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} ! ; ) pest Dessert in Every state EDUCE ts ,-—-- : * Funniest * TWEETS ae 2 EVER THE ULTIMATE SOLUTION HIDDEN FORALLDAY COMFORT "= eee ETE m+ pl The Women vs. = , | - om *e the Pythons ; Peitie If Your Block 7 A Holocaust Survivor il \ Meek Gets Her Diploma Features ‘THE BEST DESSERT IWEVERY STATE Apple pie belongs © Cea ‘The Snake Charmers vasve Burmese HELPING DOGS Ca a a a ee Eas Ee fl 90 uieting Ansiety Overlapping cites have male mat of ‘jumpy. Buchow do you know when y ave sipped int lem and need help 96 ‘The 100 Funniest Tweets E Your Block. Could Tak Fascinating facts about the streets ‘where we Bie Reader's Digest ATwusted Friendina Complited World 112 Trapped at the Bottom ofthe Sea Its supposed 1 be ‘routine underwater Pipeline epairjob, Then one diver’ at supply cord snapped— then he wae 200 fet ‘down. et INTRODUCING ENSURE* COMPLETE Departments WITH COMPLETE, BALANCED NUTRITION®, 30 GRAMS OF PROTEIN, AND NUTRIENTS TO SUPPORT IMMUNE HEALTH 6 Dear 8 Letters 14 The Street Vet 17 Giving the cits ‘on Har Birthday reune Heath rele sure fe ari and nt 24 Feel Happy, Even When You're Not ‘Masel Helt:205 oF Nota rctan Ensure 2% Beacon of Light | v Heart eas Pat bed ao mic. Seectentes ee Sea ison Sand Bone Heath Virin© On the Cover ‘ Availabe in 3 delicious favors: ‘Milk Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry AercatheTasty 100 Funniest Tweets Ever “The Womenvs. the Pythons Avolocaust Survivor Gets Her Diploma Reduce Your ety Your Block Could Tak uP ANT CO $3. INS Toran Se [READEW’S DIGEST Contents Diabetes Connection eo Be ne > tener, | [Teen oe ein. | tr otermitent i | inte Gets Her Diploma | ‘59 The Coronavirus~ cure || Humor ||“ wowetiadine eee n ; Feil Tea ee ¢ pl2 5 imum United States é 2 HisHeart ss, || AlinabayeWor oOo aS | 64 YortoMa, ee Brain Games Joni Mitchel, n 121 Facto Fiction? ides Etba Humorin ee io 125 Word Power 128 Photo Finish 64 Whooping coughs known fr vielen. Ueontotale coughing fs which ‘mokes thardte breathe, ands, Sometimes flowed by vomiting and fexhaustion Whooping coughs highiy ontagious ang ean ebsy spre rom IT’S NOT JUST FOR KIDS ~ ASK YOUR DOCTOR. OR PHARMACIST ABOUT ‘wooPING cousH ‘VACCINATION. nar wrrs RD humor editor A dy Simmons about the art ofthe one-line, including the 100 tweets starting on page 6: vt There slr of humor online Seashing for come gold must be Ie looking fora strand of hay in es-at times palnfl do you do it? fivow: The humor t Goodman, Caroline Fain has a list of go-to comles and sts. ‘utyoi need pack a unch because before you know i you're tembling | down rabbithols chasing gags Don't tell my boss, but I've spent many a pleasant afternoon doing justhat tit: OX, take this one, on page 100: "ret when the first guy woe lasses everybody was like “ON la-d-da, ex tise me Me [Need Wo Monoces™ ‘hats bilan Whst do you know about w@robirec? ‘anos Nothing! ne So, these are Just average folks dhubing ay? ‘wo: Watch youre bbub—"average folks send Reader’ Digest a rl gags each year But yes, Twitter isthe | aie reat democratic experiment ofthe tay, very gens o idiot can haves ‘Some are stand-up comedi- | ans some ate someone's mom. Theit | foten jobs and misbehaving Kids are | mor gold on Titer | se: Hove do you pik themat ANDY: Fist, they have to erack me up Second, they have to crack youu ‘up. Third four managing editor says “Can vee get aay with saying that sword?” we don’ trun ‘Mt: Well one hint about me shat 1 especially loved this one-liner on page: “My parot ded today. Islast ‘words were ‘Darn, thinkay parrot is about odie!” Ha Absurdity must be 82Ist-contury thing ‘bys Hah! have to words for you: Harpo and Marx. Was there anyone more absurd? And he was ‘racking us up 90 yes go. ‘ME: Ang last one-liner for the eudience? es one stolen from hie: race Kl ja" ONO ONE.U CARES HERE. ea bie ies 7 EL ee nD ~Don' Pane” Tres tafoned at LETTERS menor A Base ors ov rit eee aye the Alda carte z ‘occurred. The building Tived nha long m Taleey etn ty each end. During the ‘tats Canyonlands salsolauded asone | stake swayed ofthe quietest places on earth. When we | Mth could't visited, we waited for other hikers o leave | Sebastes and then closed our eyes and ust Histened. | bounced wound ike ‘Nowind whisting bids chirping, insects | tr and weft er shocks for atleast year buzzing, or ambient sound whatsoever, | shocksforatles twas an eerie experience Il never forget— ‘Theresa, Wisconsin and the scenery was spectacular, of course. “—igwe ammsrHoNG Colorado Springs Colorado | Where, h Where? Forme, having ved Oregon, for several yeas the mid-19705 the view of Mount Hood in the dis tance wat a dead gve- sea forthe location of Jerry's Dirt | hithome forme. My Tehoughel was tough | husband, who has ‘oldbird but had to | type 1 diabetes, devel- Shedafowtearfor | oped hypoglycemic thisinteestingman | unawareness—an in- fd islove forthe | ability teeth blood planet science, flor, | sugar dropping—which | the tulips in his poo! bees birds animals, | eatseshimo become | —suSAN REDDING andhis family. He | confused. When coats | Geysurg Pennyanla erally lef this earth | eae out Ino longer | Detter than he found it. | hedo uy toreason | Saluting Artington akan enncus with romeone who was | Cemetery ‘Whiestoun Indiana | dsorented. Nowthe | Thave an addtional, monitor beepe and! | veteran to mention News from the. justsay "Your second | who is also buried in World of Medicine | wifes ealing” ‘Arlington: Audie Mur ‘Theltem about contin | —DsNIsh BRADY ‘hy. He was one othe tuts glucose monitors | Las Vegas, Nevada ost decorated combat sce of Work Ver camer pied | MM ses TLinciingerey | sont enema | MMUNE RESPO combataweed valor | hint anlar ‘+ Thankyou or“How from the US. Army a8 {oStengthen Your ‘Me. But there isso much vwellasonefiom France | Idon'tknow about him, | mmune’Systams Alt fandanother from | and now Ihaveno way | hasbeen sadabout Belgium. He was also | offinding out andwashing, masks singer songweter, | —atanvin case andsoll dstanelng but factor and ancher. | Vancowner Washington | notabouthow improve “1 raemait Curimmune ystems. ‘AWerld of Good Is good to protect our- FastFood Was Our | Avacareaterormy | ses fomtheoute, Love Language brother who usesa more important to Treauthorstatesa | wheeleha love the | 9080fomtheinside verycommon fedling | ideuofa Legoramp | Barbara Epps lmong clldren with | like te ones ita Bbel_| WEATHEPORD. TOs deceased parents: | bulldsforshopen- | + Adoctorance noted “There were questions | tances Weolten ave | thatmy husband and Imeverthought to ask? | difieaty geting over | mustbe doing something ‘There ae comany ‘hlngs Tnow want to Fahttohavesuch Realy Immune systems a age step o enter a building ‘When [tld my brother know about my father. | about this story, he Binet ‘hy aide and pa | aged benice ro | uebarie evry dy. lichigh school for three | havea Lego ramp, But | NoW80.westitplay ter ‘years but then transfer | he had a question: Soe day with- Gaprveschatt | *Howinch doeetcos, | “ste S024 Wywesbe sot | enamantetager | otcurtueber ‘hate rarely even went Into a store He but ‘Kalamazo, Michigan ‘When the Spirit Moved You Have youeverseena ghost Nothescary in we are n ‘hiking more ofaspitual vation or encounter hat ‘Seemed ke asgn roma departed ved one, mayen ‘ear—or ke what Dem Moore went throughin Gost. ia you vehadsuen an upiting or nspring experience, S (Wed eto share with RD ender Tellus about ours Stace For adults with ype 2 bets 720), slong wth et and exer, rely LSUS" can ha ower aod gs Wake Up to the Possi of Reac! [RYBELSUS*is proven to RYBELSUS® may help you lowerblocd sugarand AIC" lose some weight Increatetherisk of Inaénonswyo whence ma maar adioasa Sipe oeage tween (Venta such ar ear Soripsicofaite Sud pepe wain scnyepepie taking merge rig wait ot mrauisustrcnedan’ — epogd ton upte Meoties thane" pound een magn ayaa penkon tgs ag ei baba vember ea Eke ng ne asa pophon — sSpawchonsngeg—— samaibnayunad (Bike youmey poyssiinas gp Tow nesUTE wo sss a gro ates yet ot S0fors So-daypresciption {else mor abet RYBESUS® ovo Nardi’ Ties anaes wate mn Ia arog as 7m or mg [Ea preponecne foros ity pe? ‘dees rng ih et ond sere ay Irgrove Sood erga iis enteaniirla en cea ct done fr teg as Feet cio sew iba eerie nso ih ye tes ‘Poe wt te sins Pollan resale eet ee Beeeaesact Meunier cs Pee eeciice Donotus Moa era i hive ha NT oy [Bneaneacape en eter aba Endabe espace ye HEN 2 aoe esate ema ae seo tng Re tel yr ate Petirfyohare wy orm ctor, aethiops ey ot ner Seomrsiter pinot pagar tet ine fvot r rct y a Faldo ursheene ranteteloe yan ites port mya tate oe ‘Baitte satay yr on ota Bintoteconepegur sono report retreated ase rated ‘ater dre ser wt Naa? 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ILS eaprescpn mde weg wih a exces i ha) sts fanype2 see ' BLS semenstasstcieonrig es. {Hissin EELSIS cnt pepe wo eal ei 1 ELS al np ih pe be eh bse cis, stoner FSU" one ee rein no yes a Donal te RBELSUS™ 1 pouty uy eae yea li ti ty cia NT) Recah gamctdhin cheat exer pas Sree HE + jar seg sma eines n ESS Tetra RYBELSUSY your beter prover iyou Rave ay oer mei conto, Ina far ns hu ose. 1 hai oe pblens eso ite, ‘Rept neta sgn ti YES" lem ya tm by hls ‘hal? re eon bear pega Tao yo eee oe ‘ny dete apo we oe er «taco ibe Seas cme ee wh YELLS, Tl yor eae proder set the mater ou vg ecipicnd mvteoutes Pest wanes tl pres ATS" my ee ye des nade ese ny aes wy EES wt eae sng RYGELSUS, ao our teateae provi aoa ow od san ad Now mage Tey aan ov yor auger acres ed Otee,nevang ws oy Koon emesis un oso Pea ots pra en uae so Tw hie RVDELSUS + Tie ELS ea he po yt, + SAB yma en anor soa wn hae. + Tn BSUS whasp defo mn na. + Don nrc. Son TELS wa, 1 i inde, ane ab hel ns ABELLS® wes bt yo 060 ‘ro rin ra «+ Hyau mac ESI ti eis cv ng tacky ote {ko ete pot honor, aap ei yan a spain re youn ces a What te psi sie oo of RYBELSUS"? YBELSUS* may case seins side oes, ncn: Sn What th os importa norman shud know abst RYBELSUS"7™ *htentin of oar aera (panera So ig F/B." yu hana prin {itn futon eer ned ene fo wna wr ween ‘ryan omen oa ack ‘+ hanes nisin. je ethan eve yee chs nv et wn ELL. 1 tow ond supe opoheei. Yor gig ea sas mah oe ELSLS® ‘Rate ntact tty dst ooh oma Ses an ome ‘ion od spe may se: Since umn ty a ead carae Sawang esresopec Stung crhionar des, Summ comme hinted obey ~ ie ent ot a ee Risibisbeacs)aechnesoae Piste + ero allele Si ELS" nt ethos tony. pasha es SUSHE apm hcuag aon en oc aheayoemeg no ‘The mat common le ete of YBELSUS mayne, sa ati} xin. arin, {seu gpm rnin ocstp om gan Genscan Fast ‘reat re Thou ah pie uy ste yout omy Th atl vu sores eS Eros cial sab si es Yuna set ie tt Fat FO, ow soa stare ABELL"? + Sn S15 acon impeate bm Fan TPF WZ 4 Sneinay pat okt, + shelter pak. * Yay ttt Pe pk ly ee 1 aap RYBELSUS® ad alt meds ol othe rae tilran. rue Rom MAS, 6280 po De rR" peer NAS Srmeonom nae USTBOSG aad The By Andy Stmmons ' Modest, California, conve- | ingupseatching and chewing. “And nience store with his morn- | you know he sid, 'm sleeping at ing coffee and spotted a homeless | night He started to cry, and tat got ran sting with his back against the | me choked up too” Stewart sys building. I was 201, and the Great | Stewart was hooked, “When you Recession had spilled a lot of un- | give back, there is something You fortunate people onto the streets A | get return that feels much larger ‘small dog sat nthe homeless man’s | I knew I wanted to Keep doing i be lap, Stewart veterinarian at an ani. | told, smal sheltey noticed is sratched-off | — Today, Stewart, 50, has his own. fur and chewed-up skin—telltale | practice in town, yethe stl nds time signs ofan allergic reation to fleas. | for suet pets. He's helped roughly He approached the man and offered | 400 animals since 2011, mosty dogs to bing les medication forthe dog's | but also afew cats—and once a Bur- shin, agit the man readily accepted. | mese python. “Lrememberreiening 8 week and | There's dire need for his kind of ‘half later, and the halr was com- | help. About 25 percent of Modesto's ing back the rash was gone” Stewart | homeless population own a pet, but told the Modesto Bee, The man said | there ate few health-care options bis dog was finally sleeping at night | avallable to them. To ill chat void, Kz rawr sruppcn outside | agaln because I was no longer stay- 14 wuyavousr zea | eocom Stewart can often be found wander leyways and underpasses, he thinks the homeless tight be camped out. He carries his medical bag, whieh contains treatments—vaecines, antibiotics, antinfammatoris flea medications, | and more—for most of the cases he ‘encounters, Sewart pays for almost | allofit out ofhis own pocket. Occasionally, he comes upon a | medical problem thet requires more attention than he can provide onthe street. For those expensive proce: ‘ures he set up a GoPundMe account ‘ohlp coverteatmentcoss “dont | ever want to have totum anybody vay? he explains, He knows there are some people who question whether the homeless should even have pets. How can they ae for them on the street? “I think “THEIR ANIMALS ARE THEIR REASON FOR GETTING UP IN ‘THE MORNING.” ‘that more than anybody, they need 3 et they deserve a pet” Stewart told the Bee. “They love thelr pet prob- ably more than the average person. Because, you know, the owner isthe pets home” ‘There's one more pressing reason for the homeles to have thelr pet: "Fean’t tell you how many times 16 juv/avousr sear De Stewarsay ofhichomelet cents, ve gotten alt moreomthemthan ate heyve poten rome: people told me their animals are their "eason for geting up inthe morning” Stewart sys ‘One fthose peoples Joe, an artic- ulate white-hated middle-aged man ‘who has landed on rough times, He says that is black-and-white mixed ‘reed is ie “When fest hi the streets, 1 was lms tothe point where had given Uupy he said in a video that Stewart posted on the GoFundMe page, "This og was an answer to my prayers Every morning I wake up, ber tal is wagging, She's always giddy don't feel hat ionelines. something hap. pened to hee. dontknow wat id do. ‘To have somebody like Dr. Stewart come out here to take care of my dog jst because it's the rght thing to do, thar’ huge? Everyday Heroes, and know that fam nea” insribed on Giving the | siamptnsmaes cin 3 Scorer enact Gifts on Her | Sieve inom Birthday teen sctinoerers For her 47th, In 204, she founded Love with Skin On, an organization By Garotne Fanning dedicated to doing good deeds near | her home in Roanoke, Veginis, and Dz LL Gor the standard | beyond. Its moto is stmple: Be Love vrellwisheson Facebook on her | DoS Strd birthday but she gorsome | Over the years Ferrell ha reached ‘unusual messages oo. ne was about | out and touched well ver 100 sang a femily In Minne: ets, some found via Sota who had just ose Facebook eallouts, thelr four-yeer-old ‘others wih help fom son to cancer. His her grandkids. In an- der brother, aut: ther act of giving, tle and nonverbal she shares he favor. was especially gret- ite inexpensive and stricken. Could Fe ‘creative gift idess on sellhelp? Pinterest for others ‘That message and rouse, ‘he 30 ors hese Ferrel pays for ev- it wore exactly what ‘erything herself: gift Ferrell was king foe cards, pry-ie forward ‘To celebrate her 53rd, purchases at drive the ongtine social ee ee Coughs sad ee Service profesional feteteepratermmbnrse_ GEN ce tnd cried sete the gas takes (0 tad put out a eal on her