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Article M AT E R I A L S
Journal of Composite Materials
0(0) 1–28
! The Author(s) 2018
Fatigue damage model for Reprints and permissions:
fibre-reinforced polymers at DOI: 10.1177/0021998318773466
different temperatures considering
stress ratio effects

Caroline Lüders1,2 , Daniel Krause2 and Janko Kreikemeier2

Most of the existing fatigue models for fibre-reinforced polymers are limited to a specific use case. The investigation
presented in this paper provides a progressive fatigue damage model that can be used for fatigue analysis of composite
structures under general loading conditions and at arbitrary ambient temperatures. The model is based on an existing
approach that already considers mean stress and degradation effects. This model is extended for predicting fatigue
damage at general loading conditions. To incorporate the effect of ambient temperatures, material and model parameters
are defined temperature dependent. The new model is validated using two composite materials and different loading
conditions as well as under both room and high temperatures. The model achieves a good prediction quality for the
analysed materials, loading conditions and temperatures. This demonstrates that the proposed model is not limited to a
specific use case but is able to simulate fatigue of laminated composites under general loading conditions.

Composites, fatigue, progressive damage modelling, mean stress effect, stress ratio effect, temperature, fibre-reinforced
polymers, carbon fibre, epoxy resin

Introduction degradation into account, and it considers the mean

Due to their excellent mass specific stiffness and stress and load sequence effects. However, the authors
strength, fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP) are used in a of this contribution find out that the model is not
wide range of industrial applications, e.g. in aeronautic, defined for a fully reversed shear loading. Therefore,
space, and automotive sectors. In many of these appli- one goal of this paper is to make the approach by
cations, FRP structures not only have to sustain high Shokrieh and Lessard applicable also to this loading
static loads but are also subjected to cyclic loading con- condition.
ditions. Various models exist for lifetime prediction and In industrial applications, FRP structures are not
fatigue damage calculation for FRP. But most of these only subjected to cyclic loading at room temperature.
models focus on a specific application, e.g. a specific Instead, the ambient temperature could be in the cryo-
load case or a specific material, whereby the transfer genic regime, for example in hydrogen storage applica-
to other applications is often not possible.1 Degrieck tions,4 or the temperature could be very high, or both,
and Van Paepegem1 review many models and identify
three principal approaches used for fatigue modelling 1
Institute of Adaptronics and Function Integration, Technical University
of FRP: fatigue life models, phenomenological degrad- Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany
ation models and (mechanism based) progressive Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems, German
damage models. The model by Shokrieh and Aerospace Center, Braunschweig, Germany
Lessard2,3 is categorized in the latter category and is
Corresponding author:
being recognized as a promising approach for fatigue Caroline Lüders, Technical University Braunschweig, Langer Kamp 6,
damage modelling.1 It is independent of the specific lay- Braunschweig, Lower Saxony 38106, Germany.
up and geometry, it takes gradual stiffness and strength Email:
2 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

e.g. in space applications.5–7 The structural durability

in these applications has to be proven also for cyclic
loads at these high or low temperatures. As the tem-
perature significantly affects the fatigue life,8,9 it should
be considered in the fatigue damage model. That is why
another subject of this paper is to formulate the pre-
sented model based on the approach by Shokrieh and
Lessard2,3,10 temperature dependent. The application of
the model for predicting fatigue at varying tempera-
tures is demonstrated using high temperature (100 C)
fatigue data for model calibration. This provides a
progressive fatigue damage model that could be used
for fatigue analysis of FRP structures under general
loading conditions even at different ambient
The first part of the paper introduces the basic ideas
of the approach by Shokrieh and Lessard and shows
why their model is not defined for a fully reversed shear
loading. A modification of the model is proposed and
deduced to overcome this restriction. The suitability of
the new model for fatigue life prediction is demon-
strated for two different carbon fibre-reinforced
plastics (CFRP) under different loading conditions at
room temperature. This also includes the application
to a fully reversed shear loading. The applicability
of the model to fatigue at other temperatures is
shown in the following section using fatigue test data
at 100 C.

Modified progressive fatigue damage

model based on Shokrieh and Lessard
Figure 1. Flowchart of the proposed progressive fatigue
For the purpose to develop a model to simulate the damage model based on Shokrieh and Lessard.2,3,10
fatigue behaviour of fibre-reinforced composites under
general fatigue loading conditions and different ambi-
ent temperatures, the model proposed by Shokrieh and
Lessard2,3 is chosen as basis, due to its capabilities as Shokrieh and Lessard,3 also the overall structure is
outlined in the introduction. The model aims to be gen- not changed. The modifications and extensions to
erally applicable to the fatigue of composites, but the make the model suitable for fatigue prediction of fully
authors found out, that it could not be used for fully reversed shear loading and fatigue at different ambient
reversed (stress ratio R ¼  1) shear loading. The calcu- temperatures are made in the individual components of
lation of the master curve parameters used in the model the model, which are:
by Shokrieh and Lessard is modified to overcome these
restrictions. Additionally, the model is extended to be . stress analysis,
suitable for fatigue life predictions at different ambient . failure analysis,
temperatures. . fatigue life calculation,
In this section, the modified and extended model is . sudden material properties degradation and
described. This includes a short summary of the model . gradual material properties degradation.
proposed by Shokrieh and Lessard. For briefness,
equations of the original model are only presented if
they are also used in the modified model. For further The framework is implemented as user defined
details the reader is referred to the publications of material routine (UMAT) and provided for usage
Shokrieh and Lessard.2,3,10 Figure 1 shows the flow- within the commercial finite element software ABAQUS.
chart of the proposed progressive fatigue damage For high cycle fatigue analysis, passing through
model. The framework is quite similar to that of every single cycle is computationally extremely
Lüders et al. 3

expensive. Therefore, a cycle jump algorithm is imple- set up the elasticity matrix. As the material may lose
mented, extrapolating the damage from one cycle to a its transverse isotropy with emerging damage, the mod-
number of cycles in advance. This way, a calculated ified model uses the more general orthotropic material
cycle represents the behaviour for a block of several formulation.11 The material behaviour is modelled lin-
cycles. Since this assumes constant loads and material early elastic until failure for the normal material behav-
parameters in the range of the presented cycle block, iour and nonlinear for the shear components in
the change in material properties by degradation must 12-plane and 13-plane. Following the argumentation
be small over the cycle jump. To minimise the extrapo- of Shokrieh,2 the transverse shear behaviour in
lation error, the cycle jump parameter n should be 23-plane is assumed to be linear until failure. To con-
chosen accordingly. sider the nonlinearity in the 12 and 13 shear compo-
In the following subsections, the major components nents, Shokrieh and Lessard use the model proposed by
of the progressive fatigue damage model are described Hahn and Tsai.12 They calculate an instantaneous,
in more detail. All variables used in the equations are effective shear modulus G,  depending on the initial
explained at the first mention and are also listed in the shear modulus G of the linear stress-strain regime and
nomenclature given at the end of this paper. the current shear stress , by equation (2). In this equa-
tion, the parameter HT controls the degree of nonli-
nearity and is determined by curve fitting of
Stress analysis experimental data. To incorporate the temperature
A stress calculation approximating the real stresses as effect, the fitting has to be done for different tempera-
good as possible is an essential basis of the fatigue and tures T.
damage prediction as both are functions of the material
stress state. The stress analysis is based on the level of 1
G ¼ 1
the unidirectional (UD) ply, for which the stress-strain GðTÞ þ 3HT ðTÞ 2
relation in equation (1) is used.

ij ¼ Cijkl ðTÞ  "kl ð1Þ The authors discovered that the model of Hahn and
Tsai used by Shokrieh and Lessard was not able to
The material coordinate system of the unidirectional capture the strong nonlinear shear behaviour of some
ply is defined as shown in Figure 2. Material direction 1 materials analysed in this study. Therefore, an alterna-
is defined in fibre direction, and direction 3 denotes the tive shear model is implemented which is able to
thickness direction of the ply. The elasticity tensor describe higher degrees of nonlinearity. The chosen
Cijkl ðTÞ depends on the engineering constants of the model is used by KRAUSE to describe the nonlinear
unidirectional ply. In order to capture the effect of tem- part of the equilibrium relation of epoxy.13 Here, the
perature T, temperature dependent values are used. shear stress , depending on the shearing strain  is
Shokrieh and Lessard assume transverse isotropy to expressed in the following way.

