Community of Learners

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Creating a caring community of learners

Diana Greene

A caring community of learners to me is a group of things that

constitute a whole environment. This caring community must contain age

appropriate lesson plans based on group and individual assessments and

daily teacher observations. These plans should include children's interests

as well, math, science and an outdoor curriculum to enhance learning. The

physical environment is as important as the lesson plan, an environment

that is safe, where children feel free to explore and learn without risks. This

physical environment must include quiet areas, loud areas. Areas for

building, reading, writing, arts, dancing, and an area when children can go

if they feel overwhelmed. Also as part of the environment teacher must

include routines and positive transitions for children to understand the daily

schedule and be aware of what's coming and what to expect. Expectations

are an important part as well, let children know what the classroom

expectations, clearly state what rules do you want them to follow, such as

“be kind” “soft hands''no running to be safe” be happy and have fun’

children must have a say in what rules or expectations are important for

them as well. Empowering children to have some influence over decisions

in study subjects. Another important part of a well constructed community

of learners is an intentional teacher, teachers must have positive

interactions and relationships with children and their families, open

communication with families is crucial to form relationships, respect

backgrounds and implement children’s differences and cultures into the

classroom curriculum as well. Being a positive example for families and

children helps maintain a sense of belonging children feel trustworthy and

part of their environment, parents, teachers and children work together in

harmony towards the same objective.

Teachers must be aware of children's opinions and points of view,

guiding children to share, solve problems or conflicts, guide ways of

expression and respect each other as individuals, differences are part of

everybody. Respecting those differences is crucial in developing self-

esteem. Celebrate differences, culture, take care of each other, ourselves

and our school. Teachers must be present at all times even when children

are playing by themselves let children know you're there for them to

support them if they need it, address challenging behavior with calm and

positive discipline and guidance, permit children to solve conflicts by

themselves just be there if assistance is needed. Modeling behaviors is the

best way of teaching we as teachers have a huge influence on children and

the way they see and do things.

In conclusion all aspects are important in the classroom to have a

caring community. The most important thing as a teacher is to have

positive actitudes, be consistent because it is not an easy process, stay

calm and teach with love, have children as part of your team as well as

parents. All towards the same goal and is to give children the guidance

their need for their success.

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