Apex4204 Sitang Pakornrassamee SITHCCC014

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assessment and your assessment submission form.

Student Number Apex4204

Student Name Sitang Pakornrassamee
Email zleeppyladyz@gmail.com
Course Title Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Unit Code and Title SITHCCC014 Prepare meat dishes
☐ 1. Unit Knowledge Assessment (UKA)
Assessment Task No. / Title
☐ 2. Unit Skills Assessment (USA)
Trainer Name


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Page 1 of 25
Student Instructions:

 All questions must be answered correctly to be completed satisfactorily.

 All knowledge assessments are untimed and are conducted as open book (this means
student can refer to textbooks or any resources).

 Student may handwrite/use computers to answer the questions.

 This assessment task may be completed in a classroom, at home, learning management

system (i.e. Moodle), or independent learning environment.

 You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other personnel but may
refer to reference material as needed.

Submission details

 The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your trainer. Any variations to this
arrangement must be approved in writing by your trainer.

 Fill out the Assessment Submission form to the documents you are submitting to be

 Please answer each question on a separate page provided and clearly indicate the
question number at the top of the page.

 The Trainer/Assessor may further prompt and question in order to receive answers
of appropriate quality or if further clarification is required and to validate authenticity
of your submitted work.

Page 2 of 25
Question 1 - Answer

Method used to identify mise en Consideration to prevent wastage

place requirements

1 Check the booking or any special events Ensure that the ingredients will be used correctly
and appropriately be precise. By following the
2. Check the menus or food recipes for recipes and calculating the amount of the
services. ingredients to be used as much as possible and be
careful or attend to every details of the menus.
3. Assembling and preparing the ingredients
4. Prepare and set up the workstation to be
ready for service.

Question 2 – Answer
5 the general key steps for preparing ingredients and the production of meat dishes are as
1. Considering about the type of the meat for the correct recipes.
2. Using the correct equipment and clean up the equipment before trimming or cutting the
3. Following the recipes and instructions for the correct method to deliver the perfect quality of
4. Calculating or estimating the amount of the ingredients to be used in order to avoid the
5. The equipment and the station must have set up and be ready for the service.

Question 3 – Answer
The method of checking the quality of the lamb's meat is observed from meat color, fat color,
and textures of the meat.

Question 4 – Answer
1. Diced lamb: Trimmed and cubed lamb from the leg or shoulder is readily available at
grocery stores for quick and easy stew or kabobs.
2. Shoulder chop: Traditional lamb chops come from the rib, loin, sirloin, require a shorter
amount of cooking time than other cuts, making them an economical and flavorful choice
for quick and easy meals.
3. Loin chop: One of the most readily available cuts in the case at the grocery store and
butcher shop, loin chops are lean.
4. Sirloin chop: Lamb chops come in many shapes and sizes, depending on the part of the
animal they come from. Large and meaty, sirloin chops are cut from the leg and can be
identified by the crosscut.

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Question 5 – Answer

Fancy Menu Dish Method of Cookery


1. Pork Deep – fried pork knuckle Boiled 3 hours, before deep – fired at 180
degrees Celsius cooking time 10 minutes.
2. Lambs Grilled Lamb cutlets Marinated with the sauce and herbs, grill on the
charcoal grill.

3. Kangaroo Grilled kangaroo steak Seasoning the steak and fried on the pan with
butter and herbs.
4. Chicken Grilled Chicken Marinated with the sauce and herbs, grill on the
charcoal grill.

5. Beef Pan – fried steak Seasoning the steak and fried on the pan with
butter and herbs.

6. Fish Steamed Fish Steamed with herbs in boiling water 100

degrees Celsius for 15 minute.

Question 6 – Answer

Cut Menu Dish Method of Cookery

Topside Veal steak Pan frying, roasting, grilling

Osso bucco Roasted Veal shanks Stewing, braising

Silverside Roasted silverside Pan frying, roasting, grilling

Shoulder Stuffed shoulder Stewing, braising

Question 7 – Answer
4 Primal cuts which can be obtained from a leg of beef such as: topside, round, rump, and

Question 8 – Answer
The silverside is an outside meat and consists of outside meat. Cut from the back of the thigh
and eye round which are tougher meats.