Facebook | play fay godmates Her amy of, { Page. She wanted to commit 8 ran- | ten gies her some ext bithday cash dom actsof kindness bythe end ofher | with a stern warning not to spend it birth month, and she needed infor- | on anyone else, which she naturally ‘mation on people who could use one. | ignores. “1 got a couple of Amazon When she gotthe note about the Min- | git cards for my bithday this yearand nesota family, she sent a wind chime | was lke ‘YESSS'" I's Ferrell's party, wih the message “Listen tothe wind | and she'l give ifshe wants to. BL ee Ta € HOUSEPLANT CEMETERY LIFE United States When our tour group centered a cafeteria forbreakfas, the woman walking in ‘with me made a beeline forthe carrot cake. Butjustas she reached fora sce, she thought beter 18 jwr/avouer 031 ofitand withdzew her hhand.As she tuned "was diving with my ‘young win grandsons ‘when their mother calle. A we chatted over the ea’ Be: tooth speaker one of the boys yelled out | tom the back “He, ‘Mom, guess who this ist Is tme or Lake?” ‘After a light pause, the boys! mother re. marked “And he's the (Coral springs oid Me, before cote: Ugh, whys everyone shouting? Me, after cote: OK, yes, do see the fre now. | yanica sex ‘My husband walked in the room and sai “How's my sleeping beauty?" [smiled and opened my eyes just in time to see him pat my sleeping puppy's head. waristoxnonsD very dea. "Idi she wouldn'tbring chem ‘gas station outside of | anymore? the park Ourdaughter | —oave connan leaned overa wat Vero Beach, Forida fountain, and justas she was aboutto tke | ay Fbithad stopped ‘sip, the water shot up | working, which meant land sprayed her face. | Twouldt get any ‘The gasstaion | credit forall he steps atendant smiled. ook during my up ‘That’ wiy we call | coming Zumba clas. ROM Facet” Lai, my husband —snannox came tothe rescue. ELSON wooo Handing me bis Fb, Lavirkin Utah he sad, Here, take mine. need the ‘urmaging through | exercise iy ederiy mothers | —osnntn wauis freezer {found pierogi | Centennial Colorado and ofered to cook them fore. “Noy she aid. "Your | oor A FUNNY stone sistermade them, but | about ends or Tdon'like perogi”” | fan? Ico be *Didyoutelher | worth SSS For details shat” Lashed Se page 4org010 “Ofcourse not? she | np.cou/sunMtr, YOU EAT IT! NO, YOU EAT IT! + my husband wants omake caulitower rust pizza, sonomihaveto unto the grocary tore sn inda new husband ~womommajessie + Aoparenty, pack Sppleinimy year-old tuner soteangetoutot thehouseforafen hur —wobranhopecomedy + Asachi,tutys Totundarstandhow geod had not having Todecidawhattoeat fo ner ever single night. ~vajonoysun + Mec i don't getty our sare such pik et rss just ood. ate Wie: Have aad Mer'arathere ~exbiedingUnicor + Amst the sroery Roreithout yng abagoFspring cto {row unopened, to thegarbageintwowedks, ~worhisisarewos, PON nen BOARDING BASS In clical il, thse taking Nytotig ma ower pat the boom anchadfowerlosk than USE OF MYRBETRIG IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION ontinued) ‘howe ot king Met, Your MYRRETROY(riabogeneterosracaso I inch anay osha tie enphing soit you madi adios cag reat may vay {abies prescipion mosena er ade seo YouRareaveakehestoar youhavolvserktey podem veaitoteafowctveoate ORE) | I \iaseTRO mm cae analargereacion” Themestconnen setecte EGE oer specyimaar ucla. | tng ae mtrcenge WNMBeTarse hintaan SAFETY INFORMATION eranteataficayeating Sepustg pane srl tienes ec ea PRESCRIBED brfstgctlentctlecnas a BET and gore te nearetherptal” —rasogharrg wary ear Hfecan Grsmaseesmecmmany Opeth YRCETRODN cuasestecto Pca crt enay Reacre mmabegencr syne MYREETRO. 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Sreal 4 800-ROA-1088. relengabetsompy urbe Teyour cme nung itvRBEt eG tly docs Kastellas : Se ae 0: Myrbetriq” dt scoala ea i a pepe ee Bodunon Facebook Ed BE ee ee Important Facts About MYRBETRIQ” (mirabegron extended-release tablets) Rx Only Active Ingredient Nyt (rab ecard ate ts) 2 mg 50mg Purpose (erate Bier (OAB) Symptome eaten Uses Mbt (reer SEH presctson medioaton vedo at te wih thefolonng symptoms cue oa concn cae overactive Hadar mUige wry Incontinence Song nod to ina wth ling or wating acer Urgency a. tong eco ial ight suoy mFequeny-urnting en Warnings ‘Do not ike Meri you a allerg o abegron or ary fh ingests in Mjbsti, See feed fi summery for capt it oF grein Myvi, Most Common Side Effects |g lod pressure mph or swing of he rose ero nasophanyng) muay ‘rat recson meade Tal your doco you hav ay side tect tat bothers your tht dss not o nay rif youve sneng te fce ps trguer toa hes tin rahe oh wi tang Mabey The arena al he possible ie lots of Mybati Fe marina ak your ‘lca pharmacist You may repert side effects tothe FDA at T-800-FDA-1088 ‘or wd gou/modwatch Directions "Tato Myboiq enact 25 your doctor ele yout tla wT 1 Mbt table tine ‘cya Mbt with nator ard evalow the tate whole mDa nt cho, beak ‘xcrsh tlt You canal Metra wither winut ood ml you mara cose Mtb thot oon as poo. thas ben moe han hous sine tg the ‘st dae of Myatt sp fet dose a take er doce lhe ua uta too much Mbt al your ocr or go 1 the ears Pespal emageray ‘oom ight away Serious Side Effects. ‘increased blood pressure~You nd you dco shol chock your blood pressure hile yous taking Myr. Cal our doctor yu hv nerenee lad pressure ‘inability to empty your blader (urinary retention) Te your doc itary var unable to erly yur Baccermangloedema-ifterg may cause wale ‘eacion wh welng of ep, face, trgun or rot wih or trot ey breathing ‘Sep ushg Mybetrg and goto tre nares hosp ergo oom ight en. Tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions, including: ‘nie problems crkidhypobions mvey high nce blood resous mee ering yori you hav a Wook io eur yu re prego fan bream pregrant. ts not cw Mya wham yur nto aby, Tako your ecto yu we prego plan to become pregrant. you ar bocaeaing plan to breasted Its not inown Mya posses ro your beat mk Tako your dtr sou ‘heat way to fed your baby you the Mbt Myrbetria may affect the way other medicines work, and other medicines may safect how Myrbotg works. Tell out doctor abou il the medicines you taka, Incdgpresenpton and verte courtr modes tania nd ha sopplemonts Telyour doctor# you ake: mio ela or ar 5°) efane ertrer pepere oe" san (ar wan Keep Myrbeti and all medicines out ofthe reach of children, Inactive Ingredients Butte hyrotduen,hycrnyprony cellos, yprmeloce, magnsien ster, poets acc ethan ners one 5m Nj ale) ed yotow For more information about Met talk to your heath care provider. Mybetig® and VESIoare® ae rgitered trademarks of Astaas Pharma ne ‘Mother tredemusks ar the property of thar especie owners 122021 Aatallas Pharma US, Io. 057-4508-PM 4/21 Feel Happy, Even When You're Not As simple as it sounds, plastering on a smile can be the first step toward cheering yourself up Nessie ot 20h-century America Hs alongs nich asthe Four Fecoms feries fom World War It and The Problem We Al Live With om the Chats morement were lnended J to evoke the best in people who saw them: hope, solidarity, courage, jus tice. But much of his work also in- spied happiness, capturing scenes a lightherted joy. Consider Shiner, whieh depicts a young gil wit black eye sitting outside the princi Pal’ office with a grin that tells you She as jst been the victorin combat. Thave seen these paintings my hole life starting with my grand. fathers beloved dog-eared coffeetable book of Rockwell’ greatest works. A | pining press operator in Longview, ‘Washington, my grandfather was no art connoisseur. But he gave this a sessment of Rockwell: "Thevepietures make me feel happy. | “and yet Rockell himself stragled with happiness. In 1953, he moved to Stockbridge, Massachusetts, bu colle town in the Berkshires —not for Its natural beauty and peace but be- cause it happened tobe the home of ‘a psychiatric hospital where he and his wife could receive treatment for cchronie depression. There he was 8 patient ofthe world-famous peyeho ‘analyst rik ron with whom Rock well racked up a therapy bl so large | athe nado accept commissions or | juuvyavousr 2001 25 Kellog’s Com Fakes magazine ads, ‘That a man with euch significant happiness problems would be known for painting images of undeniable happiness might seem oni. In eat isnot strange at all Research shows not only that you can bringjoy to th fers even ifyou're unhappy but also ‘hat doing so is reliable way ttm- prove your ovn well-being 10. The key sto at like a happy person ‘would even if you don ee ike ast year, researchers atthe University of (California at Riverside asked people to behave in either extroverted or ino verted ways for one week, Those who purposely acted extoverted—which ‘decades of research have shown is ‘one ofthe mor common characters: ‘es athappy people saws signet increase in wellbeing. (Meanvhile, acting ntoverted led toa decreas Similary, spending money on others and valuneering have been shown 0 raise one's own happiness levels. One plausible explanation is that protocal behavorsinducea cognitive Alissonance—t feel unhappy, but Tam tcing happy'—which people resolve subconsclousy by feeling hepplet. Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at the University of Herordshie, nthe United Kingdoms calls this the As If Principle Ifyou want to feel acer tain way, actasifyou already do and your brain will gant you that feeling atleast for a while. In common pat: lance, “Fake iil you make I Tam not stggesting that “Fake it Ull you make its a substitute for ‘traditional medical weatment fr de pression, of couse. Rockwell was in formal therapy mos of his adult ie ‘But his happy paintings were clearly part of his weatment. As Rockwell biographer Deborah Solomon pa ont, He war painting. hislonging” ven if not literally, you can use the Rockwell formula wo bring joy t0 your: self and the peope around you when you are down. First, ask what happy people in your station would do fo make things bette or themselves nd others. Hove would they greet others Inthe frst eal ofthe day? How would they write an e-mail? Whom would they call just to check i? If you're stuck, interview happy people you nov about hele hings they do for thelr acquaintances and loved ones "Next make a plan to follow through on everything you just imagined. ‘Write thee iden forexra-kind gret- ing on a Post Rt note and stick tbe low your computer screen before that Zoom or phone cal. Draft sample femal in the voice of «happy per fon and use a a templets By de- beratelyprepating yourel to cheer up the people around you the way 3 hhappy person spontaneously would, youll eeate the conditions by which ‘You can produce your own happiness turally—and give dhe git of hap ‘ess to others a well. per Dee CS SHAPEWEAR FABRIC FOR COMFORT & mica 0 <9) 6) (0) GUARANTEED an ec] p wee OH WHERE? | 1s oF sons that oa es Picci ibase ig Re, What ie surpssing: Big edi only 3 fet tal pipotueak Beaten opt oe tet Care Hatteras Lighthowse, the nation's tallest Bot ig Red ised to wand Ing tothe cmpeton. ts ne of the most photgrphed lighhoutes ins wn» state hati home to tote lighthouses than any inte County: Another one of Big ed's special qualites isthe rat ight house shat stands watch over two betes of water (and ne face prety reso What lighthouse tt eet © doubting Point Maine © cope Spencer, Alaska @ Marcus Hook, Delaware @ Holtand Harbor, Michigan | ‘A Match Made in Cartoon Heaven | andi ft © YOUR TRUE Home Away from Home | é Myvifeand wer on vacation at Yellowstone. love li During abost tou oneot | —noxwa powats aicn Kennebunk Maine theboatsworkersasked | ‘everyonewneretney | ~ wereffom. The coupe ea ‘rect behind uss len that hey were tom New Jersey moni fom there, ol turned around and recognized my best fend rom high schoo! Holned the ence con after graduating a0 years agoandwetadlest ‘ouch, but we've stayed Incontaet versince we recommctathadny | TheNeed for Speed | shore othe edo a Asateeragesmygend- | mounts seed and ice Be fthersreamedet hero | soot the wind at a hone ister dnt | Spend To cpt ag nsertand wy the: | tant ets teucaryogredto lt | hetny 1 yen Tomapuom me | mygnndatarwank | cox Wenwchasos ‘stories or subma one, ‘inorder to-eamenough | my son asked, "Now do gotoxn.con/sroms, | moneytobuyoneihne | yosuderand hy uepubishyourin | Seusutatapcting, | vance the print magazin, could be worth $100, ‘fandiathr aking about isboyhoodionging or 80 yur/avover 08 | uuvsrnarion ay lone Lambie AMERICAN GOLD RESERVE WEALTH PRESERVATION ESA. TENCER aNTED BY THE US. MINT TRIORED BY CONES eee teen Seer Seton erry omni) Cesena ean pS eee Deeg) eT ements enters Poe reas TE Protect your wealth by investing in U.S. Government Gold. Cea ke rm Only 2,500 Left! FINAL RELEASE Limited Offer $195: ee eer eerie) eee ne First Come, First Serve 13 THINGS | ‘00 oi think sand is ge | sett td come imevery color The black and inten an Stor hs lene | olivine only a handful of beaches Ihave enough ofitto appear distinctly seen. And on Rainbow Beach in ‘Australia, he sand appears in more ‘minerals mixed into it Bermuda's | than 70 colors pink beaches ge thee color fom the red and pinkshellof tiny marine | ~~) saND can taste good. We think oft asthe blanket cover beach, but technically sand is eatures. Bren rareris green sand, ‘whose color comes from the mineral. | 2 runuseaanion ay Serge Boh anymateial made up | of gains measuring sx ‘one-hundredth of millimeter two mili meters in diameter ‘With that deiition, salt and sugar qual 5 init sand ust be heated termore than 2800 de | grees Fro Become ase The cdot and fate) esate is lighting when a bole ‘um sturr onthe | sikes dry sad iin shores ean come | stanly melts and fuses fromavariey of | te sand inte hallow source, including fom | branching glass tubes. the poop of parotish, ‘which eat algae and Nor aun sands dead coral andexcrete | (5) suitable for build- Ing. Desert sand of sanda year Sound _gross Peres, but the sand that comes out | hundreds of pounds |stoo smooth forthe fof parotish i what youll ind on some of Hawaii's most beautifal ‘white sand beaches. ofits desert has to Import sand inorder to build its ete. wih much of the worl ‘urbanlzng, the demand sim, wostsand | forsand hs skyrocke ‘comesttom gran- | eted, Sand extraction ulated rocks that | isa billion-dollar steeamscaryto the | industy worldwide. Sea~some te billion tonsofteach year oon sre sand Yetrewesotiion |Z Serer tons of sand arand maa in ind thewerd annual to | sila take sand make paper ping and_| tom any beach {he silicon chips that Power eompaters. is aval though many tourists sl do, Swping Stoincontruion | tandem te hale somigacescn- | tnt co Grebe nd! lend you nal wae you ie on the beach, you're lounging on some. one's ving oom, Most ofthe creatures who ‘all sand home ae imleroscopic. There are as many 38 «millon fem in Justa square ‘meter of sand, though liogether hey weigh less than a tenth of ‘ounce. On the other fend ofthe spectrum, larger animate sch as sea tres lay thelr eggs Insand. Notallof thea hatch, and those that, don't hatch provide na: {cients forthe plan fe that grows inthe dunes. court's notable sand dunes are in states with lite or no coastline. Indiana has only 45 miles of shore- line, butte Indiana Dunes National and State Parks welcome bout es many visitors year as Yellowstone ‘Atinore than 700 fet high the Gret Sand Dunes in Colorado ae the nation’ tallest Bring board and you can “sur” them. READER'S DioEST 12 Things Jn Binz, Germany's cy l immo. | on te