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Baker 1

Lauren Baker

Dean Leonard


20 January 2022

Positive Results

A little bean, small, angry all the time, never happy, and out to ruin every other bean hap-

piness. Full of anger, expressing negative vibes, and receiving negative results. Who is this angry

little bean? I am the angry bean.

Growing up I had a bad temper, if someone was happy, I would find a way to ruin their

day. Once, when I was twelve years old, my brother kept breaking my monster high dolls so to

get back at him I destroyed all his Lego’s, even his Millennium Falcon; at the time I did not feel

any remorse, but now that I am an older but still small bean, I feel nothing but regret. Why was I

such an angry bean? I wish I knew so I could amend everything I ruined. From the age of ten to

fifth teen years old I had the temper of one of the Housewives of Orlando from television.

I was filled with negative vibes which made me receive negative results throughout most

of my early teen years. My relationship with my parents was strained; no one wanted to be

around me very much. I had a lot of resentment towards my mother because even before I devel-

oped into an angry bean, she treated me as if I was a nuisance in her life for no real reason, she

might have been why I was a little monster bean.

But when I turned sixteen, I watched a Disney movie, called Inside Out, which helped me

understand my emotions better. After watching the movie, I talked to my parents about my tem-

per; we cried, talked, and cried some more. We agreed that I should talk to somebody about my
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anger issues only if my mom talked to someone about her issues; my therapist helped me under-

stand why and where this temper came from. My mom got on medication for bipolar disorder.

From that point forward, I rewired my brain to not overreact and ask myself “Is this the

right amount of emotion for this one little thing?” nine times out of ten, it was too much. After

fighting with myself it became a lot easier to control my little angry bean inside me. As the little

angry bean got smaller, I got more positive. Once I saw that the more positive I am, the happier

everyone around me was, my family wanted to be around me more. I was making more friends

than before; people wanted to be around me again.

Instead of putting out negative vibes, I was putting out positive vibes. And I was getting

so many more positive results than before. My dad was happy that my mother and I relationship

was amazing, and for my brother, I rebuilt his Millennium Falcon that my angry bean had de-

stroyed many years prior. I was inspired to be nothing but a positive person so that if anyone

around me was negative, my positivity outweighs their negative. I live by the phrase “the more

positive vibes I put out, the more positive results I get”. 

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