¼  ð3Þ
expðK ðTÞjjÞ

The material parameter K is obtained from

experimental data and controls the degree of nonlinear-
ity. Linear material behaviour is included by
choosing K ¼ 0. The limit stress value of this
model for high strains is zero and a stress maximum
is reached at ð ¼ 1=K ,  ¼ G=e  K Þ. Again, for con-
sidering the influence of temperature, the parameters G
and K have to be determined at the different
temperatures T.

Failure analysis and sudden material

properties degradation
Figure 2. Material coordinate system of unidirectional fibre Cyclic loads considered in the high cycle fatigue regime
composite ply. are comfortably lower than the virgin static strength.
4 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

However, due to material fatigue induced degradation, If N 5 0, the inter-fibre failure is expressed by
the current material strength may fall below the current
stress state and induce static failure. This phenomenon
2 NT 2 NL
is captured using failure criteria and sudden material 1  ðqc  N Þ þ A þ
RNT X12 ðT, nÞ
degradation rules. Shokrieh and Lessard use Hashin14
type failure criteria to indicate failure. Stiffnesses and þ qc   N ð7Þ
strengths in the failure criteria are expressed as func-
tions of number of cycles n, stress state and stress ratio. Xt22 ðT, nÞ and X12 ðT, nÞ are the current compressive
If a failure criterion is met, Shokrieh and Lessard transverse strength and the in-plane shear strength of
degrade the material properties suddenly by setting the UD ply at the current temperature T and load cycle
them to a value close to zero. Depending on the failure n, respectively. The fracture resistance RA NT is deter-
mode, it is decided which material parameters are mined by
reduced and which are left unchanged. For example,
a fibre failure mode is assumed to be catastrophic and Xc22 ðT, nÞ
NT ¼   ð8Þ
affects all material properties. For a detailed view on 2 1 þ pcNT
the used degradation rules, the reader is referred to the
publications of Shokrieh and Lessard.2,3 The terms qt and qc are defined as
In the first World-Wide Failure Exercise
(WWFE-I),15 it was found that the two dimensional ptNT 2
criteria formulated by Puck16 yield more accurate qt ¼ NT 12
2 þ 2
results than Hashin’s criteria.17 Therefore, in the NL
pcNT pc
modified model the authors propose to use the Puck 2
 NT þ XNL 2
RA 12
failure criteria16 in their three dimensional representa- qc ¼ NT
2 þ 2
tion. Puck distinguishes between fibre and inter- NT NL
fibre failure. Fibre failure in tension (11  0) is
expressed by According to the recommendation of Puck,16 the
gradient parameters are set to
1 ð4Þ
Xt11 ðT, nÞ ptNT ¼ 0:15 pcNT ¼ 0:15
ptNL ¼ 0:3 pcNL ¼ 0:2 ð10Þ
and fibre failure in compression (11 5 0) by
  Analogous to the assumptions of Shokrieh and
 11  Lessard, fibre failure is assumed to be catastrophic
Xc ðT, nÞ  1 ð5Þ
and all elasticity parameters as well as all strengths
are set to almost zero in case of fibre failure, see equa-
In equations (4) and (5), Xt11 ðT, nÞ and Xc11 ðT, nÞ are tion (11). For numerical stability reasons the param-
the current tensile and compressive strengths of the uni- eters are not set to exactly zero but to 5% of their
directional ply in fibre direction at the current ambient initial value. Within the investigations of this paper,
temperature T. The value already incorporates the this is found to be a suitable compromise between
gradual degradation effect due to the increasing numerical stability of the solution algorithm and a
number of load cycles n, described later. physically plausible depiction of the progressive
Inter-fibre failure is expressed by the stress state of damage mechanism.
the fracture plane. Three stresses act at the fracture 2 3 2 3
plane: the normal stress  N, the transverse-transverse E11 12 Xt11 0 0 0
shear stress  NT and the transverse-longitudinal shear 6 13 c 7
X11 7 6 0 07
6 6 7
stress  NL. If N  0, the inter-fibre failure criterion is 6 7 6 7
6 E22 t 7 6 07
expressed as 6 21 X22 7 60 0 7
6 c 7 6 7
6 23 X22 7 6 0 07
6 7 6 7
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 6 E33 Xt33 7 60 0 07
 2 ffi 6 31 7 ! 6 7 ð11Þ
1 6 7 6 7
1  qt N2 6 32 Xc33 7 6 0 7
Xt22 ðT, nÞ 6 7 6 7
6 G12 7 6 07
 2   6 X12 7 60 7
6 7 6 7
NL NT 2 4 G13 X13 5 40 05
þ þ A þ qt  N ð6Þ
X12 ðT, nÞ RNT G23 X23 0 0
Lüders et al. 5

The degradation rules in case of inter-fibre failure dif-

fer from the rules of Shokrieh and Lessard. The new
model reduces all matrix-dominated elasticity param-
eters and strengths, see equation (12).
2 3 2 3
E11 12 Xt11 E11 12 Xt11
6 13 c 7
X11 7 6 13 Xc11 7
6 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 E22 21 Xt22 7 60 0 0 7
6 7 6 7
6 c 7 6 7
6 23 X22 7 6 0 0 7
6 7 6 7
6 E33 t 7
X33 7 ! 6 0 7
6 31 60 0 7 ð12Þ
6 c 7 6 7
6 32 X33 7 6 0 0 7
6 7 6 7 Figure 3. Schematic Constant Life Diagram (CLD).
6 G12 X12 7 60 0 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
4 G13 X13 5 40 0 5 Consequently, equation (13) is not valid for a fully
G23 X23 0 0 reversed shear loading. To overcome this restriction
and to make the model applicable to fatigue at fully
reversed shear loading, a new approach for the master
curve and fatigue load parameter is derived and
described in the following.
Fatigue life calculation
The stress ratio and load level dependent description of
The fatigue life calculation proposed by Shokrieh and parameter u in equation (13) is derived by Gathercole18
Lessard is based on a master curve approach which from equation (14). This equation describes constant life
presents SN curves of different stress ratios in one lines (CLL) in a normalized Haigh diagram.
single two-parameter master curve. This model is
called normalized fatigue life model. It calculates the a ¼ fð1  qÞu ðc þ qÞv ð14Þ
fatigue life of an unidirectional ply under uniaxial
stress state using equation (13) developed by Haigh diagrams, also called constant life diagrams
Gathercole18 (CLD), consider mean stress effects and the aniso-
morphic character of fatigue data of composites. They
lnða=fÞ   plot the load amplitude versus the mean stress for dif-
u¼ ¼ C þ D  log10 Nf ð13Þ
ln½ð1  qÞðc þ qÞ ferent fatigue lives. Points of equal fatigue life can be
connected to constant life lines (CLL), see Figure 3. For
First, the parameter u is calculated using the load FRP, often normalized CLD are used, where stress
parameters  a (stress amplitude),  m (mean stress) and amplitude and mean stress are normalized by the tensile
the material constant f. The load parameters are nor- strength Xt. Equation (14) is one approach to describe
malized by the tensile strength Xt to give a ¼ a =Xt and the CLL in a normalized Haigh diagram mathematic-
q ¼ m =Xt . The ratio of the compressive strength Xc to ally. It describes bell-shaped CLL. The parameters u
the tensile strength Xt gives c. The linear equation relat- and v are responsible for the shape of the right or the
ing u and log10 ðNf Þ using the fitting parameters C and left wing of the bell, respectively. If u and v are equal, a
D is called master curve. Fitted using test data of a symmetric curve is obtained. Generally speaking, the
small number of stress ratios, this master curve is able parameters u, v and f depend on the fatigue life,
to predict the fatigue life at arbitrary loading condi- which means, that for each CLL an own set of the
tions. Theoretically, SN data of one single stress ratio parameters can be obtained in a fitting process. Doing
are sufficient to calibrate the model, but, obviously, so, depending on the material, it may be found that
using data of more R-ratios yields a more accurate cali- some parameters show a very low dependency on the
bration and prediction. fatigue life Nf. For example, Adam et al.19,20 observe u
Checking the range of validity of equation (13), a and v both to be independent of Nf and equal to one.
division by zero becomes apparent if c ¼ 1 and q ¼ 0. This results in a quadratic constant life function. The
This could be for a fully reversed loading with m ¼ 0, parameter f is found to be dependent on the fatigue life
where q ¼ Xmt ¼ 0, and if c ¼ XXt ¼ 1. For commonly and is interpreted as fatigue load parameter. This
used composites, in longitudinal and transverse mater- approach is found to be inappropriate for the by
ial direction, the tensile and compressive strength are Gathercole et al.18 studied material. In the approach
seldom equal. But in a shear load case, both, Xt and Xc, of Gathercole et al.,18 u and v are found to be equal
are set to the shear strength and then are equal. (symmetric CLL) and to be dependent on the fatigue
6 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

