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Writer’s Workshop

Grade Level 2nd Subject: ELA Date: 5-3-22

Materials Needed: Standards Covered:

1. Expository Writing Step ● CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.2

2 Worksheet (30) Write informative/explanatory texts in which
2. Document camera they introduce a topic, use facts and
3. Post-its definitions to develop points, and provide a
4. Pen
concluding statement or section.
5. Highlighter
Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or

Academic Language Goals & Time Allotted: 28 Min

Language Support: Introduction/Anticipatory Set: 3
Guided Practice: 10
Learning Activities/Body of Lesson: 10
Students with IEP and ELL Closure/Wrap-up: 5
will have extra support from
Ms.W. She will assist by
demonstrating the strategy
again through explicit and
direct instruction

Introduction/Anticipatory Set- 5 min

“Today we will practice the second step in our expository writing. Yesterday, we
all had to pick a certain topic. Can someone remind me what our topic has to be
about? ”
● “It was about food”
● “I picked pizza”
● “I picked fries”

Guided Practice- 10 min

“First, let us take a look at my topic. I chose spaghetti. In our second step I
would like us to focus on not only saying what it is, but giving details. I put that
spaghetti is pasta. Am I saying what it is? ”

● “Yes”

“Now we need to focus on adding details, and descriptive words about spaghetti
as if someone has never heard about it before.”
● Pair share “How would you describe spaghetti?”
● Ms.W will assist students on the caret to encourage peer discussion

“3..2..1…. Who can share with me how they will describe spaghetti?”
● Call on students
As each student shares their description of spaghetti, Ms. W will write
down key words on the post-it note on her paper. This will be used as a
checklist later on in the lesson
● The Teacher can build off of responses if students do not give an initial
explanation for their answer.
● “Why do you think that?” “Can you say a bit more about that?”

“Alright friends, now that we have a lot of words to describe and give details
about spaghetti, let’s try to make a sentence or two about what it is”
● Ms.W will read off the words that the students discussed on the post-it
● Pair share “what sentence can you make with these words?”

“3..2…1 alright friends, let’s listen to some sentences”

● Students will share their sentences and Ms.W will check off the words
that they use.
● “Now that we have practiced using all of these words, can you check and
make sure that I have included all of them?
● Ms.W will make 1-2 sentences for the second step in her expository
writing. She will review the sentence(s) that she wrote and will check for
all of the key words that she added.
“Now that we have had some practice, we will try this independently at our
● Pair share “How will you describe your topic?”
● Pass out papers and instruct students to read when finished.

Independent Practice-10 min

During this time, Ms.W will assist students to ensure they are understanding
how to write their second sentence with details and descriptive words to help
paint a picture in people’s head about their topic.

To provide additional support, Ms.W will be giving direct explicit instruction to

lowel level and ELL students. She will use a highlighter for students to trace
their words when they have verbally told Ms.W what they would like to write.

Closure- 5
● Ms.W will ask students to have their writing paper on their desk and will
call everyone to the carpet.
● She will then select students that she has seen provide excellent
descriptive words for their topic
● Once a student has shared, she will instruct friends to share any
comments on their work
● After 1-2 students have shared their work, Ms.W will ask students to then
put their work in their red folder in their desk and wash their hands for

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