You Are Finally Mine

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You are Finally Mine - Part 1

by ShiningTaemint
Tags   2min   crackfic   fluff   minho   shinee   taemin  

Taemin was a loner. It’s not that nobody liked him or anything; it’s that he chose to be a loner. He’s always been a
quiet boy. He hated getting close to people because whenever he does, he always ends up getting hurt or loses
them, like his parents…or his best friend, who was his only friend. Taemin’s parents passed away when he was about
six in a car accident and his best friend practically abandoned him.  

Today Taemin was starting his senior year in high school. He entered the school gates like he always did in the past
years. He put his stuff in his locker and went to his classes just like schedule. Today was just going to be a normal
day for Lee Taemin…At least that’s what he thought. A normal day for Taemin was to finish his classes and get
through the day without interacting with another person. Things went differently today. Taemin seated himself next to
the school bully Choi Minho. Taemin was expecting him to make fun of him or throw paper at him for fun like he did to
the other students but no. Minho did nothing like that to Taemin. Why? Was it because he liked him? No. Choi Minho
wouldn’t like a guy like Taemin. He isn’t even gay.

Class was over. While Taemin was walking to his locker a strong arm pulled him back and he bumped into Minho.
Taemin didn’t say a word. He just walked away but found that Minho had a strong grip on his skinny arm.

“Let go of me,” Taemin ordered the taller, stronger boy.

Minho loosened his grip on Taemin’s arm. “You’re Lee Taemin right?” he asked.

“What’s it to you?” Taemin spat rudely.

“No need to be rude, princess,” Minho said.

“Who are you calling princess?” Taemin felt insulted.

“Don’t worry. It’s just a nickname”

“You’re giving me nicknames already? You don’t even know me!”

“Of course I know who you are. You’re Lee Taemin!”

“Why are you saying that like I’m some kind of idol or something?”

“Come with me Lee Taemin,” Minho said and grabbed Taemin’s arm.

“Just call me Taemin. And where the hell are you taking me?” Taemin asked, struggling to get out of Minho’s strong

“Just follow me,” Minho said and continued to drag Taemin somewhere.

“Minho it’s only the start of class. We have tons of other classes left. Where the hell—“

Minho pushed the boy into his car.

“I demand you to tell me where you’re taking me!” Taemin demanded.

“Where do you wanna go?” Minho asked.

“I wanna go back to school and finish my classes,” Taemin answered.

“Other than school”


“Then let’s go to my place”

“Why so you can rape me?”

Minho laughed. “No…Look let’s just go somewhere”

“Let’s go back to school”

Minho frowned. “You’re no fun Lee Taemin”

“Fine,” Taemin finally gave in. “Let’s go to my place”

Minho smiled and drove.


“Okay here we are,” Taemin said getting out of Minho’s car.

Taemin unlocked the door and went inside with Minho following.

“Where’s your parents?” Minho asked.

“Dead,” Taemin replied bitterly.

“Oh. Sorry I—“

“Don’t apologize”

Taemin took a seat on the couch followed by Minho.

“Aren’t you a bully Choi Minho?” Taemin asked moving a few centimeters away from Minho.


“Then aren’t you supposed to be beating me up right now or something?”

“I don’t want to”


“Because I like you”

Taemin looked up at Minho in shock. Did he just say that he liked him? No. He can’t like him. Minho needed to leave
right now.

“I would like to ask you to leave Minho,” Taemin said getting up pointing to the front door.


“Did you not here me? OUT!” Taemin snapped.


Minho pulled Taemin’s arm down and pushed him back onto the couch. “I’m just like you Taemin. I’m your eye for an

“How?” Taemin asked. How can a bully like Choi Minho be like Taemin? How could he know his pain?

“I know what it feels like. You’re scared. You’re scared of being close to people because you’re scared they might
leave you or die. I lost my parents three years ago. Some guy shot them for their money and now I live by myself in
an apartment that I can’t even afford to pay rent for.”

Taemin stared at Minho. He never knew that he, Choi Minho, could have so much in common with him, Lee Taemin.
He’s never met anyone who shared the exact same pain that Taemin felt. It’s like he found his soul mate.

“Well…Do you…Wanna live with me? You can use my parents’ room,” Taemin offered.

“R—Really? You want me to live with you?” Minho asked.

“It’s not that I want you to—”

“I’d love to live with you Lee Taemin!” Minho said with joy.

“Again, please just call me Taemin”

“Okay princess”


Hoot! Here's the first part. I hope you enjoyed it and it's fail!crack glory XD

Comments are loved. Criticisms  not so much XD

Choi Minho: The Lazy Ass that Doesn't Want
to do the Dishes
by ShiningTaemint
Tags   2min   crackfic   fluff   minho   shinee   taemin  

Minho was enjoying his stay with Taemin...But Taemin wasn't. Minho was like a little kid and
Taemin was like his mother. Whenever he told Minho to do something like wash the dishes
Minho would complain that he didn't want to do it. Taemin would nag and nag but Minho would
just lock himself inside of Taemin's parent's room (which was now Minho's room) and never
come out, leaving Taemin to just give up and do it himself.


"MINHO!" Taemin yelled from the kitchen.

"What?" Minho answered; annoyed.


"Why do you have to yell? I'm only a few metres away. Geez...Calm down princess."

"Don't call me princess! And I didn't invite you into my home to just sit around and do nothing
because I thought you were some charity case!"

"'Charity case'? We basically went through the same dramatic experiences. We're both charity

"Can you just shut up and help me with the dishes?"


"Fuck you then. Get out of my house."

"Don't use the word fuck princess. Fuck is such an ugly word."

"Do I look like I give a shit?"

"Is my princess in a bad mood?"



"Because you, Choi Minho, are such a lazy ass and won't help me with the dishes!"

"Geez, fine," Minho sulked.

Minho stood behind the younger boy who was washing the dishes and wrapped his hands around
his waist. Taemin turned around causing the older boy to let go.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Taemin snapped.


"What?" Minho said, looking completely innocent.

"Your hands! Why were they on my waist?!"


"Because? You know what nevermind. Just never put them there ever again!"

"You're a little bitchy tonight."

"It's so hard having you around. I liked it better without you."

"Ouch. That hurts you know," Minho said, faking a little cry. Taemin slapped the boy upside the

"Stop being so over-dramatic!" Taemin said and went back to washing the dishes.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter (I've got a shit ton of homework to do but I know homework
doesn't count as a reason for short chapters and not uploading these days XD). Yes, I think the
title is amazing. It's technically a summary of this entire chapter so... XD

Sorry for grammar mistakes or anything along the lines of that XP

Visiting Choi Minho's Crap Shack
by ShiningTaemint
Tags   2min   crackfic   fluff   minho   shinee   taemin  

Minho was driving him and Taemin to school. He turned left.

"Yah Minho! You're going the wrong way. School's that way," Taemin informed the older boy.

"We're not going to school!"

"What? No. Take me to school Minho!" Taemin ordered.

"No. I don't feel like it."

"I demand you to let me out of this car!"

"Fine, go ahead. No one's stopping you," Minho said and pulled over. Taemin still didn't get out
of the car. "I thought you wanted to get out of the car?"

"Oh...Uhh...I don't want to walk to school!"

"Then it's either walk to school or stay in the car with me and not go to school."

Taemin chose the second option. Taemin didn't know what he was feeling. Every day he spent
with Minho he continued to fall for him. What? No, he can't fall for this guy. He's a bully. He
bullies other kids. That's not the type of person he likes... but for some odd reason he was just
attracted to Minho.

The rest of the car ride was silent. None of the boys said a word. Minho stopped at an apartment
block. Taemin didn't question him; he just followed Minho up the stairs and into a small messy
apartment...more like pigs sty actually.

"Uhh...Minho where are we?" Taemin asked, looking around. The smell was dreadful.

"This was my apartment," Minho answered.

"Really? This place? It's--"

"Shit I know," Minho finished for Taemin.

"What is that smell?"

"Dirty laundry"

"Do you ever do the laundry?"



"Can't be bothered"

Taemin began to pick up all the dirty clothes that were scattered on the ground and put them in a
garbage bag.

"What are you doing?" Minho asked.

"Early spring cleaning," Taemin answered and continued to clean.

"You don't have to clean this place. I don't even live here anymore so..."

"Exactly! You don't live here anymore. What if someone wants to buy this place? They wouldn't
want to buy an apartment that smells like rotten ass!"

"I don't care"

"Well you should care"

"What are you doing now?"

"I'm going to throw all this shit away. You don't need this stuff now that you live with me."

Minho just sat on the couch and watched Taemin clean his shit up for him.

After like an hour, Taemin finally finished.

"There, now this place doesn't look too bad," Taemin said, wiping away the sweat from his
forehead. Minho didn't care at all.

"Meh...It looks a lot better than before," was all Minho could reply.

"That's it? I clean ALL OF THIS up and that's all you say?"

"Well what else do you want me to say?"

Taemin just bowed his head and pouted, hoping Minho couldn't see...but he did. Minho just
silently spazzed over how cute it was. No Minho, just keep your cool.

"Okay so what do you wanna do now?" Taemin asked.

"Umm... I don't know. Let's just stay here."

"And do what?"

"I don't know, talk?"


"I don't know. I don't really know much about you."

"Well what do you wanna know Choi Minho?"


Minho chuckled in his head. "Finally," he thought. "Lee Taemin, you are almost mine."


A/N: Mwaha! Chapter three. I know I said this was going to be a oneshot or twoshot but.... Yeah
you saw what happened. This fanfiction is already done. I wrote it like....back in September of
2010? If you're wondering:

"Girl, why don't you just post the entire thing already?"

"Why can't you just copy and paste?"

"Why are you so dumb and haven't thought of these things yet?"

If you are thinking one of those three things then:

1) I don't want it to be a long ass post (things only seem longer now since I use a netbook =P)

2) Copy and pasting....I did do that....but like...I like typing? (Sorry, I don't have a valid reason
for that one XD)


So yeah, I got that out of the way. Hopefully you are all satisfied with this update. Sorry for any
grammar errors or anything along the lines of that.
Lee Taemin, You are Finally Mine
by ShiningTaemint
Tags   2min   crackfic   fluff   minho   shinee   taemin  

"Taemin you're gay right?" Minho asked as they were sitting down on the couch watching T.V

"Yeah," Taemin answered.

"What type of guys are you into?" Minho asked.

"Why do you wanna know?"

"I'm just curious"

Taemin stared at Minho for a while. He tried to capture all his features. Okay, I, Lee Taemin, am
in love with Choi Minho. Taemin could finally admit it.

"Well...I like guys who are...strong, has a beautiful smile, big mesmerizing eyes, and who are
sweet and funny"

"Really?" Minho said.

Strong: Check

Beautiful Smile: Check


Big Mesmerizing Eyes: Check

Sweet: Check

Funny: Sort of...

"Could this be?" Minho thought to himself. "That he was talking about me; Choi Minho? No it
can't be. Not a chance."

"What about you Minho? Are" Taemin asked.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Taemin chanted in his head. "What a stupid question to ask him; if he's
gay. Of course he's not gay. He's Choi Minho."

"Uhh...I...I don't know. Maybe," Minho answered. "Who am I kidding? I am gay. I'm gay for this
boy right here: Lee Taemin"

"Okay," Taemin said. "'I don't know'?" he thought. "That means there's a chance. There's a
chance for me, Lee Taemin, to be with THE Choi Minho. What? No. Taemin don't be stupid. You
can never be with a guy as great as him with his strength, beautiful smile, big mesmerizing eyes
and his sweet and funny personality. But still...he said MAYBE. That could mean yes....or it
could mean no."

"Taemin," Minho said after a short silence.


"Let's go to your room"


"Because I feel like it"

"My room?" Taemin thought. "Why would he want to go to my room? Maybe he wants to lie on
my bed because it's comfier than the sofa. And what things could we do on the bed?
more? Sleep? Pillow No it's definitely not that last one."

Taemin led Minho upstairs to his room. When they got there, Taemin immediately collapsed on
his bed.

"I've never seen your room before," Minho said.

"Then welcome to my room"


Minho lied down next to Taemin. "Your bed is comfy," he commented.

"Time to make my move," he then thought.

"There are a lot of things you can do on this bed."


Taemin looked at Minho with slightly wide eyes. "That's...very suggestive," he thought. "No. Sex
is the last thing Minho would want to do with me."


Taemin sat up and so did Minho.

"Taemin..." Minho started.


"When did you turn gay?"

"Umm...When I met my best friend I guess"

"What happened? Did you two ever get together?"

"Yeah...But that stupid bastard abandoned me."



"You know I'd never do that to you"

"Do what?"

"Abandon you"

Minho leaned closer and before he knew it, his lips were pressed against Taemin's. Taemin
pulled away.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Taemin snapped.

"Kissing you," Minho replied.


"Because I want to"

"But you don't even like me!"

"I've liked you for a long time, Taemin," Minho confessed.

"How long?" Taemin questioned. 

"About four years now"


Taemin hit the older boy in the shoulder. "You've liked me for this entire time and you never told

"I didn't think you would like me back..."

