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March 29th Homework

Classroom of Hope Questions

1. Voices calling for peace echo throughout the world. Some emerge from regions that have
experienced long-standing conflicts, others in response to the increased number of
individual acts of terrorism that have altered the ways of life of countless individuals and
communities in today’s world. The United Nations (UN) defines ‘major wars’ as military
conflicts inflicting 1,000 battlefield deaths per year. As of mid-2005, according to, there were eight major wars under way (down from 15 at the end of
2003) in the world. While the costs of these wars are discussed at length in political
circles in economic terms, the personal costs of these fierce conflicts, often inciting
hatred among members of small, interconnected com- munities, cannot be easily
measured or quantified.
2. The thesis is very strong as while it’s making a strong point about the substantial number
of deaths and violence that takes place on the border it’s also being supported by facts
which makes it much more compelling and heartfelt.
3. While the author uses the United Nations to help define how the violence on the border is
a “major war” but for finding the overall deaths of the violence the author uses the local
state governments to find the estimates of the number of deaths. Using a report by the
Norwegian Refugee Council’s Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (2010) that “the
current fatality rate is equivalent to 200 homicides per 100,000 people, making Ciudad
Juárez ‘the most violent city in the world.’ It is estimated that there are approximately
116,000 empty homes in Ciudad Juárez, and there have been 11,000 business closures
since 2009, according to the report. In addition, thousands of school children did not
return for classes throughout the state of Chihuahua, where Ciudad Juárez is located”
(Munter, 50).
4. The category of evidence used is Fact as they use well reputable data that is credible and
used throughout the world to present the ongoing problem at the border and in Mexico.
5. The evidence is extraordinarily strong as it is both credible and reliable as well as
presenting a lot of information that is especially useful.
6. Of course, using reliable information to strengthen your main ideas is always important,
it’s even more important to know how to properly cite and use this information in the best
way possible so it does not cause confusion. When dealing with writing this large and
having to deal with many different points of information, being able to break up the
information with small headers that help the reader know of the information switch and
that it’s much easier to read.

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