life. The parameter f is taken as a material constant Xt22 ¼ 36 MPa and plotted in a normalized Haigh dia-
which does not depend on the fatigue life. This results gram. Using these data, CLL are fitted by equation (14)
in the master curve used by Shokrieh and Lessard and the parameters f, u and v are determined by a least-
(equation (13)), where u is the fatigue load parameter. square fit. The parameters are determined separately
In this paper, a new approach based on equation for each life cycle in order not to influence the fitting
(14) is presented. In the following, the derivation is results by additional assumptions and restrictions. The
exemplarily shown using room temperature fatigue fitting result is visualised in Figure 4. As stated by
data of a CFRP made of an IM7-type fibre and an Kawai et al.,21–23 the maximum amplitude is near the
epoxy resin with a fibre volume fraction of 62%. critical stress ratio defined by the ratio of compressive
These test data are determined by the Fraunhofer to tensile strength (Rcr ¼ XXct ) which is 3.94 in this case
Institute for Mechanics of Materials (IWM) and the (Xc ¼ 143 MPa).
Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbh (IABG). The obtained parameters are listed for each life cycle
This database includes test data of unidirectional in Table 2. The given values of the Pearson’s correl-
laminates with fibre angles of 0 and 90 for stress ation coefficient in the tables show, that the equation
ratios with positive and negative mean stresses as of the CLL (equation (14)) is clearly defined by the
well, whereas for many other materials only test data three data points. The average relative deviation r
for positive mean stresses are available. Thus, both from the mean value evaluated across all fatigue lives
sides of the bell-shaped CLL can be determined. is greatest for the parameter f. The other two param-
Additionally, shear data for fully reversed loading are eters are barely changing with life cycles. Therefore, the
available which are used to proof the applicability of authors assume u and v to be constant with fatigue lives
the new model on this load case. For clarity, the new and repeat the fitting procedure. Now, the parameters u
approach is explained using the fatigue data of trans- and v are not determined for each life cycle separately
verse loading for stress ratios R ¼ 0:1,  3:96, 10:0.
These data are obtained from unidirectional specimens
with a fibre angle of 90 with respect to the load direc-
tion. In a first step, the fatigue test data are plotted into
a normalized Haigh diagram. To determine the stress
amplitude and mean stress for given life cycles Nf, the
SN curves described by a power law function given in
equation (15) are used.

SN ¼ A  NBf ð15Þ

In this equation,  SN is the maximum stress  max in

case of R-ratios with jRj 5 1 (tension-dominated load
cases) and SN ¼ jmin j for R-ratios with jRj 4 1 (com-
pression-dominated load cases). Knowing the R-ratio,
 m and  a can be computed from  SN. The parameters
A and B are given in Table 1 for the investigated mater-
ial and stress ratios. To avoid extrapolation much
beyond the tested cycle regime, stress amplitudes and Figure 4. Resulting CLL from curve-fitting of cyclic test data
mean stresses are computed only for the fatigue lives with u, v and f free for all life cycles Nf.
102 , 103 , 104 , 105 , 106 , which are covered by the experi-
mental data. Stress amplitudes and mean stresses are
then normalized using the tensile transverse strength Table 2. Curve-fitting parameters for CLL, u, v and f free for all
life cycles Nf.

Nf f u v Correlation
Table 1. SN curve parameter at loading transversely to the 2
fibre direction at different stress ratios. 10 0.023 2.235 2.574 1.0000
103 0.021 2.237 2.542 1.0000
Stress ratio R A B
104 0.019 2.252 2.523 1.0000
0.1 29.655 0.028 105 0.017 2.267 2.491 1.0000
3.96 145.241 0.074 106 0.017 2.272 2.422 1.0000
10.0 143.097 0.027 r 9.72% 0.60% 1.73%
Lüders et al. 7

Figure 6. Variation of fatigue load parameter f with life cycles,

Figure 5. Resulting CLL form curve-fitting of cyclic test data curve fit using power law.
with u and v forced to be constant.

Table 3. Curve-fitting parameters for CLL, u and v forced to be


Nf f u v Correlation

102 0.022 2.282 2.558 0.9996

103 0.020 2.282 2.558 0.9999
104 0.018 2.282 2.558 1.0000
105 0.016 2.282 2.558 0.9995
106 0.015 2.282 2.558 0.9981

but are optimised in such a way, that they give the best
approximation over all life cycles. Parameter f is still
allowed to be different for different fatigue lives.
Figure 5 visualises the resulting CLL and Table 3
gives the obtained parameters. The correlation coeffi- Figure 7. Master curve representing fatigue test data at differ-
cient obtained is at least 0.99. Restricting the param- ent stress ratios.
eters u and v to be constant thus does not affect the
fitting quality and is therefore a reasonable assumption. equal. This makes the model more flexible for applica-
The parameter f, interpreted as fatigue load parameter, tion on a wide range of materials. Different from the
decreases with increasing fatigue life. Its variation with model used by Shokrieh and Lessard assuming u and v
fatigue life is shown in Figure 6. It is very well described to be constant with fatigue life, results in qualitatively
by a power law function. Equation (16) summarises the similar shapes of the CLL, that is a similar mean stress
mathematical expression of the fatigue load parameter f effect, for each fatigue life. This seems to be a reason-
and its relation to the fatigue life. This equation able assumption for the investigated material. The most
describes the new master curve approach. The param- relevant advantage of the new model over the model
eters u, v, C and D are obtained from the curve fitting used by Shokrieh and Lessard is its applicability to all
exemplarily shown in this section. load cases and R-ratios, especially for fully reversed
shear loading. Equation (16) is only invalid for q ¼ 1
a and q ¼ c, that is a mean stress reaching the tensile or
f¼ ¼ C  ND ð16Þ
ð 1  qÞ u ð c þ qÞ v f
compressive strengths, respectively. In this case, static
material failure would occur and the fatigue model
would no longer be of use.
In contrast to the master curve approach used by Figure 7 shows the master curve resulting from the
Shokrieh and Lessard, the constant life lines are not described fitting process. The plotted test data of the
necessarily symmetric, as u and v are not forced to be three different stress ratios are well approximated by
8 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

Figure 8. Verification of master curve approach by comparing

experimental SN data with model prediction. Figure 10. Investigation of model robustness by using fatigue
test data at only one single stress ratio for model calibration and
comparing the prediction results to experimental SN data.