Taemin just leaned in and kissed the older boy passionately. "I've liked you for a long time too
you know?"

"No talking"

Taemin smiled and continued kissing the boy.

Throughout the kiss, the same thing was running through each boy's mind:

Choi Minho, you are finally mine

Lee Taemin, you are finally mine.


A/N: Woo~! It's finished. Yay! Hope you all enjoyed it ^^



(Sorry for errors in my writing~)

"Minho Hyung?" I call. I've just gotten home from an early morning practice, and I smell of
sweat and musty cotton. I peel my shirt from the front of my chest, and shake it to fan myself,

I furrow my brow. He usually greets me when I get home. 

The dorm is quiet and in order. I take off my shoes before further entering. I step into our tiny
kitchen and notice that a few plates are in the sink, and someone's left a couple of beer bottles on
the table. Beer? None of us drink. Besides my being underage, all of us, especially Jonghyun and
Onew Hyung, have always been a bit hesitant to do anything against the rules. I've always
suspected that Key and Minho wouldn't deny a drink, though, if they haven't already. Still, it's
strange. Hnm. I just shrug it off. Maybe Manager Hyung came over with someone. I walk in
further and do a quick one-eighty. The entire common space is visible from one spot in the
living-room. I sigh, and my heart sinks a little. I was really hopeing to have some alone time with
him today. We started dateing, secretly of course, more than six months ago, and I swear, we've
only had a total of an hour or two actually alone together. It hasn't put a strain on our relationship
though. We always manage to get in a kiss or two by the time we go to bed.

I shake my head and run my fingers through my hair, then walk to our shared bedroom. I try the
knob and it sticks. We don't have a lock on our door. I try the doorknob again, pushing it a little
harder and it gives a little. There must be something blocking it. Without thinking I put my
shoulder to the door and give it a hard push. The door flys open with a loud crash, nearly sending
me to the floor. I'm so shocked takes me a moment to notice the two men in my bed. My my bed...with another guy.

My bag slips off my shoulder, my head starts to spin, my stomach is turning, and for the life of
me I can't figure out a way to even begin to process this information.

And they're so wrapped up in their...whatever, that they don't even notice me standing right  in front
of them. In front of my bed. 

Slowly I lify my left fist and tap the wall next to me so hard my knuckles crack. And finally, they
see me...
"Taemin-ah!" Minhos' already large eyes widen comically, his attempt to face me causing him to
fall off the, my, bed. It was almost funny. And I would've laughed, but, you see, I was to busy
getting my heart broken.

Minho pulls the bedsheet over himself, embarrased, I assume. I wonder why? His beautiful, so
small face, stares up at me in horror from the space between mine and Onews' bed. Nichkhun
just lyes there, face blank, fully exposed, yet unashamed.

"T-T-Taemin..." Minho stutters, "This-I-it..." But I don't look at him. I can't seem to take my eyes
away from Nichkhuns', amazed at how cold and unfeeling they seem. 

Minho gets off of the floor and walks towards me, standing between me and my bed, blocking
Nichkhun from my view. Finally, I look up at him. He's sweating, almost as sweaty as I am, and
his normally creamy skin has turned a deep shade of red. I stare into his beautiful deep eyes, the
eyes that once made my heart skip, my stomach flutter, my voice crack, those eyes that I once
loved so much, and I feel...nothing. I feel nothing...

I-I-I can't breath.

"Taemin-ah?" His voice sounds so far away. Minho reaches out toward me... I don't feel myself
falling... I hit the floor.


I feel something shake my shoulder, "Shillye Hamnida?" Someones', a boys, voice reaches my
ears. I stir a bit, trying to shake them off, I'm to tired to deal with anyone right now. "Shillye

I grunt and peel my eyes open, ready to glare at the person intruding on my sleep. 

"Taemin-goon?" Impossibly large orbs greet me. I'm mean like really huge. Like insanely huge. 

"Annyeong H-Haseyo." I say, doing my best to bow in my ackward poston on the floor. He just
stands in front of me partialy bent over to get closer to me. His face is serious and he doesn't
blink. Like, at all. I try to look away from him but it's like someones tied strings conecting our
eyeballs and we can't move apart. I flinch at my own thought. Why do I always have to think
such weird things?

It seems like hours before either of us moves. He stretches his arm out to me, offering me his
hand. I hesitantly take it and he pulls me easily. I frown. I mean, it's not like I want to be fat or
something, I just hate being so tiny. It makes people pinch my cheeks all the time. I hate it.

He furrows his brows at me, the first expression he's made, and it makes me realize I'm pouting.
Which just makes me pout even more. Darn my cuteness. No, damn my cuteness. I smile to
myself, only making him make more of a face.
"Taemin-goon." He says my name again, making me take an uneasy step back. He only looks to
be a few years older than me, judging by his baby face and voice, but he's pretty tall, and it's not
like I've won any height contests lately. I glance around the training room looking for a way to
escape, if need be.

"Ne?" I say, trying to make myself look tough be lefting my chin and standing on my toes.

He smiles a bit, but it only lasts a second before his stone face is back and he says in a serious
tone, "I'm Choi Minho." Bowing deeply. He sounds so official, it makes me snort a little. I cover
my mouth with my hand and bow back.

And still he only stares.

"So..." I sigh, uncomfortable, "I'll see you around then..." I bow and begin to take slow steps
bakward toward the door. His eyes follow me, distracting me so that I don't notice when I've
finally reached the exit up hitting my head on the door. I inhale in pain and clumsily fumble to
open turn the door handle. I slip, and I spazishly try to get up, arms flailing around. Finally, I get
on my feet, look at him left my chin and clear my throat before exiting the room.

So much for a smooth exit.


Authors Note: So that's the first chapter, I'll try to get the next one up as soon as possibly. Hope
you liked it!

Save Me?
I wake up in my bed. It takes awhile for me to recall the days earlier events. I shoot off of the
bed, wiping the invisible germs off myself, staring in disgust at the bed. I look around the room,
expecting to see Minho, or, him, somewhere continuing their lovefest. But they're gone; I'm all
alone. I shut my eyes tight and try to take a deep breath, but my chest feels too tight. I stumble to
the bathroom, stripping my clothes. I need a shower. Bad. I turn the water on as hot as I can, it
burns my skin but loosens my chest and I breath in the steamy air of the shower. My mind keep
flashing back to them, and finally the tears begin to fall. I sob, loudly, and collapse onto the
shower floor. 

"AARRGH!!!" I scream until my voice is hoarse and the water has run cold. 

I don't know how long I stay in there; I don't know how much time has passed when he walks in.

"Taeminnie?" His deep baratone reaches my ears, having that same soothing effect it's always

I can't do this anymore.

I want to go home...

I hold myself tighter in the corner of the dance studio I've been practising in for hours. I thought
this would be fun. I thought it would be an adventure. But I'm tired, I just want to go home. I
miss my Umma, my Appa, my Hyung...especially him. We don't even get to talk on the phone
that much anymore. I hate training. Having to live away from my family for so long. I want to be
an Idol so badly, but I don't know if it's worth it anymore...

"Hey..." I feel a presence right above me and I remove my hands from my face.

He smiles at me, so wide, it almost splits his face into. 

"Why are you crying?" He asks me gently, placing his hand on the side of my cheek.

But I'm at a loss for words...Is he an angel. Immeadiatley all of my worries melt away, and I feel
a calm wash over me.

I look up at him, wide eyed, and he somehow, impossibly, smiles even wider. He chuckles a bit,
and it sounds so warm it literally warms my heart. He lifts me up bridalstyle, and carries me out
of the room. I look up at him with my vulnerable, innocent eyes, amazed.

"Here we go." He sets me down on a small sofa in one of the common rooms and pulls a blanket
over me, "Now this is much better isn't." He tucks me in gently, then pats my hair down, looking
at me fondly.

"Sleep. Okay?" He gives me an expectant look with his caring black eyes.

I nod quickly, eager to please this angel, and close my eyes.

The last thing I feel before my mind drifts is his touch, the last thing I hear, "Goodnight..."

End Flashback

"Taemin-ah! What did I tell you about using all the hot-" His voice cuts off when he peeks
behind the shower curtain, "Taeminnie?"

I look up and see Onew Hyung staring at me in disbelief. I blink, water running in my eyes,
wiping it away with my hand. It's only when I pull it away do I realize that it's not's
blood. My blood.
"Taemin!" Onew grabs my naked body and pulls me out of the shower, "Oh my god! What
happened?" He grabs a towel and starts drying my off. I wince when he reaches my arms. Both
of us turn our eyes towards my upper arms. Somehow, without realising it, I'd scratched deep
etches into my skin.

"Oh my god..." He whispers. Then he touches my forhead, his fingers coated in blood when he
draws them away. I glance at the shower, noticing the red splotch where I banged my head into
the tile. I look up at him, my once angel, and feel anything but saved.


Authors Note: Yay!!! Another chapter! Sorry it's not that long, I think I'm going to do quicker
yet short updates, instead of longer and spread out ones. That way there's always something new.
Once again hope you enjoy! And thank for reading and subsribing ect....


by Moisey_013

Onew held me in his arms and rocked me back and forth, "Oh, Taemin-ah." He sob. 

I didn't move. I couldn't move. My mind is racing trying to understand what's going on around
me. I don't even feel any pain. I see Manager Hyung hovering above me, he says something, but
it's like I have cotton in my ears. Why is everything moving? Manager Hung moves from my
line of vision and is replaced with Keys' cat eyed face. His brow is lifted and he scoffs, "He's
fine, look, his eyes are open and he's breathing. He slipped in the shower. So what?" Key Hyung
rolls his eyes and moves away.

"Then why isnt he saying anything." Jonghyuns voice, muffled, sounds only a little concerned.
His black eyes bore into mine searching for some sign of conciousness. He gives up after a few
seconds and leaves to.

"I shouldv'e been here," Oh, god, "It's my fault, I shouldn't have left him alone."

Minho Hyung.

All I see are his eyes, flat and dark, "I'm so sorry Taeminnie." Yeah, you are.

"It's okay Minho, it wasn't your fault. We all know how clumsy he can be." Manager Hyung

"Yeah." Minho replys, then moves away.


It's only when I wake do I realise I'd been sleeping. I'm in Onews' bed, his arms are wrapped
around my waist, causing a little flutter in my stomach. I bury my face into his neck. He smells
like chicken; it makes me smile.

"Are you awake?" A jump at the sound of his voice, my heart skipping a bit. He pulls his head
back so that he can look at me. His eyes are full of concern. He lifts his right hand and brushes
his fingertips against my cheek making me shiver, "Taemin-ah...what happened?"

I look around the dorm. Key and Jonghyun are fast asleep in their top bunks, Minhos' bed is

I swallow before I answer, "I slipped in the shower." I say hoarsely, recalling the excuse Key
gave earlier.

Onew sighs heavily, "Really, Taemin, and let me guess the shower got mad about it and decided
to cat scratch you."

"Yeah." I say dumbly. He sighs again and pulls me closer, his hot breath on my face, my lips.

"What happened Yobo?" Onew looks at me in the most desperate way, pleading with me to tell
him the truth. My eyes tear up. How can I tell him? What will I tell him? I can't lose him too. Not
after Minho...

"I fell." I whispered. I lower my head, ashamed. I hate lying to Onew Hyung.

"Did he do something to you." His voice it tight.

My head lifts quickly, shocked. "Who?" I ask, although I already know the answer.

"Do you think I'm stupid Taemin?"

"Of course not!" I say, nearly shouting.

"Then tell me the truth. I know something happened between the two of you. When he saw you,
bloody and bruised, he didn't flinch. Only yesterday he wouldv'e ran with you in his arms to the
hospital if you got so much as a papercut. What. Happened."

I look up at him, begging him to just let it go. But his eyes are hard, unrelenting. I swallow hard
before I speak, "M-Minho Hyung..."

"What did he do?"

"...he broke my heart."



I stop dancing and stamp my foot on the ground. God why can't I get this. I groan in frustration.

"You're too hard on yourself." I turn around at the voice and roll my eyes. God I hate his smrik.
You know, in a totally loving way. Minho comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my
waist, "Come home." He starts kissing my neck, lickning it. I lean my head back and close my
eyes. The warmth from his lips travels from my neck to stomach making me moan. I hear him
chuckle and he nips my neck.

"Hey!" I turn around and slap his chest, "You're gonna leave a mark!" I walk up to the mirror and
check my neck. I move my newly long hair away from the abused area. It's red, but it doesn't
look too bad.

Minho rolls his eyes and makes a noise, "You can just cover it ujp with your hair." He runs his
fingers through my golden locks, resting his head on the top of my head. I smile to myself. Ever
since they put in my extensions, I haven't been able to get Minho off of me. Not that I mind,
"Come here."

He turns me around and pushes onto the wall mirror, pinnig me to it with his own body. He
attacks my neck again, hands roaming up and down my chest and thighs. I try my best to hoald
back a moan. I hate the way I sound. Like a girl. Minho presses his groin against my thigh,
letting me feel his excitement.

