Teaching Philosophy

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Teaching Philosophy

Cassandra Jenkins

As a secondary education teacher, I abide by many standards that you cannot find in a
textbook. Empathy, critical thinking, and passion are just some of the standards that I teach. I
strongly believe in fostering these ideas and skills for each and every one of my students so that
they can be successful. I believe in giving students all the tools and information they could
possibly need to navigate and become proud members of society. I want them to be the best they
can be, to never say never and advocate for themselves because I won't always be around. I want
my students to know their worth.

As a teacher, I prefer to exercise my voice and mentor each skill personally. Through
actions, I demonstrate what I like to see in my class. Less behind the desk time and more side by
side learning. Art is made for hands-on instruction and so am I. Visually, verbally, and
kinesthetically exploring projects is how I prefer to teach my students.

My classroom is more student centered so that they are making choices and growing from
them. I may teach how to use a process or technology but then give back the reins when it
comes to execution and decision making. Critical thinking and problem solving are the most
constructive skills I can give them. Having them learn these skills and practices can lead them to
making more choices for themselves and being very thoughtful about their work. I believe that it
is also through choice and letting students create work that they have a genuine interest in that
they thrive. Since each student should not ever have the same design as another because of
choice, I also like to make checkups with each student. I interact with them as checkups and
through progress reports so I can understand their ideas and also see the progress or lack thereof,
and help them move forward.

Evaluation is the foundation to all of my lessons. It is what makes the lessons possible
since they are honest responses to my lessons. I ask for feedback from peers to evaluate any
biases that I am not aware of and I evaluate through charts and scales with every lesson, module,
and overall class. That ensures that every step of the way there is communication from the
student to me.

Being a teacher is a responsibility that I do not take lightly or without enjoyment. I love to teach
and see the spark when a student learns something new or creates a piece that they are proud of. I
aspire to work hard for my students and for my mentors, they have shown me the wonders of
learning and I want to keep giving back in the same way.

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