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The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Summer Institute 2021

SISP 1303 Intelligent Sensing System 12 Aug. 2021

Name (Surname, Given Name):

Student ID:

Duration: 1:10 pm – 2:50 pm (1 hour and 40 minutes)

Please write your answers on blanks papers, scan them in a single pdf file (such as using Microsoft
Office Lens app) and upload it to Canvas.

Question Your Mark Mark of question

Q1 12
Q2 12
Q3 10
Q4 24
Q5 15
Q6 12
Q7 15
Total 100

Question 1 (12 marks)

T1 T2


T3 T4

Consider an underwater vehicle with 4 thrusters each makes a 45∘ with the x or y axis: T1, T2,
T3 and T4, shown in the diagram. Suppose you want the vehicle to move along the vector 𝑣⃗
with angle 𝜃 = 30∘ by powering up only T1 and T2. The magnitude of the force provided by T1
is 1 N (N = Newton is the unit of force).

Write down the forces provided by T1 and T2 in vector form using unit vectors 𝑖̂ and 𝑗̂.

Question 2 (12 marks)

(a) (4 marks) Why do we need the image compression?

(b) (4 marks) Describe the lossless compression and state its application.

(c) (4 marks) Describe the lossy compression and state its application.

Question 3 (10 marks)

A student would like to build electronic circuit for connecting a temperature sensor with a
Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter. The block diagram of circuitry is shown as below.

The interface circuitry is used to scale and shift the operating range (range) of senor output to the
region between 0V and 5V. The overview of operating ranges of the whole system is listed
below. Voltage at Voltage at output of
output of interface circuitry (𝑉𝑖)
Temperature (T)
sensor (Vs)

(10 marks) Write a straight line equation in expressing the relationship the voltage at the output
of interface circuit Vi and temperature T .

Question 4 (24 marks)

a) An accelerometer can be modeled by a spring mass system. The following figure

shows an internal structure of a 1-dimensional accelerometer when it is initial at

Initial at rest System in motion

In a case of vibration, the displacement ∆𝑥1 (𝑡) at time t can be expressed in a

sinusoidal waveform such that
∆𝑥1 (𝑡) = 2 cos(5𝜋 𝑡).

(i) (4 marks) Find the period and amplitude of the vibration ∆𝑥1 (𝑡)

(ii) (2 marks) Sketch the waveform ∆𝑥1 (𝑡)

(iii) (2 marks) Sketch the magnitude (or amplitude) spectrum of waveform

∆𝑥1 (𝑡); i.e. Amplitude vs frequency
(Label the axes and their values clearly)

(iv) (6 marks) Consider another motion, Δ𝑥2 (𝑡) = cos2 (15𝜋𝑡) cos(10𝜋𝑡).
Find Fourier Series of ∆𝑥2 (𝑡).

(v) (4 marks) Sketch the magnitude (or amplitude) spectrum of waveform

∆𝑥2 (𝑡)
(Label the axes and their values clearly)

b) (6 marks) Suggest 3 potential applications of accelerometers

Question 5 (15 points)

A research stated the following comments in his paper:

“Display size on the average mobile phone has grown in the past few years; not coincidentally,
this growth in size tracks directly with the explosion of smartphone sales. While the larger displays
are ideal for the various functionalities smartphones offer (such as full internet browsing, video
viewing, higher megapixel video capture, etc.), they do have the detraction of consuming a large
percentage of available battery power.”

In order to reduce the display power consumption, you are asked to propose an auto-brightness
algorithm to adjust the brightness of the display screen in different environment. That is, the
brightness is increased in the outdoor environment. The brightness of the display is decreased in
the dark environment.

Now, there are several sensors embedded in the following mobile phone:
Infra Senor
Light Dependent Resistor


Touch screen

Now, please suggest the sensor(s) you would like to use and describe the working principle of
your algorithm. (approximate 50 to 100 words)

Question 6 (12 marks)

Color cone of HSV :

The histograms of Hue information of two pure color (Red and Yellow) VGA image (200 x 150
pixels) are shown below
30000 Histogram


30000 Histogram

Yellow Frequency

0 300

(a) (4 marks) Find the total number of pixels in a VGA image

(b) (4 marks) Sketch the histogram of Hue information pure Green VGA image. Please
indicate the value in both axes clearly



(c) (4 marks) Sketch the histogram of Hue information a VGA image. Please indicate the
value in both axes clearly



Question 7 (15 marks)

Given the following coordinates of vertices of an triangle

Points Pixel co-ordinates (𝑥, 𝑦)
𝐴 (100, 40)
𝐵 (120, 0)
𝐶 (150, 60)

a) (3 marks) Draw the triangle in the 2D coordinate system of image, and indicate the direction
of all the anti-clockwise vectors. Please label the vertex of triangle clearly. Notes: the
Cartesian plane in the image processing is different from the one you learnt in secondary

b) (3 marks) With the use of following formula,

Area ( P1 , P2 , P3 )  x1 y2  x1 y3  x2 y1  x3 y1  x2 y3  x3 y2  / 2
With the aim of provided equation or equivalent formula, to verify that the point O
with coordinate (0,0) lies outside the triangle ABC

c) (3 marks) A point D is being tested with the following operations.

𝑆𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 (𝐴, 𝐶, 𝐷) < 0

𝑆𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 (𝐶, 𝐵, 𝐷) < 0
𝑆𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 (𝐵, 𝐴, 𝐷) < 0

Justify that whether the point D lies inside the triangle or not. Explain your answer.

d) (3 marks) Another point E is being tested with the following operations.

𝑆𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 (𝐴, 𝐶, 𝐸) < 0

𝑆𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 (𝐶, 𝐵, 𝐸) > 0
𝑆𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 (𝐵, 𝐴, 𝐸) > 0

Justify that whether the point E lies inside the triangle or not. Explain your answer.

e) (3 marks) Sketch a feasible convex polygon that contains all the points A, B, C, D and E

--- End ---

Trigonometric identities
sin 𝐴 ± sin 𝐵 = 2 sin cos
2 2
cos 𝐴 + cos 𝐵 = 2 cos 2 cos 2
cos 𝐴 − cos 𝐵 = −2 sin sin
2 2

2 cos 𝐴 cos 𝐵 = cos(𝐴 − 𝐵) + cos(𝐴 + 𝐵)

2 sin 𝐴 cos 𝐵 = sin(𝐴 + 𝐵) + sin(𝐴 − 𝐵)
2 sin 𝐴 sin 𝐵 = cos(𝐴 − 𝐵) − cos(𝐴 + 𝐵)

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