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Intern First & Last Name

Brooke Gibson

Mentor Teacher Name, Grade Level, School Site

Mr. Dorje, 11th, Liberty High School

Date of Lesson Plan: When will you teach this lesson in your mentor’s classroom?
December 14th, 2021

Lesson Plan Project

Lesson Goals or Learning Targets (Word these as measurable student outcomes.)

Students will understand the sentence patterns with be and how

to write out different forms of be (am, is, are).

Lesson Objectives or Success Criteria (Word these as student actions, use verbs.)

Students will be able to fill out each section on their own.

Lesson Plan Content (Written narrative paragraph about the lesson content.)

The lesson will contain the basic sentence patterns using “be”.
Students will write the different forms of be (am, is, are) used in
each example sentence. They will then specify if the completion
is an adjective, place, or noun. The lesson will also include a
section where students will read practice sentences out loud, in
order to hear the use of ‘s and ‘re in certain words. They will then
use what they learned to complete and fill in sentences with are,
is, ‘s, etc. where they are needed.
CSTP Rationale (Describe how California Standards for the Teaching Profession will be
observable during the teaching of this lesson plan.)

CSTP 1: Students will actively listen and learn about

Engaging all sentence patterns using be, so that they can fill
students in out the example questions.

CSTP 2: I will ask the students if they have any

Maintaining questions before moving onto the next section.
effective I will also ask for volunteers to answer the
learning practice sentences.
CSTP 3: They will be able to follow along in their Basic
Organizing English Grammar books. I will also show each
subject matter section on the projector.
for student
CSTP 4: I will go over each section with the students,
Planning and actively ask if there are any questions
instruction before moving on.
experiences for
all students.
CSTP 5: I will assess their learning through their
Assessing answers to the practice questions. I will also
student walk around towards the end to see if they've
learning. completed each section.

CSTP 6: I will engage with the students and see if any

Developing as of them do not understand the lesson. If they
an educator. are having trouble grasping the lesson plan,
then I will modify and accommodate my lesson
to the student/students.

Instructional Procedures
● Focusing Event (Describe how you will get students to focus attention on your

I will project the lesson onto the board, so that they will be
able to follow along. I will also actively ask for volunteers to
answer the questions, and if no one volunteers I will call on

● Instructional Strategies (Describe all instructional methods you will employ during
the lesson.)

I will employ the direct instruction strategy by teaching the

lesson through the projector and talking about the different
uses of be in grammar. I also call on students to answer the
practice questions and fill them out in their books. I will also
apply the interactive instruction strategy by asking students
to actively participate in a class discussion. Students will
raise their hands and answer which form to use.

● Student Participation (How will you engage students and get them on board to

I will show the lesson on the board so that the students can
follow along in their own books. I will also actively ask for
volunteers to answer questions from the book.

● Formative Check (How will you check that all students are involved and engaged
in the lesson?
I will ask the students if they have any questions before
moving onto the next section. I will also walk around
towards the end to see that they completed each assigned
section in their books.

● Closure (How will you end the lesson purposefully, with intentionality?)

I will go over the basic usage of “be” in grammar at the end

of the lesson. I will also ask the students if they would like
me to go over any sections again.

● Assessment (How will you assess that students achieved the lesson goals or
learning targets?)

I will check their books at the end of the lesson to see if

they correctly completed the sections from their books.

Lesson Plan Materials (Include everything needed to successfully complete the

lesson with the full class. Remember to include all supplies, as well as technology,
whiteboard space, classroom space, etc.)

Basic English Grammar book, pen, projector, written down

questions from the book on separate piece of paper to project on
the board and fill out with them

CSTP’s, including rubric for assessing teaching practice.
Ideas for focusing event.
Instructional Strategies
Closure ideas for ending lesson.

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