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Question 9 – Answer
1. Clean the meats and make sure that it is no spoiled and ensure the freshness level for
using in the menus.
2. Trimming and cut the undesirable portion of the meat.
3. Use the correct equipment with the correct type of meat to create the appropriate cuts for
the menus. Also, ensure the cleanliness level of the equipment before use.
4. Avoid the contamination by using the correct cutting board and discard the single use glove
after finished the tasks or between tasks.
5. Prevent the cross contamination between the different type of meats and cooked meat and
raw meats.
6. Use the container or trays to store the meat and prevent the blood of any liquid which came
out from the meat to contaminate the other ingredients.

Question 10 – Answer
3 Advantages of having offal and second class cuts on the menu:
1. To avoid the wastage and using every cut as much as possible
2. To offer the variety of the menus and a choice for the customers
3. To use the other cuts for the other menus or creating a new menu from these cuts.

Question 11 – Answer
1. Topside comes from the inside of the hind leg, between the thick flank and the silverside.
2. Beef shank is the leg portion of a steer or heifer (the hind shank).
3. Silverside just above the leg cut.

Question 12 – Answer

Differences Menu Dishes

Lamb: The lamb kidney will cut in the length Breakfast, grilled calf’s kidneys, skewers
halfway and serve as whole or slice

Veal: Cut into natural segments or slice and


Question 13 – Answer
1. The topside part of the veal is tougher and suitable for braise or boiled which can help the
meat to become more tender.
2. When stew beef topside for a long time, the meat becomes dry and sticky cannot be

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Question 14 – Answer

Temperature Range: 150 - 220 °Celsius

Reasons and Explanation
Because the slow roasting will make the product more tender. But for the high temperature the
product will get a crispy texture and also to color the meat and the center of the meat will be less
done than slow roasting.

Question 15 – Answer

10.80 = cost of 600 g trimmed meat [1000 – (40/100) =600]
Equation: If 0.600 kg cost $10.80 how much does 1.000 kg cost? 0.600 kg – $ 10.80
1.000 kg – $ X 10.80$ / 0.600kg = 18$

Reasons: Because the price for the 600g of meat will be 10.8$ and for 1kg you need more 400g of
meats. We can use the formula by the desired weight multiply by the actual cost of 600g and divided
by 600g which equal to 18$

Question 16 – Answer

Primals used Reason

Lamb Schnitzel Topside, silverside, leg cuts The tenderness and the structure of
the meats are suitable.

Roast Lamb Forequater chop, shoulder Suitable for roasting and can create
a different level of tenderness.

Question 17 – Answer

Equipment and Explanation for use Applied Example

Butcher Knife Stripping, splitting, and cutting Slicing the thin cuts, precision cuts

Boning Knife Sharp point and narrow to Makes precision boning, deep cuts
remove bones and holes easier.

Meat Hook Different type of hooks for Hook the carcass or meats, hold the
hanging the meat meat while butchering.
Larding Needles Cut into the long strips from the Larding the pork fat into 3mm
meat fat

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Sharpening Stone Steel tool for grinding and Sharpening the different types of
honing the knife knifes
Sharpening Steel The steel which is using for For honing or realign the edge of the
honing the knife different types of knifes.
Bowl Chopper The equipment designed for a Cutting a lean meats or fat particles.
small or very small

Meat Thermometer Thermometer for calculating the To indicate the doneness level of the
temperature for meat meats and correct the temperature.
Butcher’s String For trussing or tying the meats Making a stuff rolled pork or beef

Meat Bat For batting the meat and Tenderising the meat for frying and
tenderising grilling.

For safety and hygiene requirements: The equipment must be cleaned and sanitized correctly and
between the tasks to ensure that it will not contaminate the other ingredients.