"Do you want me Taemin-ah?" His black eyes are full of lust, making my own excitment grow.

"Yes Hyun-"

"Call me Oppa." He says roughly, causing a shiver to run down my spin.

"Yes Oppa." I whisper, staring right into his eyes. Our lips crash, tongues tangling, fighting for
dominace. He grabs my ass pulling more into him.

"O-o-oppa..." He's grinds into me, so hard I'm afraid the mirrors are going to crack. He grunts
into my neck.

"Taemin-ah, I'm gonna-"

"Taemin!" I push Minho away from me quickly and try to straightem my clothes and even my
breath. The door to the dance studio opens with a crack and Onew walks in, all smiles as usual,
"Hey, I was worried." He comes up to me pulls me into a hug. Oh god, please don't feel my hard
on, "You okay, you're shaking." He gives me a worried look.

"Yeah, I'm fine Hyung, Minho and I were just practising the new choreography." I say breathily.
His worry immeadiatley vanishes, he's so easily pleased, "I know, it's so hard right. I don't know
how I feel about this 'Lucifer' song. Do you think It'll do well?"

I chuckle a little bit, he can be such a worry wart sometimes, "I'm sure it'll be fine Hyung, you
think about things too much." He smiles at me and cups my chin. We look into each others eyes
for a few seconds before his dart away.

"Hey Minho! What are you doing over there!" I turn my head toward where Onew is looking and
see Minho sitting in the corner with his back to us. Onew starts to walk towards but I stop him
buy putting my hand on his shoulder. He nods. I walk up to Mimho and kneel down next to him.




"Go Taemin, just...go." HIs head is hanging between his legs so I can't see his face. I reach my
hand out to touch his shoulder, but he flinches away from.

"Fine," I say, trying my best tp hold back my tears.

End Flashback

"Taemin...Taemin." Onew shakes me, bringing me back to Earth. He looks scared, "What did
you say?"

I sniffle, "Minho and I used to, we, he...we were together." My tears fall and I sob into his
shoulder. He isn't holding me anymore, "Hyung...Onew...please don't leave me."

He pulls back quickly, "I would never leave you Taemin. Never." he grabs my chin roughly and
pulls my face up to his, "Never. Do you understand me. Never."

"P-P-Promise?" I stutter.


The door opens and Onew and I quickly sit up.

Onews' face turns fierce, "Minho..."


Authors Note: Yay!!! Again. This is going alot more quickly than I thought it would. Though I
can't I can't figure out whether the storys' moving along or not.
Oh yeah, and I just noticed something. In the Onew picture I put up in the second chapter, isn't
the black thing he's wearing the same one Taemin wears in the 'Lucifer' performances? Do they
really keep their clothes that long?

Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting and subscribing ect, ect, ect....!!!

"Minho..." Onew says through clenched teeth, jumping up from his bed.

Minho slams the door to our bedroom shut. I don't even have to look at him to know he's pissed.
I can just feel the tension in the room.

"Yah!" Key screams from his bunk, " I'm trying to get some sleep and you pabos' are going
around slamming-" He stops when he notices the fumming Minho and the tense Onew, "Hey,"
He jumps down from his bed and hesitantly walks towards them, "W-What's going on here?" He
looks at me with a questoning glance. I just look down, unable to meet his eyes.

"Wats-hapen-nin?" Jonghyun mumbles, rubbing at his eyes with his fist, feet dangling from the
top of his bunk. He yawns and stretches before actually opening his eyes and viewing the scene.
He pauses looking at all our faces before removing himself from his bed and putting himself
between Onew and Minho, "I don't know what's going on, but you both need to calm down,

"You don't know what he did to him." Onew growls, catching all of us off guard, except for

"I didn't do anything." Minho says just as roughly.

"It wasn't Minhos' fault that Taemin fell; it's not his fault that pabo's so clumsy." Key snarls at
Onew, giving me a quick glare.

Minho smirks.

Onew gives Key a disbelieving look before saying, "Not that."

"Then what?" Jonghyun asks looking a little scared.

"Yeah, Onew, what did I do to your precious little Taemin?" Minho gives Onew the nastiest
look, still smirking, cruely.

"You know what you did?" 

Minho raises his eyebrow, smiling even harsher, "Only what you wanted to."

Minho's on the floor before any of us can realize what's happened. Onews' fist is in the air. In
less than a second, he pushed Jong out of the way and hit Minho so hard he literaly flew back
onto the floor.

"Ahhh!" Key screams, covering his mouth with his hands, having to lean on the wall for support.
Jonghyun, who was already on the floor due to Onews' push, collapsed even further, sobbing.

Minho lyes on the ground, breathing hard, wiping the blood from his mouth, "You son of a
bitch." He growls, leaping onto his feet.

My legs move instinctually, "NO!!!..."


My god, it's so beautiful here!

I squeal and run around the beach, splashing water at my Hyungs. I stop and breath in the salty
air. God, New Zealand's beautiful.

"Yah, Taemin-ssi!" Key Hyung calls from up the beach, "We have to go!" He says chuckling.

I smile, "But Key Umma, I want to stay!"

He crosses his arms over his chest, "What did I say about calling me that?!"

"Key Umma, Key Umma, Umma, Umma, Umma!" I scream spinning in the water.

"Yah!" He screams. I laugh. He says he doesn't like me calling him that. He isn't a very good liar.

We've only been a group, SHINee (doesn't that sound so funny), for maybe six months, and
already we're so close. My Hyungs really take care me, and distract me so that I don't miss my
family as much. I stop spinning at the thought of them, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Boo!" Someone tackles me from behind making my heart drop. My eyes widen and I slowly
turn my head to see me attacker...and immeadiately relax.

"Onew." I say blankly. We both stare at each other trying not laugh, breaths coming irregulary.

"Um..." Someone coughs.

"Minho Hyung!" I shout, removing myself from Onews grasp, ambushing him with a hug.

His body goes tense, and he starts to shake a little, and I know it means he's trying not laugh.
Minho Hyung is so serious. Always stone faced and uptight. He's so quiet, sometimes I forget
he's there. But I always make sure to acknowledge him. Sometimes, I feel like he doesnt really
feel like a part of the group. It's almost like a game. How long will it take to get Minho to smile?
He's quiet, but he's really sweet though. He always makes sure I'm comfortable and cared for.
My Hyungs are so great.

"Taemin-goon-" He begins.

"Yah," I interupt, "What did I tell you, just call me Taemin." I slap his chest lightly giving him
my angry look.

He smiles (Yes!), "Taemin."

"Good," I nod.

"Hey, are you guys coming, or are we going to have to leave you stranded?" Key Umma calls
from the van.

"OKAY!" That would be so awesome!

"No," Onew says, grabbing my hand, "We'll come back tomorrow."

I sigh and take one last look at the water, "Fine," I say, grabbing Minhos' hand.

End Flashback


Authors Note: OOOHH...what do you think happens to Taemin? I have no idea how I'm
updating to quickly. I should probably sleep.

And are the flashbacks annoying? I think they're kind of essential to the story, don't cha think?

"NO!" I leep off the bed in an instant, trying to get in between the two of them as quickly as
possible. Minhos' fist is in the air...his eyes widen at me, but his fist doesn't stop moving......





It hurts...god it hurts so much. I open my eyes and see bright lights, so bright I have to quickly shut my lids from pain.
I open them again, more slowly, giving them time to adjust to the light. I blink a few times and swivel my head to see
what's around me. Onew Hyung is sleeping in a chair next to me, his head resting on my shoulder. I smile. Or I try to.
My brows furrow as I try to open my mouth, but it doesnt move, why can't I open my mouth, where am? I hear a
beeping from next to me quicken and I start to panicc, moving left to right trying to get up from the thin bed someones
put me in. 

"Taemin." Onews' head shoots up instantly, "Taemin, calm down, it's okay you're in the hospital."

'The hospital?' I try to say, but I still can't open my mouth. I groan, trying to get hime to understand my dilema. He just
sighs, heavily, and turns his head away from me.

"Is everything, alright." Manager Hyung comes in the door quickly looking back and forth between me and Onew. I
man has followed behind him. Handsome, and tall, he looks very young, but going by the long white coat and
clipboard in his hand, it isn't to hard to guess that he's a doctor. His eyes' lock on mine, and he forms a weak smile.

"How are you feeling today Taemin-ssi?" He asks gently, walking towards me slowly.

'Fine' I say, but all that comes out is some weird gurgling noise. Everyone in the room sighs, Manager Hyung and
Onew lower their heads, but the doctor looks straight at me and says...

"Your jaw has been wired shut."

Then everything goes black.


When I open my eyes, I see all of my Hyungs, including Minho, standing infront of my bed. Him and Onew stand as
far away form eachother as possible. Key is looking at angrily,

"This so ridiculous. He always messes things up. Now what are we supposed to do? Let him go on stage and just
grunt the lyrics?"

"I don't think that's the most important thing right now." Onew Hyung sasy through tigth lips.

"The hell it isn't!." Key exclaims, "He's so selfish."

"Yeah, cause he broke his jaw on purpose, right?!" 

"Well if he hadn't step infront you...that pabo." Key rolls his eyes and looks directly at me. He doesnt notice I'm
awake, so I guess my eyes are only open a little bit.

"Better Taemin than Onew." Jonghyun says, shocking me. I'm supreised that the heart monitor doesn't start up again,
lord nows it feels like my hearts racing. Or stopping.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I've never seen Onew Hyung so angry. It frightens me and I push back into
my bed, flinching. He looks furiously at them, especially Minho.

Jonghyun just sighs calmly before continueing, "You're one of the lead singers, how are we supposed to perfrom
without you there. Taemin barely has any parts, it won't be that different."

"Yeah," Key smirks, "all he does is dance and act cute. We don't need him, besides Minho can sing his parts, he's
better than him anyway." He shrugs his shoulder, still looking at me, like he knows I can hear him.

"We can't go on stage without him!"

"Yes," Minho says, "We can." And then him, Key and Jonghyun leave the room.

Onews' eyes follow them until the door shuts. and he collapse, sobbing into his hands.

Don't cry Hyung, t'll be okay...oh please let it be okay...


"What are we supposed to do!" I scream looking to each one of my hyungs for the answer.

Minho grabs my arm and pulls me toward him, smilling, "It'll be okay Taemin-ah."


"It'll be okay." How can he be so calm? I know I wouldn't be. I hold back my tears. 

"It's not gonna be the same without you," I sniffle. He runs his fingers through my long hair, like he does so often now,
and gives me that secret knowing smile, making me blush.

"It'll be okay." he says again.

"Yeah Taemin," Jonghyuun says, poppinh his head down from the top of Keys' bunk, "Everything will be okay." He
ruffles my hair and pull away from. He chuclkes.

"I know it won't be the same," Key says, appearing next to our Hyung, "but there's nothing we can do about it. He'll
heal soon, we just have wait till then. Okay, Adul." he cups the side of my face.


"It'll be fine Taemin," Onew says sitting beside me, putting his arms around my waist, "besides, it's not like he won't
be able to sing, he'll be there."

I smile at him, but frown when Minho moves away from me in his bed. He's been so grumpy lately. I hate seeing him
so imobile, he needs to be active, it's like if he isn't moving, he isn't happy.

"Come on Taemin, "Onew Hung says, "We have rehearsal." He tries to pull me away but I resist when I see the
painful look that comes across Minhos' face. I can't leave him like this.

"Can I stay Onew, just this once, please?" I say giving him my cutesst look, the one I know he can't resist. I can see
the battle going on in his head, trying to fight me but desperately wanting to please me. 

Finally he sighs and lets go of my hand, "Fine, but you owe okay?" he says pinching my cheek a little.

I nod and he reluctanctly starts to leave.

"Later gator." Jonghyun sasy 'cooly. I roll my eyes, him and his lame jokes.

"Be good." Key kisses me on the forhead, giving me one of his signature 'Umma' looks and caring eyes, and pats
Minhos arm before exiting with Jonghyun.

I move closer to Minho and grab his hand. When Onew reaches the door he turns around, him and Minho exchanging
a look. I furrow my brow, confused.

"What was that about?" I ask my Hyung as soon as Onew's gone.

"Nothing," He says smiling, pulling me close so that i'm on top of him, "Thank you for staying."

And he looks geniunly pleased, the happiest I've seen him in awhile, "Mweolyo," I answer blushing, "It's a good thing

"Let's not talk about him," His face goes dark. I start back a little, shocked. but just nod, shaking it off.

"Saranghae." he whispers pulling my face close to his.

"Saranghae." I say before our lips meet.

End Flashback


Authors' Note: Soooooo, what do you think? I hope maknae Taemin will be okay, what's he going to do if he can't
perform with his Hyungs?

Hold Me?
I can't sleep. It seems like I've been dead for the past week. They won't let me perform with my
Hyungs. I tried to convince them, using the dry erase board Onew Hyung gave me, saying
(writing) that even though I can't sing I can still dance. But they won't listen. I don't know what
the guys told Manager Hyung but whatever it was Onew wasn't happy about it. I guess it wasn't
the truth. Still, Onew was able go convince him to let me stay in a hotel until my jaw heals
completely. If it wasn't for the fact that I was almost a complete invalid then I would say it was
fun. They don't even let me go swimming, and I don't get to eat any of the awesome
roomservive, and have to eat everything through a straw. I miss Kimch'i.

