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Organic generation

This book is hereby dedicated to all the members of the organic generation

WhatsApp group chat. I love you all.

Grace Kalu
Table of Contents
➢ Introduction

➢ Organic lead generation

➢ Offers

➢ More on copywriting

➢ Conclusion

Organic generation

The primary purpose of a business is to maximize profits while maintaining

corporate social responsibility.

In order to maximize profits, sales and income have to be increased and that is

where lead generation comes in. Without leads or prospects, you have no

prospective customers and without prospective customers, you have no


Knowing how to generate organic leads is one of the most important steps to

take for any business especially those bootstrapping.

After generating, writing the best offers to convert them to customers is also

very important and that is usually the copywriter's job hence the need to

understand copywriting.

This book is divided into three sections which would explain the organic lead

generation, creation of offers and copywriting especially used on WhatsApp.

These sections include;

➢ Organic lead generation

➢ Offers

➢ More on copywriting

Grace Kalu

“Your network defines your net-worth”

A lead is any person who indicates interest in a company's product or service in

some way, shape, or form.


There are 3 types of leads or audiences

✓ Cold leads

✓ Warm leads

✓ Hot leads

I'll start from Hot leads, let’s begin;

Hot leads are people who know you and have patronized you, learnt from you

or bought your product or service. These are the people who would be willing to

buy from you again without cajoling or excess conviction because they trust

your product already and have built a working relationship with you no matter

how short the relationship has lasted.

Warm leads are people who know you or have heard about you but have not

bought from you before. I enjoy calling these people family/referrals. Warm

Organic generation
leads fall under your family and friends who know you by name but not by

value or people that probably saw your advert or work and decided to chat you

up or place a call just to know how legitimate and real you are.

Cold leads are people who don't know you, have not bought from you and think

you are a scam. It’s more difficult handling cold leads, you’d have to put in a lot

of effort in making them know who you are

Lead generation is the process of attracting and converting strangers and

prospects into people that have bought your product or service.

Organic leads are people who found you, your product or service by word of

mouth or referrals but without you having to pay for advertising.

Why do you need lead generation?

Lead generation allows you to target your desired customers at different

demographic locations and collect important information about prospects, their

needs, and their preferences.

This can help you tailor the value of your product or service to meet their wants,

needs and/or interests.

Grace Kalu
Lead generation builds your brand awareness, it educates people in your target

market about your product and its features, thus creating an opportunity for

‘word of mouth’.

Lead generation is cost-effective especially if you are just starting out, it saved

you the cost of advertising

Without lead generation, you don’t have leads, therefore you don’t have

potential customers, you don’t have any customers, and as a result, you don’t

make any money.

As simple as that!

How can you generate leads?

I'm teaching on how to generate leads for WhatsApp so I'll not be talking about

other social media platforms, just WhatsApp.

• WhatsApp status and Broadcast

WhatsApp Status is the new ‘television’. Many people are glued to the status

feature daily.

I have over 300 people viewing my status.

Learn to network with people, send them a message, save their contact and have

them save yours.

Organic generation
There's no room for pride and forming because those are your prospective

clients and customers.

When people have added you, the next step is to become a person of value.

Give value, before you ask for money, share tips, tricks and strategies. Connect

with your audience, make them feel like they know you, that is the first step of

turning your cold leads to hot ones.

• Give free Value.

You'll notice that it was status that we used to get our organic generation group

to 115 people in 6hours.

I'm not saying you shouldn't play on your status, I'm saying that you should

spice it up with valuable things that will make people glued to

• Referrals

This works in two ways;

Free referrals

Gift referrals

Free referral works when you have built a sphere of influence or impact so you

have people who love to promote your products and services for free.

Gift referral can also be done in 2 ways, namely;

Grace Kalu
Affiliate marketing

Gift rewards

I used the gifted reward system because I've noticed that people naturally love

to be paid for an act, so when you posted on your status, I gave you a reward to

compensate you for a space on your status.

Your gift can be anything, It can be monetary, an e-book, music, anything

depending on your audience.

I usually use an e-book that is relevant to the subject matter, because I'm a vast

reader, I have a library that can comfortably sell for 500 thousand nairas.

So I just search for a valuable book who's the price is up to a reasonable sum

I usually check the value on Amazon, and I don't use a book that is easily found

on the Internet so that it can hold value.

Affiliate marketing works in a way where you compensate the person for the


This can be in any format

50-50, 70-30, depending on the cost of the product.

Free Influencer mention

Most times my classes are advertised by different influencers in their sphere,

some are mentors, others are friends but they do it free for me.