sland of Rigen [Be Sand—ona | inthe Bale Sea ttok | Le) more stars dunesin the desert or | steam of20almost | inthe untvere than atthe beach—eanshit | Amonth mconstict. | gainsofsand on the ‘uidiy.Sandbarsare | The highs peak was | words beater Of Specialy dangerous. | near 8eethigh. | course, neither canbe ‘They ean be submerged inamarer of mines, cemaoewaran | researchers atthe Uni- andpides often om [Deena versity of Haast. intreaksn the bar. mann 1816 | mated the number of Quicksand snotneatly | Shorstory Der Sand | gna ofsand on earth asdendly as movies | mann" populated the | Ther answer: seven Imighthaveyou believe. | mythaboutacreaure | anda half gino. you dofisdyoursett” | whosprinkiessandin | (ats 75 allowed by stack ean backto | oureyes while we slep. | 17 2een) Mera counted. But Aisibute our weit | One ves ofthis ‘over alarger area. tale isthatehe sand Induces sweet dreams, ‘ruswonns | hencethelyicsof the a tlessandenle | Chores tong wasbulltin | *MrSandman, bring 2019 tthe anmualsand | mea dream (bung. sculpting estval held | bungbung bung)" = eee — ‘Always a Dull Moment ‘Are you worried about sing your blood pressure? le gray your favorit color? ‘Ten the Dull Men's lub Calendar wi ook great on your lank wall Each month features an ant-beefeake plnup fully dressed lid, and chosen forhis uniquely uninteresting pastime. One man photographs eleshone poles. ‘Another colts envelopes. Two brothers created a museum filed with hee ‘cuckoo clocks—more than 300f them. In the pat the calendar inclaed only British men (because: Prince Charles), but his year’s features several Yanks, and oven few women. One of them California student Elena Kamas ‘whe takes pctures of ferent "Slippery When Wet” sign that leaning ereves ston newly mopped lors. Thevarity is endless! you want tose them for yours. the calendar seller $12 on Amazon. Enoybut not toe much, $4 poorer anan | econ SAVINGS SO REAL YOU GAN ALMOST TOUGH THEM, Sotho GEICO od sechowest could Beto se ony arn ‘Sin vat pieacom opetsare leocom | 1-000-947-286|Locl Oc READER'S DIGEST Kudos to therapists for resisting the natural | Aer taing my time at i Sr One Peotone. theshoe sor aay 3 idle hrs lla ie found a pair of flats that “werosuconens ene finds Of couse, decency thatshe | “Whatwouldbe your | beau isin the eye fdmonished my and- | mainsvengihr” | ofthe beholder and fathertobemoreike | "Wel, ean commis | when {rout tem Im sheknew tat | nistewithanimals «| ypto he rege he ‘ne day tis kind Wow impreave_| cashier gave them Stranger would berec- | Anyweainesses” | Sto stareview: ognized bythe world | "Theycantunder- | "They make te uges fochiedeods sodabe | sand me? sos thse day vasright Onemom~ | “y@enD100s oi oerdcom Ing Grande pled he ne _ Thereone tone | BUTYOU CAN CALL ME MR, PLOW “oni thoughttotake my phone witime, Dagewasaplcure | None Deparment afc asked residents Teoulébegeting some work one” there Hisname: | fOrlggestnamesforieight new snewpiows, then aGpane ictreentpictha veer ind twine AtCopone semua | wer, Py Nrlonface Deesthatoddmanr ‘argument. I walked of their regulars was y Harbor Townshit asvi. pie sola Manon yest wae uote these neat injstinimewohear | acharming man who Ravtawy P| ne eventing rene nm made tec natty, || | tesipertor dave | seemed tbe these: + €3F5r0W |) | adevstnginsul, | terotacenton wher ‘Aden spate outside + Svar Bizaohands WORK ||| ersstetiougic tse | crerbe went Tough carpeooing cor + Fatesupetor J) | tueicjoueeryning | shear know icrinstock we + forvouriceOniy === Snorandeusih onan gant. as + lakesnowtecone lontknowanyhing?” | mother dm Be crams owas a ikelwe Twocoworkers ofmine | —MICHAEL JOLL ‘heembraced everyone 8 ‘Warren, Michigan Tue a thepostoffce—a | New Wndor New Yor: | asfmty-Hedsend § supervisor and aleter food basketstothe = E> Canierwereavays | mwas 1930scheago— | poo: pay oben reat, 34 © Nevrmne ur each othersthoas. | thehelgtotthe | andhelp peoplewith EM? happenta you at work? ecenly hey were | Depression My rand | their woubes Ico be worth 38. aitagtn,tstines | paentsownedasmall | Grandma was so : realbam bumerofan | grocerystore,andone | stuckbyhisinnate 3 2 36 yuu/nvouer sxe recom 37 cohe HUNGER IN AMERICA GROWING HOPE IN AN URBAN GARDEN HE BROWNS Mill Parkneigh- | But aout ve years go, seed was Dorhood of Atlanta is what's | planted in Browns Mil that has known asa food desert—the | grown, qulte literal, nto something nearest grocery store isa 30-minute | beaut bus ide away, and many of the The Conservation Pund, an env communit’s2,700resents:eed | ronmental nonprof, teamed up with Public transportation to getthere, | the ely of Alana and the US. Forest Service to transform a local seven acre pecan farm into a community food forest, Thousands of volunteers cleared the space underneath the tres, planted the crops, and bar vested them for vistors to stock thelr retigerator. Tod, Browns Mil resident in need can pick-or jusepick up—hundreds of varieties of fruis, vegetables, mits, and herbs tno cos. Atlant’ urben fod fret snow the largest of about 70 com- ‘munity food forests in the country. “The urban food forests more than Just free food says Celeste Lomas, food forest manager and herbals. | -tsabout nealing” BEA A wor OF 6O0D di i ; a a i cuLTuRE ‘The Children Will Teach Them, Not long ago, the Wikipedia entry for Paris contained more information ‘han the ents forthe entre cont rent of Acs Surprised? The org nizers of the Moleskine Foundation, ! nonprofit that funds worldwide education iniitves, certainly were. ‘They were even more shocked to dis cover that most ofthe Afica-elated entries were written by Wester. So the Moleskine folks decided to turn that geographic disconnect into ‘teachable moment. The founda- son's WikiAtea Education program Solicted help from teachers and st ents across ia. Today, the wit ‘contains moe than 40,000 pieces contributed by students, many wri ‘en in thei native Afican languages. |[sere ree 000 sPorTs. Soceer to the Rescue Soccer teams areal about goal, but tals A‘ Roma cub went after a bigone: helping tnd lost. clallren Profesional soccer teams In aly wil often introduce new players via Twitter, usally with funny one-liner that socee crazed fans have come to love, Roma de cided to leverage is sizable Titer following by paling the announce ‘ment ofeach new player with the photo ofa missing child, much ike the bygone US, milk carton program Inthe past yea, Roms’ lost-child posts have helped return seven chaldren to their fails, Other feams, including A.C Milan, have followed Roma's led. ‘vA. Romateam tweet bout amising American A Holocaust Survivor Finally Gets Her Diploma By Sydney Page ' 1939, aumiam Schreber should | “It has been a profound regret of have started fst grade. Instead she | min, all my ie says Miriam, spent that yeat—and the following | Decades later, though, the now-89- five—tying co survive. She was ving | yearold Holocaust survivor finaly got Jn Poland when World War I broke | something se had always longed for ‘ut. *My entice life was disrupted | s highschool diploma ‘within minstes”she say. "Iwaslook- | “From the fire ne I met Miriam, ing forward wo starting school” shetold mehov disappointed she was ‘She never made | tohaweneverhada formal education 40 pursavauer 01 ntmernernon 2 Get emtong, sp Bs ap nc wort | nut ey gga aod ianayereenyertc | soe ze Cretan poem | eee ee mean eg eae | Steere ate meee ees “ol od liom brand | inpcteneas as a ad epeetinecleercey | creams met on openness | pereee a e EcRifoa uate dancin | bovot arene ee SOc Sma nee | eee tiaing er ‘eal met alee pee [erate eat tna tan hasten pce | terPune cheba especameeeecetee | te geste te eevee chen Nel pc of be aes passed ese th on Ss te |“WE WERE ON THE RUN ‘nate tao ryan | VE WERE ON THE RU class to decide, as they would be shar- | inter genionsth ee howe | WHERE TO TURN, IT ‘He brought a few seniors to Mir WAS CHAOS.” eos eee rea members went to e displaced per. sons camp in Germany, where they ‘aan ws non Ina village just out | faced continued discrimination and side Warsaw in 1932. Life was good, | anti-Semitism. shesays Then the warstared. Miriam | There, Miriam met her husband, and her family spent months hiding | Saul Schreiber, also a displaced sur ‘oom the Nazis starting when she was | vvor at che camp, ‘seven. They ran rom vag ovlage | "The couple marred in Germany 1nd foresttoorestina perpetual tate | when Miriam was 15, and they had of pani. ‘thee st child a yet lte. “We were om the run all the time | » "We needed to rebuild our live and didn't know where to turn’ says | whatever way we could” says Mam Miriam. *We were always cold and | adding that having a child gave them hungry. lewas horibl. Iwas chaos? | hope fra beghte ature Soom after the war started, the fam- | The couple left Germany in 1948, lly was transported to a slave labor | and lived in Israel, then Sweden, and ‘camp in Siberia, where they spent | then in another displaced persons ao, READBW's DIGHST Everyday Miracles ‘amp in Germany before nally im migrating te America in 1960, "Saul worked ina chicken marke, and I went to workin a bakery, make ng 99 cents an hous” says Mita, Getting @ formal education was never an option for het. She snd Saul ocused on sending thelr two sons to school dhs ging their ids oppor lies they never hed. “We became successful because of my parents ays Bernie Schreiber, 73, who was a teacher for 22 years. "My brother Bob was able to buy and bul his own busines successful. eet my parents, but especially my mother, forher dogged determination” Over the years, Mitiam learned seven languages. Her parens taught hherPolishand Yiddish, but she aught herself Russian, English, German, He brew, and Swedish,“ educated my: self” she says “Tread books day and Tell do” “min awe of her’ says Berle, So were the high school seniors ‘who heard Miriam's stor, “We had a class meeting and discussed how to honor her” said Shoshana Olkin, 19, one of the st ‘dens who went fo Mian’ home. “The class instantly sald Yes, lets eee sive her an honorary diploma” says rincipal Nabe The dea wasto present Miriam wlth Aipioma at the Schoo graduation ‘eremony, but when COVID- Is hit the service became vital andthe honor. sty diploma plan was puton pause. "But we il realy wanted 6 do this for het” says Brander. “Italked to her fant to come up with away that was ‘cOvIDendly On August 16, during a socially ds tunced ceremony inthe school gym, ‘Miriam Schetber was presented with ‘high sebool diploma from the New England Jewish Academy. ‘Wearing her cap and gown, she walked to the podium with “Pomp and Circumstance” playing as her family and members ofthe Jewish community watched with pride “When I finaly got the diplome, "kissed it” she says 1 just couldn't believe twas mine” “There weren't too many dry eyes among te 30 of us there” says Nabel Miia’ family was especially moved, *T’m not sure she even realizes the Importance ofthat moment to me! says Bernie. “Tam so proud of het” ‘This Recipe Realy Adds Up Thesum ofthe cabbage cect proportional tothe square oot ‘ofthe carot vided by the mayo. Thats Cole's Law. Wesson 42 swerascurr 00 | LO 6 fant oN Cel U CT ees Peace ere beep you dry and comfortable (ORME Es READER'S DIGEST LAUGHTER ‘THE BEST Medicine tte ony and his fiend Tomy were ‘on their very Rest an Fide. vendor selling, ‘concessions came by, and Tommy’ mother ought each child a candy ba, Johnny eagerly tore int is ust a the wain went nto ‘tunnel When the tran emerged, Johnny ‘saw that Tommy was sil srugling with the wrapper “t woulda’ teat that Itt were you. johnny. sald Tommy. realy boring people | are silat the back “Why nt? asked | unalyoutalteseep. | ofmy cupboard, Tommy Kvonline sedating, — | “yacaourro “Hecausetookone | —fon Haney, “Tavtched the bite and went blind for | comedian Inbels onal my wits hala minute? spices. im notin ~soamomounimacon | Seon to Taste twoube yet, atthe | +'Spicesweretise | thyme cumin vecremadan app | broughtio Europe | “Submited tobelpwithinsomnia, | inthe Middle Ages, | josrn urrtent Teles youtakto other | andsome of them’ | Denn Calsada 44 pur /avcuer soar "So, would you ike Start each day with a positive though, ike “Lean go back to bed in about 16 hours.” —vansmaasissues stomilion? | "Noy the man sid “Halfof my estate?” “No the man sid, Aprist,a minister, | say, “Ifyouswimalap, | “ARIYouwantto andarabbitvalk ino Twillgiveyou S10 mil | marry my daughter? blond bank The | lon, halfofmyestte, | “Noll want the name ofthe man who bisays, “Tehink | orm daughter's hand Tmightbe type 0" | inmarrage. But there’ | pushed ment" Submited by Asharkinthe pool” | “aonaneons vincent corrscnatx |” Oneday ashe said Dallas Teas this there wasaloud | =m splash. Aman vama | GOTA FUNNY 1oxEt Aweatthy businessman | lap ofthe pool and got_|Ireould be worth $8. led to show his party | outjustasthe shark | For deta, goto ‘mess his poland | thudded nto the wall, | np.cow/susrr EVERY TRICK IN THE BOOK ‘Sibi canbe so clever! Before you dveinto your summer reading, atch out for bookselrs (an brains uling pranks socom 45 Poa ei cP 4 Hens | My Divine Bovine Jennathe Cow | Miliamsbur. virgo Durham, tiansoure, via North Caroling, in my Subaru to pick up the ite calf. named her after the x AND ten twin brother were | wonderful fam gl who saved elie born on a North Carolina dairy | "Jenna was so sweet and ay curled min 2018, Female calves with | up on a blanket in the eat, and T {tin brothers ate often infertile, so | was too nervous to stop ding the Jenna was st tobe killed shortly af- | ride home, Sure, she had afew get ter her birth, Fortunately, the dairy | dents on the oad, but nothing could farmers 16-year-old daughter con- | dampen my spirits at having a chance vinced her dad tolether find a home | to rescue this lite gi for Jenssen. Whe Jenna was | fd Joa theses dey for Just three days old, I drove from | sic months and spent many nigh 46 swraveue READEWS DIGEST Best Pet Pals — enn the bar to make sure she never fle Aye lonely. She loved to ciel and chase PRO PL sme at bot time. When iran empry, She would Readbuttmy stomach try to get mil out of me. 