master curve fitting is conducted again with the same

test data, but using the fatigue data of the stress ratios
R ¼ 0.1 and R ¼ 3:96 only. The fatigue data of
R ¼ 10 are not used for this model calibration. The
SN curve prediction using the model parameters u, v
and C, D from a model calibration based on a smaller
database, shown in Figure 9, is of the same quality as
before for the stress ratios R ¼ 0.1 and R ¼ 3:96, as
the data of these stress ratios are used for calibration.
The prediction for R ¼ 10 is similarly accurate as in the
verification example, even though the test data are not
used for calibration. While this is not a proof of the
general model capability for predicting fatigue life at
arbitrary stress ratios, the model robustness demon-
Figure 9. Verification of model prediction capability for mean strated by the prediction capabilities indicate that the
stress influence by comparing experimental SN data with model assumptions made in the model seem to capture the
calibrated with smaller test database. characteristic mean stress effect of this material quite
well. As a matter of fact, theoretically it should be pos-
the master curve. This is underlined by the fatigue pre- sible to obtain the model parameters from SN data of
diction using the master curve shown in Figure 8. The one single stress ratio. So, for a further test of the model
graph plots the applied stress against the number to robustness, the master curve fitting is repeated using
failure of cycles for both, model and experiment. For fatigue data at one stress ratio only. In that way,
tension-dominated load cases with jRj 5 1, the max- three different sets of model parameters u, v, C and D
imum stress  max and for compression-dominated are generated by the fitting based on fatigue data at
load cases with jRj 4 1, the absolute value of the min- either R ¼ 0.1, R ¼ 3:96 or R ¼ 10.0 only. The predic-
imal applied stress jmin j is used. The comparison veri- tions with the three parameter sets are compared to the
fies the master curve approach as it can capture the experimental data in Figure 10. Obviously, the test data
experimental SN data of different stress ratios very of each R-ratio are best approximated by the model
well. Obviously, this is only a model verification and that was calibrated using the test data of this R-ratio.
not a validation, as data are predicted which are used While, for the given test data base, the fatigue data at
for calibration. The validation and prediction capabil- R ¼ 3:96 and R ¼ 10.0 are also well approximated
ities of the model will be presented in the next sections. using only one of the other two stress ratios for cali-
The model should be able to predict fatigue life also bration, fatigue at R ¼ 0.1 is satisfying approximated
at stress ratios which are not used for master curve only when using the test data at R ¼ 0.1 within the fit-
fitting. In order to perform a first validation, the ting procedure. But when only these data are used, the
Lüders et al. 9

prediction quality for the other stress ratios suffers obtained residual strength data at the temperatures of
greatly. Concluding, in this case, the model parameters interest.
could be mathematically determined from fatigue data The residual stiffness is calculated using the follow-
at one single stress ratio but for a satisfying prediction ing equation.
quality test data at at least two stress ratios should be  
used (Figure 9). How many R-ratios are necessary for a SN 0 SN
Eðn, , R, TÞ ¼ þ E ðTÞ  
good model calibration might greatly depend on the "f ðTÞ "f ðTÞ
material behaviour itself, e.g. the influence of the R- "   # ð1TÞ
ratio on the fatigue of the specific material, and on log10 ðnÞ  log10 ð0:25Þ ðTÞ
1 ð19Þ
the degree of scatter of the test data. log10 ðNf Þ  log10 ð0:25Þ
The explanations up to now focussed on fatigue life
prediction at room temperature. For lifetime assess- Here, "f ðTÞ is the average strain to failure at the
ment at different temperatures, the master curve par- given temperature and  ðTÞ and ðTÞ are again
ameters u, v, C and D have to be determined at the obtained from curve fitting of experimental data at
temperatures of interest, using fatigue test data at the temperatures of interest. Defining , ,  and as
these temperatures and the fitting procedure described. functions of temperature allows modelling of differ-
Thus, the more general, temperature dependent form of ences in the gradual degradation behaviour at different
equation (16) is temperatures.
The degradation of elastic moduli also demands the
a degradation of the Poisson’s ratios.27 This degradation
f¼ uðTÞ v ðT Þ
¼ CðTÞ  ND
ðT Þ
ð 1  qÞ ð c þ qÞ is explained physically by crack formation. Strains in
the degraded material direction result in a further crack
In equation (17), the relative amplitude and mean opening and therefore cannot produce lateral contrac-
loads a and q as well as the strength ratio c are com- tion.27 Based on this explanation, in the new model, the
puted using the corresponding strengths at the current Poisson’s ratios are degraded based on the degradation
temperature. factors dii ¼ EEii0 with E0ii being the initial modulus and Eii
being the current modulus.
Gradual stiffness and strength degradation
12 ¼ 012  d11 21 ¼ 021  d22 31 ¼ 031  d33
Besides the sudden material degradation caused by a
13 ¼ 013  d11 23 ¼ 023  d22 32 ¼ 032  d33 ð20Þ
stress state exceeding the current static strength, mater-
ial properties may degraded due to the cyclic character
of loading. Shokrieh and Lessard model this cycle The gradual nature of the strength degradation pro-
based, gradual material degradation by a generalised vides the basis for the damage accumulation rule pro-
residual property degradation technique presented in posed by Shokrieh and Lessard. Unlike the commonly
detail in the publications of Shokrieh and used linear damage accumulation by Palmgren28 and
Lessard.24,25 The equation for the residual strength of Miner,29 this degradation rule is able to take the load
an unidirectional ply under arbitrary uniaxial fatigue sequence effect into account, i.e. small loads followed
loading  SN and stress ratio R was rearranged by large loads might result in different damage than
from Adam et al.26 To incorporate the influence of large loads followed by small loads. Shokrieh and
temperature, the authors of this paper propose to use Lessard propose a constant property transition, exem-
temperature dependent material parameters. Thus, plarily illustrated in Figure 11 for a load block with
the residual strength at arbitrary temperature is com- higher load  1 followed by a load block with lower
puted by load  2. During the first cycle block with  1, the current
  strength follows the residual strength curve of  1. Once
Xðn,,R,TÞ ¼ SN þ X0 ðTÞ  SN  this loading block is complete, the transition to the
"   #ð1TÞ second load block is seamless, i.e. the current strength
log10 ðnÞ  log10 ð0:25Þ ðTÞ is kept constant. The corresponding numbers of cycles
1 ð18Þ
log10 ðNf Þ  log10 ð0:25Þ is the equivalent cycle n12. A fictional load of n12 cycles
at  2 thus results in the same overall degradation as the
In equation (18), n is the number of the current cycle, actual load of n1 cycles at  1. After the transition, n2
Nf is the fatigue life at  SN at the current stress ratio R cycles are required for the second load block. Adding
and X0 ðTÞ is the initial static strength at the current the cycle block n2 to the equivalent cycles n12 gives the
temperature T. The material parameters ðTÞ and (fictional) cycle number n2 which is now used to calcu-
ðTÞ are obtained from curve fitting of experimentally late the residual strength and residual stiffness after the
10 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

Table 4. Layup of MD specimens of HyMod-material.

Fibre angle Ply thickness (mm)

17.3 0.282
90.0 0.432
70.0 0.23
90.0 0.432
17.3 0.282
laminate thickness 1.658 mm

Figure 11. Damage accumulation approach to consider the

load sequence effect. and is given as input to the material routine. Equation
(21) is only used once before starting the analysis to
define the value of G23 and thus the transverse isotropy
second load block. If n2 reaches the fatigue life of load is assumed in the undamaged state only. Afterwards,
 2, fatigue failure occurs. the transverse shear modulus is treated as a self-
sufficient parameter that is no longer dependent on
the parameters E22 and 23 and the transverse isotropy
Lifetime prediction at room temperature
is not any longer assumed. Independently of other elas-
The new model is used to predict the fatigue life of two ticity parameters G23 is gradually degraded on basis of
different CFRP materials at room temperature. For the number of cycles using equation (18) and suddenly
validation purposes, the simulation results are com- reduced to almost zero if fibre or matrix failure
pared to experimental data and the prediction quality occurs (equations (11) and (12)). Therefore, the trans-
of the model is evaluated. The first material chosen is a verse isotropic constraint might be relieved if damage
CFRP made of a IM7-type fibre and an epoxy resin occurs, as damage is calculated separately for each
(KUKDO). The material was investigated within the material direction. The strength and the cyclic material
project HyMod, funded by the German Federal parameters for transverse shear are taken from the in-
Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and is there- plane shear data. Even though the initial (virgin) in-
fore named ‘HyMod-material’ in the following. The plane and out-of-plane shear strengths are equal, the
material tests are conducted by IWM and IABG. damage evolution is independent for each direction
The second material selected is T8000/2500, which is and is based on the individual stress states.
chosen for the fatigue tests conducted by Kawai
et al.8,22,23,30–33
For both materials, the model parameters are
obtained by fitting procedures using the static and For the HyMod-material static tests and test data for
cyclic test data available for each material. tension–tension, tension–compression and compres-
Afterwards, finite element models are built for the dif- sion–compression fatigue are available for longitudinal
ferent specimens and load cases which are analysed. and transverse direction and for in-plane shear. Also
The simulations are based on a three dimensional static and cyclic tests on a multidirectional (MD) lamin-
stress state formulation. For this, besides the in-plane ate with the layup described in Table 4 are conducted.
material parameters, also out-of-plane parameters are With these data, the application of the model to load
required. As for both materials, no out-of-plane mater- cases with positive and negative mean stresses is
ial tests are conducted, the static and cyclic normal out- demonstrated. Especially, the applicability to a fully
of-plane behaviour (33) is assumed to be equal to the reversed shear loading is proofed, which is shown to
normal in-plane transverse behaviour (22). The shear be an extended capability compared to the original
behaviour in 13-plane is assumed to be equal to the model by Shokrieh and Lessard.
shear behaviour in 12-plane. Before starting the The elastic and strength parameters for quasi static
analysis, the virgin elastic transverse shear modulus loading are listed in Table 5. As shown in Figure 12, for
(G23) is estimated by the equation proposed by the HyMod-material, the nonlinear shear model by
Schürmann34 Hahn and Tsai overestimates the shear stresses at
higher shear strains by up to almost 10%. It cannot
E22 capture the high degree of non-linearity shown by this
G23 ¼ ð21Þ
2  ð1 þ 23 Þ material. The Krause13 model is a significant better
approximation of the nonlinear shear behaviour.
Lüders et al. 11