Question 18 – Answer

Primal Cut Restaurant Cut Cookery Method Menu Dishes

Neck Neck medallion Grill or braise Grilled pork neck, roasted pork neck,
szegediner goulash, pork ragout, char sui
Shoulder Diced or minced Stew, deep-fry or grill pork
Boiled pickled pork, sweet and sour pork
Hock Boil, braise, Roasted pork knuckle, smoked pork hock,
stew, roast pork hock in Chinese master stock
Leg Schnitzel, Roast, pan-fry, grill Roast pork with apple sauce, pork
escalope, steak schnitzel, scaloppini with Parmesan
Loin Rack, Grill, pan-fry, roast Pork rack with Panzanella, pork cutlet with
cutlet, medallion, capsicum stuffing, pork medallion with pesto,
steak grilled pork cutlet with baked apple
Belly Spare Slow roast, American spare ribs in honey, slow cooked
ribs, braise, grill, BBQ pork belly in soy marinade, five spice pork
American spare ribs
Tenderloin spare ribs, rolled
Fillet, medallions Grill, BBQ, roast, Pork piccata Milanese, pork fillet Normandy,
bake pork with prunes and port glazed apples
Trimmings Diced, stir- Roast, braise, stir- Meatloaf with mushroom sauce, boudin in
fry, mince fry, pan fry crepinette, steamed pork buns

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Question 19 – Answer
1. Larding and Barding: the term larding refers to inserting thin strips of raw, unprocessed
bacon back fat, also known as lardons or green bacon, through the muscle tissue of meat.
2. Tenderising: Tough meat can be tenderised to make it tenderer or to speed up the cooking
3. Skewering: Meat offcuts are threaded onto bamboo or metal skewers then grilled.
4. Rolling: This can be used in a variety of ways. A primal cut, e.g. topside, is sliced thinly
into schnitzel and then flattened out and filled with either a farce or other ingredients such
as sautéed onions, vegetables or even fruit. The item is rolled up and tied or kept in place
with skewers. It can then be grilled, pan-fried or braised depending on the tenderness of
the item.
5. Stuffing and trussing: When roasting meat, extra flavours are sometimes added in the
form of stuffing, often to the cavity formed by the removal of the bone.
6. Mincing: All offcuts and trimmings can be minced and then used for menu items
7. Marinades: A also used to impart flavour to food. It is important to select a marinade that
complements the flavours of your food.

Question 20 – Answer
The advantages of ageing meat in vacuum sealed packaging, to prevent the bacteria to
become active and avoid the spoilage, oxidization, and dehydration of the meat. Temperatures for
storage under 0 degrees Celsius and can available for 12 weeks and need to be opened and left
for 30 minutes before use. When want to defrost frozen food the safety method is:
1. Defrosting food in the refrigerator: The safety way to defrost food is in the refrigerator.
When food is defrosted in the refrigerator, the food doesn’t need to pass through the temperature
danger zone. This is why it’s the safest of all defrosting methods.
2. Defrosting food in the microwave: Microwave ovens can be quite useful for defrosting small
items quickly.
3. Defrosting food as part of the cooking process.
4. Defrosting food under cold running water is the least preferred method of defrosting as it
can be quite easy for the food item to reach temperatures within the temperature danger zone. If
use this method, then use a clean and sanitised sink, and completely submerge the food item
under running potable water of 20°C (60°F) or lower. The food should be held in leak-proof,
waterproof packaging.

Question 21 – Answer
To help increasing the flavour of the meal and provide a colourful pattern, can be used for the
decoration and the enhancement for the mote presentation of the meal too.

Question 22 – Answer
Meat consumption is primarily intended to provide the body with protein nutrients. Meat also
contains vitamins and minerals. And don't forget that there is fat inserted in the meat as well Must
try to choose eat a variety of meat which may choose fish as the main and choose to eat lean
meat. Have to consider about the nutrition to ensure that the consumer will receive the precise
and appropriate amount of nutrition which requires per day and also considering about the energy
consumption of the body.

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The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements
and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:
• follow standard recipes to prepare meat dishes using each of the following meat items:
o beef
o game:
▪ kangaroo
▪ venison
▪ specialty meats
o lamb
o pork
o veal
o offal:
▪ kidney
▪ liver
• use each of the following meat preparation techniques at least once when preparing the above
dishes, as appropriate:
o ageing
o barding
o boning and trimming
o cutting and portioning
o larding
o marinating
o mincing
o rolling
o tenderising
o trussing and tying
o skewering
• prepare the required meat dishes using each of the following cookery methods at least once:
o braising
o frying
o grilling
o roasting
o stewing
• prepare above food for at least six different customers:
o within commercial time constraints and deadlines
o reflecting required quantities to be produced
o following procedures for portion control and food safety practices when handling and storing
o responding to special customer requests and dietary requirements.