"Aww, don't cry." Nurse Sunbaenim says, wiping a tear from my cheek. She gives the same look
everyone has for the past eight days. Pity. Everyone except, Minho, Key, Jonghyun. I haven't
seen them since the hosptial. I don't know what's with them, Key and Jonghyun, I don't know
what I did to get them angry at me. It's probably because I'm a burden. Always getting hurt and
asking for help. I didn't think it bothered them that much, I thought they liked taking care of me.

Sunbaenim gives me another look, patting my arm before returning to her knitting. I wish she'd
go away. I don't mean any disrespect, but I just want to be alone right now. I turn my head away
from her and look out the window at the city. Seoul is so beautiful. I remember when I was little
how I wou;d run around the neighbohood playing tag with my Hyung. Once I went into the
womens bathhouse thinking it was the mens. No one even got mad at me. They thought I was a
girl. I sure was traumatized though. But it was hilarious when my Hyung ran in after me and all
the Ajumma's started hitting him with their towels. He bowed fifty times before he finally left. I
smile at the memory.

"Someone's happy." I turn my head at the sound and see my favorite hyung standing at the door
to my room. He's smiling at me, but his face seems tired, there are dark circles under his usualy
bright eyes, and his skin seems a little off color. He bows to Nurse Sunbaenim and dismisses her.
When she's gone he says, "How are you feeling? I see you're finally smiling again." He's trying
to put on a brave face. I grab my board and write 'I was thinking about my Hyung. Are you

"Your Hyung," He says ignoring my question, "Have you spok-, um, texted him yet. Manager
Hyung said your family was really upset when they found out."

I don't answer.

"Do you want to go see them?"

I don't answer.

"Taemin." I shake my head and look at him, telling him with my eyes that I don't want them to
see this way. He gets it and nods, getting under the covers and cuddling with me. I lean into his
touch, melting into his arms. He's really taken care of me over the past week. More so than usual,
and I can't thank him enough. I kiss his neck and move closer.

He tenses, "Taemin?" He pulls his head back and looks into my eyes. I press my forhead to his
and rub our noses together. He inhales deeply before finally capturing my lips with his. It's
gentle more gentle than any of Minho's kisses, except the first ones maybe. His hand cups the
side of me face and turns it to the side to make it more comfortable. He deeps the kiss a little,
licking my lips with his warm tongue. I laugh when he trys to gain entrance into my mouth. He
pulls back confused, maybe even a little hurt, but quickly he realizes the problem, and laughs
with me.

"Sorry," He whspers putting our noses together again. His lips brush against my cheek, my nose,
he kisses each of my closed eyelids. He kisses my forehead, the travels down to my jaw, nipping
and licking at my sensitive skin. I moan, my hand finding its' way under his shirt, brushing
against his nipple. He groans and I smile, pulling back to see the look on his face. I don't think
I've ever seen Onew horny before. Definetly not. But I'm glad I get to see it now. He's so sexy.
He opens his eyes; their full of lust. My stomach flips, and I feel a familiar aching in my groan.
His passionate eyes travel down to my lips, and quick as lightining he takes them, devours them,
like his life deepends on it. I moan and mewl, pulling him closer, needing more. I need more,

"Taemin." He groans my name in the most sexy way, sending shocks down to my excited
manhood. I let out a painful sounding, yet full of pleasure mewl through my wired teeth when
our groins brush against one anothers. He groans too, only making me more excited. 

But suddenly he pulls back, "No," he whispers hoarsely. Immediatley tears spring to my eyes.

Why is everyone rejecting me?

He looks at my face, his full of pain and confusion and frustration, but it softens quickly when he
sees me tears, "I want you," He says.
'Then why?' I say with my eyes, pleading.

"You still love Minho."


I shake me head furiously. How can he think I still love that bastard?

"You do," He says sternly, pain written all over his face, "You do. It's only been a week. I don't
want to be a rebound."

I shake my head, trying to tell him he's wrong.

"Do you love me?" He asks. I nod quickly. "Like you love him?"

I hesitate.

I don't know how I feel about Onew. True, he's always been there for me, always watched over
me, comforted me, was always there when I needed someone to talk to, do I feel
abouthim? He loves me. I can tell. He's loved me for a long time. Oh, how much it most of hurt
him to find out about me and Minho. Oh god, how much have I hurt him? But what is he to me.
A freind? A lover? Honestly, it wasn't even till literally five seconds ago did I even see him as
more than a freind. What am I doing? Is he just a rebound?

I guess Onew can see the indecision on my face. He swallows hard before getting out of the bed
grabbing his bag and leaving. I try to call out to him, but I can't. I close my eyes, suddenly tired.
I lye down in the bed and pull the covers tightly around me. How come no one wants to be
around me any more? Why do they hate me? I know I'm a burden. I know that my lack of
knowledge and naivety can be annoying to them, but...I thought they loved me.

"Yeah," Key smirks, "all he does is dance and act cute. We don't need him...

They don't need me.


"Stop!" I scream in between my laughs.

"Huh? What did you say?" Onew Hyung says. He's on top of me, tickling me.

"Stop! Stop! Please, please, please!!!!!" I scream, eyes drippimg tears. Oh god I can't breath!

"YAH!" Key Hyung screams from the kitchen, "Stop screaming you pabos. I'm trying to clean.
Your mess by the way."

Key Hyung is so OCD.

"I guess that's all the torture for now." Onew sighs disapointedly, rolling off me.

"Yu-i-ah." I breath heavily lying down next to him.

"You owe me though." He says smirking.

"I always owe you."

"Yeah," he laughs, "and I expect you to pay back soon."

"Oh yeah, what do you have in mind?" I say, giving him my best mischevious look.

He pauses, eyes darkening, before moving closer, saying, "You."

Huh? What does he mean? But I keep a straight face, "Me?"

"Yeah." He whispers.

"What do you want from me?" I breath.

He runs his fingers through my newly dyed, curly red hair, my stomach flutters, "I want-"

"Hey-" Minho Hyung comes through the door stopping when he sees me and onew, giving us a
weird look. I quickly move away from Onew, trying to calm myself (why did he make me feel so

"Hi, uh, h-hyung." I say nervously. He's still giving Onew Hyung a funny look, but Onew is just
staring at him blankly.

"Um," Minho starts, "I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk? It's really nice outside and
we have the day off, so..."

"Well," I look at Onew, "Onew Hyung said he would help me with the 'Juliette' lyrics today..." I
look between the two of them. They're staring at eachother oddly. What is with the two of them?
"You can come too if you want." I say brightly, really hopeing he'll say yes.

He looks down, "That's okay, I think I'll just rest."

"Too bad," Onew says, perking up quickly, "it would've been fun. Come on." Onew grabs my
hand and starts to pull me out the door.

"W-wait." I stutter, stoping in between the door fram. I look at bothe of my hyungs, each of them
staring at me hopefully, expectanctly.

I frown at Minho, he looks away, "Sorry."


Authors Note: Awww, poor Taeminnie, it must suck being so gorgeous, having so many people
after you. In the end, someone always ends up hurt...

Catch Me?
I wait for Onew to come back. He doesn't. After three days, he doesn't come back. Why is
everyone leaving me? Manager Hyung came over to tell me that my Hyungs were busy, and that
was why they hadn't come to see me. I knew he was lying; he knew I knew. Besides that visit,
the only company I've had is Nurse Sunbaenim, and no offense to her, but she isn't much
company.Oh, Onew, please come back, I need you.I sleep most of the day, the pain medication
the doctors gave me makes me drowsy. I'm thankful, I don't want to be awake if I'm going to be
all alone. 

I wait for him. I cry for him. I trying texting him calling him, even trying my other hyungs. If
they even bother to reply, it isn't with something that I would repeat to my mother. I call other
Idols. No one answers. Not even Sulli. What is this? Some type of conspiracy? Are they trying to
make me crazy? Or do they just not care? They're just busy, I tell myself, don't take it personally.

It's friday and I'm flipping through the channels when I see my Hyungs. They're singing 'Lucifer'
on MusicBank. They all look so happy. My eyes widen when I see Minho doing my part, him
and Key exchanging high fives. Tears roll down my cheek. When they finish performing the
audience claps, loud and hard, screaming all of their names.

"What an amazing performance." The MC says putting his arm around or leader Onew, "But
where is your maknae Taemin?"

Onew looks directly at the camera, it feels like he's looking at me, and says, "Our powerful
Taemin has been sick lately."

"Oh," The MC says, "That's to bad. Is there anything you want to say to him right now?"

Onew, still looking into the camera, says, "Taemin-ah, all of your Hyungs miss you and love,
please feel better soon."

Jonghyun, "Taeminnie, performing isn't the same without, work hard and get healthy so you can
be back see."

"My beautiful Adul, your Umma misses," Key says wiping a 'tear' from his eye.

"My lovely Taemin," My heart stops, "I miss you so much," he puts his arm around Onew giving
him a meaningful look, "me and Onew Hyung," I feel his eyes looking into me, "Saranghae."
The crowd goes crazy.

I go crazy.

I scream through my closed mouth throwing the remote across the room. I scream and scream
and scream. Those bastards! Those traitors! wae,Wae WAE!!! I cry into my hands rocking back
and forth on my bed. How could Onew do this to me? The look he gave Minho...why? I grab my
phone, typing in a quick...

'Come over?'

I wait five minutes. No reply.


'lev m alne'

My heart drops. No, god, not you too.

My hands claw at me hair, pulling out the soft blonde strands. I can't do this. It hurts to much,
please make stop, someone make it stop.


I turn my head and eye the bottles of pain medication on the table by my bed.

...please make it stop...


I'm so scared.

I cluthch Minho Hyungs arm, pulling myself close to him. He looks down at me, smiling
slightly, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Calm down." He whispers.

"Have you ever been bungee jumping before?" I ask. He shakes his head.

I look down. Everything looks so small. Stupid writers. Making us do this crazy stuff. My
stomach drops. I'm too young to die.

Minho Hyung goes first. He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and jumps, arms raised like a
divers. He looks so gracefully. My breath hetches. When he finally stops bouncing upand down,
I cheer, along with the rest of my hyungs. Except Key. He's shaking in the corner trying not to
My turn.

Come on Taemin you can do this. You said you want to be seen as manly, well how manly will it
look if you back out? The dancer noona gives me a smile. She's so pretty. Deep breath Taemin.

I jump.

My heart skips and I hold in a scream. I'm falling! Please don't let me hit the ground. The cord
stops, and I feel a jolt scaring me half to death, but when I open my eyes I'm still in the air. I'm
fine. I make a heart with my hands and smile at my hyungs.




My heart flutters as I see all my hyungs cheering for me. I can even hear Key from up above.

I fell. They caught me.

End Flashback

I don't know who to call.

I pace the hotel room. I need to get out. I look at the empty bottles of painkillers in my hand.
Please someone come. I collapse beginning to feel woozy from the overdose. Not yet. Give them
more time... but I don't have anymore time. I grab my bag, still unpacked and clumsily make my
way toward the exit, dropping the medication bottles on the way. My head starts to spin, and I
begin to see double as I open the door. I stumble out of my hotel room, using the wall for

"Hey there..." Someones voice comes to me, muffled and in waves. Blue eyes and dark hair are
all I see before it goes dark.

Jonghyuns P.O.V.

I snuck out while everyone else was sleeping. The night is cold, making me shiver, even though
I'm bundled up in a scarf and jacket so no one notices me. When I get to the hotel I use the side
entrance, keeping my head. I don't know why I'm so nervous. So what if I''m here? I'm his
bandmate, no one would think anything of it. But then I think of Key, and the look I know will
be no his face, and stop. No. No one can know I'm here. I wait until an elevator arrives and take
it before anyone else can get in. I push the highest button. Whenever we have to stay in a hotel,
Taemin always wants to stay at the top. I would wake up in the middle of the night and watch
him looking out at whatever city we were in with the most serene smile in his face. I smile to
myself, a tear escaping from my eye at the memory. The elevator stops with a ding and I get off
immediatly, taking off to the right. When I reach the right room, I take out the key I snuck from
Onew Hyung. I was going to ask him if wanted to come, but then I rememberd how angry he
seemed after his last visit with Taemin. I shiver. I still don't know what happened. I don't know
any of what's going on. But it has to be something bad right? I mean, Key and Minho and Onew,
especially Onew, wouldn't act this way unless it was something bad, right? He deserves
it.....right? I'm trying to convice myself, yet in the back of my head I know it's wrong. I'm a
terrible person. I open the door. closing it quickly. The room is dark, I don't see him, but it's one
of those hotel rooms that have a small lounge attached to it, so, his has to be in the bedroom. I
tiptoe my way to the second door, opening it gently in case he's sleeping...but it's empty. I turn
on the light, my eyes scanning the room. No...he can't be gone. I look in the closet and the
drawers but there aren't any clothes. All of his charger cords are gone too. He left. I'm beginning
to panic when I feel my foot kick something. I bend down to rechieve the mysterious object...oh
no. I sob quietly, clutching the empty   pain medi. bottle in my hands. God Taemin, what did you do?