Table 5. Material parameters of the HyMod-material at room


Material direction 11 22, 33 12, 13

Elasticity parametera
E/G (MPa) 157,534 8862 5310b
12 ¼ 13 ¼ 0:276
23 ¼ 0:346
K ¼ 26:88b

Strength parameter (MPa)

Tension 2564 36 71.6
Compression 696 143

SN curve parameter
R ¼ 0.1 Figure 12. Modelling nonlinear in-plane shear behaviour of the
A (MPa) 2435.91 29.655 66.09 HyMod-material using the model by Hahn and Tsai and the
B (-) 0.016 0.028 0.031 Krause model.
R ¼ 1:0
A (MPa) 740.23 75.87 and the master curve parameters C and D at room tem-
B (-) 0.026 0.109 perature. CLD and master curve for transverse loading
R ¼ 3:96 are already shown in the previous section. For longitu-
A (MPa) 145.24 dinal and in-plane shear loading, the results are shown
B (-) 0.074
in Figures 14 and 15. The determined material and
model parameters are listed in Table 5. The SN
R ¼ 10.0
curves turn out to be relatively flat (small slope, i.e.
A (MPa) 683.31 143.10
parameter B close to zero), this means that small
B (-) 0.008 0.027 changes in stress amplitude or mean stress result in
Master curve parameter very high changes in the fatigue life. Furthermore, fati-
u (-) 1.240 2.282 5.239 gue test data in general are subject to large scatter
v (-) 1.254 2.558 6.490
which highly influences the result of a curve-fitting
algorithm. Interestingly, the model by Yongbo et al.35
C (MPa) 1.421 0.027 1.117
derived by a probabilistic approach point out a relation
D (-) 0.021 0.044 0.143
between the slope of the SN curve and the standard
Degradation parameter deviation (which is a measure of the scatter) of the
 (-) 45 123 6.070 experimental fatigue life data. A small slope correlates
 (-) 0.884 0.1693 1.207 with a high level of scatter. Both can be observed for
 (-) 45 123 6.070
the HyMod-material under in-plane shear loading.
The fitting algorithm searches for the minimum devi-
(-) 0.884 0.169 1.207
ation of function and target data without knowing the
Average value from tension and compression tests. physics behind the model. Especially, for a small data-
From nonlinear shear fitting. base with large scatter, the best curve-fit possibly
describes the behaviour not plausible while an only
Therefore, the nonlinear shear behaviour in 12- and 13- slightly poorer curve-fit possibly might describe the
plane is described using equation (3) with the param- behaviour more physically. In such a case, the fitting
eters given in Table 5. parameters have to be restricted in a plausible range to
Using the determined elasticity and strength param- allow the curve-fitting to produce best fit parameters
eters of the UD ply, stiffness and strength of the lamin- which lead to physically plausible behaviour. This has
ate are well predicted, see Figure 13. SN curves for to be done for the in-plane shear loading. Here, f is
various loading directions and R-ratios are fitted to forced to decrease with increasing life cycles which
the fatigue data using the power law function in equa- means an increasing fatigue life with decreasing load
tion (15). These parameters, together with equation (15) and seems to be a reasonable assumption. IWM and
are used to draw the normalized Haigh diagram for the IABG have recorded strains and stresses for each load
different loading directions and to perform the fitting cycle so that residual stiffness plots can be created.
procedure to obtain the material parameters u and v From these data, the parameters for residual stiffness
12 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

Figure 13. Experimentally observed and predicted tensile and compressive static behaviour of laminate ½17:3=90=90=90=17:3 of the
HyMod-material. (a) Tensile loading; (b) Compressive loading.

Figure 14. CLD and fitted CLL for the HyMod-material. (a) Longitudinal fatigue loading; (b) In-plane shear fatigue loading.

Figure 15. Master curve representing fatigue test data at different stress ratios for the HyMod-material at room temperature.
(a) Longitudinal fatigue loading; (b) In-plane shear fatigue loading.
Lüders et al. 13

Figure 16. Experimentally observed and modelled normalized residual stiffness behaviour. (a) Longitudinal fatigue loading;
(b) Transverse fatigue loading; (c) In-plane shear loading.

calculation,  and , are derived. For longitudinal load Llobet et al. prove this assumption for a carbon/epoxy
direction, residual stiffness data for a maximum load material.36 This approach results in a residual strength
about 71% of static strength are available. Residual with the same qualitative development as the residual
stiffness in the transverse direction is measured for stiffness. Thus the residual strength parameters can be
three different stress states (50%, 56% and 67% of set to  ¼  and  ¼ . The comparison of cyclic test
static strength) for both, tension and compression data and lifetime prediction of the model for UD
loads. In shear, residual stiffness data for a stress laminates in Figure 17 shows the quality of the model
state with a maximum load about 41% of static shear calibration. Also, the diagram shows the ability of the
strength is used. The comparison between model and new model to capture fully reversed shear loading
test data is shown in Figure 16. Note that this is not a which was not possible with the model proposed by
prediction but is a demonstration of the suitability of Shokrieh and Lessard. For validation purposes, the
the model, proposed by Adam et al.26 and used by new model is used to predict the fatigue life of a MD
Shokrieh and Lessard to describe the real stiffness deg- laminate under different stress states and stress ratios.
radation of the HyMod-material at room temperature. IWM tested flat specimen with the layup shown in
Due to the excessive number of tests required, no resi- Table 4 under axial tensile loading (R ¼ 0.1), axial com-
dual strength data are recorded for the HyMod- pression loading (R ¼ 10) and axial fully reversed load-
material. A common hypothesis used by several ing (R ¼  1). As for the UD specimens, the SN curves
authors36–39 is that the failure strain under static load- of the MD specimen are very flat, see Figure 18.
ing is not affected by fatigue damage. In other words: In Additionally, the amount of scatter is high. Even
static fracture tests after a different number of load though the model underestimates the fatigue life for
cycles, the same failure strain "f could be measured. pure compressive load (R ¼ 10), the quality of the
14 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

Figure 17. Experimental data and model lifetime prediction for UD specimens of HyMod-material. (a) Longitudinal fatigue loading;
(b) Transverse fatigue loading; (c) In-plane shear loading.

