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TTT 0 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SINGAPORE in collaboration with UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level NAME i CENTRE NUMBER CANDIDATE INDEX NUMBER MATHEMATICS 4048/02 Paper 2 October/November 2018 2 hours 30 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your centre number, index number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs. Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fiui. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. ‘Answer all questions. If working is needed for any question it must be shown with the answer. Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks. ‘The use of an approved scientific calculator is expected, where appropriate. If the degree of accuracy is not specified in the question, and if the answer is not exact, give the answer to three significant figures. Give answers in degrees to one decimal place. For rr, use either your calculator value or 3.142, unless the question requires the answer in terms of rz. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question, ‘The total of the marks for this paper is 100. This document consists of 23 printed pages and 1 blank page. F iid (isinsseoe Examinatlons and Assessment Board a CAMBRIDGE stetational Banas ©UCLES 8 MOE 2019 e Pre) r62861u4 (turn over L ae 112804 a ATM 2 1 (@) Simplify 427,27, 5 P Answer 3h+4e 4 "5=5 @® Evaluate a when 6 =6 and ¢= Answer a . 0 (ii) Express 6 in terms of a and c. Answer b= AAR (©) Express 9-7x+x" inthe form p+(g+x). | 5 . 2 Answer. Ttx. Gi) Write down the coordinates of the minimum point of the graph of 9— Answer ( (@) Solve Answer x= Hl) 40480YONID = a | Dicer a 75 Xia point inside triangle ABC. AB = 7.5cm, BC = 8.3cm and BX Angle AXB = 112° and angle XB 6.4em, 27, (a) Calculate Cx. Answer (®) Calculate angle X48. Answer | OUCLES & MOE 2019 ee 4o4KoORIE MCCOY» = (©) Calculate the area of triangle ABC. Answer cm? [3] dotgevong | OUCLES & MOE 2019, séirars over: | “oor i2esssso0e- a IONE 3° (a) The price of a smartphone is $620 in Singapore. / The price ofthe same smartphone in the UK is £389. gs (gyi SI The exchange rate between Singapore dollars ($) an = £0.58. isin Si than in the UK. Calculate how much cheaper the smartphone is in Singapore Answer RQ} , (b) The price of a tablet is reduced by 6% in a sale. i The sale price of the tablet is $785, Calculate the price of the tablet before the sale. Give your answer correct to the nearest dollar. E iz Answer §.. : 2 ; i 8 a NSF Te Wee ARN Levees & MOE 2019 & dounvoN9 | ADULT z (¢)_ The table shows information about telecommunications in Singapore. Year 2010 2015 Mobile phone subscriptions 7.29 x 10° 8.21 x 10° SMS messages sent 2.77 x 101° 1.14 x 10! Broadband subscriptions 7.85 x 10° 1.20 x 107 (Calculate how many more mobile phone subscriptions there were in 2015 than in 2010. Give your answer in standard form. . Answer (i) Calculate the percentage increase in the number of broadband subscriptions from 2010 to 2015, Answer ‘The population of Singapore in 2015 was 5.54 x 108, Calculate the mean number of SMS messages sent per person per day in 2015. Answer - BI “cot rzeeseesro* a eh -2tl. 4 The variables x and y are connected by the equation Y= "5 Some corresponding values of x and y are given in the table below. y]4)3]2/2 oT I a4 [04 y [op | 16 [34 | 28 0.8 | -1.4 (a) Find the value of p. Answer p= 2 (b) On the grid opposite, draw the graph of yae-atl for -4 4. Answer. (@) G_ Onthe same grid, draw the graph of Sy+x=10 for -4 NOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN a a gossmnyonNiig ma {Turn over “001 12eesseet NA 6 @ A,B, C, Dand E are points on the circle, centre O. AC is a diameter of the circle. Angle OAD = 23° and angle ADE = 42°. Find, giving reasons for each answer, @ angle ABD, BI Gi) angle EAD. Answer, ‘OUCLES & MOE 2019 BE AO4B2ION/D TT , Pand Q are points on the circle centre O with radius 4em. Rand S are points on the circle centre O with radius 6em. OPR and OOS are straight lines. ‘The perimeter of the minor sector OPQ is 15.2cm. (i) Calculate angle POQ in radians. Answer radians [2] (ii) Calculate the total shaded area. cm? [3] LN 7 (a) Pisthe point (4, -3), Qs the point (-5, 1). (Write down the column vector PO. | i = ! Answer PO= ( mM § Gi) Rhas coordinates (#, 3) and PR = KPO - 3 Find the value of hand the value of k. : ' } a ! f Answer h= « E : E 2 E 3 z i : ? z 2 a | cvcese moe OUCLES & MOE2019 gE somo . DO NOT WRITE.IN THIS MARGIN. DO NOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN DO NOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN: DO NOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN: NOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN avn = ° a G OAC is a triangle and B isa point on OC. 04 =a, OB=b and OB:BC =2:3 X's the point on AB such that AX:XB = 1:2, (@ Express AC in terms of a and b, as simply as possible. Answer (ii) Express XB in terms of a and b, as simply as possible. Answer ~ (2) (iii) Y’is the point on OC such that AXYC isa trapezium. Find, in terms ofa and b, XY . Answer 17 bam in the two Slopj, ME = 4 The bam j Shape OF a rig Fleneth > ™ With g "ectangular bas, ing nctanguia! TofS, ™m, B 75M, ¢, S ™,CG mand Rg — Sm, Sitioneg on horizontal "nd ang the Walls arg Vertical, (a) leulate th Volume Fthe ba, Answer m? [3] fi ocean, E2019 LES & MOE 20 CL | ov (MN TMI (b) Calculate the total area of the two sloping roofs of the barn. (© Calculate the angle of elevation of P from D. I pon 40180019 Answer - (4 [Turn over | in I) i 9 (a) Two groups of students entered a science competition. L OUCLES & MOE 2019 ‘Their scores are shown in the stem-and-leaf diagram. i. Group B 98 3/sfo157 8765 42 0/6/22 6 9776s5211;/7|]134557 8 % 8872/8 ]0 67 s of 9 ]1 3 Key: 3| s |o means a score of $3 in group A and ascore of 50 in group B (Find the median score for group A. Answer sn (ii) Find the range of scores for group B. Answer Calculate the percentage of students in group A who scored more than 70, Answer (iv) Students who scored more than 70 were awarded a merit, Students who scored more than 85 were awarded a distinction, Use this information to make two comment in the two groups, so1song DONOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN [DO NOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN (BO NOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN, (0 NOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN: 0011286866921 * (OMAN = ” (b) A bag contains 16 red counters and 9 blue counters, ‘Two counters are taken from the bag at random without replacement. (@ Shen says the probability that both counters are blue is Si: - Explain what he has done wrong, Answer .. veureuee [1] (il) Draw a tree diagram to show the probabilities of the possible outcomes. Answer QI Find, as a fraction in its simplest form, the probability that only one of the counters is red Answer | as es 404 8/02/0/NN19 11286505922 = 10 Leila lives in Kuala Lumpur and drives a small family car. ving costs. “The tables below give information that Leila can use to work out her driving 8 Se ‘Type of car “Type of driving | Supermini | Small family | Large family | _ SUV. City 3.5 63 78 76 Out of city 39 42 4.6 5.0 Combined 45 5.0 5.8 6.0 Speed limits Fuel prices per litre City roads 60knvh Regular $2.07 Out of city Premium $2.11 Federal roads 90 km/h Diesel $1.45 Expressway HOkm/h 5% discount with loyalty card (@)_ One week, Leila drives a total distance of 92km in the city, Leila estimates that she uses 5.8 litres of fuel. Show that Leila is correct, Answer tt) (H) Leila drives for 45 minutes on the expressway at an average speed of 8S km/h Calculate an estimate of the amount of fuel she uses. Answer I wieemticcons: es litres [2] DONOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN: (DO NOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN, DO NOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN (DO NOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN. DO NOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN: * 011256586925 * HOUMA = (© Leila and Hamid go on a joumey together in Leila’s car. ‘They drive from the city of Kuala Lumpur to a town outside of Kuala Lumpur. Leila drives the first stage of the joumey at an average speed of 60krv/h. The second stage of the journey is 25 km shorter than the first stage. Leila drives the second stage at an average speed of 75 km/h. The journey takes a total of 3 hours 15 minutes. Hamid offers to pay half of the cost of the fuel used for the journey. Leila’s car uses regular fuel and she has a loyalty card. ‘Suggest a suitable amount for Leila to ask Hamid to pay. Justify the decision you make and show your calculations clearly. 1 cicierecees

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