'm prety sure she actualy thinks her mother. Tenn stl loves to play headbutt, where we put ourheads together and sh. She usually ets me win. Oc Casionaly, she shakes her horns and ‘noes them into my head —and feels bad as soon as she reales she burt se. She has so much fun pretending ur strength is close to equal, even ‘hough she could easly throw me | Jennahelpedealthe del wit Pi cross the yard if she wanted to But | fant le. sselsnowhis"wngcow= she slays ready to break fr hugs. lugs are one of her favorite things. | in a bright pink harness Jenna loves She'll presser head into me and just | to meet new people. She also gets to hold the poston for 20 minutes, | show off hov she learned to shake Tf Tdon'tcome outside carly enough | hooves” for alfalfa treats, She ie 20 to getherinthe morning Jenna wil | much ike « puppy-—a puppy who alk round the house fom window | weighs oer 1000 pound, to window and then stand on the | Mallory my fancée, actualy ved back porch mooing for me to come | across the country when she sa a ut and play. She wants to be in- | video of Jenna and me on an ant ‘luded in absolutly everything do, | mal rescue ste. We began working wether ifs working inthe yard (often | together to rescue another cal, and {of something she inocked dowa) | Mallory son came out o visit usin for eating inthe kitchen (where he | Virginia She quickly won Jenna over y Ce ee eee ed watches through the window), When | proposed last August. Bringing Mal i a A sous Ioana was weld rng bein | lyin cmed bathe (G79) tte maior aera Beas the house for carrots. She no longer | tie of"wingeove” S tatting in the feeding. fits through the doors, so we fed her | —Nominatd by nYAN PusLses carots through the tchen window, | ———— 2 fur earot drive-through Want to read more Pet Pls tales? " T take her for walks around ous | See nominees at nD:COM/PETeNAS. city. Tourists always do & double- | Fale will appear in our take at the man strolling witha cow | October isue 48 jwv/nvousr2en | rocou | whole and make a small punc- tire in the skin with a fork or skewer Then squeeze out ‘hat youneed without drying gee |2 Lighten a Heavy | Here Comes the Sun Saver Plant Pot ‘Ao Have eure choles butt park the unforgiving anoeane Heavinga | Sunwithnarya shady spot nar covered grape tobe Sant planer around | seen? so, oncein park tun the searing wheel sothe ‘andoanumberon | topisupsise down and res of the windshields dest Yourback spect | sh ven you heel ano sagen you Youreuingymovetin | wilbeatetochecomfottietoutcrn rats Indoor sige crrntndyou oie Sithouregsuten | youcolt Neti you | Gesiyotsecity | Save Hundreds with an Remized BAL Seo matees® | soveSee to pratt saver, Bolenmnetnsba | fryustobetormnd esan ere risus disintegrates inwatee, | toothbrush, housekeeping—all things that should pemesmnme | Setecadlntacancltercon’ sense DecsConlaptne | Dever pesonSetiogan On cre sacttcandiny Se | recat bing coarmerthen cso aed mares “haves (One Howicanemt Stato) Give Pesky Sand the Brush-oft curanine A day atthe shore is lovely, but bringing half the beach back to the house on your legs is ‘ot. Pack. jar of cornstarch among the shovels ‘and boogie boardsto sprinkle ver legs and feet before getting in the ca: Itsoaks up all the ‘moisture that sand clings to Gust as baby powder does, but without the scent), making it easy to brush off, (But sand isn all bad! Flip to page ‘32 to read about its finer points) maovoaapus oy foleen Zubee ul IFE WELL ‘uve | A Song in His Heart An encounter with a waiting room songstress unlocks a side of my father I'd rarely seen before Alzheimer’s By Deborah Stock A soe Inboratory cine Avice ont ey fwoman son he edge of¢ iran room chi belng outte Ine une" Heart Go On? Other han a slight tythmie ocking ohertor tote ans there song ‘he was modonesy, with her ars Grose leguy ve her ches th litle efor she abet send her sweet high-pitched vole exploding Ino every comer ofthe sini had hin watching how peop ced. Thee wa ot of sing Insets, bt maint they wary verted hie eps ae ted pretend there wat nog ou of he cdnay vie Tas there wth my father who was sting one ino ee en he ‘roman sve, She sted int the seat direty across from my dad, Be ase she was so tny, she was forced to perch on the edge ofthe ehale 20 het feet could touch the floor. The Position made i seem as though she ‘were siting forward to engage in con ‘vorston with him, She led et, and he smiled back, Twas concerned about how my ded would react to the possible en troachment on his space He was 77 atthe time and had been living with ‘Alaheimer' for several years. He was ‘brilliant, introverted, eard-earying ‘Catholic military man who was suck Jed.and plumped on guilt obligation, nd humility. When he was healthy, he tolerated people's eccentricities dutifully but with healthy dose of silent reproach. He considered it ‘wholly bad mannered o bring undue | puv/auenst seat 6B READER'S DIGEST Life Well Lived somone Ane | Din wos uo detiton Sh Sars oeccnph snr ugabedie | Ucn te wraps pea Ui tee poke ing delay | ctctet conocer Pacteccnen onrsph mitts alee er pwtoatore Apri i nt | "Ty sie Coperiemee | at eters: wer ey Ter age babes| Say bran se ch he ast: pede Du. | aga een eciihrechin 3 teestoar | caplrtpubscah on cetioes ings hoe Ste drng bec. | cowed ne tosr eatin at Tasted beeen bart | are ioe Cavell bol ene ‘tad beng cot: | ocr otrlyos sae Set ened yr be vs | howe iter sartnn aria ‘eying aaah | Acyl abe amoeenaet opine ar | sels Speer icy ister | a ece poirot ee ast mnrertnr ayy: | surratciageiat tt Seteseaer en mato | reecintamane cee Seuldinon maseputepacagies neta Tis dn dtr he dminave | simp wa sent we ha svngtoe one i nd ur egg | art stud wih don Sintec iue Stans | bee et ich Sh nr | "Non rng en eh Joa tcitwr thing ie | nom bres en te woe ingimnectoeeroaigeges | ining acto ‘Soba se stned | thar be al Teta Thethowght of | Anda led anda “hank endorsed banat |p eletstapeetesntinayasas | seta ab yyy ae | eee ‘Autocorrect Stinks Again Hovehow voleto tex" Isalvayssoacarrt. THE Healthy Welles fom The Promise of Intermittent Fasting A popular diet trend works well for many weight watchers, and the benefits might extend beyond ‘your waistline sprten wy Rozalym 8. Pacer ke Man PsDPLE who pu on extra welght, Jerico C. as ‘orprised shen it happened io him. A native New Yorker who loved welking around the ety, be used to beable to eat whatever be ‘wanted srhenever he wanted and ‘tay prey thin. Bu then, well fe hhappened. A move to Callfornia sion 55 ‘meant more driving and less walk- | asked IF, sal he eiend, “IP what?” ing His advertising sales jb requited | Jerico responded. company dinners and later nights. | The answer was Intermittent fest- ‘Two kids eft ite une to think about | ing (IF): fasting completly for dis- cal eating, and get-togethers with | crete periods of ime and eating most his extended Filipino family meant | anything you want otherwise. That lots ofbigmeals. “When you welcome | can mean fasting for pars of day, anyone into your home, i's an auto- | day ata time, or two days a week. ‘atic feast”he says. Suddenly, Jerco | Jerico decided to try an 18:6 plan, fumed 40 and found 199 pounds on | which meant carving out a six his sicfoot fame, “had do some- hour window—say, from noon knit ‘hing diferent” he says. ‘6 pam—when he could eat whatever It was around that time that he he wanted and then going the next ‘ame across 9 post on social media | 18 hours with absolutly no food (out by friend who had dropped about | unlimited water, cof, ea, and other 60 pounds. How'd he do It Jerico | noncaoric beverages) Two and a hall eee ‘Thanks tomy genes, Ihave varicose veins and chronic “naling in my ankles ls have restless lg syndrome (RLS) And before turned 5, lgotupto pe two thee times aright. | dcied to research natural remedies and rendtht compression socks eddressed most of ny sss. Ualyor not had totry them. Todor radusted compression stckings—the con pression sstvongest at the ankleand gets ighte 35 ug Uptheeg. The est day, wore ther for afew housandne- ticodtnat my legs ddr aches much Eventhough ie ‘iced nat sleep inthe socks, hat ight gotup ony once tousethe bathroom. ve wor the socks most des since wth these su “Ihe soks give ny poor eustonabooeinthe ight raction-—2a rom imyankles andback sp tomy hear, resing ood ow toallmy vital oars. “Thestocings can aso help prevent eod lt. yourecosidenng tying {them on our own sick ft compression measurement cf 150 201g. Con ‘tyr doctor belo yng socks or sarcus onaton that mightreaure ‘restr compression. Usa Mare Conlin ag ‘The Healthy yearsand25 pounds later (ve or ake $ew, tania othe panei) ei haat looked back." ike io he Says Ithat made me realize that ot fppeite more ed to seeing food ‘han needing ict do miss breakfast, food thon fac rely have ‘reside for dant” "No one would soy that intermitent fatng sess, buithas mary evan tage There no countngealre, $Singsnackscung ot food gous, or other challenges that come with resus deting insted of oesing ‘nv youest deters do ona (Go procested fod, rans oF ug) ‘ns Cow cabs), Whole (0 sae, cohol, gain, day, legumes, and ther epnens, IF pus the emphasis fon when you eat “Rather than saying ust eat les; we tll them not 0 eat alter 6 pam. sys sabe Polit, RD, ‘utrtion director forthe Duke Diet and Fitness Center, “For those who have the dsepline, it works” No matter how long your fasting perio, the metabole impact on your body is similar. Typically, when we ‘ito bods break down the eabo Ibydats from the food and turn them Inco frm of sugur known as glucose, fone ofthe boy's prefered fuels. Un- ‘sed cose is stred fo ate in your liver So if you are eating thee meals ‘day, your body always has energy ‘on hand ar well a reserve ean ap. But when you're fasting, your body doesnt have a steady stream of food scou 57 to tum into energy. That means ithas to tap its reserves. After about eight hour, it depletes the stored glucose and neods another source of energy. Thisis when the body begins burning fat for fuel explains Mark P Mattson, PhD, adjunct professor of neuro. science at John’ Hopkins University Schoo of Medicine Baltimore, Ths ‘combined with the fact that you are AFTER EIGHT HOURS OF FASTING, THE BODY BEGINS BURNING FAT FOR FUEL. ‘Ukly taking in fewer calores during ‘the shorter eating window egolngto help get sid of excess weight. I chose were the only Benefits of 1 lt would be worth look for many people. But since the dieting fad has bbecome more widespread in recent years, states have discovered that ts Denes can extend far beyond what you see on you scale. Research in Nu triton fournal vealed that I reduces artery-blocking LDL cholesterol sll sstiaylyeerl, which use harden- Ing and/or thickening of the arteries. Both arterial conditins are major fc torsin heart disease. 2019 study in the New England Journal of Medicine reported sha IF might ward off neu rological diseases such as Alzheim- e's, Parkinson’, and Huntington's ‘The theory: The plaques that clog [58 jursaucuer 031 neurons in the brain feed on glucose, Not suprisingly, glucose reduction also benefits people with diabetes, A study published in 2018 in JAN Net work Open showed that the 6:2 det (iting calories to 500 to 600 per ay fortwo days and eating regulary for five days) results in weight os nd Improved bled suga control for peo ple with type 2 diabetes. These fasts ‘may promate autophagy, a deep cel- lular cleanup dha allows your body 0 purge old damaged cells ind replace them with new ones. ‘All that sald, intermittent fasting | isn'ta mimaele, and as with any stret, ‘let regimen, you should consul your doctor and earfuly weigh the bene- fits against the potential side eects. People with dabetes heart disease or ‘out should know thatthe lack of food ‘uggers steep dips in blood sugar, Alliypes of fasting can cause head- aches ating, weakness, and deby- Aration, says Seott Kahan, MD, the director of the National Center for ‘Weight and Weilnes in Washington, DC. TF could back, leading to ln created appetite and binge-eating as ella a slower metabolism. And go- Ing without fod ir recipe for being hhangry—you may fel itableon fast days, say Krista Varad, PAD, professor ‘fnueition athe University of lino, Chicago. What's more a randomized ‘contol rial pulsed in 22020 sue ‘ofthe Journal of the Amerean Medical Assocation found tat most of the t= ‘es lost welghewas lean mel, not at Lastly you are under igh levels ‘ofstressor in intense athletic tain- ing consider steering clear. Especially avoid extreme 36:12 fasting, which calls or 12 hours of unlimited esting followed by 35 hours of zero calories When you do any type of fast, part of the benefit comes from milly stressing your body; just like ‘when you lit weights, you damage ‘the muse to make Iestonger” says ‘The Healthy Robin Foroutan, RD, an integrative ‘medicine dittan in New York Clty land spokesperson for the Academy of Nutstion and Dietetis, “With fast Ing, you are sresing out the body, Dut it ges stronger in response” And, ‘you tick ro he program, Itcan get thinner oo. Wh reporting by Denise Man, Kim Fredericks and Corey Whelan The Coronavirus- Diabetes Connection hast seLendon 104} > anton the COVID-9 pan Piste tenet ile people with dabetes sve mo mor ey toe te dense {ban the general population, hey were mare Ihay fo Become sicker Iams out that the lon be tween COWD-19 and diabetes gos two ways Some people wn a Hisoryof abt were showing th full-blown diabetes a the time they were experiencing severe COVID-18" says Francesco Rubino, MD, chair ‘of metabolic and bariatric surgery At King’s College London, who co-, authored a letter about the issue in the New England Journal of Medicine. ‘Among people who were hosp talized with severe COVID-19, newly diagnosed diabetes appeared in 14 percent of eases, according to a study published in Diabetes, Obestty ‘and Metabolism. The mechanism for the link isnot clear yet, but it may Ihave something odo withthe vrus’s ‘vigering an autoimmune response, aswellasts eect on specie proteins ‘hatare involved sugar metabolism. De Rubino urges people who have hhad COvID-19 10 be vigilant about symptoms associated with diabetes frequent urination, increased hun: ger and thirst, and fatigue I these Symptoms persist fer the virus has sated, patients might want to have | thet biood sugar eve checked, Bt som 00 [READER'S DIGEST The Healthy HY WOMEN SHOULD PUMP IRON TOO ‘On average, people lose 3 to8 percent of. muscle mass over the course of each decade after their 30s, Strength training can slow ding toa Sports ors—men and While men add more pounds of muscle overall from those activities, the benefits [in Women are proportional to their (usually smaller) sizes. Fighting ff age-related muscle los isnt the only perk: Resistance training can improve stamina, balance, flexibility, and bone density, wi translate into lower risk of falls. 