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ABC Community School

Breawna Blade
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Position Paper

My personal feelings about teaching and learning with technology is that technology is an

essential part of modern learning and makes learning easier and more accessible for both

teachers and students. Technology is integrated into every part of our modern world and teaching

the core curriculum without it is bound to hinder our generation of students’ technological skills,

especially for students who do not have that technology at home like low-income students. There

are many technological skills a student can learn during a lesson that is integrated with

technology like how to use software programs, how to work on typing skills, and many more

skills that will be necessary for their lives after they graduate.

I also feel technology being integrated in the classroom assists the teaching process in a

tremendous way by allowing teachers to use tools that make lesson plans more accessible and

interesting for students. There are thousands of different programs and tools that can easily

create a more efficient and sustainable lesson plan for teachers in our district to use including

learning programs designed with the core curriculum in mind, word processing tools, and

educational published videos to easily demonstrate a topic. All these tools not only make

learning easier and more accessible, especially if a student is assigned work, they must take

home, but they also work on the student’s ability to use technology in a safe and efficient

manner. Technology is also an essential tool to help develop a students critical thinking skills

according to an article titled “Importance of Technology in Education” published by Allison

Academy. They argue that “different educational approaches allow students to express

themselves in original ways, thus arriving at different solutions. In that process, they approach

information critically, thinking about each available piece of information to reach the desired
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result.” I feel that not allowing our students their access to these tools will only hurt them in the

long run.

I feel our students not only deserve continued access to all technological programs that

can assist with their learning, but I also believe they need to have access to high-speed internet,

computers, and other devices. I believe that taking any of these things away with both hinder the

continually evolving needs of our student’s education, but also make teaching lessons much

more difficult for the teachers when they have limited access to the supplies, they can easily use

to help their students flourish. Every single teacher in this school has used some type of

technology to make learning in the classroom more efficient and taking away our access to those

types of services and rights will only hinder our lesson plans in the end. We don’t live in a time

any more in which a student can get away with limited access to technology and still have the

same fulfilling educational experience as a student in a different district who had unlimited

access to it.
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Identification of Standards

Our school district is both expected and required to follow the Nevada Computer

and Technology Standards, as well as the ISTE Standards in the education we are giving our

students to give them the skills and knowledge needed for their grade level. There are six

standards listed in the NCTS, including Creativity and Innovation, Communication and

Collaboration, Research and Information Fluency, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and

Decision Making, Digital Citizenship, and Technology Operations and Concepts. All these

standards will be difficult to meet without proper access to a variety of technologies for

educational use.

The first Nevada Computer and Technology Standard Creativity and Innovation covers

our student’s ability to think creatively and create innovatively with technology. This skill will

need to be developed through the continued use and training of technological tools to help a

student express their knowledge and creatively using technology.

The second standard Communication and Collaboration is the skill students need to

develop to safely communicate with others through technologies such as social media, email, and

collaborative tools online. It also teaches students how to use tool to contact and communicate

through remote distance technologies to allow them to learn on their own.

The third standard covered in the NCTS is Research and Information Fluency which is

the development of a student’s ability to use technological tools to gather information and

evaluate whether it can be trusted and learn how to use that information. This skill is helpful to

learn early on when completing any project based on research.

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The fourth standard Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making is a skill

in which students learn the fundamentals about the importance of critical thinking in the

technological world and how to use technology to solve problems and manage projects. This is

an essential skill when students are learning how to use digital resources and planning tools to

create projects. They need to be able to critically think about all the different ways to solve an

issue and learn how to come up with solutions using different tools.

The fifth standard Digital Citizenship is an essential skill in technology in which students

learn how behavior on the internet works, such as how they need to behave ethically and legally

when using technology, and what they can do to keep themselves safe when using it. They learn

how to have a positive attitude when using these tools and how to apply them to their learning

and education. They also learn how technology will impact their life after graduating school.

The final standard is Technology Operations and Concepts, in which students will be

required to demonstrate their understanding of the systems and operations they will use daily in

their lives. Such as showing they understand what software is appropriate for them to use at their

age, show they know how to take care of equipment and trouble shoot issues with hardware and

software. They also need to develop keyboard skills and explain what advantages technology


All these standards are extremely important for a student to be able to meet throughout

their educational career and will be essential for them to use through out their whole lives. We

live in a digital age that relies heavily on technology and students need to have these skills to

succeed in higher education, jobs, and almost every other aspect of life.
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Lesson Plan:

Name of the Lesson: Heredity and Genetics

Grade Level Appropriateness: 9-12

Technology Standards Addressed: 2.2 Leader, 2.5 Designer, 2.6 Facilitator.

Other Content Standard Addressed: HS-LS3-3 Apply concepts of statistics and probability to

explain the variation and distribution of expressed traits in a population.

Objective: Students will understand how statics play a role in hereditary traits being passed down

to offspring, explain what the difference between genotype and phenotype is, and understand

how to use a Punnett square to predict the probability of the expressed trait an offspring may

have based on the genotypes of the parent organisms.

Materials needed to facilitate the lesson: White board, dry erase markers, projector, Chromebook

computers, paper, pencils,, Kahoot account, candy.

Suggested Group Size: Individual during lecture, Whole class during Kahoot quiz.


Have a bell work question on the white board ready “What is the difference between genotype

and phenotype?”

Have students grab a paper from a pile in the front of the classroom, when all students are seated

make sure they all have a paper. Give the students three minutes after the bell rings to write the

answer to the question on their papers, then once the time is up discuss the answer with them

which is “A genotype is the genetic information of an organism while the phenotype is the
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observable traits of that organism.” Answer any questions students may have. Have the students

turn in their bell work to the front with their names written on them.

Have the students grab another paper or take out their notebooks, make sure they all have either a

pen or pencil so they can take their notes.

On the whiteboard use your marker to give the students a definition of heredity. On the same

white board show the students an example of a Punnett square, explain how to use one.

Give an example of a pink flower with a genotype Pw, breeding with a white flower with the

genotype ww and show the statistical probability of their what genotype their offspring may


Explain the difference between recessive and dominant genes and use brown eyes and blue eyes

as an example of the Punnett square.

Explain the difference between homozygous and heterozygous genes and give an example of

homozygous genes such as people with red hair or blue eyes.

Once the students are done with taking their notes and your done with your discussion, have each

of the students grab a Chromebook from the front of the classroom. Open this link to Kahoot and

have all students go to the website. Start the quiz and have every student put in their first and last

name and explain that they aren’t allowed to make up nicknames since this quiz will be graded.

Once every student has joined start the quiz. After the quiz is done click generate report and save

it to the corresponding periods file to grade later.

The top five students may come up to the desk and receive some candy.
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Assessment: The Kahoot assignment will be worth 10 points of each student’s grade. If a student

is absent, they may make up the assignment and come in during lunch or before school to

complete it for partial credit (8 points) unless their absence has been excused in which they will

receive full credit.
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Cited Work:

“Importance of Technology in Education.” Allison Academy, 8 Nov. 2021,


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