Organic generation
Sometimes when I network with people, they tell me how they've heard about

me from this influencer or the other.

There are some keys to this though;

Don't be a parasite, be a person of value, if they don't see value in you, they

won't market or mention you

Be loyal to their brand, be humble

Keep seeking ways to help them and add value to them

For instance, if you come to use my status, even if I charge you for it, if I don't

see the value it will add to my audience I won't post it. This is because I'm

positioning as a value queen, I can't have you ruin that. This is the thought of

other influencers as well.

People naturally like free things, so when you proffer a solution to a problem

for free, you'll attract people.

A friend of mine who gives value on his status for free uses this technique to

increase his network

He'll share his WhatsApp link and give free classes, free, free gifts

And friends will invite their friends to come and benefit. When you use free

giveaways, make sure you ask them to bring their friends and tag other people.

Grace Kalu
This is because you don't want the selfish part of man to stand in between you

and your dream.

• Customer reviews and testimonies

It is always better to under-promise and over-delivers than for you to over

promise and under deliver. And when you over-deliver;

Reviews and testimonies are sure!

People believe testimonies more than they believe you. Don't promise heaven

and earth and then deliver only heaven or only earth, people will be

disappointed and you won't get any reviews, but when you offer the soil and

you deliver the earth, the heavens, the sun and the stars;

Everyone will be singing your praises, but its best to over-promise and over-


After you have gotten your leads

How do you then sell to them?

The bonus of this class is that I'll be teaching you how to create offers that will

make everybody buy from you

Would you like that? You definitely will.

Organic generation

An offer is the benefit and problem solution to the product you want to sell not

the product you are selling. If you've known me for a while you'll have heard

me say sell the problem and not the product or sell the benefits and not the


What I have been saying is create an irresistible offer.

In order to be able to create a compelling offer you have to be a copywriter

Every company sells an offer, Apple doesn't sell you a Macbook they sell you

an offer, they don't sell you an iPhone they sell you an offer, an offer to be the 1

per cent of the 1 per cent.

I know you might be wondering who a copywriter is? Wonder no more, I'll tell


A copywriter is one who understands the way people behave and uses it to his

advantage to make them take an action.

Copywriting is the art of selling with words

You can call it salesmanship in print.

Grace Kalu
Copywriting is the art of writing words that converts better, it's not only words,

but it could also be videos or images. All that stuff has a copy as the under-lined


A copywriter using copywriting creates an offer

What are the features of an offer?

Everybody wants to sell but nobody wants to buy?

Wrong people want to buy but they don't want to be sold to, it is a known fact

that people buy out of emotion and cover it with logic.

The features of an offer include;

1. Heading

Your heading is one of the most important parts of your short copy because

people are exposed to too much content, your heading must be attention-


If people are not interested in your heading, forget about them reading, your

heading is meant to make them read, not make them buy.

Some headings:

• Why you are broke.

Organic generation
• How to make people beg you with their money.

• Go all in or Go home

You want your heading to convince your audience to keep reading.

2. The Hook

The hook is a promise you make to keep your audience until the end. Here are a

few examples to get you going.

If you read this to the end, It will change your life

There are 5 principles here, number 5 is my favourite

If I can show you how to create wealth without sweating, will you read this


3. The content

The content is where you actually do the sales properly, don't introduce your

product first, Introduce the problem first. Explain the problem to them as clearly

as you can.

Let them shake their head and say "hmm” this some.

Here’s an example;

Grace Kalu
I remember when I used to be broke, I was always angry, I didn't know if it was

because I was angry that I was broke or if it was because I was broke that I was

angry either way, I hated them both.

That's explaining the emotions that come with being broke.

4. Call to Action

Make them take action, and make them do it NOW or else they won't. People

are lazy, they want to procrastinate, people want to take their sweet time which

you don't have in making decisions.

So you have to input a sense of urgency in them, make them do it now or else

they'll lose a bonus or money.

Show them the cost of inaction

Let's move on



Your offer should have the same value, it should solve the problem of people.

Organic generation
Someone who is thirsty in a desert will pay you a million for a sachet of water.

Health, wealth and relationship are key places people buy from, people don't

joke with their health, people will always want to make money.

When you can tie your offer to these key areas it will sell very well.


Your offer must always load up bonuses, you must learn how to input lots of

bonuses, your bonus must relate to the main product.

You cannot be selling a house and be giving medicine as a bonus, your bonuses

should be cement, paint and window blinds.

If you are selling makeup, your bonus can be a makeup brush.

Your bonuses can be intangible: ebooks, videos, templates, mentorship, support.