60 jw. ‘The Best Shoes for Knee Osteoarthritis Ifyou sue rom osteoarthitisin forboth of your knees, you've probably heard Conflicting advice out what kind of ear wil help you feel and function ee swell as posible. Some experts recommend stable, supporuve recently put bi tions tthe test, ree events such | knce sweling an so | ankles when ‘oven, together with fgement, and medica- | ton, they ean help | make teaser olive ‘with osteoarthritis INTRODUCING NERVIVE tea | Gaatcg coer a N Prana Tia anas fo @ axons WORLD'S #1 SELLING NERVE CARE eolioNia [READER'S DIGEST The Healthy SENIORS ARE A New PantBased MORE VULNERABLE eee TO SUMMER HEAT siseety out more than Senlors ae at higher isk for heat-rlatodilnsses | avoiding itchy bites, ‘than younger fll and e new Canadian study has | These bugs sometimes | ihlighted a fascinating reason why: They sweat | transmit serious ‘more when theyte running ow on body lds. | infctlons such as West, ‘When W's hot out and you're being active, you | Nile virus and Lyme start perspiring, which helps your body regulate | disease aswell as Zikn, its temperature downward It also makes you lose | malaria, and other fluid, which in tm increases the cancentation of | topical diseases. Scum in your blood, When this concentration gets | you're besitant about high (the body gets dehydrated, in other words), a | using synthetic insect ‘younger adult will stop sweating as much, begin to | repellents such as feel overheated and thirsty, and likely reach for | DEET, yon could in ‘lass of water. But older adults’ bodies tend tobe | stead try nootkatone, | __Tess responsive to dehydration, Alot of sweating | a compound found in ‘and fui loss—may continue without dhe warning | grapefruit skin and ‘of feeling uncomfortably thirsty. This ability to keep | Aleskan yellow cedar Pushing mey sound ike @ superpower, but i's actu- | trees. Nootkatone is ally reason to be extra careful It brings higher | already used around riskofheat exhaustion heat stoke, and heat tess-| the world food fl related cardiovascular problems. | voring anda fagrance. | _-Asaresuly older people may | The Environmental need reminders to dink water | Protection Agency reg | ‘while eing seve dung heat Isered las summer eave I could be a good idea, asaninsect repellent, for example to set a recuring paving the wey for new alarm on your watch or smart products tit shelves phone belore heading out ss early as next yea Aso, since you can't neces- Unie other plane sarily elyon your thirst, watch based repellents such for other sig of dehydration, ascitronella, whieh including inequent urination, wea of quick, noot dark-colored urine, fatigue, atone’ effects can confusion, and dizziness. Jae for several hours QUOTABLE QUOTES | ‘The pandemic accentuated that part of me ‘that says why am Iuseful? Am I useful for anything? ‘fm only useful if fel I ean respond to need. ‘There ist healthy body in the world stronger than a sick person's sprit. nara neo, rer ve loved quite a few people, and hy that I mean I really ‘feel happy in their company. That's pretty much it—the joy ‘of someone's company. That's what I call love. —fonisitha, smc Limiting the hot dog's significance by saying “It's just sandwich” {slike calling the Dalai Lama “just a guy” ‘Torefleet is one thing, but to regret is another. Regret is useless. ee ba scron lively flip Easier is better with the Lively” Flip. FROM THE MAKERS OF JITTERBUG" “The La Fp othe mas of th tery he a Shytoecel pore hacightentad an cnet Sexpraebutoh ont pe. #ASY 10 USE adn el phones a har to eas Sek to aol nd vette vty ature you Frere eget nth ey aly Sd ae poe spss esas vy ‘Srvceaton be bata ow {EASY TO BUOY ier ou go a alin carers mas X ay oatintjeutapi on sar tars ors Fie the ft an bain magn help yousee rd EASY TO BE PREPARED Li ha vay of bln uno Fityoucanbe pepaed ina anceraior uate ston wh Lge espe Serce Soy pres the Urgent Repose baton to speak wth» highly trad Agen who an cont Jouteetion erate" ston nd get jou yor Teed 7 The Ue Fp one of the mt foal cl hones onthe It ana ones wh anon rg I cok ‘renloep your cuentas cel phone ane Pomedty te ates ort Nocaraisin fies Toorderorlesrn more al Tahiien | tae, rmothvies_feblepans_| your current | 100% US-based | Serensnie | Sonera Ou Nolo | ALABAMA Lane cake This dessert made 19th-century southern hospialya piece of ake Perfect for Impromptu guess, Lane | cake is filled with dried fruit (adi tionally elsins) soaked in whiskey bourbon, which keeps it molst even ays after it comes out ofthe oven. In Harper Lees To Killa Mockingbird, young Scout eats one ro boozy that shefels the eet, ALASKA ‘kuteg Also known as Eskimo ice eream, akutag calls fr reindeer a, seal ol berries, and snow-all whipped by | hand un it becomes aiy. In Yupik, ‘akuiag (‘ah-GO0-duek") means a them together” ies tradtonaly made ater the first seal catch of the yea ‘though Itcan be enjoyed at anytime With vegetable shortening and sugar In place ofthe animal fat anol, ARIZONA Cactus candies ‘You might call these des ert gumdrops. They're made by combining the bright pink juice of the prickly pear eactas and simple syrup. The mixture ts then cooked, cooled, and coated with sugar. The flavor lands somewhere between lemon and watermelon, ARKANSAS Chocolate rolls Depending on your culinary touch stones, these pastries look like flat croissants or fried buttitos. The Dutery dough i stated with cocoa powder and sugar before beng oled Into gooey ticks up to afoot lang. Searcy County in northern Arkanses Bo thal Chocolate egy farsa ‘CALIFORNIA Frozen yogurt In Massachusetts, were it was invented Inthe 1970s, frozen yo- gurt went by the ungainly nickname fogurt. The Valle girls of SoCal helped rebrand it “royo" and tans formed this fow-cal, low-fat, high: ‘ugar frozen dessert into lifestyle ‘Today, California is the corporate hhome to many of the big chains, including Menchle', Pinkberry, Tt uti, and Yogurdana. covorapo Root beer float 111093, Frank Wisner gazed at snow- capped! Cow Mountain against a dare summer sly: Itloked ike a scoop of ‘vanilla ice cream Noting in dark soda ‘The next day he made the fat at hs brewery in Cripple Creek. The black ‘cow, ase called it wes bom, conngcricur Shickerdoodtes ‘These are sugar-and-spice cookies, and this being the Nutmeg State the spice in question is obviously cin ‘namon, Flat and chewy, thi ie the tare cookie that doesnt use vanilla, As forthe name, itmight come frm the German Schneckenmudel (snail noodle")-or itmigh be made up. DELAWARE Strawberry pretzel salad Don't et the name ool youn le ‘ce (or anything green allowed here, ye layers: a crust of crushed pretzels ‘mlxed with buter and sugat, middle layer of eream cheese and Cool Whip {and more sugar, and atop layer of strawberry Jell-O thats usually stud ‘ded with eal suawberries, Delaware's ‘sate fruit tive Bernle Papy It. pro posed a$100 ne against “anyone selings version ofthis dessert that wast ‘made withthe tare-sweet limes famously grown inthe Keys His bill didn't ass, but Floridians are st protective of thee signature dis, despite a rumor that i was actualy Invented in New York Ci, GEORGIA Peach cobbler ‘When the bisclty top layer stars ro Sink no the juicy peaches below, this Inverted ple loks abit like cobble- stones At the Georga Peach Festal ‘each year, volunteers make one thats "feetby 5 feet and six inches deep. wawant Houpie ‘This pudding (pronounced "HOW. pee-ah") is as thick as lava. Made ‘with coconut milk and ground pia (a ‘member ofthe yam family), haupla te +k ‘thickens when is heated and hick fens more when i cools. Infact, you fan cutitinto blocks and eat it with your hands which ie how i's ypically Served at aus (though its also pop ‘lar wedding cake tppe), sano Huckleberry pe Tdahoans ae happy to share slices of Ihucklebery pi, whieh is made from ‘hele native wild blueberey-lke fruit mixed with nutmeg and cinnamon What they won't share is where they harvest the berries. “People herein Idaho are protective oftheir huckle- ‘erry spas” sa)s Tat of Home Con ‘munity Cook Cindy Rusk Worth, 70 jursavousrac21 muNors Chocolate-covered strawberries Ata gourmet store In Chicago in the 19605, Lorraine Lorusso had a ‘razy-delicious idea, She took some {reah strawberries from the produce section and dipped them in melted ‘chocolate from the store's bak: ‘ery. She let the chocolate coating harden before offering the Jazed-up betes to custom: ers, who themselves were recy arzed. Pro tip: fou ‘want to make them at home, make sure the berries are completely dry or the choco late won tik to them. INDIANA Hoosier ple gs were scarce fn the 1800s, when, Hoosier pie was invented, so thie Is the rare deseer without any, Its ‘creamy filing thickened with flour fF cornstarch and poured directly Ito a pie crus. The favor comes ‘oom vanilla extract and los of sugar, ‘hence it nickname: sugar cream pie rows Seotcheraos ‘The Des Moines Register cals these “Rice Krisples Treats on steroids?” which means you start with Rice Krisples Treats and then layer on peanut butter meted chocolate, and butterscotch. "These chewy bare are | loranssyoucan ge" ats Teo “Home Comunity Cook Ana Miller i Cover Story Kansas are allover Mane. The wild ones are Petfernuesse. smaller and sweeter than the ‘The name is vated varieties, making fo German for scrumptious, “pepper mts" esse Dut these bite: = sized spice cook: (MARYLAND Jes often contain nether “Pepper” | German cookles refers to spice in general, and pfe-| Marylanders have been fighting femuesse usually are made with star | cooe war for almost 150 years. On anise. The “nut” has to do with their | one sde are fans ofthe tick choco- ‘size: The Mennonites who brought | laty Berger caokies, brought to Balt them toKansasin the 187s used ther | more from Germany in 1835, On the sewing thimbleso cut outthe dough. | other are those who prefer the thin, ‘exsp cookies made by Otterbein’, reader Deb Sexton. "Iepais perfectly | MASSACHUSETTS ‘witha Kentucky bourbon The butery | Boston cream pe ‘linghas chocolate chips and walnuts | Perhaps the mort famous slice offalse folded in toit Somebakers even spike | advertising nthe history of desert, KENTUCKY ‘hich arived from the motherland Derby pie in 1881. Which is bewee? Maryland: "Count on Derby pie at any Derby | ers, you el party worth its salt” says Taste of Home | ‘tv bourbon. this “cream pe” is rally a custard: filled layer cake topped with a choco LOUISIANA late glaze When JFK was president, Beignets Would a doughnut by any otbername taste as sweet Absolutely. A New Orleans speciality, thse French- Inspired square puffs have no holes, but they do sport a gener ‘ous dusting of powdered sugar 9 's version was fequenty state dinners ‘MICHIGAN cont of the nation’s tart ) cheries, and many of them MAINE nd up in pies. Taste of Home Blueberry ple reader Bethann Muzio saye Blueberies ae one ofthe cherry ple “great with ce few frults indigenous to cream during the Non Ameen they Summee month” st i || READER Dicust Cover Story eo eT A tte te | seca | eee natt temo = {is popular throughout Montana, But p Sates | Reena Seams | ciecen orien mn joe Speers sichcPamce aac: | menace | eign fon | as Hana wefan CG imagem) Sn Socrates Spearman See Samana miracle crater ments Samtcete Meret Perera arcane MINNESOTA | Monrana Home othe oldest, ‘operatingapple orchard | ‘Americ, New Hampshiteis known forts many apple reipes. You'l nd the fruit’s tangy, freshly squeezed Juice in tho state's especially ten er doughnuts (the acl inthe Juice ‘makes them sof) They canbe glazed Or dusted with cinnamon saga, but if you wantto dunk them in your moe ing coffee plain sthe way toga. se these Norwe NEW JERSEY | ‘Cannot Mircea inom rr anmg| E alien bakeries” says Taste of Home | reader Nancy Gridley. Even with | aah all of their hits—biscotd,pignolate, | sfogiaelle—it’s hard to top cannoli. ‘The fled tubular shells sted with ‘creamy cotta cheese can be studded When it comes o chocolate dessers, this one takes the cake A chocolate rusts filled with layers of chocolate ‘mousse (or pudding) and then topped with whipped eream and chocelete shavings. A waitress who lost her | home ta Mission River ood tn 1927 is sid to have coined the name, anditstuck (the way abitof mid ple | eountey, might stick tote oof of your mouth). NEVapa MISSOURI Basque cake Gooey btr cake When ster rom the mounttn ‘Among the happiest of accidents, | ous Benue repon beer Pane gooey buercskewascretedwhena | and Spain cane hese ake ee Saerin St.Louis reversed the quan: | gl, hey bought emeting doe tes of four and bute anol | wih them tone ene 5:1 rao) ina tana yellow cae: | Havored glieau Base eernees Theconcoedon came outlss thn an | thick ayer of either pao case Such high butts uterygooeynes | (ypica of Speney Reece ‘sso poplar that nearby bere | or Black chery js Groat chee | wentforittoo. | French version) 72 sursavausr 334 | [READER'S DIGEST Cover Story with chocolate, ground pistachios, nd more. This is the dessert people iefor, at leat in The Godfather Aer they shoot a disloyal compatiot one ‘mobster says to another, “Leave the ‘gun take the cannoli.” xI00 Biscochitos Those crunchy rounds are a kind of spley shortbread cooke flavored pri- marily with anise and sprinkled with ‘cinnamon. New Mexicans love the biscochito so much that in 1989 they ‘named it ther state cookie, making it the county’ fist ofaly designated state sweet Cheesecake In 1828, Arnold Reuben (of sandwich ame) was 90 enchanted with cheese * 7A jwr/avausr 2028 | noc *| ae, pile that he played with the recipe Until he created what is now ered= ted as the original New York-style cheesecake, The key to turning an otherwise plain cake nto a miracle of creamy smoothness? Extra eg yolks and eream cheese. (Fun fats A New York dairy farmer invented eream cheese in 1872,) New Yorkers serve their cheesoeake au naturel—no fruit or other toppings. You might have other ideas NoRTH carol ‘Sweet potato ple Considering that 3 sweet potato ia veg: table ’snocsurpes- Ing thet sweet potato ple wasn't originally Considered adestert Btn "North Carling winere more than half the nation’s sweet potatoes are grown, the blend of sugar and spice (and sweetened condensed milk) has been perfected to the point whe sweet potato pie has pushed pump: [an ple ofthe Thankegving men for ‘many families, * Caramel rolls Not to be confused with cinnamon. buns or sticky rolls, caramel (pro ‘nounced “CAR-mul!” here) rll are ‘ake sting ina sauce of butter and brown sugar Some even add vanilla lice eream to the mix. Once out of the oven, the ols are fied over so Buckeyes In 1964, Gal Tabor of Columbus set ‘out to make an ordinary batch of ‘chocolate-covered peanut butt balls. She pu the peat butter on a toothpick to dip i, which meant that there was a spt on the ball that didn’t setoovered with chocolat. Inf the ‘rcleofbelge surrounded bythe ring ‘of brown looked alot ike the seed fom a buckeye tee, which hxppens to be the mascot of football-crazed Ohio State. Today, no agate would ‘be complete without them, ‘anholdinyourhandis like an empe ‘nada. Iecan be filled sith fut (ep. ple, cherry) oF eream, wich ean be ‘tational mon eream) or decadent (peanut utter chocolate ream). ton berry (a blackberry? raspberry hybrid) was developed by the Oregon State University Agricul: ‘ure Department in 1948, Now "these berrles ae everywhere” says Taste of READER'S DIGEST Cover Story Home Community Cook Darlene Bren- | den That includes in cobble, where ‘hey are topped with toasted sesame seeds—benne means “sesame” 1n Bantu, a group of languages spoken ‘in sub-Saharan Africa, Sesame seeds were brought to the routhern United States by AF rican slaves, who belived eating ‘them would bring good luck. bed ofthe purple berries i capped ‘with a uty biscul served warm and topped wih vanla ie eam. SOUTH DAKOTA Kuchen ‘The German word for cake, buchen isyplaly made with sweet dough and 2 rt ling: peaches, apples, plums, figs, o | betes wll work. You ca top it with ‘eustard, too~or not. The German im imigranis who brought kuchen tothe Dakotas in the 1880s sed whatever was on hand, hence al the diferent ‘aalons, ally molasses ferumb cake baked in ple crust, which makes it easier to hold while eat Ing, according to Taste of Home Community Cook Su- san Bick, I comes in two versions: 4ry-botom (which is aked ful) and ‘wet-botiom (which s baked unt itis just set, to give ita gooler, more syr- ‘py texture). Both wore created by the Pennsylvania Dut, RHODE ISLAND Det’ Frozen Lemonade Franco DeLucia eame to Cranston, Rhode Island in the ealy 2003 cen ‘tury and turned bls fathers lem ‘nade recipe ftom Naples aly, into a slushie empire, The To newest flavors 000 nutand blood orange The dessert equly alent of Insagna, banana pudding {s actly vanilla pudding layered with banana slices and vanilla wafers and then topped with meringue oF Whipped cream. Beloved throughout the South, in Tennessee it's honored ‘with an annual fest TEXAl Pecan ple Poca the stat tre and the state ple | of Texas, othe pe “shows up atevery ‘These exsp, crunchy cookies taste both see nd muty because 76 holiday? says Taste of Home Commu: nity Cook oan Halford. One secret to always having enough nuts on hand "Keep your pecans inthe freezer!” says Hallford. Pun fact: Pecan trees are alternate bearing, meaning they produce thelr ult every other year uran Jello inthe 1980, Jel-O