability sampling (Random sampling)
It is defined as the kind of sampling in which every element in
the population has an equal chance of being selected.
Types of probability sampling
Simple random sampling
Every member of the population has the same probability of
inclusion in the sample.
Systematic sampling
It is a statistical method involving the selection of elements
from an ordered sampling frame.
Stratified sampling
It is a sampling method in which population is divided into
homogeneous groups and sample is randomly taken from the
Cluster sampling
It is a sampling method wherein the members of the population
are selected at random from naturally occurring group called
Multistage sampling
It is a type of sampling and draw a sample from population
using smaller and smaller groups at each stage.
Sequential sampling
It is a sampling technique which involves evaluation of each
sample taken from a population to see if it fits a desired
 Non-Probability sampling
It is a sampling method in which not all members of the
population have an equal chance of participating in the study.
Types of non-probability sampling
Convenience sampling
It is a sampling method in which it attempts to obtain sample
from convenient elements.
Purposive sampling
It is a sampling method in which researcher intentionally select
the sample based on some previous knowledge about the
Accidental sampling
It is a non-probability sampling that involves the sample being
drawn from that part of the population that is close to hand.
Quota sampling
It is a sampling method wherein data is collected from a
homogenous group.
Snowball sampling
It is a special non-probability method used when the desired
sample characteristics is rare.
Sample size
It refers to number of participants or observations include in a
Determinants of optimum sample size
1. Nature of population
2. Number of classes proposed.
3. Nature of study.
4. Types of sampling.
5. Degree of accuracy.
6. Availability of finance.
Sampling error
The errors which arises due to the use of sampling survey are
known as sampling errors.
Reasons for occurring sampling error
1. Faulty selection of the sample
2. Substitution
3. Faulty demarcation of sampling units
4. Error due to bias in the estimation method
5. Variability of the population
Types of sampling error
Biased error
The errors that occur due to bias of prejudice on the part of the
enumerator in selecting, estimating and measuring instrument
are called biased error.
Unbiased error
Errors which occur in the normal course of investigation on
account of chance are called unbiased errors.
Non-sampling errors
These are the errors which can impact the final survey
estimates caused by problems in data collection, processing,
Sources of non-sampling error
1. Incomplete coverage of the population
2. Faulty definition
3. Defective method of data collection
4. Tabulation errors
5. Lack of specification of study and scope of investigation
Difference between sampling and non-sampling error
Sampling error Non-sampling error
It is a random type error. It is a random or non-random.
It can be minimized. It cannot be minimized.
It occur only when sample is It occur both in sample and
selected. census.
Measures to reduce errors in sampling
1. Increase the sample size.
2. Continuously monitor the accuracy of the result.
3. Take steps to minimize non-response.
4. Check and recheck of data.
5. Seek advice from a statistical consultant.
6. Try to reduce the burden of answering the question of


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