There has to be a time limit. You cannot just make an offer and leave people to

make a decision on their own, you must force them to take action fast and the

best way to do this through urgency and scarcity.

Once people think through things over and over again, they will generate

excuses not to buy.

Grace Kalu

People buy from those they know, love and trust and look up to.

These are your hot audience, the more your hot audience, the more your offer


That's why I don't joke with my WhatsApp status, you can easily influence

people's way of thinking through your status.

The more they love you, the easier they can buy from you.

If your people become rich, you too will become rich.

• Testimonies

Your warm audience will respond more to testimonies.

When you are cooking an irresistible offer you must add the Maggi of

testimonies, sprinkle all around.

People believe what others say about you than what you say about yourself

Organic generation
Before we dive into this I’ll like to tell you a short story.

So I was working a job where I was earning 100k monthly, at the end of the

month I would have made free cakes worth 20k because I was too shy to charge

for my cakes.

A cake that should cost 10k ill collect 3k and spend 15k because I've always

believed in quality first.

In February 2019 I took my first copywriting class, but I didn't implement

anything, I thought it was not necessary and I didn't understand it, after all, I had

a monthly income.

Towards September I took a personal development course and learnt sales and

copywriting, freelancing and e-book creation, I learnt about money in that

master class, tired of only earning monthly or waiting for customers to tip me

I decided to do something better and advance my software engineering skill.

In January 2020, I took another copywriting course and I was beginning to

build-up confidence when a friend of mine told me that I'm selling too much

So I ran back into my shell and decided not to sell again, I had stored a lot of

knowledge in me, I was helping people write copies, write and publish e-books,

sell anything but for free all because I didn't want to sell.

Grace Kalu
In March, the company I work with shut down for the lockdown and I realized

that data was expensive, 2 of my friends invited me to teach on digital mastery

in their communities of over 500 people, then it dawned on me I could make

money selling my skills.

As soon as I started, I have realized that everything is selling, everything is

marketing, everything is closing, everything is copywriting.

What exactly is copywriting

Copywriting is the act of writing a text for the purpose of advertising or other

forms of marketing. A copywriter is a marketer with words.

Copywriting is the act of using written words to persuade, influence and engage

someone into taking an action.

Research has shown that Copywriting ranks first on the list of all the high-

income skills that are, and of all the skills of business, copywriting is one of the

most valuable skills that can make you more money such that you never go


Yeah, you heard that right. You are either selling or you are being sold.

Organic generation
The main aim of every and any business is to sell and copywriting is just that

skill that determines how much you sell.

Copywriters are the ones responsible for the ads you see on TV, Facebook,

Instagram, Website, billboards and lots more.

Copywriting is the act of writing words on a page that convert prospects into a

buyer without struggle, copywriting has more to do with selling than it has to do

with writing.


The two most important rules in copywriting

The first rule is to write about what your readers are interested in, what they’re

going through and your solution to their problems and not what interest you.

The truth is, your readers care less about how long you have been a copywriter

or how long it took you to deliver the copy sitting right in front of them.

What they rather care about is if you can deliver what they want.

If your product has that solution they have been craving for.

All they care about is how much your product can add to them rather than how

much it will take from them.

Grace Kalu
The second rule is this, when delivering your copy, make sure your copy can be

read as if you are having personal communication with your reader.

Come on, let your readers literarily feel that personal emotion of a friend talking

to them even though they have never met you before.

If your friend was to come to your home to tell you about an opportunity, I’m so

sure you would listen to them and probably take action.

This is so because you can easily connect with them emotionally, your sales

copy must be written in simple conversational English and not academic


Never forget, Classroom or Academic English carries less weight in


Is copywriting for people like me?

Of course, copywriting is for people like you.

In fact, copywriting is for anyone that is willing and ready to learn the skill.

Organic generation
Copywriting does not need any form of qualification.

Yes, you heard me right!

It does not need you to be a graduate of English neither does it require a

university certificate, all copywriting requires is YOU, your smartphone and

internet connection.

Copywriting is a special skill that will transform your financial life forever.

What is the importance of copywriting and how does it relate to money?

Copywriting helps you sell to more people without you being there, you can

stay indoors and work out millions to thousands of naira; even dollars!

Hence a good copy delivers 24/7.

Beyond one-on-one communication towards sales, Copywriting helps you to

communicate and deliver your value or product to many more people which in

turn translates to many more sales.

Grace Kalu
I’ll like to mention emphatically also that, running ads is good.

In fact, as an entrepreneur, you cannot do without ads, no matter the amount of

money you spend to drive traffic to your site or platform, what eventually

converts those prospects into buyers is the copy you have on that site.