Figure 18. Experimental data and model lifetime prediction for Figure 19. Modelling nonlinear in-plane shear behaviour of
MD specimens of HyMod-material. T8000/ 2500 at room temperature using different models.
Lüders et al. 15

prediction is very satisfactory. The influence of stress Table 6. Material parameter of T800H/2500 at room
ratio is captured: Highest fatigue strength are experi- temperature.
mentally observed and also predicted at R ¼ 0.1 and the
Material direction 11 22, 33 12, 13
lowest at R ¼ 10.0.
Elasticity parameter
E/G (MPa) 159,000 9204a 5311b,c
Material T8000/2500
12 ¼ 13 ¼ 0:351
To extend the model validation to an additional mater- 23 ¼ 0:346d
ial, the model is applied to the material T8000/2500. HT ¼ 2:47  108 b,c
Kawai et al.8,22,23,31,32 published a comprehensive fati-
gue data base for off-axis-fatigue and for symmetric Strength parameter (MPa)
laminates of this material. Static material properties Tension 2472 48 79.41e
are also given in the papers. It should be mentioned, Compression 690 68
that no pure shear tests are published. Kawai et al.
derive the elasticity and strength parameters in shear SN curve parameter
from axial tests on unsymmetrical 45 and 10 off-axis R ¼ 0.1
specimens. To this end, they transform the global A (MPa) 2402.88 47.105 74.719
strains and stresses of the specimen into the fibre coord- B (-) 0.056 0.068 0.049
inate system and calculate the in-plane shear strain and R ¼ 1:0
stress of the UD ply.11 For unsymmetrical off-axis A (MPa) 47.188 68.207
laminates with fibre angles different from 45 , in add- B (-) 0.084 0.091
ition to global axial and global transverse strain also R ¼ 0:3
the global shear strain of the off-axis specimen is A (MPa) 2360.755
needed to calculate the local shear strain in the UD B (-) 0.076
ply, i.e. the shear strain in the fibre-coordinate
R ¼ 0.5
system. Mostly, only axial and transverse strains are
A (MPa) 2388.776 43.711 77.145
plotted, as it is the case for the test data published by
Kawai et al.8 This is probably the reason why Kawai B (-) 0.033 0.038 0.028
et al.8 determine the elastic shear behaviour from the Master curve parameter
test data of the 45 -specimen.8 However, the off-axis u (-) 1.938 2.035 1.435
45 -specimen is not suitable to determine the shear v (-) 1.000 1.000 1.000
strength of the UD material, as the specimen fails due
C (MPa) 2.017 0.732 0.796
to a combined stress state of shear and transverse ten-
D (-) 0.079 0.093 0.082
sile stresses with the transverse stress reaching 88% of
the shear stress. The determined shear strength would a
Average value from tension and compression tests.
be highly underestimated. Therefore, Kawai et al. use From
¼ 45 off-axis specimen.
the test data of the 10 -specimen8 to determine the From nonlinear shear fitting.
Taken form material HyMod-material.
material’s in-plane shear strength. This procedure is e 
¼ 10 off-axis specimen.

Figure 20. Experimentally observed static behaviour of off-axis specimens and symmetric laminates of T8000/2500 and model
prediction. (a) Off-axis specimens; (b) Symmetric Laminates.
16 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

Figure 21. CLD and fitted CLL for material T8000/2500 at room temperature. (a) Longitudinal fatigue loading; (b) Transverse fatigue
loading; (c) In-plane shear fatigue loading.

adopted in this study. Figure 19 shows the extracted data when the shear stress reaches the stress limit up
shear behaviour of the unidirectional material. While to which data were available for fitting. This is
the maximum (local) shear stress reported from the 45 - also observed for the symmetric laminates see
specimen test data is approximately 40 MPa, the max- Figure 20(b). While the strengths for the off-axis speci-
imum shear stress obtained from the 10 -specimen test mens are captured reasonably well, the strengths for the
data is twice as high. Both, the shear model of Hahn symmetric laminates are quite underestimated. The
and Tsai12 and the Krause13 model approximate the reason might be the uncertainty of the shear strength
shear behaviour until 40 MPa very well. Above this which is associated with determining it from off-axis
stress limit, no experimental data are available for fit- specimens.
ting and both models diverge. Using the data up to As there was no direct access to the experimental
40 MPa for fitting, the parameters for the Krause results, the fatigue test data are interpreted from the
model are determined to GK ¼ 5572 MPa and published graphs. The parameters u, v, C and D for
K ¼ 45:23. The maximum stress which can be reached the master curve (equation (17)) at room temperature
using these model parameters is eK
¼ 45 MPa which is are obtained with the fitting procedure using the pub-
far less than the shear strength of 79.41 MPa. lished test data for the stress ratios R ¼ 0:5, 0:1,  0:3
Therefore, the model by Hahn and Tsai must be used. in fibre direction and R ¼ 0:5, 0:1,  1 in transverse
Using the model by Hahn and Tsai, the static tensile direction8,32 at room temperature. Similar to the
behaviour of the off-axis specimens can be predicted procedure for the static properties, cyclic material
quite well, see Figure 20(a). The simulated stress- parameters for in-plane shear are derived using
strain-curves start to diverge from the experimental test data of 10 -specimens. All derived material
Lüders et al. 17

Figure 22. Master curve representing fatigue test data at different stress ratios for material T8000/ 2500 at room temperature.
(a) Longitudinal fatigue loading; (b) Transverse fatigue loading; (c) In-plane shear fatigue loading.

parameters for T8000/2500 at room temperature are for a first approximation the parameters for the resi-
listed in Table 6. dual stiffness and strength degradation (, , , ) are
No fatigue test data are available for negative mean taken from the HyMod-material in Table 5. Now,
stresses for T8000/2500. Thus no support points deter- all model parameters at room temperature are deter-
mine the left side of the bell-shaped curve. The curve mined from calibration test data. The comparison of
fitting algorithm, searching for the minimum deviation the model prediction and the test data for UD speci-
between model and test data without knowing the mens of T8000/2500 in Figure 23 shows the good qual-
physics behind, may lead to parameters describing a ity of the calibration. For a first proof of the
non-physical behaviour. Therefore, the CLL param- predication quality, the model is validated against fati-
eters are restricted in very narrow physical-plausibil- gue data of axial loaded off-axis specimens with the
ity-bounds. To force the CLL on both sides to be fibre angles
¼ 10 , 15 , 30 , 45 . Except for the 10 -
bell-shaped, u and v are restricted to be equal or greater data, which are used to extract the shear fatigue par-
than one. The obtained fitting results for the CLL are ameters, these data are not used for model calibration.
quite good, as shown in Figure 21. Also, the master The validation shows that the fatigue simulation
curves in Figure 22 are good approximations of results are within the scatter of the experimental data.
the fatigue data at different stress ratios. Because of Figure 24 visualises the influence of the fibre angle on
the high scatter in the fatigue data at R ¼ 0.5 the fatigue life for different stress ratios. The higher the
(Figure 22(b)), the master curve represents only the ten- fibre angle
, the lower the fatigue life of the off-axis
dency of the actual test data. As no residual stiff- specimen. This trend is captured very well by the model.
ness data are available for the material T8000/2500, The best prediction quality is reached for stress ratio
18 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

Figure 23. Experimental data and model lifetime prediction for UD specimens of T8000/2500 at room temperature. (a) Longitudinal
fatigue loading; (b) In-plane shear loading; (c) Transverse fatigue loading.

R ¼ 1:0 (Figure 24(c)). For the other stress ratios, the deviation between model prediction and experimental
prediction is better for higher off-axis angles
. Because data for lower off-axis angles.
of the high scatter, the SN data of R ¼ 0.5 and R ¼ 0.1 Figure 25 shows the capability of the model to cap-
are less well approximated by the master curve. This ture the influence of the stress ratio on the off-axis
explains the higher deviation of the simulation from the fatigue behaviour of T8000/2500. For all off-axis
test data for these stress ratios. Axial loading of off-axis angles, the fatigue strength for fully reversed loading
specimens locally generates a multiaxial stress state. is lower as for tension-dominated loading. This is
The lower the off-axis angle, the higher the amount of observed in both the experiment and simulation. The
shear stress in this multiaxial stress state. That means difference in fatigue strength for the two tension-domi-
an approximation of the shear stress as good as possible nated fatigue loads is even difficult to separate from the
is of increasing importance for the fatigue calculation experimental data. Especially for transverse loading,
of lower off-axis angles as the fatigue failure is initiated the influence is superposed by a high scatter of the
by exceeding the fatigue shear strength. Additionally, SN data. That is why the model does not predict a
the master curve in shear attaches a greater weight to significant difference in fatigue strength for the stress
the fatigue estimation quality. Both, the shear param- ratios R ¼ 0.1 and R ¼ 0.5.
eters for static loading and the shear fatigue data, are All in all, the model gives a quite good fatigue
obtained from test results of axial loaded off-axis spe- life prediction for the off-axis specimens being able
cimens which, as discussed before, may lead to some to capture the influence of off-axis angle and stress
uncertainty. This could be one reason for the higher ratio.
Lüders et al. 19

Figure 24. Experimentally observed and predicted influence of the fibre angle on the fatigue life of off-axis specimens of T8000/2500
at different stress ratios at room temperature. (a) R ¼ 0.1; (b) R ¼ 0.5; (c) R ¼  1.0.

