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2021-2022 Final Project Budget

Community Health & Wellness Symposium

W.E. Stand Women’s Empowerment Club | Public Service Community School

Contracted project services

Include any costs for outside contracted services or materials, subscriptions, software licenses,
conference fees, travel costs, etc. Briefly describe the need for these services.

N/A $0.00

Project supplies

Describe items specifically needed for project e.g.., science lab items, art supplies, etc.

Makeup Mayhem Workshop materials (shopping list attached) $237.46

Homelessnes Crisis in LA Workshop materials (shopping list attached) $292.44

Denim Day workshop materials (shopping list attached) $59.00

Equipment purchases

List any equipment to be purchased with grant funds and state why needed.

N/A $0.00

Operating/Administrative expenses

Describe miscellaneous office materials, swag (t-shirts), postage, copier toner, paper, and other supplies
for grant operation.

Club T-Shirts ($15.00 x 25) $375.00

Other expenses not listed above

Event Raffle Door Prize - Visa Gift Cards ($25 x 2 + activation fees) $57.90

TOTAL BUDGET $1,021.80

TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED (up to $1,000) $1,000.00

Breakdown of Expenses

Club T-Shirts (15.00 each x25) $375.00 Total

Hygiene Kit Shopping List $292.44 Total

25 packs Feminine Pads (1.29 each) $32.25

25 Toothbrush packs (1.29 each) $32.25

25 Brush/Comb (1.29 each) $32.25

25 Dry Shampoo spray (1.29 each) $32.25

6 Nivea Soap 6 packs (2.99 each) $17.94

25 pairs of socks (1.29 each) $32.25

25 2-in1 shampoo (1.25 each) $31.25

25 packs wipes (1.99 each) $49.75

25 deodorant (1.29 each) $32.25

Makeup Kit Shopping List $237.46 Total

15 mascara (8.99 each) $134.85

7 lip gloss (4.99 each) $34.93

7 mini eyeshadow palette (6.99 each) $48.93

15 makeup bags (1.25 each) $18.75

Denim Day Buttons $59.00 Total

20 pack buttons x 2 ($25 each) $50.00

Shipping $9.00
Workshop Raffle Door Prizes (spin the wheel prizes) $57.90 Total

Visa Gift Card Raffle Prizes ( $25 each x 2 + activation fee) $57.90

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