Effective Study Skills

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Effective Study Skills

Strategies for Effective Learning 

Compiled By Taidin Suhaimin

Quote on Learning:
You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the
learning process as long as he lives. ~ Clay P. Bedford

This Effective Study Skills and Strategies for Effective and Smart Learning page aims
to help you improve and sharpen your learning techniques, study habits & study skills.
It points you towards some of the best sources of assistance on learning and study

They can help you become a super brilliant-smart-excellent student.

Happy Surfing, Studying & Learning! 

Motivate Yourself to Study By Setting Your Goals

Reaching Your Goals

Lots of times I kind of guffaw at all this goal setting stuff. People ask, "What
are your goals?" and it seems like whoever can list the most goals wins. All
they are doing is telling all the things they want but they may never get
there. What people really need to ask is, "What will you do to make sure you
reach your goals?" Having these goals will help motivate you to do

Anyway, let me tell you what this goal business is all about. It's actually
pretty neat. There are three main steps to getting to where you want to go.

First, there's the dreams.

We do this all the time. However, sit down and write it out. By writing it you
will get a better idea of where you really want to go. Think about how you
would like to be. Imagine yourself at the end of the quarter or the end of the
year or maybe in five years. What do you see? How do people see you?
What are you doing? Are you successful? How do you know?
I'll give you an example. This is my first year away at college and away from
home. I hope my first year is a good one. I really want to have as good an
experience at college as possible. I'd like to do pretty well with grades and I
really hope my parents are proud of me. I'm going to really miss my little
sister. I hope a year from now she and I have as good a relationship as we
do now. In fact, I hope I still have a good relationship with all my high
school friends. I also hope to go on a Spring break someplace.

Well, that's kind of my dream. A dream is just that, it's a vision of the
future, of how you see yourself in the future. Once you know the direction
you want to go than you can begin working on some goals.

Second come the goals.

Goals are "wants". So are dreams, but goals are more specific. Look back at
your dreams. Start a list of specific things you want. Be really clear what you
mean. If you want to be rich, tell how much money you need to be rich. If
you want good grades, tell what you mean by "good" grades. In fact, the
more specific the goal is, the easier it will be to get it. Now there are some
rules for setting goals, and here they are.

 Goals are always things you want. They are never things you don't want.

Right: I want to stay at my current weight.

Wrong: I don't want to gain weight.

 Goals need to be specific. Tell exactly what you mean. Give numbers and times. Don't
use words like "lots" and "more". Tell exactly what you want.
 Be realistic. Ask yourself if it is possible. Yea, winning the lottery is possible but it's not

I'll give you my example. I look back at my dream and then start to really
think about what I want.

My Goals

 I want a "B" in each of my classes.

 I want to keep a good relationship with my sister.
 I want to keep in touch with my friends.
 I want to be involved at the U.

These are just a some of my goals but you get the idea.

Third are the objectives.

This is the neat stuff. So far, all we have is a wish list. This is where the
action takes place. Objectives are the things we do to get our wants. If I
look forward to being independent in college (dream) and I want a car (goal)
and I save money (objective) now I can buy a car and I've fulfilled my

Now again there are some rules. Keep in mind that objectives are things you
will DO.

 Objectives are very specific. They tell exactly what you will do and when you will do it.
 When you think about what you will do, make a commitment to it. Objectives are
written: I WILL ... Don't use words like "try or maybe" Very bad words to use. Very,
very bad.
 Be sure your objectives can be measured. Every day or every week I can say, "Did you
do this?" and you answer with either a yes or a no. Don't leave room for maybes.

OK time for more examples. I said I want a "B" in each class. My objectives

 I will go to every class every day.

 I will sit in the middle of the class.
 I will re-read my notes from every class everyday.
 I will begin every assignment the day it is given.

Goal: I want to be involved at the U.

My objectives are:

 I will meet my advisor in his/her office the 1st week of school.

 I will join an intramural team.
 I will join a student club or organization.

