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An Open Letter from a Concerned Citizen

‘Tis a Sad Day

for Democracy’
Once again the self-appointed ‘Media Elites’ have excluded a
qualified candidate and important voice from the Republican
Debate. This time the target is Governor Gary Johnson.
I n 2008 it was Ron Paul who was banned from the debate only welcomed Johnson into the race, they even–gasp!–
in Milford, after the ‘media elites’ at Fox News decided the allowed him on stage to debate the ‘legitimate’
long-time Texas congressman wasn’t a ‘serious’ candidate. candidates. Gary Johnson promised the voters of New
Mexico that he would run the state government like he
Fast forward to 2011 and the ‘media elites’ at the Union ran his own business, which Johnson started as a one-
Leader, WMUR, and CNN are perpetrating the same man handyman operation during college and grew into a
injustice on former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson construction industry behemoth with over 1,000 employees.
who, despite being an officially-declared candidate, is not
invited to Monday’s debate at St. Anselm College. After shocking his better-known ‘legitimate’ opponents in
the Republican primary, Johnson did the ‘impossible’ by
Long before there was a Tea Party toppling the incumbent Democratic governor-- no small
there was New Mexico’s ‘Governor Veto’ feat in a state that registers 2-1 Democrat. And four years
later ‘Governor Veto’ won reelection with 55% of the vote.
During his two terms as governor (1994-2003) Gary Johnson
arguably ran the tightest fiscal ship in the nation. He vetoed Alas all good things must come to an end, and Governor
over 750 bills–more than all 49 other governors combined– Johnson was term-limited in 2003. And while he happily
while cutting taxes 14 times without a single increase. and quietly returned to private life, the governor hasn’t
exactly been ‘resting’ on his laurels.
Long before there was a Tea Party, Governor Johnson was
a trailblazer for other fiscally conservative governors that The Governor has conquered many challenges
followed. But the national media doesn’t get out to New from Mt. Everest to Mt. Washington
Mexico much, so American voters still know precious little
about the man known as ‘Governor Veto.’ Far from it, Governor Gary Johnson has been taking on
personal quests far more challenging than mere politics.
Which begs the question– if serving two terms as the In recent years the governor has climbed the world’s
governor of America’s fifth largest state (geographically) highest peaks including Mt. Everest, finished several
doesn’t qualify someone for a candidate’s debate, then what grueling ‘Iron Man’ Triathlons, and built his dream home
does? Especially when you consider the debaters include in the beautiful mountains of New Mexico with his own
persons who A) have never been elected to public office, hands. And perhaps most impressive of all, shortly after
and B) have not yet–and may not–declare their candidacy. announcing his candidacy in April on the State House
(Suggestion-- Due to their elected stature, members of Congress steps, the Governor set out to conquer one of the Granite
and governors should be exempt from polling criteria.) State’s toughest challenges– a notorious Mt. Washington
ski run known as ‘Tuckerman Ravine’– which he handily
Governor Johnson’s exclusion is an affront to the accomplished despite dangerous icy, white-out conditions.
intelligent and independent-minded voters of the ‘Live
Free or Die’ state, who should reject attempts by media Gallup Poll has Governor Johnson on par with
‘kingmakers’ to dictate for them which candidates are Santorum, Hunstman, Bachmann & Pawlenty
or aren’t legitimate. In the 2008 Milford debacle, er,
debate, voters were prevented from hearing Ron Paul– The most recent national Gallup Poll shows Governor
arguably the strongest voice for fiscal sanity in that election. Johnson tied with Rick Santorum and Jon Huntsman at
2% support, with a 4% margin of error. This puts the trio
Governor Johnson recognizes the ‘War on in a statistical tie with Michelle Bachmann (5%) and Tim
Drugs’ for what it is -- a collossal failure Pawlenty (6%) and trailing just four declared candidates
(Romney, Paul, Gingrich and Cain). That’s exciting news
And in 2011 it seems New Hampshire voters will be for Governor Johnson, whose national name recognition
deprived of hearing yet another strong voice-- a voice that of just 18% remains far below the others. Imagine how
calls not only for fiscal sanity, but sanity in immigration quickly his support will grow as more voters learn about the
policy and especially for sanity in our insane ‘War on governor. But that can’t happen unless the ‘media elites’
Drugs’ which has wasted hundreds of billions of dollars and allow voters to hear from all the candidates, including
resulted in the explosive growth of inner city gangs, tens of Governor Gary Johnson!
thousands of murders along the Mexico border, and over
2.3 million American citizens in prison--more than any Contact CNN, the Union Leader, and WMUR if you
country in the world, including Communist China and Russia. agree Governor Johnson deserves to be heard
Ironically, this is ‘deja vu all over again’ for the fellow who If you think Governor Johnson deserves a place in the
had the gumption (some pundits called it ‘naivety’) to debate let the media know it! CNN (404) 827-1500,
run for governor as a complete and utter political novice Union Leader (603) 668-4321, WMUR (603) 669-9999.
with a public name recognition of precisely 0%. Indeed,
citizen Gary Johnson had never run for so much as local For if Governor Gary Johnson isn’t on stage Monday
dog-catcher when he put his hat in the governor’s race. at St. Anselm College, it will be a sad day indeed for
But New Mexicans are an inclusive bunch, and they not democracy in New Hampshire.

This message was written and paid for by Kerry Welsh, an individual, and was not authorized by any
candidate or candidate’s committee (or any other organization for that matter).

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