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Top Tips to Have a Perfectly

Groomed Beard!

Beard growing and grooming can be quite

tricky and it takes a bit of research and
knowledge. Growing beards is a fairly new
thing as before it was considered
unprofessional. So even if your father has
taught you how to shave, it is unlikely that
you’ll be taught how to grow a proper beard
by an older member of your family. And
always following other people’s advice on the
maintenance of a beard doesn't always work


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Everyone's beard grows differently depending on
their genetics and surroundings. Doing your own
research to understand what will suit you the best is
the way to go.

Although, there are some things you have to keep in

mind, so here are some tips to have a greatly
groomed beard.

● Patience
It takes a long time to grow a beard and the urge to
trim and style it will take over from time to time at
the beginning of the process.

White man photo created by cookie_studio -

You have to be patient and let your beard grow fully

before you style it. It is best if you let your beard
grow for 4 to 6 weeks so that there is a full, even
growth throughout.

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It is advised to let the beard grow for that long
because some hair strands grow slower than

This will ensure that you have a full even beard

which makes it easier to trim and style. You can
style it however you want once you have a length
which is bound to take time. Be patient, your wait
will be completely worth it.

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● Trimming
Trimming is an essential part of beard
maintenance. Knowing how to trim your beard
properly is necessary since it’s impossible to go to a
salon every two weeks, which is how often you


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should trim your beard.

Invest in a good trimmer that is easy to use for you.

Many prefer using scissors for precision so you can
also use good grooming scissors for trimming your

Try to maintain the general shape of your original

beard style and face shape and cut off any uneven
patches, split ends, etc that you notice.

salon'Men salon photo created by senivpetro -

If you are new at this or are scared to go wrong, you

can brush your beard upward, away from your face,
and cut the uneven hairs which are sticking out.

Trimming is necessary to get rid of old damaged

hair and lets the newly grown hair shine through in

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all its glory.

Trimming photo created by freepik -

● Washing
Washing is a very important step in beard care and
many people don’t completely understand the
significance of it. Beard washing is not just washing
the hair but also washing the skin underneath.

Keeping the skin and beard clean will prevent any

discomfort that comes with growing a beard.


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Man shower photo created by drobotdean -

If you are just starting to grow a beard, getting a

shampoo specifically targeted towards beard
washing is a good idea.

Beard washing is needed to get rid of all the

build-up including dirt, oil, sweat, and dandruff.

Once it has been a few weeks since you've had a full

beard, you can switch to a normal shampoo that is

Always avoid using products with harsh chemicals

as it would dry your hair. Condition your beard as
well to keep it hydrated.

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Face wash photo created by drobotdean -

Try to wash your beard at least 2 to 3 times a week.

Spread the shampoo throughout your beard and
use enough product to make sure all the areas are
completely saturated and are being washed

After washing, always pat gently with your cotton

towel. Do not be too rough with your beard as that
might cause frizz and dryness. Use a comb when
the hair is damp to detangle and set your beard for
the day.


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● Beard Oil
Beard oil is a favorite product of anyone with a
majestic beard. The thing about using beard oil is
that it is a trial-and-error process.

It is quite difficult to confidently say which product

will work the best for your bear type- some are too
shiny, some too oily, some not hydrating enough.

Keep trying products until you find your perfect

match. Beard oil is needed to properly hydrate and
moisturize your beard. It can be described as a
leave-in conditioner for your beard and it is very
good for you.


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Beard oil makes your beard soft, prevents split ends,
and damage. It does all that by reinforcing the
natural oil of your skin into the beard that is stripped
out when cleansing.

Beard oil is generally applied once a day, right after

the shower. The warm water opens up your pores
and the skin and beard soak in the nutrients of the

Apply your beard oil on damp hair, right after

pat-drying. Make sure to spread the product
throughout so that your whole beard is properly
coated in it.

Amber bottle psd created by pmvchamara -

Good beard oil will make your beard look shiny and


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While buying your beard oil, make sure it doesn't
have any harmful chemicals like parabens, sulfates,
silicones, etc.

Try to get products with natural ingredients. If

buying all these products individually seems a bit
much, you can always get a grooming combo
where you will get all the products you need

Kits like Viking Revolution kit for men will provide

you with all the products you need like shampoo,
conditioner, beard oil, as well as grooming items like
trimmers, scissors, etc.


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● Mustache
A proper beard also includes a proper mustache
unless you want a chin beard. Trim the hair below
the nose and right above your lips in its natural
shape every week to keep your hair growth at bay.

This makes you look more put-together and

sophisticated. Do not forget to wash, condition, and
oil your mustache as well when you're doing so for
the rest of your beard.

Beard photo created by prostooleh -

● Health
The quality of your beard does not just depend on
what you are applying externally but also the
nutrients it is getting from your body.

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A good diet helps with the growth and quality of the
beard. Your beard requires a lot of protein, healthy
fat, and vitamins.

Try to have lean meats and poultry like chicken and

eggs as well as milk and leafy greens like spinach,
lettuce, quinoa, etc. Taking multivitamins is also
beneficial since vitamins B3, B5, and B9 are very
good for any hair growth.

If you can follow these pieces of advice, you will

have the beard of your dreams which is healthy, full,
and shiny fairly fast. Taking care of your beard
might seem like a tough job but it is not once you
get into a routine of it.


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