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Before your assessment, you must:
• Come in regulation chef’s uniform and with a complete set of well-maintained tools.
• Follow instructions given by your assessor for the required assessment
Any misbehaviour by students during practicals will not be tolerated and students will be asked to
leave the kitchen immediately. You will also be deemed “Not Satisfactory” as a result and may also
be refused to participate in further kitchen practicals.
Fully equipped commercial kitchen, ingredients, workflow and recipe card templates
Your assessor will give you dishes to prepare as part of the assessment each week. You are
required to do the following:
1. Complete Recipe Cards and Work Flow Charts before proceeding to practical assessment. You
must submit completed cards and charts to your assessor after the practicals.
2. Select the correct food preparation equipment for the food types
3. Use food preparation equipment to prepare food
4. Clean and maintain food preparation equipment after use
Note: You must participate in ALL practicals and demonstrate satisfactory performance (see
practical tasks checklists below) to achieve satisfactory result for this assessment.

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Standard Recipe Card
Name of dish: Portion nos.:
Lamb's Fry and Bacon
Reference source:
Portion cost: $ Portion size:
Sale Price at $
( % Food Cost)
Item Specification Weight kg/l/unit Cost per kg/l/unit Actual Cost
Ingredients for 2 serve
Lamb's fry 400 g
Onion 150 g
Bacon rashers 100 g
Flour 50 g
Vegetable oil 60 g
Butter 60 g
Jus 250 mL
Red wine 50 mL
Worcestershire sauce 5 mL

Total Cost $

Portion Cost $


1. Remove any sinews from the liver and cut into 1cm thick slices
2. Peel and slice the onions
3. Cut the bacon into lardons (batons)
4. Mix the seasoning and flour. Draw the liver slices through the flour and seal in a pan with the
hot oil and bacon. Turn the liver over and seal the other side
5. Remove the liver and bacon and pour off the oil. Fry the onion in half of the butter. Add the red
wine, Worcestershire sauce and jus and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and mount with the
remaining butter
6. Add the liver slices and bacon to the sauce and simmer slowly for-1 minute. Do not overcook!
The liver should still be pink on the inside to prevent it from drying out Plating
7. Place the liver slices onto a pre-warmed plate
8. Spoon the sauce over the liver

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TIME TASK (DESCRIPTION) Equipment & WHS Communication (Who, About what?)
09.00 Prepare the ingredients Chef’s knife, cutting -
AM. boards, pan, strainer,
wooden spoon

Trim and remove any sinews Chef’s knife, cutting -

from boards, tray

Fry the lamb and bacon Tray, spatula, pan, oil, -

wok, thongs

Add the sauce and simmer Pan, stove, spatula, , oil,

wok, thongs

Serving and plating Plate, tray -

END OF SERVICE Equipment/Systems Communication (Who, About what?)

Cleaning the kitchen premises Mop, Detergent, Sanitizer -

Cleaning the kitchen equipment Sponge, Detergent, -

and store the ingredients Sanitizer

POST SERVICE DE-BRIEF Equipment/Systems Communication (Who, About what?)

Menu, Technique, Ingredients - -
and equipment

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SITHCCC014 Prepare meat dishes Practical Tasks - Dish 1
Student Name / ID Apex4204 Sitang Pakornrassamee
Name of Dish Lamb Curry
Did the Student Demonstrate the following:
• Confirm food preparation requirements from food preparation list and
standard recipes
• Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements
• Selected meat products and ingredients as per the recipes, freshness and
stock rotation requirements

• Select type and size of knives and other equipment suitable to requirements
• Safe and hygienic use of equipment and knives as per instructions
• Workflow and recipe cards completed for dishes/recipes, all ingredients
prepared ready to use
• Frozen products are thawed using correct procedures
• Understands underlying principles of methods of cookery and used correct
methods of cookery
• Meat is portioned correctly as per recipe requirements
• Correct storage procedure for service for freshness and quality
• Correct presentation techniques of cooked food
• Dish served free of smears of marks
• Prepared accompaniments and marinades as required
• Service ware pre-warmed and food served hot
• Seasoned to taste with use of acceptable garnish
• Presented within given time constraints
• Waste minimisation and environmental issues considered
• Display organisational skills and teamwork
• Understands culinary terms used with the required cookery methods
• Costing, yield testing and portion control for meats
• Deal with problems such as shortages of food items, mistakes and problems
with dishes produced and equipment failure