"Stop breathing on my neck." I smile at Taemins voice.

"Sorry." I whisper. We're at the Hello Baby house, 'sleeping'. To be fair Onew Hyung and Minho
are definetley knocked. Taemins eyes are closed, but I know he's awake. Never in his life has he
every sat still for more than two seconds, not even in his sleep. His arms are even twitching right
now, just begging for some type of task. I rest my head on his shoulder and sigh.

"What are you thinking about?" He whispers to me throught tight lips.

"Key," I say simply. He nods understandingly. Key hasn't been at the house for the past few
days, a schedule or something, and it's just not the same without him. When you've been around
the same four guys almost non-stop for over two years, when one of them's gone it's like you're
missing part of yourself.


Taemin shoots up from the mat. I can barely hold in my smile.

"APPA!!!" Taemin and I pull each other closer, trying to hide our smiles from the camera. I pull
the blanket over our heads and let out a little laugh.

"Hyung, remind me again why we're doing this." Taemin asks me.

"Aw, come on, you know it's fun." Taemin gives me a look before pinching me. Out of all his
Hyungs I'm the on;y one he ever seems to get physical with. I don't know whether that means
he's closer to me, or he secretly hates me and is trying to destroy me one pinch at a time.
"APPA!!!" Taemin sighs heavily and squirms.He pouts at me. I just shrug, 'Nothing I can do
about it' I say with my eyes. He glares and slaps my arm. Not many people know this, in fact I
pretty sure I'm the only one, but Taemin has a really good (bad) death glare. But for some reason
I think I'm the only one who ever sees it. It only lasts a second, though, like it always does, and
that sweet little maknae smile we've all been falling for since we first met him is back on his


Finally Minho gives little Yoogeun-ah the attention he's craving. Taemin and I hear him baby
talking to him and smirk at each other. Ah, that little cutie, distracting me from my rest. I turn
over to face him, him and his big round eyes. I grab him from Minho and try to get a kiss but
Minho pulls him back. That pabo, always stealing Yoogeuns' attention. 

"Hey, Yoogeuna, go wake up Taemin Appa." The little boy, eager to please, crawls towards the
not really that much bigger boy. I help him over, pleased by the scene until Yoogeun-ah starts to
hit my Taeminnie. Well at least he kisses him afterward. Aww, how cute, a baby kissing a baby.
I laugh, and Taemin gives me a look before telling him to wake up Onew. 

"Taemin you pabo, giving the boy impossible tasks." Taemin glares at me before saying...

"I'm not a baby." My brow shoots up a bit. Sometimes I'm suprised out how observant he can be.
Sometimes I think we all underestimate our little maknae. There are times when I'll see him
sitting a alone with this grave look on his face. I just sit next to him and lit him take my shoulder.
He knows he doesnt have to put a brave face on for me. I know it's hard on him.

Both of us watch the amusing scene play out before us before I, like so many other occasion, pull
his small frame into mine, holding him.

End Flashback

Find Me?
onghyuns P.O.V.

Oh, Taemin, oh Taemin, oh Taemin. PICK UP YOUR PHONE!!! I run back and forth in the
small room. Oh,god. Please okay. Argh! Please answer. I need to know you're okay. But he
doesn't. I try again, sticking the bottle and another one I found it near it into my pocket. I leave
thbedroom. There's nothing I need in there. Suddenly I here our song 'Juliette'. My ears perk up.
That's Taemins ringtone for me. I run around the lounge trying to find the source, but it still
sounds so far away. I stop when I get to the door. I sounds louder. Closer. Hesitantly, I pull the
heavy door open, slowly, but he isn't on the other side. I look left and right, then down
and...there's his cellphone. I pick it up noticing my name flashing on the screen before it's
blocked out by my falling tears. Where are you?

"WAKE UP!!!" I kick Minhos' bed, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him out of it onto the

"Yah!" He screams trying to fight me. But I've got the upper hand, pinning him down to the

"YOU BASTARD!" I raise my fist in the air, ready to strike, when something grabs it,
preventing me from doing the only thing I can think to do right now.

"What are you doing?" Onew pulls me off Minho pushing me on the ground before helping
Minho up. What...

"How can you help him? How can you be nice to him?" I scream.

"Jonghyun," Keys' stern voice comes from his bed, I tense, "stop screaming."

"But-he-key," I look at him desperately. He gives me that look. God, why do I let him have this
type of control over me. He gives me that stern look, but I can't bring myself to care right now.

"Look," I pull the bottles out of my pocket and throw them on Onews' bed. He picks them up,
freezing when he realizes what they are, "I went to go see Taemin-"

"WHAT!" Key yells.

"I went to go see Taemin," I reiterate, "and he wasn't there. Neither was any of his stuff. The
only things I found are the bottles and his cellphone."

"Bottles," Minho says, I force myself to look at him, "You found bottles, so what?"

I give him a look, anout to answer when Onew says, "They're not just regular bottles. They're

"So?" Key asks.

Onew sighs, sitting on his bed with his head in his hands, "It's his pain medication. He took all of

"So?" Key asks again, only more softly. He looks at me, but I can't bear to look at him right now.

"But-" Minho starts, "how- said you didn't find him right? If he was wouldv'e
found him." 
I shake my head, "I found his cellphone outside his room. Maybe he tried to get help, maybe
that's why he was calling us?" I shrug, just as confused as the rest of them. We all rurn to, Onew
our leader, looking for an answer.

His head is still in his hands and I can tell he's crying. I go to sit next to him, putting my arm
around his shoulder. I've never seen my hyung like this.

"Maybe, "He begind, lifting his head, sniffling, "maybe someone found him and they're taking
him to the hospital." He nods to himself, "yeah, someone found him and helped him, and they'll
call us soon to tell us he's alright." He keeps nodding, trying to reassure himself more then
anyone else.


"What?!" My head shoots up to look at Key. He has his fierce face on again, arms over his chest,
"he's just trying to get attention."

"How can you say that?!" I jump up from next to Onew and walk towards my once best friend,
"He tried to kill himself just to get attention?!"

"No," He says calmly, "he didn't try to kill himself. If he did he'd of been in his room. If he tried
to kill himself, he wouldn't have tried to ask for help. he left his phone outside the door, he wants
us to worry about him. He's just tring to get attention." he walks back over to his bunk, "I'm
going back to sleep, wake me up when something good happens."

I stare at him in disbelief. I mean, I know he's been having problems with Taemin lately,
struggling with the fact he's been getting a lot of attention lately, but I never thought he stopped
loving him. I just thought he was a little jealous. I look at Minho, hopeing that at least he would
acknowledge the severity of the problem. 

He shakes his head, "He's fine. Even if he wanted to kill himself, he doens't have the courage."
He shrugs his shoulders non-cholantly before crawling back into his bed.

I can't believe this, what's wrong with the two of them, I look to Onew for some support.

He looks me in the eyes and says, "He'll come back when he wants to." Then gets under his
sheets and closes his eyes.

What...What is wrong with everyone...?


I wake up and feel somehting on top of me. I smile. Key.

"Good morning sunshine." I hear. I open my eyes and see his lithe figure lying on top of mine. I
run my fingers on the newly shazed portion of his head. He scows at me and swats my hand

"It's not fair," he says pouting, "Taemin gets extensions and I get a mohawk?" He scoffs and rolls
off of me, looking at the ceiling above my bed, "Why do you think he got hair extensions instead
of me?"

I look at him. His face is blank, but I can see something in his eyes, "I don't know. But I know
they wouldn't have given you that haitstyle if they didn't think you could pull it off. That's why
they give you the most extreme looks, they know you can pull it off better than anyone else." 

His face turns towards me, moving slightly closer, "Jong-"

"Hyung!" Taemin comes into the room bouncing and happy as usual, "Jonghyun, you said you'd
help me with teh 'Lucifer' lyrics," Standing on his bed towards me, Taemin gives me a look,

I slap him on the head lightly, imeadiatley tenseing expecting Key to go all mother bear on me,
but he doesn't. I turn my head to see him still staring at the ceiling. I look to Taemin, he's
frowning a little, an expression he seems to only let me see. His eyes meet mine and he smile a
little before jumping off his bed and exiting the room. i turn back to Key once he's gone.

I look at him skeptically, "Are you okay?"

He doesn't look at me, just says, "Never better," his turns to me sharply, "do you want to go to

I furrow my brow, confused, "Y-yeah, of course I do." 

He looks back at the ceiling, "Then go."

End Flashback


Authors Note: Sorry, I lied. Not on purpose I swear! I promise, promise, promise! to put what
happens to Taemin into the next chapter. Sorry!!!

Help Me?
I have the nastiest taste in my mouth. I gag. I try to open my mouth, but then remember about my
jaw, and stop, wincing at the slight pain it causes me. I look around, and at first I think I'm still in
my hotel room, but then I realise that everythings reversed. Where am I? I try to sit up.
"Oh no you don't," I hear. I look and see those same blue eyes staring down at me, "Here, lay
down and turn your head."

I do as he's told, turning my head and leaning over a bucket. he puts a straw near my mouth,
"Drink this and rinse your mouth."

I hesitate, wary of just drinking something because someone tells me to. But I'm desperate to get
this taste out of my mouth. I uck on the straw, relieved that it's just water, and swish it around my
mouth before 'spitting' it out. I have to do this several times for the taste to become bareable.

"Better?" He asks me. He's American, judging by his accent, white. He looks young, maybe
twenty-five, still much older than me. His eyes are a piercing blue, almost glowing against his
pale skin, a stark contrast to his dark ebony hair.

"Better?" He asks again. I blink, realising I've been staring, and turn my head blushing. He
chuckles, touching my cheek before getting up from the bed and moving across the room,
"What's your name?"

I lift my eyebrows at the question. It's been awhile since I've meet anyone who didn't know my
name already, or at least who I was. I don't answer, inhibited by the wires in my jaw. He turns

"I'm sorry," He says sheepishly, "you don't have to tell me that. I'm Michael, though." He walks
over to me, reaching out his hand. I take it, enjoying the silky texture of his skin. His eyes stare
into mine, waiting for a reply. I make a motion with my hand, like I'm wrinting, asking for a

"Oh," he nods, pulling one from his pocket, grabbing a hotel note pad from the nightstand next to
the bed.

'My name is Taemin'

I hold the pad infront of my face, under my eyes. He smiles, "Well, hello Taemin." He says
waving his fingers a little at me.


He smiles widely, showing a full mouth of white pearls, 'So, Taemin, why aren't you talking?'

'I can't'

He tilts his head, "Why?"

'I broke my jaw'

He nods understandingly, like he'd been trying to figure it out, "That's why I couldn't open your

I widen my eyes, leaning away from him.

"Oh, no, I didn't mean anything wrong, or, you know," he says hands shooting into the air
defensivley, "It's just you got sick, and started throwing up. That's why I brought you in here.
You kept vomiting but your mouth wouldn't open." He explains.

I sigh relieved and smile. He smiles back. My heart flutters.

Keys P.O.V.

'Umma?' Taemins wide brown eyes stare up at me in horror, 'Umma, please stop.'

Stop? Stop what? I look into his eyes, confused as to why he seems so afraid. 

'U-u-mm-a,' he begins choking, 'don't, please don't, I love you, I didn't mean to get you upset.......please help me....'

His eyes roll to the back of his head. TAEMIN!!! NO! No, no, no. Please Taemin, tell me what to do, tell me how I can help. He
begins shaking, convulsing, tears begin to fall down the sides of his face. My own eyes begin to leak. Oh baby tell me what to do,
I want to help, just tell me what to do. His hand, his tiny hand reaches up and strokes the side of my face. STAY WITH ME!!! No,
please don't leave me, I need you. I love you. Please don't go. 

'I love you' chokes out before going limp.


Taemim wake up please wake up. I scream. My baby...I look down at his beautiful angelic face, now blank and lifeless. My eyes
dance around his face, trying to remember every last detail, unable to let him go, and then...oh my god...


No no no, I didn't mean to. Oh god what did I do? I scream in horror at the sight, my hands wrapped tightly around his fragile

I wake up sweating, breath labored. Why won't the nightmares stop? I get out of bed, being as
quiet as possible. I look at my two hyungs and Minho lying in their beds. What would they think
of me? I enter the bathroom noislessly, closing the door gently behind me. I look at myself in the
mirror. My normally striking eyes are red and swollen, my skin dry and rough. I run my fingers
through my short brown hair, scoffing. How could I let something as stupid as a hair style get in
between me and my baby?