Well, you get the idea. Each of my objectives is specific and each one can be
measured. If I do all my objectives there is a pretty good chance I will get
what I want which will then mean I'll fulfill my dream.When you do this,
write it out; it will be easier for you.

Study Skills Article: Great Articles on Time & Self-Management

"Time is Money" - Benjamin Franklin
- Time Management
- Overcoming Procrastination
- Preventing Perfectionism
- Test Anxiety
- Stress Management
- Goal Setting


Counseling Center
Division of Student Affairs
State University of New York at Buffalo
120 Richmond Quad
Buffalo, NY 14261 USA

1. There's no such thing as time management! So why

should you read the rest of this handout? Because
there is such a thing as self management and that's
the key to making time your ally rather than your

2. There are only 24 hours in your day, just the same as

everybody else's. So how do you end up frustrated,
angry, behind in your work, and dead on your feet?
Maybe because you don't know how to use those 24
hours to your advantage.

3. If using your time wisely is a problem for you, you

probably don't have a very good idea of where it all
goes. It just seems to go! A good place to start,
then, is to keep track of how you use your time. Get
a Weekly schedule (available in the Learning Skills
corner of the Counseling and Testing Center's Career
Library) and faithfully keep track of how you use
your waking hours for one week. The results will
probably surprise you.

4. The next step is to pick up several more of these

Weekly Schedules and do some planning. You'll
discover, among other things, that if you get seven
hours sleep a night, you have 119 hours per week to
do everything you need to do. That, of course,
includes going to class, eating, athletic events,
social activities, personal hygiene, time-in-
transit, studying, student organizations, telephone
and TV time, etc. Be sure to schedule time for all
these in your 119 hours. Then try sticking to your
schedule for a week. This should give you a good
idea of where your real priorities are!

5. If you have trouble, chances are there's a culprit

lurking somewhere, dodging your every move. Chances
are this culprit's name is Procrastination.
Procrastination masquerades in a million disguises.
Among the more common of these are:

"One more day won't make any difference; I'll just

put that off until tomorrow."

"It won't matter if I'm a few minutes late; no one

else will be on time."

"I can't start on this paper until I know just how I

want the first paragraph to read."

"I work best under pressure."

"I'll watch just 15 more minutes of TV."

Fill in the blank:"_______________________________."

6. Learn to say NO once your priorities are set.

Turning down an invitation doesn't mean you'll never
be asked to do something again. Weigh the
consequences. Making a decision based on what you
know is best for you at the time, leads to greater
respect from your friends, not to a reputation as a

7. Stay away from the telephone when you're trying to

get work done. If it's really important, they'll
call back.

8. Use a monthly calendar to help you allocate your

study time on the Weekly Schedule. At the beginning
of each quarter, spend an hour with your calendar to
enter all important dates. As you receive course
syllabi, enter the dates for quizzes, papers, etc.,
on your calendar. Then estimate the time needed to
prepare for each of these. If your history paper is
due the eighth week of the quarter and it usually
takes you four weeks to do a paper, start work on the
paper the second week of the quarter, allowing
yourself an extra week for typing and an extra week
for disaster. If you stick to this schedule, you'll
amaze yourself by having the paper finished in the
seventh week. The rule-of-thumb is "Plan ahead by
working backwards."

9. By counting backwards like this, you'll be surprised

how well you're using your time and how much better
your grade will be when you're not under pressure.
And, by being really honest with yourself and taking
account of all your priorities, you'll be able to go
to the football game and not feel guilty.

10. At the start of each week, transfer important items

from your calendar to your Weekly Schedule. This
helps you to avoid things that might otherwise sneak
up on you.

11. Be sure to schedule time for your fitness routine and

for study breaks. Your brain works best when it has
sufficient oxygen. Your concentration is enhanced
when you go hard at a task until you feel yourself
fading. Then Break! A good rule-of-thumb is to work
for 45 minutes and then break for 15. But watch
yourself! More than 15 minutes is more than a break!