exzcutves started targeting their advertisements to young famlles. It worked expecially ‘welin Utah, which was then the tat withthe highest birth ate and is now the state with the highest per capita consumption of Jell-O. Senator Mike Lee even hosted a weekly "el with ‘the Senator event in his DC office be- fore the pandemic VERMONT Maple creomee ‘This is @ combination of Vermont's culinary signatures: @ maple syrup WE Eves a CINNAMON ite) TT BO 5 READER'S DIGEST Cover Story Ke | WEST VIRGINIA ia 24 Nolasco cooker favored dairy teat hat’ frozen tothe consistency of sofe-serve lee cream, Vermonters insist the ereemee is VIRGINIA Chess pe ‘The name comes from, well o one 4s certain anymore. Some claim that chestout flour was an or nal ingredient. Others think It's a misinerpretation of just pe” sald Ina southern accent Ie really is ‘just butter, lou, sugar, and bgs—sometimes favored with Vanilla extract oF lemon juce. WasnineTON Loganberry pie ‘Named for James Harvey Logan, who | wastheisto cross ablakberry with araspherry loganbertes havea short ‘shelf if. They thrive on Whidbey Is land near Seat, where whatever berrles the people can’t consume right away get put to good use in pe 78 suonvausrz01 Many West Vie snlans relied on molasses unt re fined sugar became readily avalable after World War I But these cookie, also Aavored wit cinnamon, ginger coves, and nutmeg, are yummay enough to have stod dhe test of time, WIsconsIN Kring This dessere, which rived with Dan. Ish immigrants in the 1000s, eke coflee cake, only akier and filed with ruts, fruit, or eream cheese or some ‘combination ofthe three eis some times topped with chocolate. Want to try Kringle isa bestseller at Trader Joe's sores around the country during the holidays wyoMiNG Cowboy cookies ‘These jacked-up chocolate chip cook: ies are made with Jot of buter and with rolled oats, pecans, and coconut added ¢0 the dough. They supposedly packed lasting energy for long days ‘ut in the Old West. More recently, Laura Bushs cowboy cookie recipe beat Tipper Gore’ gingersnaps inthe 2000 Family Cree Presidential Cooke Bakeot READER'S DiGeST uMon in | Ie just hasnt been the same ‘since the visit from the UNIFORM | Health & Safety Officer. During our introduc tion fo Vietnam, the Instructor warned us bout the deadly sea snakes inthe South Chine Se, “fone a carter (ees. | ese ncaa ere STS | Ae [te feet, |aeten. | Same See See Nie aso. [Se |e rocom 79 CU ase | use) SNAKE CHARMERS md Veneta aT ned eet a Und yr Everglades. An unlikely sisterhood OR CLR CL \ P ole Sad Eeerocttaid [READEW’S DIGEST National intoret For Beth Koehler and Peggy Van Gorder, this is how it works: Three days a week they run Hair of the Dog, their dog grooming salon in St. Petersburg, Florida, ‘Then they close up shop, pick up their camper, and head down to the Everglades for three nights of hunting Burmese pythons—powerful constrictors that squeeze the life out of their prey. ES q J Each night ofthe hunt, they spend | basically making minimum wage hours stow rolling along gravel back | No isnot fr the money. Theyte roads searching fr the elusive Inva- | doing ito save Florida's wife sive reptiles. They switch on massive | The first Burmese python turned light atop thet Jeep, lights that urn | up on the outskirts of Everglades ‘the night as bright a day. The humid | National Park in 1979, If measured airislled with a subdued chorus of | 11 feet, 9 inches and had been fs hhoots and bbs. tened by a cat BY the ate 1990s, 997 Von order et and Bet Kohler holdup on of icant. From 2017 toy ‘The younget, more athletic Van | a National Park Service biologist ofttyear professional nae hunter caught 5000 snkes, Te larpest was 18 fet ng Gonder drives, never going more than | named Ray “Skip” Snow sounded the shout mph while Koehlet the nore ‘Today, biologists estimate that | Thar'swhy they have tobe taken out” focused ofthe two, stands with her bout 160,000 pythons infest Bver- | While some hunters takeout the head through the sunroo, peering | VAN GORDER RELISHES ‘lads National Park, Big Cypress Na- | snakes with bullets, Koehler and Ven ahead fo any sign of sake, THE RUSH OF ‘ional Preserve, and the thousands of | Gorder prefer to nab them by hand The pai mown oterelow ps. | WRESTLING WITH thon hunters a PeaBets, achleved 4 BIG HISSING SNAKE. some statewide fame in 2019 when they bagged the 500th python to be — caught by hunters working forthe ‘lorda Fish and Wildlife Conserva- | alarm about pythons taking over the tion Commission. They're not doing | Everglades, No one took his warn itfor dhe money; there's hardly any | ings seriously because he had 0 «cre of marshy publiclandsuround: | and stuff them into large sacks. Van {ng them. But they're not staying put. | Gorder, an Army brat who grew up (CNW reported that a woman in West | all over the place, says she relishes Palm Beach found Burmese python | the adrenaline rush of wrestling with Inher wishing machine. The problem | a big, hissing snake. Once, she was has gotten sobad hatin February, the | bitten on the hand by a struggling state's Fish and Wikdlif Conservation | python. The snake's tooth remained ‘Commission banned possession and | lodged in her finger for months. It profit in searching for the sithery | proof that pythons were mating in breeding of Burmese pythons and | didn'tlesen her enthusiasm forthe Invaders. The job pays $846 an hour | the wild. in 2003, he finally found] = tgotherhonnative specs, | un plus $50 per snake, with another | hatchlings, inconroverble evidence “grew up down here? Koehler 61, "We want to get our adventure in $25-perfoot bonus fr nakes longer ‘only o be told by the says."Tve seen the changes thathave | now," the 55-year-old says. “Tean than four feet. Some nights the palr ge that itwas now too] taken place, And now, allyou'e gong | ston a cruise ship when I'm an old ‘comes up empty, meaning they are | Ite ost the sakes to see are ray gator and pythons | lay” hanno ‘a's python hunters is Dusty | “Monday became ladies’ night out? ‘Wildman” Crum, who once | she says. We'd drive aroend the caught a python that measured | swamp laughing out buts of 16 feet, 1 inches long. The folly, |" She noticed, though, that these {hick-bearded Crum stars in he Dis | expeditions were diffrent fom the covery Channel's Guardians ofthe | nature hikes of her youth, She eewne Glades, where he runs through the | raccoons or foxes or any other ewal ‘swamps barefoot, showing little ap- | mammals. The pythows had coven parent regard for the gators, feral | them. A 2012 scentine study found hhogs, and venomous native snakes | that between 2003 and 2011. the oe thatalso occupy the sogy terrain. The | eas where pythons had prolifera {cuts though rida’ lcense py- | saw a $9 percent decrease in recone ‘hon hunters come in all shapes and | populations, a 88 percent drop tn ‘izes, Quite few are female. One of | opossums, 94 percent drop in white, the bests Anne Gorden: Vega, talled deer, and an 87 percent flloft Gorden-Vege’s Linkedin profile | for bobcats The aumber for rabbi escribes her as a teacher at the | and foxes: 100 percent, Ceramic League of Miami and an artist who specializes in hand-earved | tls, sculpture, and ral fring. What | Linkedin doesn't mention is that | the vivacious 62-year-old with long | sliver Hair has caught 236 pythons for thestate | Gorden-Vega grew up hiking | around the Everglades, watching the animals, She gave it up when she became a mom, trading in her na ture hikes for nine years as «soccer coach, Then one day, one of her art students mentioned she was going py thon hunting with a state contractor. | Gorden-Vega finagled an invitation | Ts Tn Pusu, the fce of Flo. | to tag along. and before she knew ity ‘Anurmesopytnon cre around ‘ane Gorden Yog'se (nea gh. ‘Corden-Yogascousthe ronson levees atightorsigns ofan 84 yweravausr 22s | no.cou ‘The pythons’ effect on the land Scape made Gorden-Vega want to do ‘more snake catching. She and her art student, a 38-year-old stay-at-home ‘mom, filled out applications withthe Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservas Hon Commission but figueed they hha zero chance of being slectod. Of ‘he 40 snake hunters the commission employs, onlyten are women. To their surprise och women were hired “Hooked at her and sid, "Theyre desperate" says Gorden Veg ‘When Gorden-Vega goes hune- Ing sometimes she'l let fiend oy ‘Mleensed hunter from out of town, tag along. Other times, she goes out lone, leaving her hisbend, service Nationa Interest technician for Arar, at home as she ruses the levees She delves a 2017 Chery Colorado 2a with fourswbeel rive aad bright ED ight ontop. The ) truck has what she eas "89,000 py. | thon mutes" on the adometer, she bbums alot of gas patrolling the levees | lf the night She file the silence by listening to audiobooks, mostly “his, torical fiction, anything about Florida, | murder mysteries, weird su t's being out in the Glades and listening | wo stories about the Everglades |, Gorden-Vega figures hee best tool } for catching pyshons i the element | ef surprise. The pythons are used to | being the apex predator, so when she ‘arabs one by the head, the snake is too stunned to reac. That ves her & hance to tuff itinto a bag. Iiepuss upasteugle the weresting ‘match usually takes about 15 minutes tn rare occasions upto an hout She Just les down onthe snake, digs in With her elbows, and wears the thing ut. Sometimes the pythons fight backina very messy way, peeing and pooping on her 'We call that he sweet smell of suc ess" she says, "because you smell that way beeause you got one” Distisimentines insen, het yh elinination se sia” She wears python hat Her Ford Expedton has pyibor sn fest overstnd a custom-made "Py thon Pret on he roof Once, wen 86 juv/auauer 2021 ee | | Ssjttanatahuntinglenotcome soto ‘la westroundupwhereomng goes. | she guvea speech ta conference her daughter Deanna made cookies for the audience using pynon eas. “This has taken over mye Kall Kalil collected snakes and lizards 8 kid, She sold Fovida teal estate Inthe 1980s. In 2017, she became the fist female python hunter hired by the South Farida Water Manage- ‘ment District. She was going to try it for theee months, Four years late, the fve-footten, 125-pound Kalil was one ofa handfl licensed to ant pythons for both the water district land the wlllife commission, mes Ing she has access to land owned by both agencies When hunters working for the wildlife commission catch pythons, they take them to state aboratry in Davie, Some pythons are killed with a bolt gun and dissected for examina tion. Some are injected witha miro chip for tacking and tured loose 0 they wil ead the hunters and re searchers to other snakes, ‘Aleas tha’ the way i’ supposed to work During the coronavirus pan demig the rules changed. The lab was no longer open to visting hunters In- Stead, hunters had to euthanize their Snakes and do vital measuring and ‘weighing with an app ‘Kling the snakes the hardest as pect ofthe jo for Kali, who believes ln killing animals oly i you're going to eat them. The fst one she lille ‘wasa itl ong, just 45 feet ong. She Stabbed it in the head "I tied for « good long time, says. Even now, “Lean ok them in | the eyes. And T apologize to them for What'm about to dot them.” Nationa Interest READER'S DiGHst One neatly gotihe better oft She was grappling with a7s-footer when ther daughter called, Rather than let ‘the call goo voice mal, Kall ted to “Itwas sly mistake she ays With Kalil distracted, the snake ‘wrapped itself around her neck, She couldn't got the leverage to pull t Joos, so she had to stagger back her tuck where some frends were packing up their gar, and tp one on theback. Her frends got the snake off of her before she passed out WITH KALIL DISTRACTED, THE SNAKE WRAPPED AROUND HER NECK, Kali hasnt saved any other hunt rs but she has rescued a couple of lligsors that were losing battles with pythons. She has also caught python thathad already swallowed «gator Kalas capruted more than 50 py thons so fg, inctuding more than one ‘mating bal” made up of multiple sakes tangled together during breed {ng season. The biggest python she's caught by herself wa 12 feet long ‘The biggest one she nabbed with as sistance was a 15-ooter, When she started out asthe lone woman working forthe water district, no one showed her the ropes, she socom 87 says. Their attitude wa {he hard way, s0 you should have to Jean the hard way oo!” Kall takes the opposite approach, helping new hunters ear the righ say to eateh pythons. “I don't want to see a buneh of guys coming out here shooting up the Everglades because they tink the only good sk dead sake” ful earoerin eal estate in Ind ana o become a python hunter “Lhhave this insane passion for snakes? says Siewe.“Tean' explain it” When she was growing up, her ad would take her toa nearby reek tnd teach her how to catehfroge and reptiles She started keeping snakes a pets and even began breeding them forsale Slewe,44was med catching Lake rie water snakes and the video went vir Soon she gota call rom a reality show that was fing a python hunt, thing whether she'd be Interested in parctpating Her reaction: "Walt they pay people to hunt snake in osdat™ ‘She never goton TV, but the ingury planted a seed. She raveled down, to Rorda and managed to ge Kalo take her out on «hunt. They aught ‘python that night "Right there, I was hooked Slewe says She went backto Indiana and old ‘Ay Siew, who moved Fo ‘Spectelytohuntpytons fms her her fancé they were moving Florida, Tn abit ofa eatch-22, to become a censed python hunter, Siewe had to show she had experience hunt ing pythons. But by volunteering to help Kalil eateh snakes, she picked up the necessary experience. Now she ventures ou looking fr pythons About four dimes a week, mostly in Big Cypress National Preserve Some: times she goes on foot, sometimes bear, sometimes by cance Sie and partner paddle out to islands in the swamp, hop out, grab any snakes National interest they se, and then load them into the | ‘canoe to take back thelr nests are underground, You can “Onetime wegotteven pythons one | be standing right on top of «python ofthem 15feetong she says.Asnake | and not see it" That's why the only {hat size weighs around 140 pounds. | way to catch them Is the slow, low “The canoe wasso low tothe water we | tech way: hiring hunters like Siewe ‘ould not have putin another snake” | to search for them for hours on end Recently the state has tried using | and then grab them by hand and tll dogs and s new type of camera wit | them intoa bag. infrared technology mounted on | _And that’s fine by Gorden-Vega. <érones to sniff out the elusive snakes, | She can't piture herself ever qulting. ‘but with litle fick. The problem with | Python hunting, she explains, "be the dogs, says Siewe, is that theyre at | comes a par of you. You think, It's riskofbeing gobbled up by alligators. | warm tonight ve got to go out You As for souped-up drones, they can't | get an itch? spot the pythons ifthey'e hidden be neath the earth imc 2 “They burow Siewe sys. “Alot of - ¢¢9——_____ Literary Prizefights Noone delivers. cuting comment que ike writer with 2beodonarival as thes takedowns show He doesnt even wrt Iiterature—he wres...yok He doesnt write nowes—e wes journalistic hyperbole! You couldn teoch tat [beeping] (bteep to bieeping] freshmen ina fleeing] freshman English class! ithe