I remember when we first went to the salon to get our 'Lucifer' makeovers. We didn't know yet
what they would do, and we were all excited yet scared at the possibilities. Taemin and I were
the most excited, having gotten the most drastic haristyles before. We were so anxious, clutching
each other, bouncing up and down. I remember when they told us. Minho was first, he didn't
look too upset when they told him they were cutting his hair, but Taemin frowned running his
fingers through his hyungs wavy locks like they were a family memeber, about to move away.
Then was Jonghyun, nothing really that different, darker, but that was really it. I remember teh
yelp Onew let out when they told him he was going blonde; I remember how my Adul rolled his
eyes and laughed at his hyungs 'sangtae'. I remember how he looked at me, like I knew all, his
innocent eyes full of trust and love and loyalty. Taemin was fourth, I was to be last. They told
him about his extensions and his jaw dropped, he didn't know what to think about it. The night
before, we'd stayed up, sleeping in the living room like we did sometimes to talk. We talked
about what type of hair we thought we were going to get, want we wanted, what we would die
over if they did to us. Taemin wanted to try being blonde; I said I didn't care as long as they
didn't shave my head. So you can imagine how happy Taemin was when he found out he was to
be getting long blonde hair, and how upset I was when they told me about the 'mohawk'. It was
then that I first felt it, the jealousy, rising in my stomach like an acidic bile...

Was it worth it Key? Your baby's dead and it's all your fault? Was it worth it?

Flashback I be anymore bored?

I toss the hacky sack against the wall, laughing at the stupid cloud print they've put up. Like
that's supposed to make up for not actually being able to go outside. Not that they keep us locked
up or anything, but during training hours, we have stay inside. We train alot.

"Uh..." A small voice comes from behind me. I turn to see a boy, maybe a few years younger
than me, lingering at the door. His eyes are shifting all around the room, trying to avoid mine.
Aww, how deliciously cute he is. I instanly put on my game face, walking up to him with my
signature swagger.

"Hello dear," I say bowing theatrically, taking his hand to kiss. He gasps jumping back a little at
my touch. He stutters, trying to gain his composure. I can't help but pinch his cheeks. He finally
looks me in the eyes...and my heart...melts. This boy, whoever he is, has the most beautiful,
innocent eyes I've ever seen. Immediatley I feel protective of him. He's so tiny.

"Aww," I say, "don't be scared." I take off my jacket and drape it around his fragile frame. He
whispers a thank you, dropping his head down again to look at the floor.

Now this just won't do.

"What's your name," I ask using my most soothing voice.

He smiles a little, sheepishly, "Taemin." He whispers.

"Ah, Taeminnie, what a beautiful name," I reach into my pocket, "does Taemin want a candy?"

His quickly perks up, nodding ethusiastically, "Here we go," I say unwrapping the sweet and
placing it between his full lips. He takes it in, smiling like he's just won the lottery. My heart
skips. How Adul.
End Flashback

Hate Me?
Keys P.O.V.

The smell of cooking pancakes and eggs fills our small dorm. I breath in the scent and close my
eyes. I can almost hear Taemin saying my name, running from our to get his breakfast. I swear to
god, I don't know how that boy did it. Eating so much, and staying so little. I start when I hear
footsteps coming towards me, forgetting that Taemins gone, and turning toward the sound, smile
on my face. But it's only Jonghyun. He gives me a disgusted look before turning to the fridge and
pulling a container of orange juice out. He takes a swig from it and puts it back in. Normally I
would scold him, but I can't bring myself to do it now. He hates me. I sniffle. I want to talk to
him, apologize, but I don't even know where to begin. What would I say? I'm sorry it's my fault
Taemin killed himself? Can't you just forgive me and move on? Yeah, that would work perfectly.
I flip the pancakes, my falling tears sizzling in the pan. What would I say? What could I say? I
love Taemin, I never wanted to hurt him, I don't know why I did, but...I never thought it would
get this far...I just want my baby back.

"Hey," I turn again, it's Minho this time. He gives me one of his lazy smiles before sitting next to
Jonghyun at the table. Jonghyun gives him the same look he gave me. I smile back trying to hide
my pain. Honestly, I'm all that happy with Minho right now. Onew told Jonghyun and I all that
happened between them, and still can't believe it. Especially that Taemin never told me any of it.
But Minho is the only freind I have right now, and as selfish as it sounds, I can't lose that, no
matter what he's done. He sits down at the table and pulls out his phone. He's done nothing but
text, Nichkhun I assume, since Taemin left. He'd be seeing him too, but we're not allowed to
leave the dorm.

When we told Manager Hyung about Taemin, what Jonghyun found in his room, he was furious,
he ordered us to stay in our dorm until Taemin was found. That was two weeks ago. We haven't
had any scheudules since, and we're beginning to get restless. They took our phones away from
us and turn off the land line so we can't talk to anyone. I don't know how Minho managed to
keep his, he probably had two. I don't think he's talking to anyone but his boy toy though. I feel
so cut off from the world. Manager Hyung said he won't let us start perform again until he sorts
everything out. It wasn't until a week ago when I was flipping through the channels that I finally
found out what they told the media. Taemin is 'sick', and it's gotten really bad, so abd that the rest
of us had to cancel our schuedules to be with him. Everyone's so worried about him, they keep
sending us gifts, Taemin gifts, saying get well, and come back soon. It makes my stomach sick. I
hate lying to our fans. I wonder how they will react when they find out he's dead.

Onew comes in quietly and sits at the table. I distribute the food evenly on our plates, the portion
that usually went to Taemin given  to the three other boys. I guess I'll have to figure out how to
cook for four now. I look at Taemins favorite plate, empty, and wonder what we're going to do
with it. I sigh and take the plates to the table, setting them down in front of their respective
owners. I fall into my chair and we eat quietly. I open mouth to say something, but stop...what
would I say?


"Wow!" My little Adul kicks off his shoes and drops his bag, quickly taking off into our new
dorm. I laugh and roll my eyes. He's so adorable. The rest of us take off our shoes and enter our
new home.

"This, is nice." Onew-ssi says nodding his head in aproval. I squint my eyes at him. I only just
met him a few weeks ago, and honestly...i have no idea what he's about. He's always spazzing
out and it's kind of akward. I look away from him slowly and turn towards my friend Jonghyun.
He's nodding too, one of his pretty boy smiles on his face,

"This is very nice, what do you think Minho?" he turns towards the large boy standing behind us.
He only gives Jonghyun a curt nod before walking off toward one of the rooms. He weirds me
out too. He never talks to anyone but Taeminnie, and he's always staring at him like he's
obssesed or something. Note to self: don't let him be alone with my Adul. Jonghyun elbows me
and gives me a 'leave him alone look'. I roll my eyes like I do so many times and go towards the

"Ugh, this is tiny," I complain. The small kitchen overlooking the almost as small living room
looks like something you'd find in some girls dollhouse. Sure, it's pretty modern, but it's so tiny,
"How do they expect me to cook in this?"

"They don't," Jonghyun says opening the fridge, frowning, finding it empty, "they're going to
work us so hard, we'll barely be here."

"You guys want to go see the bedroom?" Onew ask, sneaking up behind us.

"Bedroom?" Jonghyun says, eyes shooting toward the ceiling, "There's only one?"

"Yeah," Onew says shrugging his shoulders, "Taemin and Minho are in there right now."

"WHAT?" I scream, "THERE ALONE!!!."

"Ye-w-why?" Onew stutters. I leave him confused and Jonghyun laughing as I run towards what
I assume is the bedroom. I open the door and groan. Closet! I stop for a second, it's really big. I
smile to myself.

"Wrong door!" I hear Jonghyun.

"Shut up!" I run to the next room I see pushing open the door, relieved when I see beds. My heart
nearly explodes when I see my baby and that-that, that thing! lying together on a bed. A bed!
I clear my throat, getting there attention, "Key Hyung," my baby screams, "isn't this great! We
all get to share a room together! I don't know what I would do if I had to room alone." Minho
leans over and whispers something in his ear, making him giggle and blush, covering his mouth.
I gasp and grab him by the feet, pulling him toward me.

"Taeminnie," I say in a sing-song voice.

"Yes," He says swaying his head cutely.

"Why don't you and I take the top bunks, huh?" I don't want anyone sleeping next to my baby.

He shakes his head quickly, "I don't want to sleep on the top, I'm afraid I'll fall off." He says, a
paniced look on his face.

"Well, where do you want to sleep?" I ask gently. He points to the bed he's sitting on, the one
nearest the door.

"Then I'll take the bed in the middle," I look to Minho and see him frown a little. I smile to
myself. Weirdo isn't going to get near my baby. 

"No, since Onew's the leader he gets the middle bed," Jonghyun says entering the room, "I call
bunk!." He jumps onto the bed above Taemin.

"B-But-I," I sigh exaspereated. Minho and I look at each other, both thinking the same thing.
Without thinking I run to the bed on teh other side of the room.

"Argh!" I scream. Kicking 'Minhos' matress. I glare at him. Long legged bastard. He gives me an
almost invisible smirk, making me even more pissed, then lyes back onto the bed giving a small
wave to Taemin who's lyeing down on his own bed. Taemin blushes and waves back. Oh, this
better not be what I think it is.

"Who's hungry!" Onew shouts. All of us raise our hands simualtaneously, "How does chicken

End Flashback

"What are you looking at?" I blink, coming back to the present. Jonghyuns giving me a look, as
are the rest of the guys. I blink a few more times before turning away from his face. I look at my
plate, it's still full.

"What are you thinking?" Onew says gently, the first words he's said to me in weeks. He's
looking at me worriedly and I can't help but feel a little better, knoing that he cares. Even if it's
just for now.

"I-I was just thinking about when we first moved in here, how excited Taemin was." I sniffle for
the hundredth time since I woke up. "I miss him." I confess.
"Right," Jonghyun scoffs, laughing humorlessly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I say sharply.

"We all know you don't care about Taemin." He replys antaganisticly, snarling at me.

I lose it, "I love him! Don't you dare act like you know how I feel! Don't you think I know what
I've done? Don't you think I hate myself for it? Do you think I like waking up in the middle of
the night in tears becasue I keep dreaming that I kill him? Choking him, beating him, stabbing
him. Do you know how many times I've woken up thinking I still had his blood on my hands! I
hate myself, okay. Is that what you want to here? I hate myself, I want to die too. How am I
supposed to live without my baby?! HOW DARE YOU!?!"

My eyes blur with tears and I collapse onto the floor sobbing, "I'M SORRY!!! I'M SORRY!!!

I feel someones arms wrap around me and I grab onto them for dear life not caring who they
belong to. They rock me back and forth shushing me until I quiet down. When my sobs have
turned back to sniffles, I turn my head,


"Ssh, it's okay Yeobo, it's gonna be okay." He kisses my forhead and pulls me closer to him
rocking us again, "It'll be okay."

Onew kneels down infront of me, tears running down his face and joins our hug. The three of us
sob together, taking comfort in each others company, letting our feelings. It hurts to cry so much,
but it feels so good to let it out. I've had these feelings locked up for so long, trying to save face
and be proud, it's such a relief to feel this weight leave me shoulders. I don't know how long we
stay like this, but Onew pulls away first. He places one of his hands on each of our faces and
smiles sadly,

"We'll find a way," He kisses our forheads, "we'll find a way." He whispers.

I look at the table, smile fading when I don't see Minho. That boy...what are we going to do with


Authors Note: I almost cried writing this. God Minho you cold bastard, what are we going to do
with you? I'm going to do Onews' P.O.V. next, proably going to make it a confrontation between
him and Minho. Cross your fingers no one gets hurt1
Hurt Me?
Onews P.O.V.

I find Minho sitting in the park near our dorm. I sigh, watching him for awhile, hesitant to
approach him. He's on his phone, still, and I shake my head at the thought of him texting that
asshole. He never deserved Taemin. Not that I deserve him much now either.

"Are you just gonna stand there and watch me, or are you gonna be a man and actually talk to
me?" He doesn't look up from his phone as he says this. I sigh again, heavily, before taking the
piece of earth next to him.

"What are you doing Minho?" I ask, looking up at the tree we're sitting under. It's swaying with
the slight breeze, whispering secrets that I can't understand. 

"What do you mean?" My anger rises at the indifference in his voice, and I have to clench my
fist to keep from punching him. I feel him look at me quickly, "What's the matter Onew? You
seem tense."

"What are you doing?" I say again, looking at him. His eyes are closed and he's leaning his head
against the back of the tree. He looks so relaxed and calm it makes me hit my boiling point. I
grab him by the shirt and slam his head into the ground.

"Yah!" He screams trying to fight me off him. I pin him down with my hands.

"Do you even care Minho! Taemin's gone and you don't even cry once! How can you act like
this?!," He stays quiet and still beneath me, "Did you ever love him?!"

His eyes shoot up to mine, a look of pure anger in his large obs. He overpowers me a bit and we
begin to struggle. He grabs me by my arm and pushes it behind my back, slamming me down
onto my stomach.

"Get off of me!" I shout using my other hand to grab his head and throw him to the ground. I
stand up leaning over his slightly dazed self, before I grab him again and pull him up against the
tree roughly, a loud thunk resinating through the trees. His eyes roll to the back of his head and
he lets out a small groan. I feel my anger desipate slightly, "Minho?" I hesitantly reach out one of
my hands to touch his shoulder. He growls when my fingers hit him pushing my away. My eyes
widen at him before I pull my fist back and strike him. I hear a sickening crunch as my fist
makes contact with his nose, and I let him drop to the ground.

