Pre Reading ch1 Brave New World

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Corker 1

Megan Corker

Mrs. Jewell

ERWC 12: Period 1

20 April 2022

Brave New World: Pre-Reading and Chapter One (BNW)

Written by: Aldous Huxle in 1931

The title of The Brave New World is an allusions to a Shakespeare play - The Tempest

Brave New World Different Book Coverings:

- Abortions/ creation of life

- Futuristics - machines, technology

- Faceless, unified, disembodied, missing body parts

- Limits to thinking and body functions

- Forfeiting of individual freedom- larger body of workers - one purpose

- Moving into the unknowns as we as human being evolve and change into

futuristic times, always adapting

- Artificial intelligence, cloning, creations - purpose on Earth?

- Obsession with perfectionisim

- Humans and emotions - making mistakes, having flaws

- The idea of mortality - expiration date on life

- Relationships - love, happiness, they come and go, making and learning from


- Basic necessities to survive

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Article One: ‘Brave New World’ predicted today’s world better than any other novel

Written by Scotty Hendricks on October 13, 2018

His book warns us of the dangers of mass media, passivity, and how even an intelligent

population can be driven to gladly choose dictatorship over freedom.


- The book has predicted a lot of things that has happen - predicted future very well

- Intelligent people can be enslaved- threat, can be tested

- Concept of dystopian novel, pop culture

- Great job needs more credit

- Henry Ford - automotive owner, ‘model T’ car

- BNW is about a society where everyone is happy - pavlovian conditioning

- Made happen through ending free will- the population is all the same jobs and living the

same life

- Everyone stays busy and is controlled and stays happy by staying entertained -(phones)

- Wonder drugs - Soma (1930’s) - today 2022: marijuanna (legal)

- Endless distractions

- People need to read and study more, read this book it's a blueprint and its predictions and

our society needs to pay attetions

- The assembly was created by Aldous Huxley, creating people and jobs. Jobs give purpose

and busy work, which makes people happy *praise*

- Written to give the idea of the boom

- Henry Ford is idolized as God. “Oh God” “Oh Ford”

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- Mass consumerism

- Encourage sexuality permiscuous - easy/ negative because it's a distraction, to make

children, keeps you happy

- Hope to all fall apart?

- Make a super human? What will it do to the population?

- In utero - pre nataal, screening to see genes of baby

- Lots to do with creating babies, abortions, sperm sortting, genders, cells, determine things

about child

- Procreation - woman, man, sex = baby

- Fertilization - eggs implanted

- Virtual world

- Tvs, movies, phones, video games, internet- distractions: we use it for distractions and

hyper sense, don't make bad habits. To avoid conflicts, boredom, avoidances.

- addictions: soman induced drug, cockatiels- small doses cause euphoria, medium doses

cause hallucinations and large doses is a tranquilizer.

- Today we have antidepressants for all mental health- alcohol, weed, tranquilizers,

prescribed and non prescribed

- Workforce/employment/jobs: everyone has a job. All humans, no robots. Everyone has a

task/ roll

- Mass employment - mass consumption

- Consumerism plays a significant element in economies (2022)

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- Beaches, parks, exercise, bike ride- recreational activity- more than just corporations and

buying things (phones, clothes)

- Happiness only mental state- using it to make money

- The human experience is so complex it gets in the way of being perfect. We try to be

perfect but perfection can't happen because we are human. CREATES WORLD STATE

- Emotions

- Insatiable appetites

- Basic survival - food, safety, shelter,

- Greater purpose

- Families

- Need progress

- Need to make human less human

- 1984 was a very different time era- 1 tv station, no hiding information

- Confirmation biased - hanging out with only people with the same point of view/like

minded people

- Tv is a distraction especially in a communist country

- Politics will always play a factor in anything in a society no matter the time era

- Lots of propganda ; send out messages

- Over populated

- It’s a warning

- Uses science

- Bunk: destroyed
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- Better educated people for freedom with science and worshiping things as a society with

advertisements and ides: made FORD - GOD

- Moving out of state (today) - new beginnings, new traditions, new breakthroughs, but we

have lots of distractions as we just move forawrd

- Must stay optimistic

Pre- Reading article #2

“Literary Devices” - Satire

Definition of Satire

Satire is a literary device for the artful ridicule of folly or vice as a means of exposing or

correcting it. The subject of satire is generally human frailty, as it manifests in people’s behavior

or ideas as well as societal institutions or other creations. Satire utilizes tones of amusement,

contempt, scorn, or indignation towards a flawed subject with the hope of creating awareness and

subsequent change.

For example, one of the most well-known satirical literary works is brave new world by Aldous

Huxley. In his novel, Huxley satirizes most of the social conventions and institutions considered

sacred and held dear by an “enlightened” Western society. This includes religion, monogamy,

social equality, and the blessing of childbirth. In the novel, these conventions and institutions are

turned upside down such that the characters embrace drug culture, social class separation, casual
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sex, and governmental control. Huxley satirizes contemporary society in order to expose for the

reader its arbitrary and often hypocritical moral structures.

- CHAPTER 1 NOTES - next page

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Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Chapter 1

Focus: Introducing the World State

Two reminders:

● Please be try your best as a reader to do your own thinking and learning!!!

● Refer to the book as often as possible by keeping track of page numbers.

What is the World State? Add page Collect terms/vocabulary related to World

numbers. State and define.

- Main building is hatchery and Add page numbers.

conditioning : retrain young kids

- Hatchery pg 3- eggs hatch for fish
(school) pg 3
- Community pg 3
- AF = after ford ( time/ years) ex we
- Stability pg 3
say AD/BCE (AF 632) pg 4
- Salinity - salt pg 5
- Creating perfect little kid workers.
- Alphas pg 6
As they get old and dye, new ones
- Betas pg 6 (these 2 are original
are made to fill a purpose and work
super humans, superior, leaders )
at mass speed/production pg 4
- Gammas
- Eggs turn into people
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- Last 3 eggs drowned in alcohol. - Deltas

The Further down the chain the - Epsilones (last 3 are bokanovsky's

more you get. Cant have smart process- inferior, metal tasks,

workers. Alcohol kills brain cells pg workers) pg 6

7 - People are not humans they are

- Working with human parts but workers pg 6

making workers pg 8 - Scores = 20 pg 7

- 96 batches of exact twins pg 12 - “The female eggs about 30%

- All embryos have the exact same develop normal, others get a dose of

treatment pg 12 male sex hormones every 24 metres

- Fertility plays a huge role in the for the rest of the course. “ pg 13

world state pg 13 aka the freemartins

- Disappointed when somethings is - What is mature? Who came up with

not shown off or used to the best the standard? Pg 15

ability pg 18 - Workers working on the workers pg

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What questions come to mind as you read What predictions do you have about the

chapter 1? Add page numbers that keep potential issues/problems within the World

track of when this question came to mind. State creation? Add page numbers.

- Is this a school or like a camp? - How do they get the supplies and

What really is going on? Pg 3 eggs and sperm and fertilize? Pg 6

- Is the notebook the blueprint/ideas? - The students, will they rebel? Why

Pg 4 are they referred to as chickens? Pg

- Why is this like this? Slitting eggs? 11

Pg 6 - What significance does this

- Do the workers get paid? Pg 7 staircase hold? Pg 11

- Are these half male/half female - What is the age capacity of these

eggs? What gender are they? Pg 13 “people” pg 15

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- Who are the parents? Is this like a

normal family these eggs are born

into? Pg 14

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