Assessor signature Date

Page 16 of 25
SITHCCC014 Prepare meat dishes Practical Tasks - Dish 2
Student Name / ID Apex4204 Sitang Pakornrassamee
Name of Dish Italian Meatballs in Red Wine Tomato Sauce
Did the Student Demonstrate the following:
• Confirm food preparation requirements from food preparation list and
standard recipes
• Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements
• Selected meat products and ingredients as per the recipes, freshness and
stock rotation requirements
• Select type and size of knives and other equipment suitable to requirements
• Safe and hygienic use of equipment and knives as per instructions
• Workflow and recipe cards completed for dishes/recipes, all ingredients
prepared ready to use
• Frozen products are thawed using correct procedures
• Understands underlying principles of methods of cookery and used correct
methods of cookery
• Meat is portioned correctly as per recipe requirements
• Correct storage procedure for service for freshness and quality
• Correct presentation techniques of cooked food
• Dish served free of smears of marks
• Prepared accompaniments and marinades as required
• Service ware pre-warmed and food served hot
• Seasoned to taste with use of acceptable garnish
• Presented within given time constraints
• Waste minimisation and environmental issues considered
• Display organisational skills and teamwork
• Understands culinary terms used with the required cookery methods
• Costing, yield testing and portion control for meats
• Deal with problems such as shortages of food items, mistakes and problems
with dishes produced and equipment failure

Assessor signature Date

Page 17 of 25
SITHCCC014 Prepare meat dishes Practical Tasks - Dish 3
Student Name / ID Apex4204 Sitang Pakornrassamee
Name of Dish Venison Medallion with Poached Pear
Did the Student Demonstrate the following:
• Confirm food preparation requirements from food preparation list and
standard recipes
• Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements
• Selected meat products and ingredients as per the recipes, freshness and
stock rotation requirements

• Select type and size of knives and other equipment suitable to requirements
• Safe and hygienic use of equipment and knives as per instructions
• Workflow and recipe cards completed for dishes/recipes, all ingredients
prepared ready to use
• Frozen products are thawed using correct procedures
• Understands underlying principles of methods of cookery and used correct
methods of cookery
• Meat is portioned correctly as per recipe requirements
• Correct storage procedure for service for freshness and quality
• Correct presentation techniques of cooked food
• Dish served free of smears of marks
• Prepared accompaniments and marinades as required
• Service ware pre-warmed and food served hot
• Seasoned to taste with use of acceptable garnish
• Presented within given time constraints
• Waste minimisation and environmental issues considered
• Display organisational skills and teamwork
• Understands culinary terms used with the required cookery methods
• Costing, yield testing and portion control for meats
• Deal with problems such as shortages of food items, mistakes and problems
with dishes produced and equipment failure


Assessor signature Date

Page 18 of 25
SITHCCC014 Prepare meat dishes Practical Tasks - Dish 4
Student Name / ID Apex4204 Sitang Pakornrassamee
Name of Dish Kangaroo Loin with Warm Bok Choy Salad
Did the Student Demonstrate the following:
• Confirm food preparation requirements from food preparation list and
standard recipes
• Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements
• Selected meat products and ingredients as per the recipes, freshness and
stock rotation requirements

• Select type and size of knives and other equipment suitable to requirements
• Safe and hygienic use of equipment and knives as per instructions
• Workflow and recipe cards completed for dishes/recipes, all ingredients
prepared ready to use
• Frozen products are thawed using correct procedures
• Understands underlying principles of methods of cookery and used correct
methods of cookery
• Meat is portioned correctly as per recipe requirements
• Correct storage procedure for service for freshness and quality
• Correct presentation techniques of cooked food
• Dish served free of smears of marks
• Prepared accompaniments and marinades as required
• Service ware pre-warmed and food served hot
• Seasoned to taste with use of acceptable garnish
• Presented within given time constraints
• Waste minimisation and environmental issues considered
• Display organisational skills and teamwork
• Understands culinary terms used with the required cookery methods
• Costing, yield testing and portion control for meats
• Deal with problems such as shortages of food items, mistakes and problems
with dishes produced and equipment failure