"You're pathetic Minho," I say in disgust, "I don't know why he ever loved you." I wipe my
bloody fist against my jeans, leaving this broken, disgusting creature alone on the ground.

When I get back to the door, I see Jonghyun and Key cuddling on the couch together. They're
both asleep, their faces streakes with the remainments of tears. How did I let things so messed
up? They were, are, my responsibilty. I shouldv'e known about Minho, I shouldv;e kept Taemin
away from him. I shouldv'e protected him better. Tears come to my eyes and retreat to the
bedroom before I awaken the two boys. I eye my bed for a second before crawling into Taemins'.
I can still smell him on the sheets. That heavenly scent of Banana Milk and vanilla still clings to
the fabric. Or maybe it's just clinging to my brain. I retreat into my mind, to the last memory I
have of him. Of him kissing me and touching me, moaning beneath me. I quiver. I shouldv'e just
been happy, I should've just been grateful I got that much. I cry as the feelings flee from my
body, scared away by my anguish. I should've cheaked up on him, told him I loved him. I think
of the text I sent him last. 

'lev m alne'

I was just upset. When we kissed, it was like fireworks, like the sweetest candy ever invented,
the most pleasurable feeling one person can have. But immeadiatly my mind jumped to Minho.
of him touching him and kissing him, the same way I was. That Taemin did the same things to
Minho. Everytime I think of Taemin, still, I imagine him with Minho. I'm really not that different
from Key. I let jealousy get in between me and the person I love. I just couldn't handle the fact
that Minho had him first, that I was his second choice, that I was...that I wasn't enough.


"Oh my god this is so much fun! Hyung you have to try this!" I watch the boy in front of me
sliding down the childrens slide at the mall. I don't know how Key found this place, but I have a
feeling he chose it as much for Taemin as he did for Yoogeun-ah. I smile at him, my heart made
light by his innocence. How can someone be so carefree? "Come on Hyung!" He climbs back up
the slide and waves to me, "Come on!"

I sigh before finally giving in and climbing up next to him, "Get behind me," he says motioning
for me to move, I hesitate for a second, my heart beating to fast at the notion, "Hyung!" He

I roll my eyes and pick him up easily and pull him down onto my lap. The position makes me
squirm, not at all in displeasure, and it's only made worse when he grabs my arms and pulls them
tightly around his waist. "Ready?" He asks looking back at me. I pause before I answer, enjoying
the felling of my body wrapped around his, wishing it can last forever. But I can see him start to
get impaitient, and so I nod, saddened a bit by the thought of having to let him go. He smiles
eagerly before for pushing off. The ride is short and not that all exciting, but I can pratically feel
the joy radiating from his body, making me smile all the same.

"Wasn't that great?" He asks, near breathless somehow. He trys to remove himself from my
grasp, but I'm unwilling to let go. "Hyung?" He looks back at me breifly before relaxing and
leaning back into me. My heart thudders and I hope he doesn't feel. He stays still and I sigh,
content for the moment, yet knowing it won't last. I rest my head against his baby soft hair,
smelling his vanilla shampoo. Even when he doesn't use he smells sweet. It's like the boy's just I
giant candy, an angel carved from sugar. I kiss the top of his head, tasting a hint of his sweetness,
leaving me craving me craving for more. I lead a trail of kiss from the top of his head, to his ear,
to his neck, and all awhile he stays still and obidient in my lap. "Onew..." He whispers and I feel
an aching in my groin. I'm about to slide my fingers beneath his shirt when I hear the last voice I
want to hear.

"Taeminnie." He sings. He stops when he sees us, his face becoming blank. His eyes gone from
Taemin to me. God, I hate him sometimes. He stares into my eyes, like he's challenging me, just
asking me to take it farther. I look at him in the same way. This needs to be settled soon, there's
no way either can last much longer. My eyes turn from his to Taemins' face. His eyes are closed
and he doesnt seem at all aware of neither Minho nor myself. He sighs a little, his breath hitting
my neck gently, snuggling into me more. I smile at him then look back at Minho. Part of me is
upset by the look of pain that flashes across his face, another part of me is willing to do whatever
it takes to get Taemin to be mine.

He clears his throat, "The cameras are coming, you should probably-uh-yeah." He walks away
eyes to the ground. I wait unitl he's out of sight before nudging my Taeminnie.

"Hey sleeping beauty." I run my hand over his cheek, "Come on," I shake his arm. The boy is
like a puppy. Not only is he heartbreakingly adorable, but if he isn't running around playing with
someone or something, he's passed out the moment you put him down. Poor guy wears himself
out, "Taemin." I tickle his waist a little and that does the trick. he jolts up a little before opening
his eyes and pouting at me and the most adorable way.

"Leave me alone." He whines, trying to get comfortable again.

"I could never leave you alone, you're to fun to play with." I kiss his blushing cheek and then
pull him up. I let go of his hands right as the cameras appear.

... must hate me. This is torture. Whoever thought of this needs to be
killed. It's so unfair. I stare at him, my eyes wide. How can one man be so beautiful? And I can't
even touch him. I watch Taemin exit the restroom. My two favorite things in one. a
chicken costume. I nearly faint.

End Flashback

I open my eyes. The room has darkened, telling me I've been asleep for some hours. Someone's
pulled a blanket over me. Taemins' blanket. I hold it close like I want to hold him.

"How are you feeling?" I turn from the wall to face Key, He's lying in my bed, Jonghyun asleep
on the other side of him.

"Like crap," I say hoarsely, "This is all my fault."

Key gets up from the bed instanly, lying down next to me, "None of this is your fault Onew.
Okay?! You helped him more than any of us ever did." He looks into my eyes, that familiar
fierceness coming alive in his.

"Just because you guys may have done worse, doesnt mean I didn't mess up either." I whisper.

"You didn't." He says, pulling me close and rubbing my back, "Don't be ashamed of your
feelings. You reacted the way anyone would. How could you of known what was going to

The great thing about Key is that, even though he himself might be messed up, and he doesn't
know why, he has absolutley no problem with figuring out other peoples problems and helping
them fix them. I told Jonghyun and him what happened between the two of us about a week ago,
when I finally realised that Taemin was...that he wasn't coming back. Jonghyun was shocked,
confused about how so many love affairs were happening right under his nose and he had no idea
about it. But he relaxed quickly, not really caring about the boy boy aspect of it; he's always
seemed a bit open to those things. Keys' reaction was unexpected. He threw a fit, tearing all our
clothes out of their drawers and throwing them around the room screaming and crying. It wasn't
until later, after he broke down that he told me was just upset that there was so many things he
didn't know about Taemin. That he never came to him and talked to him about any of these

"Did you find Minho?" He asks me. 

I nod, "He was at the park." It really wasn't that hard to find him, he always goes there when he's
upset, "He was being pissy as usual. I'm sure he'll come back soon though, Manager Hyung iss
going to check up soon."

He nods, "Good. We need to finish this. I don't care if we need to beat the sense into him, if he
doesn't start acting right he's gone. I'm kicking him out, no matter what Manager Hyung says."

"Okay." I say, thinking I've already done my part in that.

Love Me?
Minhos P.O.V.

'You're pathetic Minho...I don't know why he ever loved you'

Me neither.

I lie, with my face in the ground, feeling the blood drip from my nose and soak the earth. I feel a
soft thumping sound in my head, and it makes me think of wood peckers. It feels like wood
peckers. I groan; my head is pounding. 

What? I lift my head sharply, causing me to wince in pain at the sudden movement.


"Whose there?" I try to lift myself from the ground to get a better look at my surroundings, but
my arms are too weak, my head is spinning too much. I wince again before collapsing back into
the dirt.

ssh, don't move, i'm here

I begin to panic, heart racing at an irregular pace, "Who are you?" I look around me and see

i'm here

"WHO ARE YOU!" I shout. I grab my head and pull into myself. I groan as my brain beats on
my skull an awful tattoo, biting my lip to keep from screaming.

don't move, you'll hurt yourself, i'm here, i'm not leaving you


i'm never leaving you 

I feel something touch my arm and I cry out a little, scooting away as far as I can.

it's okay

Something, fingers, brush my hair, and I feel a pressure, where my head hurts (lips?). I hear a
wind blow through the trees, carrying to me the scent of vanilla. Vanilla and Banana Milk.

"Taemin?" I whisper.

A soft giggle feels my ears, making my heart soar, "Taemin?" I lift my head slowly, first seeing
thighs, covered in white jeans, then a tiny waist and torso shielded from the wind by only a loose
white tee, then that long, graceful neck that I loved kiss, those full pink lips that, when they
touched me, made my heart go crazy, that nose, that perfect hook nose that made him him, and
finally those beautiful dark brown eyes  framed with baby soft blonde hair that drew me in at
first sight. And still, they draw me in; I lose myself in them.

you're making me blush

My eyes blink back into focus to see the whole of the creature leaning infront of me. He is
blushing, smooth cheeks tinted with a soft rose, and there's the most beautiful smile on those
already beautiful lips. Forgeting myself, I reach out to touch them...only to find my fingers
slipping through, like I'm touching smoke. I withdraw my hand quickly and look at him

"What is this?" I finally lift myself, leaning against the tree for support. He stands with me,
looking at the fingers that 'touched' him. "Taemin...what's going on?" His eyes move from my
fingers to my face. He reaches out with his own hand to touch me. My breath hetches when I feel
his soft skin. He smiles. "How come you can touch me, but I can't touch you?"

He shrugs.

i don't know, it's your dream

He smiles mischeviously.

My brows furrow, "Dream," my heart drops, "this is just a dream?"

i don't know, you tell me

My lips leak a smile, "Don't do that."

do what


i...don't...know...what you are talking about

I can't help but smile at his cuteness. I stare at him confused. Why is he here? Why is he talking
to me? Doesn't he hate me?

i could never hate you

My head snaps up, "How-" but I stop and just shake my head. I don't care how. I'm just happy
he's here, greatful for the time he's giving me. Like I should've been before, "I'm so sorry
Taemin, I-"

sshh, don't, it's okay, i forgive you

He's looking at me, the way he used to, like I'm his everything. It makes me sick. How could I
have done this to the person I love more than anyone else, "I love you so much."

i know

He comes closer, his graceful dancer legs making him appear to be gliding. His tiny, thin arms
wrap around my neck, drawing me closer to him. I don't hesitate in returning the gesture. We
hold each other, and I feel so light, that I can feel the wind swaying us back and forth.
i love you

"I love you more," My hands move to his face as I lower my head to him. Our lips brush,
sending currents down my spin, to my fingertips and my toes. Taemin gasps at the touch, mouth
opening slightly, allowing me to gain entrance. My tongue explores every inch of his mouth,
tasting him, that sweet taste, my heroine. He mewls, pushing into me, body forming to mine. Our
tongues tangle in fire, like two wanton snakes, desperate, for the other.

i want you oppa

I can feel myself harden at the sound of his voice. God, I love it when he calls me that. I lift him
by the waist and wraps his thin but strong arms around me. I reverse our positions, puting his
back to the tree, pressing my groin into his. Both of us let out an earthy groan at the contact
before he pulls me for another kiss. Our hands fumble as we try to remove each others clothing.
Somehow I'm naked first, and after he's thrown away my last article of clothing, he leans back
and stares me up and down, admiring my physique. I can fell my whole body blush, but my
member reacts instantly, hardening at thought of him watching me. I lean in, my head in the
crook of his neck, kissing and licking and nibbling the heavenly soft skin the way I know he

ahhh, oo-p-ppa

I smile, hands droping from his head to his waist, my fingertips grazing the patch of skin just
inside his jeans. I hear him inhale sharply, moaning for more. I drop to my knees, opening his
pants roughly and pulling them down. I can see the buldge just under his tiny white briefs twitch
at the coming attention. I hook the sides of them, blowing gently at his his hardness, teeth teasing
him, taking it between them as I move my head back and force, biting slightly.

ohhh, please

I smirk, loving how I can make him so...mine. I pull down the restricting white material, his cock
standing in salute right infront of my lips. He's bigger than I thought he would be. I lick his
leaking head, quickly becoming addicted to the taste of his cum. I take the tip of his cock into my
mouth, loving the texture the taste the scent. All of my senses are hightened, each wanting to
experience this in their own way. I tease him some more, my cock leaking at the way he shivers
and moans, desperate for more. I lick him from the base of his shaft to the tip of his dick before
taking him in fully. He lets out a scream, tugging my hair, pulling me closer. I pump his dick
with my mouth all to willingly, fondling his balls with one hand while the other tweeks his
nipples. His hip thrust forward instinctually, makingme me deep thoat him. I can feel his cock
hitting the back of my throat, one of the most pleasurable sensations I've ever felt. Reluctantly, I
pull my mouth back slowly, a bead of saliva and cum running from his tip to my tongue. He
whines at the loss of sensation and looks at me in that puppy dog way, making my cock hard as
steel. I grab him by the waist, turning him around so that his cute, perky ass is infront of my face.
I kiss his pale cheeks, biting them, squeezing them, caressing them gently. My tongue traces his
crack, barely touching his skin with it's tip. He hisses with pleasure. I seperate his cheeks with
my hands, my tongue desperately probbing his tight hole.