Usually, CFRP structures in application are made of laminates is well predicted by the model: The lower
multiaxial laminates consisting of several UD plies with the fibre angle
, the higher the fatigue strength. Only
different off-axis angles. To demonstrate the applicabil- one exception is observed in the experimental data for
ity of the model to more application-oriented layups, stress ratio R ¼ 10, shown in Figure 26(b), where no
simulation results are compared to test results on sym- significant difference in fatigue strength can be seen
metric angle-ply laminates ½
3sym 23 and one cross-ply between ½453sym and ½603sym , which is a quite unu-
laminate ½0=903sym 22 For the laminates, fatigue test sual experimental finding.
data for stress ratios R ¼ 0.1, R ¼  1 and R ¼ 10 are Depending on the fibre angle, one tested stress ratio
available. Only for ½453sym , no test data at R ¼  1 are stands out against the others by significant higher fati-
published. The model is now validated against loading gue strength, see Figure 27. This is R ¼ 0.1 for the
conditions with negative mean stress (R ¼ 10), which ½303sym (Figure 27(a)) and ½0=903sym -laminate
are not used for fitting. (Figure 27(d)) and R ¼ 10 for the ½603sym -laminate
Similar to the off-axis fatigue life calculation results, (Figure 27(c)). Less significant difference in fatigue
the lifetime prediction of the angle-plies is within the strength is seen between the other stress ratios. These
scatter of the experimental data, see Figures 26 and 27. trends are observed in both, simulation and experiment.
Both, experiment and simulation reveal that the cross- The fatigue behaviour of the ½453sym -laminate is less
ply laminate shows the highest fatigue strength since dependent on the tested stress ratios in both the simu-
50% of the fibres are orientated in loading direction. lation and experiment, see Figure 27(b). Also not used
The influence of the fibre angle in the angle-ply for fitting, the influence of negative mean stress on the
20 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

Figure 25. Experimentally observed and predicted influence of the stress ratio on the fatigue life of off-axis specimens of T8000/
2500 with different fibre angle at room temperature. (a)
¼ 10 ; (b)
¼ 15 ; (c)
¼ 30 ; (d)
¼ 45 .

fatigue life is well predicted by the model for the angle- prediction for the analysed materials and load cases at
ply laminates. This confirms the used CLL and master room temperature. Although this is no proof for gen-
curve approach to capture the influence of the stress eral applicability, the model demonstrates to be not
ratio. Only for the ½0=903sym -laminate a difference in limited to a specific laminate or load case but in con-
the fatigue strength between R ¼  1 and R ¼ 10 is pre- trast can be applied to a wide range of fatigue loading
dicted that is not observed in the experiment (Figure with arbitrary stress ratios, even to fully reversed shear
27(d)). This might be due to the high scatter in the loading which is not possible using the origin model by
transverse loading fatigue data, which largely influences Shokrieh and Lessard.
the master curve and has already found to be a reason
for the few diverging trends in simulation and experi-
Lifetime prediction at high temperature
ment of the off-axis specimens.
For the analysed laminates and stress ratios, the In the last section, the capability of the new model to
proposed fatigue model leads to reasonable lifetime predict fatigue life at room temperature was demon-
predications. The influence of fibre angle in off-axis strated for two different materials. But in many appli-
specimens and in angle- and cross-ply laminates, as cations, mechanical cyclic loading does not necessarily
well as the influence of the stress ratio are well captured occur at room temperatures. Ambient temperatures
by the model. could be in the cryogenic or in high temperature
As an interim summary, what can be noted is that regime. In this section, the applicability of the model
the new fatigue damage model yields a good fatigue life to fatigue at high temperatures is demonstrated for the
Lüders et al. 21

Figure 26. Experimentally observed and predicted influence of the fibre angle on the fatigue life of symmetric laminates of
T8000/2500 a different stress ratios at room temperature. (a) R ¼  1; (b) R ¼ 10; (c) R ¼ 0.1.

material T8000/2500 whose fatigue life at room tem- temperature. The transverse compressive strength also
perature is well predicted by the new model as was can be assumed to mostly be dominated by matrix
shown in the last section. properties and a decreasing at high temperature is
Test data for model calibration and validation are thus indicated. As there is no other point of reference,
again taken from the publications of Kawai we assume for the compressive strength the same rela-
et al.8,22,23,30–33 They conduct fatigue tests for this tive decreasing as for the tensile transverse strength.
material at 100 C. Corresponding static strength are This way, the compressive strength at 100 C is defined
also given in the papers. Kawai et al.40 determine the to 36.8 MPa. All static material parameters used for the
transverse compressive strength at 100 C to be greater simulations at 100 C are summarised in Table 7.
than that at room temperature. This contradicts the Simulating the fatigue behaviour of T8000/2500 at
findings for the tensile transverse loading and the inves- 100 C also requires to determine the static nonlinear
tigations by Lin et al.41 and Miyano and Nakada.42 Lin shear parameters at this temperature. The procedure
et al.41 observed a decreasing of modulus and strength is equivalent to that for room temperature. In order
of a pure epoxy resin with increasing temperatures. to be able to perform fatigue simulations at varying
Miyano and Nakada investigate CFRP with the same temperatures in the future, it is advantageous to use
matrix material as tested by Kawai et al. (resin 2500 by the same shear model for all temperatures. Another
TORAY) and measured the matrix-dominated trans- reason for using the shear model of Hahn and Tsai12
verse bending strength, which decreases with increasing for material T8000/2500 also at 100 C is its satisfying
22 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

Figure 27. Experimentally observed and predicted influence of the stress ratio on the fatigue life of different symmetric laminates of
T8000/2500 at room temperature. (a) ½30-laminate; (b) ½45-laminate; (c) ½60-laminate; (d) ½0=90-laminate.

description of the nonlinear shear behaviour of T8000/ the prediction quality for other stress ratios might
2500 at 100 C as can be seen in Figure 28. As discussed suffer.
before, the shear data from the 45 -specimen are the Figure 30 shows the fitting results for the param-
only off-axis data that can be used to examine the elas- eters u, v and f in terms of CLL. For longitudinal
tic shear behaviour, when no information about the fatigue loading, the maxima of the CLL are in the
global shear strains are available. Using these data, regime of positive mean stresses (i.e. positive values
the parameters for the Krause13 model are determined of q) near the stress ratio R ¼ 0.1. This was also
to be GK ¼ 2782:73 MPa and K ¼ 62:66. These param- observed for the material at room temperature
eters lead to a stress maximum of e ¼ 15:36 MPa (Figure 21(a)). For transverse loading, the maximum
which is much below the shear strength of 43 MPa is in the regime of negative mean stresses (i.e. nega-
determined from the data of the 10 -specimen. Using tive values of q). Again, this also was observed at
the Model by Hahn and Tsai leads to a satisfactory room temperature (Figure 21(b)). In this sense, the
prediciton of the static behaviour of off-axis specimens fitting results for CLL for longitudinal and transverse
of T8000/2500 at 100C, ref. Figure 29. For fatigue cal- loading at 100 C seem to be physically plausible. For
culation at 100 C, the model has to be calibrated for in-plane shear loading, the fitting procedure yields a
this high temperature. The fitting process is the same as shift of the CLL’s maximum into the regime of nega-
for room temperature and includes the determination tive mean stresses. Especially, for in-plane shear load-
of the master curve parameters (equation (17)) at ing, this seems not to be physically plausible. This
100 C. For this temperature, fatigue test data are would mean that negative shear mean stresses are
only available for the stress ratio R ¼ 0.1. However, less critical for the material than positive ones. As
the model allows the transfer to other stress ratios but the fatigue behaviour in shear is assumed to be
Lüders et al. 23

Table 7. Material parameter of T800H/2500 at 100 C.