Assessor signature Date

Page 19 of 25
SITHCCC014 Prepare meat dishes Practical Tasks - Dish 5
Student Name / ID Apex4204 Sitang Pakornrassamee
Name of Dish Barbecue Veal Shoulder
Did the Student Demonstrate the following:
• Confirm food preparation requirements from food preparation list and
standard recipes
• Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements
• Selected meat products and ingredients as per the recipes, freshness and
stock rotation requirements

• Select type and size of knives and other equipment suitable to requirements
• Safe and hygienic use of equipment and knives as per instructions
• Workflow and recipe cards completed for dishes/recipes, all ingredients
prepared ready to use
• Frozen products are thawed using correct procedures
• Understands underlying principles of methods of cookery and used correct
methods of cookery
• Meat is portioned correctly as per recipe requirements
• Correct storage procedure for service for freshness and quality
• Correct presentation techniques of cooked food
• Dish served free of smears of marks
• Prepared accompaniments and marinades as required
• Service ware pre-warmed and food served hot
• Seasoned to taste with use of acceptable garnish
• Presented within given time constraints
• Waste minimisation and environmental issues considered
• Display organisational skills and teamwork
• Understands culinary terms used with the required cookery methods
• Costing, yield testing and portion control for meats
• Deal with problems such as shortages of food items, mistakes and problems
with dishes produced and equipment failure


Assessor signature Date

Page 20 of 25
SITHCCC014 Prepare meat dishes Practical Tasks - Dish 6
Student Name / ID Apex4204 Sitang Pakornrassamee
Name of Dish OX Kidney and Dark Beer Pie
Did the Student Demonstrate the following:
• Confirm food preparation requirements from food preparation list and
standard recipes
• Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements
• Selected meat products and ingredients as per the recipes, freshness and
stock rotation requirements

• Select type and size of knives and other equipment suitable to requirements
• Safe and hygienic use of equipment and knives as per instructions
• Workflow and recipe cards completed for dishes/recipes, all ingredients
prepared ready to use
• Frozen products are thawed using correct procedures
• Understands underlying principles of methods of cookery and used correct
methods of cookery
• Meat is portioned correctly as per recipe requirements
• Correct storage procedure for service for freshness and quality
• Correct presentation techniques of cooked food
• Dish served free of smears of marks
• Prepared accompaniments and marinades as required
• Service ware pre-warmed and food served hot
• Seasoned to taste with use of acceptable garnish
• Presented within given time constraints
• Waste minimisation and environmental issues considered
• Display organisational skills and teamwork
• Understands culinary terms used with the required cookery methods
• Costing, yield testing and portion control for meats
• Deal with problems such as shortages of food items, mistakes and problems
with dishes produced and equipment failure


Assessor signature Date

Page 21 of 25
SITHCCC014 Prepare meat dishes Practical Tasks - Dish 7
Student Name / ID Apex4204 Sitang Pakornrassamee
Name of Dish Lamb’s Fry Bacon
Did the Student Demonstrate the following:
• Confirm food preparation requirements from food preparation list and
standard recipes
• Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements
• Selected meat products and ingredients as per the recipes, freshness and
stock rotation requirements

• Select type and size of knives and other equipment suitable to requirements
• Safe and hygienic use of equipment and knives as per instructions
• Workflow and recipe cards completed for dishes/recipes, all ingredients
prepared ready to use
• Frozen products are thawed using correct procedures
• Understands underlying principles of methods of cookery and used correct
methods of cookery
• Meat is portioned correctly as per recipe requirements
• Correct storage procedure for service for freshness and quality
• Correct presentation techniques of cooked food
• Dish served free of smears of marks
• Prepared accompaniments and marinades as required
• Service ware pre-warmed and food served hot
• Seasoned to taste with use of acceptable garnish
• Presented within given time constraints
• Waste minimisation and environmental issues considered
• Display organisational skills and teamwork
• Understands culinary terms used with the required cookery methods
• Costing, yield testing and portion control for meats
• Deal with problems such as shortages of food items, mistakes and problems
with dishes produced and equipment failure