So remember,

Copywriting helps you COMMUNICATE TO MORE PEOPLE which equals


Your network determines your net-worth.

How do I become a copywriter?

You simply become a copywriter by making a decision to learn and master this

skill and gain mastery of it no matter what.

Reasons why copywriting is your best bet

1. Copywriting requires no capital to start:

Organic generation
There is no capital needed to start copywriting, all you need is your phone and

data that you have always had with you all this while.

So if you are already considering Copywriting and you are calculating where to

get capital from,

Please look no further.

You don't need any financial capital

2. Copywriting gives you the opportunity to run a flexible schedule

Being a copywriter exempts you from the 8 am – 5 pm job schedule. It avails

you the opportunity to work whenever you want.

It opens you to meet so many people of different races.

Remember, one connection can take you where you've never dreamt of, It

practically makes you the boss of yourself.

3. Being a Copywriter gives you the privilege to work remotely from anywhere

of your choice, your home inclusive.

Grace Kalu
I can be in Ife today and work from there, or Calabar next tomorrow.

I am not restricted to a particular or fixed location before I can deliver.

Copywriting helps you choose who you want to work with.

You get to decide who will be your client, you are not subjected to anyone in


Who is a copywriter?

1. A copywriter is a voracious reader!

Reading is a core course if you must become a master at copywriting.

2. A copywriter is a RESEARCHER

When you are researching, you are going deep to learn more about one thing.

You could be asked to write a copy for say weight loss.

As a researcher, you will go to forums, groups and pages to make inquiries and

know how best to deliver, you will go to Amazon and look at reviews, you will

look at other swipe files and materials.

Organic generation
Writing is the easiest part of a copy, Research is the real deal.

3. A copywriter is an actor

A copywriter can easily fit into roles and do well, you don't have to be a doctor

to write a copy on a diabetic drug, you don't have to be a gym owner to sell


Actors don't have to be in the profession they are acting to act it.

4. He knows what he is doing.

If you are not skilled competent, you will always be financially impotent, once

you are competent, you won't be fighting the price war.

Most of us have left the level of price, it now results. The pains of a poor job

will always overshadow a cheap price, no customer will remember a cheap

price when you've done a poor job.

Grace Kalu
Be good.

Gain mastery!

Branches of copywriting

1. Content Marketing

Content marketing is one way to get people to buy your things easily.

It Is also one of the biggest branches of copywriting because you are adding

value first, we've left the era of buy.

Nobody rejects value.

People are always sceptical when you sell directly to them especially when they

are your cold audience, even if you sell hot coffee to your cold audience, they

will not buy.

You must warm up your cold audience with value so that they can trust you,

your warm audience are those people that have heard of you from other people

before and your hot audience are those people that have bought from you before

and trust you.

Organic generation
The mistake most people make is that they are selling a hot product to a cold


2. Sales letters.

Sales letters are longer with a lot of testimonies and proofs that the product

works, If you've ever bought a health product online, I guarantee you that that

was a long sales letter.

Sales letters are direct sequential adverts and it is one big branch of

copywriting. The two key ingredients are TESTIMONIES and SOCIAL


3. Email sequences.

This is also another branch of copywriting, Emails are not dead and email

Marketing has not been killed.

People are still making lots of money from email marketing.

As a copywriter, you can also be recruited to write emails for clients.

It is called an email sequence.

Grace Kalu
4. Website content.

Copywriters write the content you see on websites. This is one of the highest

paying branches of Copywriting. There is work o, but the pay is very sweet.

You will write most of the pages.

Home, our services, about us, team etc.

5. Product description

Go to Amazon, Alibaba, Ali express, Konga, Jumia and 98% of e-commerce

websites, they all need product description, because these companies know that

the better the description, the faster the urge to buy.

So, they hire copywriters to do this for them.

6. Social media management.

This is a very lucrative area if you know your onions. Your Copywriting skills

will be very useful in pulling in content daily.

Organic generation

Stop procrastinating

Start where you are and with what you have.

The first step is always the most difficult

Keep studying and developing yourself.

Let’s make our generation an organic one!

Grace Kalu
Every content written in this book was birthed from personal experiences and

research, and I completely true but should not be used as the standard.

This is what I and the students learning under me have used and are still using

and it is working effectively for us.

I say this without a single doubt in my mind, if you take to heart the information

contained in this masterpiece and practice it, you will see yourself heading to

places you never imagined.

We are an organic generation!

Stop procrastinating!

Keep Studying!

I can’t wait to see you at the top. Cheers!!

Organic generation


Grace Kalu

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