12. Suggestions such as these don't lead to enslavement

by a calendar. It may sound awful, especially if
you're a skilled time mismanager. But it actually
leads to a greater sense of freedom and
accomplishment because you're in control. That's all
self-management is--managing your life more
effectively. By following these suggestions, you'll
be happier, more satisfied, and more productive. Try
it-- you'll like it!

13. One last thing: WEAR A WATCH!


Copyright, Counseling Center,

State University of New York at Buffalo, 1994.


Counseling Center
Division of Student Affairs
State University of New York at Buffalo
120 Richmond Quad
Buffalo, NY 14261 USA


William Knaus, a psychologist, estimated that 90% of

college students procrastinate. Of these students, 25%
are chronic procrastinators and they are usually the ones
who end up dropping out of college.

What is Procrastination ?

Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task which

needs to be accomplished. This can lead to feelings of
guilt, inadequacy, depression and self-doubt among
students. Procrastination has a high potential for
painful consequences. It interferes with the academic and
personal success of students.

Why Do Students Procrastinate ?

o Poor Time Management. Procrastination means not

managing time wisely. You may be uncertain of your
priorities, goals and objectives. You may also be
overwhelmed with the task. As a result, you keep
putting off your academic assignments for a later
date, or spending a great deal of time with your
friends and social activities, or worrying about your
upcoming examination, class project and papers rather
than completing them.

o Difficulty Concentrating. When you sit at your desk

you find yourself daydreaming, staring into space,
looking at pictures of your boyfriend/girlfriend,
etc., instead of doing the task. Your environment is
distracting and noisy. You keep running back and
forth for equipment such as pencils, erasers,
dictionary, etc. Your desk is cluttered and
unorganized and sometimes you sit/lay on your bed to
study or do your assignments. You probably notice
that all of the examples that you have just read
promote time wasting and frustration.

o Fear and Anxiety. You may be overwhelmed with the

task and afraid of getting a failing grade. As a
result, you spend a great deal of time worrying about
your upcoming exams, papers and projects, rather than
completing them.

o Negative Beliefs such as; "I cannot succeed in

anything" and "I lack the necessary skills to perform
the task" may allow you to stop yourself from getting
work done.

o Personal problems. For example, financial

difficulties, problems with your
boyfriend/girlfriend, etc.

o Finding the Task Boring.

o Unrealistic Expectations and Perfectionism. You may

believe that you MUST read everything ever written on
a subject before you can begin to write your paper.
You may think that you haven't done the best you
possibly could do, so it's not good enough to hand

o Fear of Failure. You may think that if you don't get

an 'A', you are failure. Or that if you fail an
exam, you, as a person, are a failure, rather than
that you are a perfectly ok person who has failed an

How To Overcome Procrastination

o Recognize self-defeating problems such as; fear and

anxiety, difficulty concentrating, poor time
management, indecisive- ness and perfectionism.
o Identify your own goals, strengths and weaknesses,
values and priorities.

o Compare your actions with the values you feel you

have. Are your values consistent with your actions?

o Discipline yourself to use time wisely: Set priorities.

Study in small blocks instead of long time periods.

For example, you will accomplish more if you
study/work in 60 minute blocks and take frequent 10
minute breaks in between, than if you study/work for
2-3 hours straight, with no breaks. Reward yourself
after you complete a task.

o Motivate yourself to study: Dwell on success, not on

failure. Try to study in small groups. Break large
assignments into small tasks. Keep a reminder
schedule and checklist.

o Set realistic goals.

o Modify your environment: Eliminate or minimize noise/

distraction. Ensure adequate lighting. Have
necessary equipment at hand. Don't waste time going
back and forth to get things. Don't get too
comfortable when studying. A desk and
straight-backed chair is usually best (a bed is no
place to study). Be neat! Take a few minutes to
straighten your desk. This can help to reduce day-


Copyright, Counseling Center, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1994.


