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Special Schools

Samantha Salinas
Edu 201
 ”Guaranteed a free appropriate public education to each child
with a disability. This law had a dramatic positive impact on
millions of children with disabilities in every state and each
local community across the country,” (US department of
Four purposes:
 To assure that all children with disabilities have available to
them a free public education which emphasizes special
Public Law 94- education and related services designed to meet their unique
142  To assure that the rights of children with disabilities and their
parents are protected.
 To assist States and localities to provide for the education of
all children with disabilities.
 To assess and assure the effectiveness of efforts to educate
all children with disabilities.
Source: Education for All Handicapped Children Act, 1975
 I.D.E.A. is short for individuals with Disabilities Education Act
 A 1990 federal act providing a free, appropriate education to
disabled youth between 3 and 21 of age. IDEA superseded
the earlier Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Public
Law 94-142)
 In the law congress states: “Disability is a natural part of
I.D.E.A. human experience and in no way diminishes the right of
individuals to participate in or contribute to society. Improving
educational results for children with disabilities is an essential
element of our national policy of ensuring equality of
opportunity, full participation, independent living, and
economic self-suffiency for individuals with disabilities.”
 Short for individualized education program.
 A plan for meeting an exceptional learner’s educational
needs, specifying goals, objectives, services, and procedures
for evaluating progress.
I.E.P.  I.E.P. program meets students unique needs it supports and
services kids need to make progress and thrive in school.
 Source:
 John F. Miller’s mission is committed that all students have
the ability to learn and should be given the opportunity to
reach their maximum potential, and develop as much self-
sufficiency and independence as possible. Students will have
John F. Miller individualized education programs that reflect their unique
and specialized educational needs, and that these programs
will be delivered in the least restrictive educational
environment appropriate to meet their individual needs.
 Source:
 Helen J. Stewart mission statement is to provide students
with learning activities to develop daily living, vocational,
Helen J. communication, social, and functional academic skills. They
believe the use of comprehensive community-based-
Stewart instruction program is essential to the generalization of these
 Source:
 Miley Achievement Center mission statement is “putting our
passion to work” they want to educate students emotionally,
Miley behaviorally, and academically. They will implement the
Achievement (PBIS) systems to Increase student engagement and
academic success.
Center  Source:
 Variety's’ mission is to provide a positive and safe learning
community that fosters academic and vocational growth.
Their commitment to ensure a least restrictive environment. A
goal that all students will be able to transition to post
Variety secondary education, the workforce, and independent living
to make each a productive member of society
 Source:
 Homebound provides instruction to CCSD medically unable
to attend school
 Conducts instructional sessions online or at home depending
upon need.
 Adapts instructional techniques to meet students’ unique
Homebound medical needs.
 Assists CCSD schools with individualized programming in
home settings.
 Assigns K-12 licensed teachers to meet educational
 Source:
Least  An educational program that meets a disabled student’s
special needs in a manner that is identical, to the extent
Restrictive possible, to that provided to students in general education
Environment classrooms.

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