would have had fewer pompous musings and lite sounder education it would have been better maybe. very word she writesieali, Including anda the That’ not writing. Tha’ typing “Truman made leg an at form™aminr artform, QUIETING Overlapping crises have made many of us jumpy. But how do you know when you have slipped into a more serious problem and need help? By Rebeca Pips FIVE YEARS AGO, Meredith Arthut a 45-year-old San Francisco resident and an employee ofthe torial media ‘company Pinterest,arived at ane rologist appointment in distraught State She spoke a mile a minute, rt tng through her extensive esearch fon the vagus cranial nerve and ex: plaining why she thought ft might hold clues to her erippling shoulder and neck pain, frequent dizzines, nausea, and chronle migraines. “1 was presenting my inexpert case to lan exper, who stopped me and sald, suuusrearions ny Pete yn ‘know wha's wrong, You have ge- crazed ansety sander” or Arthut the diagnosis was a shock. She had been so focused on her debilitating physical symptoms that she hadn't considered that they could be linked to her mental health, Almost immediately, i elicked, “My brain was always in overdrive” Arthur recalls "T wanted to work ll the time and slve everthing ‘She would never have described herslfase worries however, and cet- tint din connecther prfeeonism | yu/auausy 2601 81 to ansiery or ls effect on her body. But in fey, physical dscomfort—not distressing thoughts—is most often ‘what dives people with arate t seck “The dlagnoss changed everything” says Arthur Ws somebody picked ‘me up of the earth turned me round 180 degrees, and put me back down, wat the same word but everything looked a lite diferent” “Arthur is one of the 40 million “American adults who experience an anxiety dsorder—the most common form of mental iiness—every year ‘But ansiey touches everyone to vary. Ing degrees. Typically, interment and brought on by a stresfal or tau mati event. Its core features are ex: ‘cessive fear and worry, and one ofthe major underlying facorsis feling of uncertainty about situations that oe ccurin dally Ife, ‘These are exceedingly uncertain times due to the combination of eo: ‘nomic precariousnes, social unrest, environmental eatattophes, andthe Ccovib-19 pandemie. Managing ai exw ensure ie doesnt rule your lie. How Chronic Anxiety Harms the Body “Anxiety Is part of your bodys stress. response system, and it ean be un comfortable, overwhelming, and sometimes pain confusing “Ldeserbe anxiety asa future- orlented emotional response to.8 perceived threat” says Joel Minden, PhD, a clinical psychologist and the author of Show Your Anziety Who's ‘Bos. "We atilpate that something bad wil happen. Maybe we have evi ‘dence, Maybe we don't Bur we have ‘belle that something eatastophe rightoceu” ‘Almost immediately, Minden says, your sympathetic nervous system, ‘which controls involuntary proceses Such as breathing and heart ate Kicks that drive your body’ fightfeeze fight response and prompt ansiety's physical symptoms. Your heart aces, Jourblood pressure rises, your pupils dilate, you get shor of rest, and you, breakout a elammy seat Meanwhile, codsol curbs fane= tons that your brain considers non ‘essential: T alters immune system responses and suppresses the diges- tive system, the reproductive system, and growth procetes,Thiewas help ful for our ancestors tying to outrun saber-toothed tigers but is not so "Ruch when you cant stop ruminating bout whether you might have caught ‘covip-18 when the guy behind you in line atthe grocery store coughed. For Arthut, chronie physical paln and discomfort were the most pov ‘erful manifestations of her disorder, ‘but anxiety ean show itself many ‘ways You might perceive something as threatening even when itis’ ¢or go Health able situations. You might constany | don to the next without rele ‘overthink plans or spend all of your tne cesingselatonso wos | Treat Anxious Fe Scenarios, Maybe you feel indecisive | Whe and feat making the wrong decision, | When They Persist ‘Or you might find yourself estlss, | Despite the fact that chronte ant eyed up, and unable to rlax, ety Is very manageable with some ‘Often, those symptoms lst only a | combination of medication, therapy, long ascertain situations are pres- | and lifestyle adjustments, only about ent, (You may feel nervous about | 37 percent of afected people receive yng butyoudoitand the een fades | treatment of eny hind. The rest toy when the wheels touch down.) Other | to battle their ansety rom witha of times, anxiety can tp into becoming | suppress t 8 chronic anxiety disorder such as | "People spend too much time and {eneralized anxiety disorder, panic | effort ying to contol anally” says disorder, social anxiety disorder, | Minden. “I encourage them to Te. obsessive-compulsiv disorder post: | member tha anxiety ls normal emi "raumatistress disorder ora phobia. | tonal response” I'you try to banish dlistnction between circum. | it he adds, all you'e doing Is puting stantial or temporary anxiety and a | itmore at the foreftont of your mind ‘more severe case isn't always easyo | Here ate some tps to help mlai- ‘make, sys clinical psychologist David | mize anxiey’s negative elects Carbonel, PRD, founder ofthe Arai ety Treatment Center in Chicago. | 1, Accept t “There sn'ta blood est foransiery. | you accept anxiety as part of lie Atsome pont, everybody experiences and part of everyone's lived expe= to great lengths to avoid wncomfort | feelings seem oars from ane stua- 4&7 he says. “It becomes e disorder | rience, you can learn to relate tet when Ie interferes with your behav. | with s-compassion and even with tora cholees and your ability to doas | humor. This isa cornerstone of a you wishin fe ‘eptance and commitment therapy ‘That point could be when your | (ACT) which has ben gaining clinical fob requires you to fly but you're | validation, including bythe American ‘oo anxious to make i even as far as | Paychologieal Association. the airport, which ultimately puts | ACT guides people to see their un- your livelihood tn jeopardy. More | pleasant emotions as just feelings generally, you may find that ansious | and to accept that parts of life ae feelings last even after a problem | hard. Practitioners encourage pa has been resolved and shat those | dents tobegina dialogue wit anxious READER'S DIGEST thoughts, examining the causes of ‘hose feelings while also Keeping in ‘ind thelr pereonalgoslsand vals. | Although anxious thoughts shouldn't be completely suppressed, sullerers can be trained fo no allow aot © turn them away from what they want to do and wo they want tobe. 2.ecurtous about ‘Along with aceepeance, a mindfulness approach to anxiety canbe useful pecially when you'r cylin through Anvious thoughts and uneble to think leary or rationally. Im his book Unwinding Anstety psychiatrist and neurosclentist Jud son Brewer, MD, recommends pay Ing attention to the body sensations, | Ing her ‘thoughts, and emotions that come | too for Arthur because he asa result of feeing anxious or wor- fied. When we notice and name the plysteal sensations that are arising In our bodies (my face fees ushed; my breathing is shallow; my heart is beating gulch), we aze already less ‘aught up in those anxious reactions, simply throug that act of observa- tion, writes De. Brewer ‘Many mindflnes rlning apps can help including one, also called Un- ‘winding Anxiety, that Dr Brewer de ‘eloped in his ab at Brown University After three months of using the spp, test parteipants reported an average | Stpercent eduction in their ans. Understanding exactly what was happening inside her body and bring es t twas great king MEDICATION | ‘2'msrsteransety | Debrotssen, Ph, Guordersaresater | CEOoflighton Arley CAN HELP | andproducetewerside | CBT Treatment Center, ecsthantheyesd | suggest alengto Many papleavoiseven | 30yearsago.Atthe | aprimaryearedoctr, leokingintomedietion | same tne atitudes | whocan prescribe foramietybecaussof | towardmentaiinss | themediatons most thestgmaassoisted | areimproving.A2019 | commonly taken for tite payehatrecrugs. | surveybythe American | arvety ‘Tose witnanwietymay | Psjehologleal Associa | " Selctiveserotoin worry thatheybe | ton found that? per | reupakeinnttors ‘ome dependenton | centofadultsagreed | (SSR) suchas Zoot thedrgsorthatoved | thathavngamentl | and Prozac are good Dneswilseethemas | healthdeorderienotn- | Starting medeatons for ‘weakor awed Ingtobearhamedot | minytorms of anxiety. Butthetactis;mod- | “Hyouereadyto | Seotoninisaneuro- eenpharmacsiogied | exploremedieaton, | tansrter that plays brain” could then take over from her Immediate ght freeze-fght eacion to an anxious moment. Overtime, her sympioms became less acute and ‘woublesome. She pictured the hor ‘mones hing her body the same way fn ocean wave hits the beach, The beach can't fight the wave, but itre- mains steedy and allows the wave 0 ‘wash over itand fll back. 3. Make ifestye adjustments ‘Learning olive wlth ane Is an in vidual process that equies wal and error to get just right. While accep ‘ances the frst and most important step, some lifestyle changes have been proved to take the edge off aswel, Since fatigue and increased sess leave us more vulnerable to anxiety, ‘a well-balanced diet, adequate rest, and, above all exereise can help us ‘manage it beter One research study showed that regular vigorous work: ‘outs redid the likelihood of devel- ‘oping an anxiety ditorder over the ‘ext ve years by 25 percent. ‘Meredith Arthur's ool Kt consists ‘of medication—a prescription sat antidepressant (ee sidebar below)— tnd a consistent meditation practice ‘Arthur also shares her experiences ‘on the website, Openly ‘discussing her ansetyhas transformed hr relationship with I I'm learning {olive in harmony, as much as poss ‘bl, with this thing thatisa pare ofme she say. “fs not aleays pleasant, but ‘accept and, tthe exent that Tea, take care of my anes” Bt aroleintecingsofwel- | primaryinhbtay | mostelfetve. “isa beingand happiness, | Cumof)signaerin | Gne-two punch, where aswelasthnking, | thebrain.Benzosare’ | the mediealonis set memory ep diges- | fastactnganddont | ting up theenvvonment tion andeeulaton, | stayinyoureystemfor | ofyour brain tomake SStisincreaseleves | fong.buttheyarepo- | thamostrapid gains a, ofserotonininthe brain | tent acccsveand | youYe doing the work andareconsdeed "| areconnidereduneate_| Ofieamingnew ays ronaddietveandsafe | fercentinvoususe. | flecking at fovlong term use. Kasen bebever Situations ‘anater choices | therapisstileruial | saysKissen shorttermuseot Decate the gains are Denzodiazpines(or | hardvired into your ‘enaos), such asXanax, | bain For moderate to Uhichstrengthenthe | severe arety combi. Gtfetottneneue- | ingtherapywithmed tranemitterGABKtne | catlonisgenerlythe | #We'reNotKidding serra wy Andy Simmons anny trthy.Twiter Himes risen tured 15th ear and thank goodness tis olen, imepine Ben Frankn ad had cya oars Ceara founding thy woud hav pet tha waking hours tween wy gies apart the King of England Ftc helping Thomas e- fersen vith Ne grammar The United Sates might el belong tetnalad ‘Of course. Rodney Danger src enn srs ot humor alien 260 chara ters bas would Dorey Parker, More able, and George Cartn Prior to 2006 te petrredhu- tor networking platform was Vouderte stages Catch ight Slvr the Late Show wth Did Letoman. Tad te onl tage faieuevemiierasne Can doit butonly the bes appear here Se ifyou sores Growing Pains ‘When parent say tide "Go wyour oom and tak about ‘what you've done? i's really good practice for what you'l do every hightasan adult verasreracrony You know you're sanadultwhen you suddenly start taking Ber'side over venermuss (ne har thing to explain to peop under 20's how legitimately exciting it used tobe ‘ven someone would ‘eet in an overhead roectr ‘vevuutussianre {conareRciAL on Tv} Me as kid Hey, Ihave that toy! Me, astm adult Hey, mon that medication, wenonncassisc soou | jueyavausraoa1 97 yos"re happy nov. euppverensens Sick othaving 1 60 to ovo diferent huts to To the guy who stole my antidepressants, Thope ‘Anger Mismanagement by plaza and sunglasses. y@temwanisn Honesty Offer: ‘wouldnt have pli Just going to etlclze me. weanpenw ‘Awk-ward! Twas once thanked byagreving family member for coming toa funeral 1 responded “No, thank you" | genssaectamre Just tried a coat on in TuMag. twas the coat of customer ty Ing on another coat. | veurniscumrises (Crabs always look ike they're walking ‘over had known you were ‘Una? —Pirst horse that got ridden wanonrxorto 1Drink, Therefore LAm ‘Thismaybe the wine talking but reall really realy relly love wine ‘v@nonwnccavtsy ten-minute walk from my howe tothe pub, Weidly is « {o-hour walk: from ‘the pub tomy house. varussenuwoun Growing up. my mom woul often say, "fyou themselves outofan | Kids did’ cost so much, fivkrard station. | leoulé ink wine that Sacnensisnnvce | comasautof a bote” Hike ‘Animal King-dumt Life'sa Ymanoteurewhat’s Competition ‘more confusing, that ‘wewouldeslebrate | Iflwasstuckona Tiling wobirds or | desert stand with only ‘that we wouldaced | one record would foconservestones, | wantltto beth record WencenussxontroL | forbeing ableto swim the farthest. “Eatheralready” | y@cuvenDonreassen Animal watching people Kissing ina do you mean varorons didnt win? Late more Humor READER'S DIGEST ‘wot T-shirts than anyone ese. werzacncorn ItsaDate plzza delivery guys because atleast ‘What my gnisend | now they have ajob, thought fist four dates: | ear, and plzza. itt eversay the words | 1. Nice shire varisparoiscuse ‘my fantasy football | 2. Wow. A second team justknowit | nice sir Till Death Iscodefor‘Tvebeen | 8. OK, fst shit DoUs Part Kidnapped please | again a helpme” ‘He hastwoshirs. | Ldon'twantto die versus — | y@nistovanie doing something ove. want to die Crisis Centers | Tolémyboytrina _| doing something os was oingtestart | Ihave. That wey Drama: word boring | my period and he sad, | Idon'thaveto people use to describe | “Again? I's ke ‘nish fun people youknow what youre | wenaneanana warennvaxpresrs | right tm canesting ‘ny subscription, (Garson) ‘Byer cassis drama Decided thatthe y@cuinmorn class when you're in fone phrased not high school. Done with dating sites. | wantin my obituary variworivaro.86 ie"sied before his Botox doctor cule revive him weconanonnies Fmnow focusing on My parrot ded today Insist worde were “Darn, Iehink my parrotis about odie? ‘w@saontrexen Weight Watchers Do people who run know that we're not {food anymore? yelanentbcoLestaw | We're just Friends “Tdon’twanta whole dessert let's just get ‘eo spoons! —Former {riends of mine v@axnaxanDaices? | Ling the same sett fone thing But hating | thesame things? “True friendship. | vormsisiexvou | ve inventes | Twofacebook, the | antisocial network. ‘You stat being frends withthe entre wor nd frend people fone by on Honesty, my bggest | Everynecktattoo | y@anovsonowrrz fear about becoming | should read "'m not zombie sallthe walking. | geting thejob, am | Insults v@casuusrMaDisoN | y@nazecnaze The most cuting thing ‘Theserving sizefor | Ibetwhenthetirst | you can say is"Whos plzals"untilyouhate | guy wore glasses | this clown” because yourset”| fverybody was ke | implies they're va@sauin “Onted-da,excuse | s) clown and rmeMr.INeedTWO | b)noteven one ofthe Fashion Police Monocies" better-known clowns | enone veseuuisasDisLe Hleanor Roosevelt once | saidto “do