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The picture above shows the water cycle. In the water cycle, water travels from the land to the sky and back
again. Water leaves the ocean through _______ and returns to the ocean through _______.

A. transpiration; precipitation and run-off

C. evaporation; precipitation and run-off
D. run-off; condensation

2. What type of water system is made of moving water such as streams and rivers?

A. limbic
C. lentic
D. lotic

3. Which of the following is an example of precipitation?

A. sleet
B. hail
C. rain
D. all of these
4. A watershed is

A. a closed-off area that is used to store water for later use.

B. an area that blocks or slows the flow of water.
C. an area in which surface water flows into a single collection place.
D. an area at the mouth of a river where sediment is deposited.

5. Which of the following bodies of water are part of the lentic system?

A. ponds and lakes

B. brooks and lakes
C. streams and rivers

6. What happens in the process of the water cycle?

A. Water keeps the same physical properties.

B. Water transforms into other types of liquid.
C. Water changes from one state to another.

7. Much of the Earth is covered in water.

A. mostly freshwater.
B. only freshwater.
D. mostly saltwater.

8. How does water move during the water cycle?

Water moves in a continuous cycle from the surface of the Earth, through the crust, oceans, and
A. atmosphere.

B. Water moves in a continuous cycle from the oceans to beneath the Earth's surface only. D.
Water moves through a non-repeating cycle from the oceans to beneath the Earth's surface only.
9. Which definition below describes a lentic water system?

A. standing or still water

B. moving or running water
C. salty or brackish water

10. Which of the following is always a water body consisting of saltwater?

A. river
B. ocean
C. stream

11. What step in the water cycle is shown below?

B. condensation
C. precipitation
D. melting

12. Salmon swim upstream to mate every year in rushing creeks and rivers. What type of water system are they
traveling through?

A. lentic
B. lotic
C. limbic
13. Which step in the water cycle is labeled B in the diagram below?
A. condensation
B. transpiration
C. evaporation

14. Which of the following is an example of precipitation?

a. Rain
b. Sleet
c. Hail
d. All of these

15. Which term below refers to water that falls to the Earth in the form of rain, snow, hail, or sleet?

A. evaporation

B. transfiguration

D. precipitation

16. Which term below refers to the cooling of water in the atmosphere changing a gas to a liquid in
the clouds

A. evaporation

B. transfiguration
C. condensation

17.Precipitation (rain sleet snow hail) occurs because…

a. The droplets evaporate in the air

b. The droplets are to light for the air to hold

c. The droplets are too heavy for the air/cloud to hold

18.Most of the earths water is found…

a. Underground in aquifers

b. In rivers and lakes

c. In the oceans

19.What source of energy evaporates the most water from Earth’s


a. Volcanoes

b. The sun

c. Wind

20. Where does condensation occur in the water cycle?

a. Underground water soaking into rocks and soil

b. Water flowing down a river

c. In the clouds

21.On which kind of day would you expect the most evaporation from the surface of a pond?

a. Cold, rainy

b. Warm, rainy
c. Warm, sunny
22. Which step in the water cycle is labeled A in the diagram below?

a. Evaporation

b. Condensation

c. Transpiration

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