Counseling Center
Division of Student Affairs
State University of New York at Buffalo
120 Richmond Quad
Buffalo, NY 14261 USA

Going through life as a perfectionist will always damage

your self-esteem and strip you of any warm feelings of
self- acceptance you may have for yourself. That's
because the impossibly high demands you make of
yourself--and the unrealistic expectations you place on
others--will invite only disappointment, self-repudiation,
and widespread unhappiness.
Living your life as a perfectionist will also set you up
for continuous rejection and self-putdowns--and deny you
peace of mind--because demanding perfection usually
results in failure. And even if you achieve an
exceptional result, chances are that you'll still be
unhappy, as you'll find additional reasons for not being
good enough. That's the destructive nature of
perfectionism and that's why it destroys self-esteem.
Nothing is ever good enough.

Remember, being a perfectionist may paralyze your future

chances of success--in either your personal or your
professional life--because you'll eventually fear taking
any new actions that might produce an imperfect result.
Preventing perfectionism begins by saying no to
unreasonably high demands that produce only failure and
self-contempt. The new way of thinking requires you to
choose goals that are easier to achieve and are within the
realm of your possibilities. Moderate your
expectations--and stop focusing on faults and flaws--and
then watch your performance and self-esteem soar.

Briefly describe one situation or part of your life in

which you would like to be less perfectionistic. What are
some specific ways that you could moderate your goals in
that particular situation/area? What consequences might
follow from such changes?


Failure is a teacher and can be the source of much

personal growth. Experiencing failure--and learning to
judge your own capabilities--demonstrates that you have
the strength to accept life's challenges. Never condemn
yourself for not succeeding. That's being unfair to
yourself. See failure for what it really is: an
opportunity to discover that future success lies in
another strategy or direction. You will achieve your next
goal if you learn from your past mistakes. In this
section, describe how and what you have learned from some
past "failures".

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."

--Helen Keller


Copyright, Counseling Center, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1994.


Counseling Center
Division of Student Affairs
State University of New York at Buffalo
120 Richmond Quad
Buffalo, NY 14261 USA


Most students experience some level of anxiety during an

exam. However, when anxiety begins to affect exam
performance it has become a problem.


1. Lack of preparation as indicated by:

a) cramming the night before the exam.
b) poor time management.
c) failure to organize text information.
d) poor study habits.

2. Worrying about the following:

a) past performance on exams.
b) how friends and other students are doing.
c) the negative consequences of failure.


During an exam, as in any stressful situations, a student

may experience any of the following bodily changes:

1) perspiration
2) sweaty palms
3) headache
4) upset stomach
5) rapid heart beat
6) tense muscles


1. Nervousness:

a) Having difficulty reading and understanding the

questions on the exam paper.

b) Having difficulty organizing your thoughts.

c) Having difficulty retrieving key words and

concepts when answering essay questions.

d) Doing poorly on an exam even though you know the

2. Mental Blocking:

a) Going blank on questions.

b) Remembering the correct answers as soon as the

exam is over.


1. Study and know the material well enough so that you

can recall it even if you are under stress.

2. Learn and practice good time management and avoid:

a) laziness
b) procrastination
c) day dreaming

3. Build confidence by studying throughout the semester

and avoid cramming the night before the exam.

4. Learn to concentrate on the material you are studying by:

a) generating questions from your textbooks and

lecture notes.

b) focusing on key words, concepts and examples in

your textbooks and lecture notes.

c) making charts and outlines which organize the

information in your notes and textbooks.

5. Use relaxation techniques, for example, taking long

deep breaths to relax the body and reduce stress.


Copyright, Counseling Center,

State University of New York at Buffalo, 1994.


Counseling Center
Division of Student Affairs
State University of New York at Buffalo
120 Richmond Quad
Buffalo, NY 14261 USA

Stress is a part of day to day living. As college students

you may experience stress meeting academic demands, adjusting
to a new living environment, or developing friendships. The
stress you experience is not necessarily harmful. Mild forms
of stress can act as a motivator and energizer. However, if
your stress level is too high, medical and social problems
can result.


Although we tend to think of stress as caused by external

events, events in themselves are not stressful. Rather, it
is the way in which we interpret and react to events that
makes them stressful. People differ dramatically in the type
of events they interpret as stressful and the way in which
they respond to such stress. For example, speaking in public
can be stressful for some people and relaxing for others.