Material direction 11 22, 33 12, 13

Elasticity parameter
E/G (MPa) 156,000 6320 3455a,b
12 ¼ 13 ¼ 0:338
23 ¼ 0:346c
HT ¼ 7:01  107 b,d

Strength parameter (MPa)

Tension 2126 26 43d
Compression 490 36.8

SN curve parameter
R ¼ 0.1
A (MPa) 2179.70 27.48 42.50 Figure 29. Experimentally observed static behaviour of off-axis
B (-) 0.066 0.048 0.034 specimens of T8000/2500 at 100 C and model prediction.

Master curve parameter

influence on fatigue, the master curves at room tem-
u (-) 2.227 2.270 1.435 perature are plotted, too. For longitudinal loading,
v (-) 2.367 1.657 1.000 the fatigue strength normalized by the static strength
C (MPa) 3.791 0.851 0.816 is higher at high temperatures. The master curves for
D (-) 0.044 0.098 0.057 transverse and in-plane shear loading at 100 C only
¼ 45 off-axis specimen.
differs slightly from that at room temperature. The
From nonlinear shear fitting. master curves well approximate the fatigue test data
Taken form material HyMod-material. at 100 C, see Figure 32. The absolute fatigue strength
¼ 10 off-axis specimen. at 100 C is lower than at room temperature, but the
slope of the fatigue curve for longitudinal and trans-
verse loading is quite similar at room temperature
and at 100 C. Also at 100 C, no residual strength
and residual stiffness data are available for material
T8000/2500 and the parameters of the HyMod-mate-
rial are used. This assumes the same gradual degrad-
ation behaviour for T8000/2500 at room and high
After all material and model parameters are deter-
mined for 100 C, the model is used for fatigue simula-
tions of off-axis specimens at this temperature. The
results in comparison with experimental data are pre-
sented in Figure 33. The fatigue life of off-axis speci-
mens at high temperature is well predicted by the
model, the influence of off-axis angle is captured. As
there are no fatigue data at 100 C for other stress
Figure 28. Modelling nonlinear in-plane shear behaviour of ratios, the capability of the model to describe the influ-
T8000/2500 at 100 C using shear models by Krause and Hahn ence of stress ratio at high temperature cannot be
and Tsai. demonstrated, yet.
Also for fatigue at 100 C, using test data at this tem-
perature for model calibration, the new fatigue damage
independent of sign of stress, the fitting procedure is model demonstrates a good prediction quality. Up to
repeated using u and v from room temperature. This now, the fatigue behaviour is analysed at two singular
forces the maximum of the CLL to be at stress ratio temperatures – room temperature and 100 C – only.
R ¼  1, see Figure 30(d). The resultant master curves To evaluate the fatigue behaviour at arbitrary tempera-
for all loading directions are shown in Figure 31. The tures in between these temperatures, the material and
master curve equations at 100 C are also mentioned model parameters (moduli, strengths and master curve
in the graphs. In order to visualize the temperature parameters) could be interpolate between the tested
24 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

Figure 30. CLD and fitted CLL for material T8000/2500 at 100 C. (a) Longitudinal fatigue loading; (b) Transverse fatigue loading;
(c) Inplane shear loading with u and v not constrained; (d) In-plane shear loading with u and v from room temperature.

temperatures. As yet for T8000/2500 fatigue test data indicates a high degree of nonlinearity in this mater-
only at the two named temperatures are available, only ial direction, that could not anymore be captured
a linear interpolation is possible. As soon as fatigue test properly by the Hahn and Tsai12 model used by
data at further temperatures are present, this interpol- Shokrieh and Lessard.2,3
ation approach has to be verified. 2. the incorporation of the three dimensional Puck’s
failure criterion for indication of sudden failure as
its two dimensional form gains more accurate
Summary and look forward results in the first World-Wide Failure Exercise
The present research outlines a model to evaluate the (WWFE-I)15,17 than by the Shokrieh and Lessard
fatigue damage behaviour under general loading condi- used Hashin’s criterion.
tions, even under fully reversed shear loading, at differ- 3. the incorporation of the degradation of the
ent temperatures. It is based on the master curve Poisson’s ratios to consider that strains in the
approach and on the progressive damage modelling degraded material direction cannot produce lateral
proposed by Shokrieh and Lessard.2,3 The master contraction.27
curve equation by Shokrieh and Lessard is modified 4. to use the more general orthotropic form of the elas-
in such a manner that it is now valid also for a fully ticity matrix to consider the loss of transverse isot-
reversed shear loading which is not the case for the ropy with emerging damage.
original model by Shokrieh and Lessard. Further
model modifications proposed by the authors are Additionally, with the aim to predict fatigue
damage at different temperatures, all material and
1. to describe the in-plane shear behaviour by the non- model parameters are formulated temperature
linear elastic Krause13 model, if the material dependent.
Lüders et al. 25

Figure 31. Master curve representing fatigue test data at different stress ratios for material T8000/2500 at 100 C; room tem-
perature results are also plotted for comparison. (a) Longitudinal fatigue loading; (b) Transverse fatigue loading; (c) In-plane shear

The model’s capability to predict fatigue life at even at room temperature. That is why there are only
general loading conditions, including fully reversed very few materials that are comprehensively character-
shear loading, is demonstrated for two CFRP ized cyclically at room and at different temperatures
materials at room temperature and for one of these and it could be difficult to find an appropriate valid-
materials at 100 C. The prediction quality of the ation database.
model is good at any analysed loading condition Until now, the fatigue analysis is conducted at only
and temperature for the investigated materials. That two singular temperatures – room temperature and
does not prove general applicability of the model 100 C. These are the temperatures at which test data
but demonstrates that the model is not limited to one exist for the investigated material. An analysis in
specific material or load case. The good prediction between the tested temperatures and at low tempera-
results at 100 C for the investigated material suggest tures is the next logical step. The most common
the model’s usability also for fatigue life prediction approach to conduct a fatigue analysis in between the
at other temperatures. However, the prediction cap- tested temperatures is an interpolation of the material
ability of the new model for fatigue at different tem- and model parameters in between these temperatures.
peratures is only shown for one material. It is an Verifying this approach requires fatigue test data for at
important future task to extend the model validation least one additional temperature. Also, demonstration
for fatigue at different temperatures to other materials, for whether the model is able to predict fatigue damage
too. Certainly, in general it is a great test effort to at lower temperatures requires further fatigue test data
conduct a comprehensive fatigue characterization, at low temperatures.
26 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

Figure 32. Experimental data and model lifetime prediction for UD specimens of T8000/2500 at 100 C; room temperature results
are also plotted for comparison. (a) Longitudinal fatigue loading; (b) Transverse fatigue loading; (c) In-plane shear loading.

The authors would like to gratefully thank the Fraunhofer
Institute for Mechanics of Materials (IWM) and the
Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbh (IABG) for sup-
plying their fatigue test data which is a significant contribu-
tion to the results of this paper.

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this

The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
Figure 33. Experimental data and model lifetime prediction for article: The authors acknowledge the financial support by the
off-axis specimens of T8000/2500 at 100 C. Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy of
Germany in the project HyMod.
Lüders et al. 27

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Appendix 1 fracture plane

Formula symbols
Indices and superscripts
E current E-modulus
G current shear modulus 0 related to the initial state
G effective shear modulus c related to compression
n current number of cycles cr related to a critical state
Nf number of cycles to failure HT related to Hahn and Tsai model
pcNL gradient parameter for Puck’s criteria i, j related to material direction,
ptNL gradient parameter for Puck’s criteria i, j ¼ 1, 2, 3
pcNT gradient parameter for Puck’s criteria K related to Krause model
ptNT gradient parameter for Puck’s criteria max related to the maximum
q mean stress normalized by tensile min related to the minimum
strength t related to tension

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