Assessor signature Date

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SITHCCC014 Prepare meat dishes Practical Tasks - Dish 8
Student Name / ID Apex4204 Sitang Pakornrassamee
Name of Dish Steamed Pork Dumplings with Dipping Sauce
Did the Student Demonstrate the following:
• Confirm food preparation requirements from food preparation list and
standard recipes
• Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements
• Selected meat products and ingredients as per the recipes, freshness and
stock rotation requirements

• Select type and size of knives and other equipment suitable to requirements
• Safe and hygienic use of equipment and knives as per instructions
• Workflow and recipe cards completed for dishes/recipes, all ingredients
prepared ready to use
• Frozen products are thawed using correct procedures
• Understands underlying principles of methods of cookery and used correct
methods of cookery
• Meat is portioned correctly as per recipe requirements
• Correct storage procedure for service for freshness and quality
• Correct presentation techniques of cooked food
• Dish served free of smears of marks
• Prepared accompaniments and marinades as required
• Service ware pre-warmed and food served hot
• Seasoned to taste with use of acceptable garnish
• Presented within given time constraints
• Waste minimisation and environmental issues considered
• Display organisational skills and teamwork
• Understands culinary terms used with the required cookery methods
• Costing, yield testing and portion control for meats
• Deal with problems such as shortages of food items, mistakes and problems
with dishes produced and equipment failure


Assessor signature Date

Page 23 of 25
SITHCCC014 Prepare meat dishes Practical Tasks - Dish 9
Student Name / ID Apex4204 Sitang Pakornrassamee
Name of Dish Rabbit Stew with Lemon Myrtle
Did the Student Demonstrate the following:
• Confirm food preparation requirements from food preparation list and
standard recipes
• Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements
• Selected meat products and ingredients as per the recipes, freshness and
stock rotation requirements
• Select type and size of knives and other equipment suitable to requirements
• Safe and hygienic use of equipment and knives as per instructions
• Workflow and recipe cards completed for dishes/recipes, all ingredients
prepared ready to use
• Frozen products are thawed using correct procedures
• Understands underlying principles of methods of cookery and used correct
methods of cookery
• Meat is portioned correctly as per recipe requirements
• Correct storage procedure for service for freshness and quality
• Correct presentation techniques of cooked food
• Dish served free of smears of marks
• Prepared accompaniments and marinades as required
• Service ware pre-warmed and food served hot
• Seasoned to taste with use of acceptable garnish
• Presented within given time constraints
• Waste minimisation and environmental issues considered
• Display organisational skills and teamwork
• Understands culinary terms used with the required cookery methods
• Costing, yield testing and portion control for meats
• Deal with problems such as shortages of food items, mistakes and problems
with dishes produced and equipment failure

Assessor signature Date

SITHCCC014 Prepare meat dishes Practical Tasks - Dish 10

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Student Name / ID Apex4204 Sitang Pakornrassamee
Name of Dish Pinchitos Morunos and AvocadoTapas
Did the Student Demonstrate the following:
• Confirm food preparation requirements from food preparation list and standard
• Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements
• Selected meat products and ingredients as per the recipes, freshness and stock
rotation requirements

• Select type and size of knives and other equipment suitable to requirements
• Safe and hygienic use of equipment and knives as per instructions
• Workflow and recipe cards completed for dishes/recipes, all ingredients
prepared ready to use
• Frozen products are thawed using correct procedures
• Understands underlying principles of methods of cookery and used correct
methods of cookery
• Meat is portioned correctly as per recipe requirements
• Correct storage procedure for service for freshness and quality
• Correct presentation techniques of cooked food
• Dish served free of smears of marks
• Prepared accompaniments and marinades as required
• Service ware pre-warmed and food served hot
• Seasoned to taste with use of acceptable garnish
• Presented within given time constraints
• Waste minimisation and environmental issues considered
• Display organisational skills and teamwork
• Understands culinary terms used with the required cookery methods
• Costing, yield testing and portion control for meats
• Deal with problems such as shortages of food items, mistakes and problems
with dishes produced and equipment failure


Assessor signature Date

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