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MiQuille Bryant

SPM 4601

SPM 4601 Internship Weekly Journal

Jan 10 - Jan 15
I learned how to set up the camera of use for the sports media of Winston-Salem State
University. I enjoyed the process of learning skills to create quality content for our student-
athletes and our teams. As interns, we also performed critical thinking of coming up with ideas
for the student-athlete ceremony that took place on May 1st. As interns, we were critically
thinking about creating an overall theme for basketball games and halftime games for the
students. We also learned how to set up the softball team and the game day operations.
Jan 17- Jan 22
I learned how to create social media content using Gipper website. Gibber is the website we used
to create graphics to display on our social media profiles. I learned how to arrange and operate
Gibber to create graphics for Winston-Salem State University student-athletes. This was a fun
experience for me because I love art. I created graphics for tennis, basketball, golf, softball,
football, cross country, and more.
Feb 14- Feb 19
As interns, we learned the operations of indoor track and field. I love the indoor track and field
experience. I got to learn how to operate the high jump as well and overall we finished in second
place. I made a few connections out there as well and learned interesting information regarding
track and field in the CIAA such as unbroken record holders and much more. Also during this
week, we presented our student-athlete ceremony presentation to the staff of the Athletics
Department and they enjoyed what we put together of our overall vision for the student athletes.
It was a great feeling knowing that the Director of Athletics enjoyed our presentation, that was
monumental for us interns that day.
Feb 21- Feb 26
This week was the CIAA weekend. As interns, we had several days off. As interns, we did not
work at the CIAA in Maryland. Overall, we had high hopes for women's and men's basketball
teams. Both teams failed shortly after losing their opener games of the CIAA tournament. I was
shocked when the men's basketball team lost because we won the CIAA two years ago. Winning
the CIAA two years ago provided our motivation for going to the CIAA tournament. Hopefully,
the women's and men's basketball teams can have a deeper run in next year's CIAA tournament.
Feb 28- March 5
As interns, we prepared well for the Winston-Salem State University men's football camp that
we provided on campus. The football camp went well and smoothly. As interns, we also cleaned
out a large portion of our storage room to assist easier access to get football equipment. It took a
while because most of the equipment that was in the storage was old. We also had to purchase
new equipment for our sports media because we had technical difficulties with our streaming of
games, HDMI cords, and a hot spot.
March 7- March 12
As interns, we help assist with the new flooring in Whitaker and the weight room located at the
field house. It was a hands-on experience for all of us to provide assistance bringing all of the
weights and equipment out of both the weight rooms of Whitaker gym and the weight room of
the field house. Once the floors were finished we put the weights and equipment back in an
organized way. This week, as interns, we were in the position of having to represent our student
athlete ceremony presentation because of Coach Gray's absence on the day we presented the first
time. Once we presented the presentation to her, she left us feedback that led us to go back and
critique the ceremony presentation for it to have a better outcome of how to operate smoothly.
We had to adjust the schedule, food pricing, entertainment, locations, and much more.
March 14- March 19
This week is a busy week full of softball games. Sports media-wise, we were prepared with our
new equipment. I filmed all of the softball games as well. The first two softball games of the
week were a bit troubling due to the fact of the weather conditions. The weather conditions
provided several delays in the games because of the weather. The rain caused the games to not be
as exciting because of the conditions. I was looking forward to filming a good game with our
softball team because they're pretty good. I believe our strongest attribute of our softball team
would have to be our defense. I also believe what would help increase our winning percentage is
if our lady softball team communicated more on the field.
March 21- March 26
As interns, this was our first week of spring football practices. As a video assistant coordinator, I
had to help, teach and be vocal to the new team of filmers. It felt great to be in the position of a
video assistant coordinator because I was able to teach the filmers everything I know. It was also
rewarding for me to see the progress within the filmers throughout this week as well. The
majority of the new filmers were steady asking me questions and were looking forward to the
hands-on experience. I also taught the new filmers how to upload the film of practices and how
to operate the website of HUDL which is the platform we use. Also throughout the week, we
had a tennis match. I enjoyed the tennis match and being able to take pictures and record videos
for our tennis team.
March 28- April 2
As interns, this week we continued to improvise and add the feedback on what Coach Gray
provided for us for the student-athlete ceremony. Her overall focus was to make sure we had the
proper structure and operation for everything to flow well for the ceremony. We changed to
PowerPoint several times and it taught us the perfection of a higher level of operation when it
comes to planning in the field of sports. I believe it also increased our group communication
skills and the experience of critical thinking as a group. Later throughout the week, we had
another meeting with Coach Gray with new information to add to the PowerPoint presentation.
April 4- April 9
As interns, this week we provided the operations of the men's football spring game at Carver
High School. I worked the scoreboard for the spring game. The spring game overall was a solid
performance but, there's still a lot of work to do for the men's football team. A lot of people from
the community came to the spring game to support the men's football team. I also enjoyed
keeping and updating the score of the spring football game as well because it was my first time
operating the scoreboard.
April 11- April 16
As interns, we created and worked on the PowerPoint presentation for the student-athlete
ceremony. We also created and worked on a picture slideshow of the student-athletes in action
and we made a highlight reel.
April 18- April 23
As interns, we created and worked on the PowerPoint presentation for the student-athlete
ceremony. We also created and worked on a picture slideshow of the student-athletes in action
and we made a highlight reel.
April 25- April 30
As interns, we created and worked on the PowerPoint presentation for the student-athlete
ceremony. We also created and worked on a picture slideshow of the student-athletes in action
and we made a highlight reel.
May 1st
As interns, we operated the student-athlete ceremony and everything went smoothly. We faced
trials and tribulations throughout the process of getting everything on point for the ceremony but,
as a group, we got everything together. I operated the PowerPoint presentation that contained
awards, a highlight reel, academic honors, and much more. It felt amazing to hear the reaction of
the crowd of all sports in the auditorium watching the videos we created. To witness the
ceremony that we created as interns which, originally started as ideas, that we brought to life was
a good feeling as well.

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