onething | Halcutsare great _| Probably the worst fvery day thatecares | beeauseTdidnone | thing you can hear you Today, 'mgoing | ofthe workbutget | when you're wearing 2 jean shopping, allof the credit, bikini is"Good for you" varane sor vewowe venuizasayne 100. jsryavoust 081 i : i i i SoChildish Sometimes I want [eds just so can catfish sticks for dinner v@rmrsusuxaune ‘My fve-year-old hasn't sida word Inthe car after ‘convinced him that thevolume control onour stereo ejects his car seat "tke having conver salons with ds, Grown-ups never ak sme what my third- favorite rept i. vasmmoxenottanD My tveyearold after explained the concept of bresst- feeding: “Can you squeeze Capr Suns outa those things or ust milk” v@rmercaya Sometimes at night, after my som has gone tobed, 1gointomy room and finish all, my sentences. verauLavouxpstoNs Idiot or Savant? ‘What ehouls we elt this lant advertising board? Phi A phitboard DL have a etter ies, venvrinvrnireo One off’ great pleasures ito watch {wo idiots agree on something and then hear one of them say “Great minds think ake?” weneaisuponne ‘When someone tel tne "Gretquerdon! Trever eae tei tniwer because buy congretalatng mye for asking sucha great question Senumexaner Parents—We All Have’Em (Great news: got 1100 on my son's geometry test ‘s@noDiAcnox ‘My mom sald, "You now what ined? ‘Aselte sick So when- ‘ever Isee someone takinga see, fean Dit ehem wih he stick” we@naxinivanas My grandpa covertiy followed my mother tothe grocery store, ‘walked behind her unt she put pickles inthe {art and screamed, “We've got pickles at homel” v@uanaxarsete Prety much the most frightening par of my day is when I getanot- Acaton that my mother has tagged me in port, on Facebook. vecutrunspnureiax ‘Mer Mom, you could have any ower what would you want? Mom: Sleep ‘hrough the night seco 101 ABADER'S DIGEST Humor whthout geting up topee. v@rizzaaxowurrins Going Mental (ne of my favorite games to layis “Ismay head scefom dehydration, ‘afene withdrawal, lackof propernutiion, ny ponstal tress, ack of sleep not wearing my lasses or rai tumor?” yarns. you're thinking what Ym thinking here's my ‘therapists number. waroraz xan SHIPWIRECK DIARY Day 1 Alon, coing rer wll Mentally sound Mot 9 ert. Day 2:1 have married thera, Day 3:1 have eaten my wit venumnnans Updated Classics for Millennials ‘Charote's Webcam wa@pasemanausosca ee mee . te a “3 bee 102 juravoust 231 Baber ‘indersthe Night w@naut_taxoEn toute vou smisuasia: Its Reigning Cats and Dogs Just heard a guy atthe dog park tel his dog SNOF and then more ‘quietly, “We talked about thist™ ventccaanearen WHEN CATS ARE SAD Bartender: What ya have? (cat Shot of cum. [Bartender pours cat siowty pushes it ofthe bal at Another wamnaxessox *enmemenenne —Dogs on the Fourth otjly waxvis_sarvene ‘Oh, the Shame “Dont wory Ft hold your stuf You jst worry about making fends” ~Carg shorts va@DuAranvonn Quip or Tweet? Think you know the golden age of comedy? Prove it Guess which ofthe following ‘onestnes come trom comic legends and ‘which ae rom the Twiterverse, A.Theworstpart | 4 Health nuts are bout being grtfe going to feel cupid Ishavingalotof | someday, iyingin lumetothinkabout hospital dying of yourmistkes when | nothing. ‘oute sinking ino ‘ulcksand | 5. My granddaughner | wanted a Cinderela 2.1drinktoomuch. | themed pat, soT Thelasttimegavea invited alle ends turin sample ithad over and made them snolive in ‘dean my house. 3. Why dant | 6. Our scariest presi. Tan Solo enjoy dent was probably hisstekdinner? Rushmore because ‘twas hewie | he had four heads, Youll never be 1, Grandmat | aslazy as who- Canyoucome 2 evernamed the pick me up from replace. ‘my rap batt Te 4 vetoxowauas over No, Host. He 7. Las going to have cosmede surgery unt Thoticed that he ‘doctor office was all, ‘of portalts by Passo, 8. Russian dolls are so Tullof themselves. 9. Normal perron: 94 7=16 ‘Mes 10+ 74817 and Sisoneless than 10 then 9+7 must be 6 10. Think of how stupid the average person send realize, halfof them are stuplder than that "0 ohm puna non DA ape | sew you drop mectfanddida wecuooce sess sith | Spies ike Us Uneivil Marriage ‘When my wife gets lie upse, someties | ‘simple ‘Calm down" | Inasoothing vices allttakesto gether alotupre. Se@ruexanovane Before marrying some- one, listen longand ‘hard to the sounds of their chewing, because | ‘thas the sounderace to the restof your lif. veuzennea Teuton oye tks eat oer conhaaeees etl ec Stow myc commune eas | We ea nlther confirm nor deny that his Tsourfiet weet. ecu Wordsmiths Just foune the worst page in the entre dictionary. What sawrwas disgraceful, Alsgsting, dishonest, and disingensous. vessrarommorr Autocorrect walks Into aber. Bartender says, “What ean I get yout” Autocorrect ays, “Tthave a beer “WHOM WHOM WHOM" Ow that never gets Invited to partes @NPARNAPEDS Inthe Name of... My daughter doesn't Jnow the word ‘races so she calls ‘hem “ny als for yout teeth? veunoooan What do you thine Kid Rock and Chris Rock alk about at family ounlonst vannoarnaas w@cerjovwan ‘What lot called it ‘afyawatter and not a splatular venmcaseane Who called ityour foot falling sleep and not ‘comatoes? vecmuzew ItHappens Every Time very time a sexy ‘woman jumpe out ‘ofagiant cake, there is atleast one guy who ‘is bummed about the cake being ruined, veroxani, very time I almost ‘think ums will ‘be OK, Isee someone 2o minute, ecarnicecnane j : i Food for Thought "wanted to go out tonight but the avocado "ought this week wl finaly be rpe enough tocatbetween 6 pam. and®:15 pm, sol can't w@TAnsuaLoveE Fortune Cookie: YOU JUST BROKE MY HOUSE IN HALF AND HOW YOU'RE READING MY JOURNAL. va@zannseicr ‘The best way to prepare cauliflower Isby throwing It inthe trash while ‘Ordering a delicious pizza. wanicerousser Hold. Hold... Hold... CHARGE lee atthe bottom of glass wazancess | Self-awareness “Trwas a good thing Iwas born agi, wherwise Fd be a ‘rag queen veoutrnarros Just bought book ‘on narcissism. Wsgreat its all about me. wawancuason or, Oad, ma sgathere. Caveman coming ut tos parents veanistoriesne Weird Science How do they get the Ihutieanes arrive in alphabetical order? wexenjunsives “TNOWWhat do we vant? MORE TE TRAVEL JOKES! When owe want them? RIGH Ina thousand years, archeologists il dig ‘up tanning beds and ‘think we fred people 18 punishment veouvawnoe 105 ‘ni WHO KNEW? tn IF YOUR Block COULD Talk Fascinating facts about the streets where we live ie Ca "Unless you wanna go through that again, open afaucet and let a pencl- lead stream of water run forthe rest ‘ofthe winter" Por the next six weeks, we jus that “The endless wile became a aw. ing reminder of everything 1 didn't ‘know. I realy had no idea where our water came from. Or where it went, (Os for that mate, how my phone eal to the water department had gotten through tothe water deparement ASI stared out the window, {further rel- ied knew nothing about the concrete sidewalk leading to our door, th lawn, Deneath the freshly fallen snow, the squizels in the wees, the ancient wal= ‘mittee on the boulevard nothing. ‘And these were just the things 1 could see through one dinky win- dow. 14 rend books about journeying ‘across Antartica, down the Amazon River and up Mount Everest; fd writ ten books about 50,000-earold wood buried in the bogs of New Zealand and the violin makers of Cremona, Iealy—but knew nothing about the ‘worl right outside my front door So {started doing some research, and I learned the mos fascinating things |Wyour home address isan odd ‘number, you probably lve on the South or eastside of the street: W's an even number you probably Lie on the north or west sid Latslook a szeet names too Iyou're stroling in Okdchoma or Arkantss, ‘you'l find the most popular street name tobe Oak ifn Wisconsin, Vermont, ora dozen other states, the ‘number one prize goes to Park; in the Deep South, Dogwood and Magnolia take te cake Butthe most commonly found steet name in the United Sates interestingly enough, Second. Why ‘The most logeal explanation is that Insome cles, the main dag is Main ‘Steet and in thers, 's Fist Round ‘ng out the top ten US. street names, ‘inorder: Thi, First, Fourth, Park, ith, Main, Siath, Oak and Seventh. “The selection of place names has often ben, almost wibour exception, taeless” says Don Empson, author Of The Steet Where You Live: A Guide fo the Pace Names of St. Paul. "We have such misnomers as College Av. ‘enue with no college, Palace Avenue ‘with no palace, Ocean Sree with no ‘ocean, and Hunting Valley Road with po valley orhunters! Your block home to 8.1 squirrels. With 108 species, southern Asia is considered the “squirrel capital of the world” North Ameries has amere 85 species, witha density of about 15 squirrels per acre. And since the range of most squirrels is only few acres, chances are the same old squlr tals you see day alter day in your ‘backyard are exactly that, Some 12 bilion of them live in the United States at any given time, They have an unesnny ability to thrive {na wide range of environe—urban parks, suburban backyards, wilder ess forests “They Nourish because they—ike ‘numans—are generalist” says John “Moriarty, senior wildlife manager for ‘he Thee fives Park Dis in Minne sora "Squires ean ive in weetop nests, hollowed-ourtree trunks, oryour ate Letter carriers bring you ‘4 pounds of junk mal year. You don't open 44 percent of i and you recycle abouta quarter oft. Over the years, the United States Post state, motoreycle sk, Segway, tobog- ‘dogsed, boat, biplane, super: Sonic jet, snowmobile, and hovererat Ifyou live athe bostom ofthe Grand ‘Canyon, your mall is brought to you bymule. In New York City, pneumatic tubes once helped deliver six milion eters day, ncding one third of the ety’ frs-class mall via 27 miles of tub Ing that an Beneath the city steets and even across the Brooklyn Bridge. Each capil could travel 35 ils per hour and hold upto 600 eters (or an unspecified number of submarine sandwiches, which, according olre, were delivered to hungry pot work: fers thi wa). In 1858, Harry Winston had such {lth in the postal service chat when Ine donated the $88 milion ($350 mil- lionin todays dollars) Hope Diamond | Who Knew to the Smithsonian he shipped it by registered mail—in plain brown en ‘elope stamped FRAGILE from New York City to Washington, DC, The cast was $145.28: $2.4 for postage and the restfor 1 milion worth afinsurance Garbage collectors pick up {5426 pounds of your trash a year. ‘That’ the average fora family of four Inthe United State, encompassing all kinds of rash rom urban, suburba and rural cans and dumpsters. Based fon those averages, fT were to kidnap your week's worth of trash on garbage ay and pek though the 50 pounds of ‘waste fer you'd separated out the ‘conventional eyeing stil find 410% pounds of food waste + 9 pounds of plate +7 pounds of paper and cardboard + 5% pounds of rubber leather, and tries $4 pounds of metal $404 pounds of yard timings +4 pounds of wood +23 pounds of glass + 2pounds of ater stull™ ‘The grass really does look greener ‘on the other side of your fence, ‘The old adage is true heease when you're standing in your yard look- Ing straight down, you see the dirt and bare spots between the blades of lr. But when you look over at your neighbor’ yard at an angle, you see only he groen blades, ‘Ahealthy lawn contains about elght socom 109 ! , | taaoens ocasr Woke |) qassptan per quar inch—mean- | thu calisthenics devices for nave ‘eas misplced—for nine centuries, | You probably ve within a || tng tteyour 5by00-oor io has | pedestans Theyremain because they Indi he recipe wasredscoveredin | ten-minute walk of par ||| stenotdplans oryoutwtend. | te expensive to remove and some, scopy of iruviuss On Architecture | Seven of every tn Americans ar ‘According t PaulKoch apantps | times happened in Dally inate found n Swiss monastery and has | fortunate enmugh tie itis || enoopsetom the O1 Noer furs | butoo are eatated, played ava oe in our ives—and | minute walk of «park. Some sea | Reve Fc atthe Untverty | "Steve Magen, data ng ‘urvalis and dves~eversinee | natural, provide more meen spec, af wisconsn in Madison, theif cy- | nee forthe Minnesota Deparment than others. Ifyou step ott your dour i cle of any single blade of grass is only | Transportation, explains that in dense ‘You have a one in six chance in Scottsdale, Arizona, you have only lsban areas, operable pedestrian of recsiving a speeding ticket | aiopereen'chane ofa shor resi | IN LARGE CITIES, | ois mu ono th year & park But Misous Kansas Cans vehicle ale To compensate, pedes. ‘About 4 milion speeding dct are | hare a7 parent chan, leony VERY FEW PEDESTRIAN | vier veatetcalotedsdeqsas tne issuedin the United States every yea. | ers an 63 percent chance, and San CROSSWALK BUTTONS | ss partof he overall timing yee, Fines range rom $10forminor ac: | Franciscans 100 percent canta ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING. | Signa ining changes witht ob, tion in North Dakota to $2,50 for | absolute certainty of Deng alee flow and decton of wats cytes deingfaster than 85 mph in Vigna. | wiggle thes oes park oes a anal ‘can range from 90 to 250 seconds. ‘The average ticket amounts to $150— | 600 seconds of walking out the door. tee osc wees. “usta your body which might seem like ot untl we | Jost at commun developer he replaces calla so you don't have the | Ityouhad Xray vison, yur lt Finland or Switzerland, where | dres Duany once posted tht ret Same bones youn ten years ago’ | sc tata Conrete sidewak fines are based on income. wealthy | ees ae nothing more thaws cece he saya alawn replaces cells | f typical four inches thick diver docked doing 10 mph in Sit | ef lage arly atched weetat so you don't have the same derand wat fined 8350 ‘geatpakyses aie mare than ‘esyouhudayearortwo ga’ | interstate 2 beey eleven inches. Men are SD percent more likely | people and places sewn together by ‘We manufacture and use more con- to be lstued speeding dctets than | pat acltes and mural eae you pushabuton ata | crete than anyother subrance om women nd the hur orto flaw: |" ays Mitch Silver, commistocer crosswatkina majorly, | the planet Worldwide we gene ing the moming rush along withthe | ofthe New York Cl Depertaent of |) “probably wont do fe ten billion tons of # pr year; teil between 1 and'3 pm. are | Puts end Recresion“Ieea\ egg omnes $n pounds fot everyman woe the tines youre most isto gets |e peat cy dat toca he nee Only percent of New York | and child Pound for pound, we use Gitaon—with essa dershave | park) City’ 3000 pluspedesean | twice ax meh comer for balding Inoeoom'o speedup anda more | "vss asnonrnesceye crosswalk buttons actually | syste wood ple and luminary Done obeingspoced and teteedby | Zttmam smerny do anything: In Dallas, at | combine. Inwenforcement. Fett one point fewas zero percent. | The history of concrete follows a Inouiying aren, smal tw, | bumpy ral The Romans developed ooo ag and suburbs and at many ur | the Kn and echniques formula Ligh Wat Ban mere toe bt | tan yx hey rea nsee alae Beat ons do indeed communiate | bat some ofthe most mapnicent Feeley cca rena ‘with the eae igh. But | statues eer ated, ining he ae ae in large cities, they're | Pantheon, which stands toy With {they sur don mae they ust.) often Iie more than | the fll ofthe emple, the formula veneers rc emnc e er re HO jxryavousr 081 haa

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