He's shaking so much it's like his body is vibrating. My lips smack against his hole, licking it
kissing it. I reach one of my hands up to his mouth and he, in understanding, takes my fingers in
between his moist lips, sucking them. When they've become soaked enough, I remove them, and
use one of my saliva coated fingers to invade his hole. He tightens around it before relaxing and
letting me move it in and out of him. I continue doing this, adding a finger until I think he's
stretched enough. I give his his ass one more quick lick before standing and pressing my tip into
his hole. I lean forward and kiss his neck, "I'm sorry, but this is gonna hu-"

i know, just do it

His small dark eyes look into mine and I see a look of lust in them I've never seen before. He
doesn't have to as me twice. I kiss him quickly before leaning my head into the back of his,
pressing the tip of my cock deeper into him. He whimpers a bit, squirming beneath me and I stop
to make sure he's okay. He nods after a minute, telling me to continue. I slowly insert myself into
him, stopping everu now and then so he can adjust to my size. The feeling of him around my
cock is almost too much. 


I take him by the waist, pulling out slightly before thrusting back in, rocking his body slowly. As
the feeling intesifies, I begin to thrust faster and harder.


He screams my name, sending electric shocks into my cock. I angle my hips, thrusting in a way I
know will make him scream louder. And he does. The sound of our bodies slapping against each
other feels the trees. Our bodies drip sweat, our voices become hoarse from screaming.

Min-minho o-oppa, i-i-i'm gonna-

His ass tightens around me in the most delicious way, sending me over the edge with him,
"TAEMIN!" We both cum together, my hot white sperm filling his hole. I grab him by the hair
and turn him towards me and take his lips, kissing him as we ride out our orgasms. I pull my
softening member out of him. We collapse together, no longer able to support our own bodies.
We adjust our postions so we're both lieing down. I grab my jacket and drape it over him, the
fabric easily covering his nude form. He kisses me lips gently.

i love you

"I know." I kiss his forhead and the two of us drift off into sleep.

When I open my eyes Taemin's gone and I'm fully clothed. I get up quickly and my head screams
in protest. I have to lean against the tree for support. I feel something wet beneath my fingertips,
and I remove thme from the bark to see them coated with blood. What? How-? Then the
memories of this mornings events rush back at me. Key breaking down, Onew coming to find
me, hitting me. I touch my nose and feel blood then the back of my head and feel more. I feel
woozy. My head spins and I press both of my hands against the tree to keep from falling. I breath
slowly and deeply until the pain lessens and I think myself able to stand. I open my lids and
something infont of me catches my eye. It looks like something carved into the tree, but it's so
covered by my blood I can't tell what it is. I quickly wipe away the red liquid, somehow anxious
to see what it's convering up. It's a heart...

"Choi Minho + Lee Taemin 4evr" etched into it. The sight of it causes another memory to come rushing back to me.


My heart is beating too loud. I'm sure anyone that passes will be able to hear it. I try to get
myself to breath deeply, but my throat keeps constricting, not letting the rest of my body relax.
He said he'd be here at five-thirty. I look at my watch. Five-thirty-two. He's not coming. I'm
about to turn to leave when I hear quick footsteps coming my way. I turn towards them hopefully
and see my favorite dancer rushing through the trees.

"Minho," He screams , his short copper hair bouncing up and down like it always does. How
does he keep his hair so soft? He stops infront of me and places his hands on his knees, breathing
hard, "I'm sorry I'm late...I...had to clean the dishes before Umma would let me out."

I smile at the cute way he calls Key his Umma. Everything he does is cute. His eyes meet mine
and it's a moment before I regain my composure, "Sorry."

"It's fine," He says tucking his hair behind his ears, "What did you want to see me about?" He
bits his lip.

"Oh, um, since we'll be back to the studio soon, I thought thatwe could have a picnic, you know,
since we won't have that much off time." I look at the ground as I say this, unable to meet his
eyes without the fear of making a fool of myself.

"That sounds great!" I hear. He grabs my hand, pulling me deeper into the trees. I do my best to
keep up with him, his dancer legs more equiped to handle the terrain. He stops suddnely, "Here's
good, yeah?" 

"Yeah. It's perfect." I place the wooven picnic basket on the ground and pull out an old blanket
of my mine I brought from the dorm. Taemin grabs one end and we lay it out on the ground
evenly before placing ourselves on it.

"What did you bring?" Taemin asks, his attetion turning immediatley to the food.
I blush, "Um, it's nothing special, just some sandwiches and drinks. I brought a cake, though." I
open the basket and begin to pull out the food.

"Cake!" Taemin shouts, grabbing it from me. The look of pure joy on his face is contagious and I
can't help but smile at him making him blush, too.

"I-I made it actually." I look down embarrased.

He doesn't say anything and I start to get clamy. I look up to see him still holding the cake in his
hands, staring at it blankly. After a few seconds he looks up at me, "Really?...for me?"

I nod and the two of us look away, cheeks even redder than before. I clear my throat and unwrap
one the sandwiches, putting it on his favorite plate, "Here...I hope you like it."

"My favorite!" He grabs the plate and sets it on the ground, "You are the only person in the
world who knows all my favorites." He takes a bite out of the ham, mustard and salt and
vineagar ship sandwich, the look on his face turning to pure bliss. He eats the weirdest things.
Like his ramen...just thinking about it makes me queezy.

"You okay," He asks setting his sandwich down.

"Yeah," I say, "perfect." I smile. He returns it. I take out the rest of the food, Taemin one again
exclaiming at the sight of Banana Milk, and we eat in silence, glancing at each other and looking
away quickly, faces red.

"So, was this the only reason you asked me out here?" He asks, taking his finger and running it
against the red, strawberry jam on the cake, sticking it in his mouth and sucking on it. I draw in
my breath at the sight, "Minho?"

I glance up quickly, embarrased for the hundredth time over the past half hour, "Um, no, I, uh...I
wanted to tell you something."

"What?" He tilts his head.

"I, well, you know how much I care about you right?"


"No, you don't...I care about you alot...a whole lot. So much that..." I let the rest out in a rush, "so
much that it hurts when I'm not around you, but when I'm near you I can't breath. Ever since I
first saw you, I've been in love. I can't stop thinking about you, dreamin about you...I dream
about you all the time. I want to kiss you, and touch and make you mine and no one elses. I want
to hear you say the you love me and want me too. Everytime you leave I cry inside, it's like
you're taking a piece of me with you. And everytime I see you with someone else, even if they're
just a friend, I get so jealous and I just want to pull you away from them and make you my own.
I want you so badly Taemin, I've always wanted you, and it's hurt that you haven't noticed that.
But even if...even if you don't accept me, I'll still be here for you, even if you hate me and are
disgusted by me, I'll always protect you," I look into his eyes, "Taemin, I love you."

He looks back at me frozen, and with each second that passes I tear up more,"Please say
something." A tear escapes.

He blinks and comes back, a worried expression taking over his face, "No, don't cry," He brushes
away the tear with his thumb, "sshh, don't cry." Taemin pulls me into a hug and I hold onto
tightly, afraid that I let go, he'll leave and never come back.

As if reading my mind, he says, "I'm here, I'm not leaving you," he kisses my forhead then looks
me in the eye, "I'm never leaving you."

His face is so close to mine, his lips. I inhale and look at them, so smooth and pink, I bet they
taste sweet. He sees me looking and I look up to meet his eyes. He seems nervous, but he isn't
moving away...I lean forward tilting my head, our lips touch, and I almost explode from the
feelings that begin coursing through my vains. He gasps and draws back for a second before
moving closer, putting more pressure into it. He doesn't seem to know what to do, and I smile at
the chance to dominate. I move my lips against his and after a moment he gets it and begins to do
the same. The kiss is gentle and so sweet, I can taste the strawberries on his lips, that it literally
takes me breath away. It isn't my first kiss, but those were nothing compared to this. He pulls
back and I brush our lips together a few more times, giving his a peck or two before drawing
back completly.

He's looking at the ground, but I can see the reddness in his cheeks and the smile on his face. I
lift his chin with one of my fingers; his eyes meet mine.

"Saranghae." I say.



We lie for hours in the trees, him wrapped in my jacket and curled against me. I feel my phone
vibrating in my pocket but ignore it knowing it's just Key playing the worried umma again.
Taemin moans and pulls closer to me. I see his hand jut out from beneath my coat towards the
remainments of the cake next to us. He scoops up a bit of it with his finger and sticks it in his
mouth. I feel him smile against me and laugh. He tenses at the sound. After a few seconds he lifts
himself and repositions his body ontop of me, his chin my chest. Once again, he dips his fingers
into the cake but instead sticking it in his own mouth, he puts it near mine. I eagerly take it into
my mouth giving him a look that makes him blush and look away.

"You don't have to be embarrases." I whisper, pulling him up to me to kiss him on the lips. He
smiles and nods.

"We have to leave, don't we?" He whispers, whineing a bit.

"Yeah, we do." I say disapointedly. I sigh before standing with him and start gathering our
things. Taemin and I glance at each other as we clean, giving each other smiles we've never
given anyone else. We're about to leave when suddenly Taemin calls for me to wait.

"Give me the knife." He says, reaching out his hand. I look at him cinfused but he just gives me a
look. I reach into the basket and pull out the knife we used to cut the cake. He grabs it and begins
to carve something into the tree. When I look closely I see it's a heart.

"Choi Minho +..."

"You have to write my name." he gives me the knife and moves aside. I smile and delicatley
carve my lovers name into the flesh of the tree.

"Choi Minho + Lee Taemin..."

"Forever," I add. I look to Taemin to see he's smiling, eyes shining at the sight of our names in
the tree.

"This is our tree," He whispers, looking at me. He moves closer and places a gentle kiss on my

"Our tree." I repeat, grabbing his hand and retreating from the forest.

End Flashback

Tears blur my vision, obstructing my view of one of the lasts piece of Taemin I have. I turn and
lean against the tree, our tree, and take my phone out of my pocket. I scroll through my list of
contacts untill I find the one I'm looking for,

'just want to tell you i love you'

I look at the last text Taemin sent me before...How can I be such an idiot? I slam my fist into the
palm of my hand and scream. How can I be such an idiot? Wae...I love him, I loved him. How
dare Onew say I didn't. He only wanted him for himself. But...maybe it would've been better if
he'd been with him instead of me. He wouldn't of hurt him. He wouldn't of cheated, screwed
someone else behind his back. It wasn't even worth it. I just...I don't know. I loved Taemin,
there's no denying that, and if I here someone say I didn't...I loved him, i just...I didn't want to
hurt him. Corrupt him. Everytime I looked at him I saw innocence in his face. I felt wrong for
thinking those things about him, I thought if I tried something...I didn't want to hurt him. I felt
like I was taking advantage of him. And then Nichkhun would show up...I knew that I wouldn't
be able to be with Taemin so I got with Nichkhun. I'm and idiot, I'm selfish, but I didn't want to
ruin my relationship with Taemin by making sex an issue. He was so inexperienced, so sweet, I
wanted to wait for him, but I knew I couldn't. So Nichkhun helped me. It's a stupid excuse I
know, but you have to take into acount I'm a stupid guy. I look back at my phone and scroll
through all the texts he sent me, 'i love u, 'i miss u', 'where r u'. I cry, tears falling onto the phone
warping the words. I flip to my picture albums and find my favorite picture of him. It's old, I put
it on my phone from my laptop just so I can always have it with me. It's from the 'Juliette' time,
his hair is red and curly, contacts making his eyes pop in the most interesting way. He's on the
roof of the SM building, staring at the clouds, a look of untainted serentity on his face and in his
eyes. He didn't know I was there when I took it, so engrossed in the sky that he didn't even notice
me until I had already snapped the picture and put my camera away. I remember the smile he
gave me. Did he love me then? Of, course he loved me. He's always loved me. He told me. But
he doesn't love me anymore. The dead can't feel love. I look through all his pictures and all his
texts five times like I've benn doing since he left, until I'm able to put my phone away. And it's
still not enough. Part of me died with him and if he's not here...I don't want to be here either. I
take out my phone again. I need to hear his voice.

'Hey Hyung, it's me, Taemin. I don't know where you are, and I'm probably just being needy, but
I miss you, I want to see you. I know you're probably busy, but call me back please, I need to
hear your voice. Oppa saranghae.'  

I flip my phone shut, knowing what I need to do next.


Authors Note: Hope that was long enough for you. I know his 'reason' seems kind of messed up,
but remember Minho is like this manly man, knight in shining armor type guy, and he didn't
want to basically 'deflower' Taemin lest him seem ungentlemenly. So instead of corrupting
Taemin he plowed Nichkhun so that Taemin wouldn't be pressured by his sexual desires. He's
still kind of ass for just abandoning him though.

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