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PSA 712







Under National Key Result Area (NKRA) Corruption Monitoring and Coordination Division in an effort
to realize its Vision and thus taking its anti-corruption drive to a new height, fighting corruption is
one it’s National Key Result Area (NKRA). This unit was set up by the PM’s department to spearhead
the Government Transformation Programme (GTP 2.0) in enhancing enforcement agencies,
combating grand corruption, transferring the Auditor General’s reporting process, further enhancing
the government procurement process & raising public support and enhancing public education.

The cost to the nation of corruption is significant. To fight against corruption, focus by on three areas
most prone to corruption.

First, regain the public’s confidence in regulatory and enforcement agencies. Regain the public
confidence in the Police, Customs, Road Transport Department (JPJ) and immigration, the agencies
under the Federal Government with the highest number of cases charged by the MACC and the
lowest perceived integrity scores among the business community and the public. To achieve these
targets, get strengthen and empower compliance units within each enforcement agency. This
includes allocating sufficient resources to a dedicated unit that is empowered to take action. The
compliance unit will report directly to the head of the enforcement agency, with an independent
commission overseeing its management and conduct. Supporting frameworks, including for whistle-
blower protection, integrity assessment of personnel and rewards and consequences will also be
established to enhance effectiveness of the compliance unit. It also implements other initiatives
designed to reduce the opportunity for corrupt practices to take place at these enforcement
agencies. This includes instituting job rotation to help prevent enforcement officers from forming
collaborative relationships with criminal organisations. Given the importance of improving the
performance of local authorities in the fight against corruption, we will also create a league table of
performance for all local authorities.

Second reduce leakages in government procurement. To reduce leakages of funds allocated for
national development and operational expenditure and ensure transparency in the award of

Third, tackle grand corruption. To strive prevent the abuse of power and public resources by
politicians and senior civil servants can measured using an independent public survey on the
perception of the level of grand corruption. Enforce existing political laws, and conduct a study on
revamping political funding within the bounds of the constitution. The possibility of introducing an
enhanced disclosure process, cap on private donations and supplementary public funding.


Disagree it depends by people ethics to accept the corruption or not. The Fraud triangle is a
framework designed to explain the reasoning behind a worker's decision to commit workplace fraud.
The three stages, categorised by the effect on the individual, can be summarised as pressure,
opportunity and rationalisation.

Five (5) professional values

1. Trustworthiness and Altruism.

Trustworthiness is important professional value for professional who should have loyalty
and adherence to forward their organizations. Altruism is devotion and dedication to help
and serve others and in related voluntary activities. This is in in with an organization
employee in activities to make the n feel part of the organization, also provide the by safe
2. Accountability
Ensures actions and decisions taken by public officials are subject to oversight so as to
guarantee that government initiatives meet their stated objectives and respond to the needs
of the community they are meant to be benefiting, thereby contributing to better
governance and poverty reduction
3. Impartiality and credibility
Impartiality (also called even-handedness or fair-mindedness) is a principle of justice holding
that decisions should be based on objective criteria, rather than on the basis of bias,
prejudice, or preferring the benefit to one person over another for improper reasons
Credibility is important because it helps to influence people's patterns, behaviours and
4. Transparency
Transparency: it has been a buzzword in most industries for several years now. It describes
the openness of a brand and their ability to share certain company information as well as
take on opinions related to things such as environmental and social issues.
5. Integrity and honesty
Honesty and integrity must be practiced at all times in public relations in order to maintain
credibility. However, determining if an action is ethical or not goes beyond one's perception
of right or wrong

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