There are several signs and symptoms that you may notice when
you are experiencing stress. These signs and symptoms fall
into four categories: Feelings, Thoughts, Behavior, and
Physiology. When you are under stress, you may experience
one or more of the following:


1. Feeling anxious.
2. Feeling scared.
3. Feeling irritable.
4. Feeling moody.


1. Low self-esteem.
2. Fear of failure.
3. Inability to concentrate.
4. Embarrassing easily.
5. Worrying about the future.
6. Preoccupation with thoughts/tasks.
7. Forgetfulness.


1. Stuttering and other speech difficulties.

2. Crying for no apparent reason.
3. Acting impulsively.
4. Startling easily.
5. Laughing in a high pitch and nervous tone of voice.
6. Grinding your teeth.
7. Increasing smoking.
8. Increasing use of drugs and alcohol.
9. Being accident prone.
10. Losing your appetite or overeating.


1. Perspiration /sweaty hands.

2. Increased heart beat.
3. Trembling.
4. Nervous ticks.
5. Dryness of throat and mouth.
6. Tiring easily.
7. Urinating frequently.
8. Sleeping problems.
9. Diarrhea / indigestion / vomiting.
10. Butterflies in stomach.
11. Headaches.
12. Premenstrual tension.
13. Pain in the neck and or lower back.
14. Loss of appetite or overeating.
15. Susceptibility to illness.


Both positive and negative events in one's life can be

stressful. However, major life changes are the greatest
contributors of stress for most people. They place the
greatest demand on resources for coping.


1. Geographic mobility.
2. Going to college.
3. Transfer to a new school.
4. Marriage.
5. Pregnancy.
6. New job.
7. New life style.
8. Divorce.
9. Death of a loved one.
10. Being fired from your job.


1. Time pressure.
2. Competition.
3. Financial problems.
4. Noise.
5. Disappointments.


Many stresses can be changed, eliminated, or minimized. Here

are some things you can do to reduce your level of stress:

1. Become aware of your own reactions to stress.

2. Reinforce positive self-statements.

3. Focus on your good qualities and accomplishments.

4. Avoid unnecessary competition.

5. Develop assertive behaviors.

6. Recognize and accept your limits. Remember that everyone

is unique and different.

7. Get a hobby or two. Relax and have fun.

8. Exercise regularly.

9. Eat a balanced diet daily.

10. Talk with friends or someone you can trust about your

11. Learn to use your time wisely:

a. Evaluate how you are budgeting your time.

b. Plan ahead and avoid procrastination.

c. Make a weekly schedule and try to follow it.

12. Set realistic goals.

13. Set priorities.

14. When studying for an exam, study in short blocks and

gradually lengthen the time you spend studying. Take
frequent short breaks.

15. Practice relaxation techniques. For example, whenever

you feel tense, slowly breathe in and out for several


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120 Richmond Quad
Ellicott Complex


Copyright, Counseling Center,

State University of New York at Buffalo, 1994.

--Study Habits and Test Anxiety--

Counseling Center
Division of Student Affairs
State University of New York at Buffalo
120 Richmond Quad
Buffalo, NY 14261 USA

The Immediate Environment

The environment in which you study can have a big effect on

how efficient your study time is. Check your place of study
for the following conditions:


Minimize distracting noise. Some people need some sound and

some like silence. Find what works for you.

Culprits are family and friends. Consider a "do not disturb

sign" and turning on your answering machine. You can catch
up with folks later.

75 watt bulbs are best, but not too close and placed opposite
the dominant hand.

Better cool than warm.

Have plenty of room to work; don't be cramped. Your study

time will go better if you take a few minutes at the start to
straighten things up.

A desk and straight-backed chair is usually best. Don't get

too comfortable--a bed is a place to sleep,not study.

Have everything (book, pencils, paper, coffee, dictionary,

typewriter, calculator, tape recorder, etc.) close at hand.
Don't spend your time jumping up and down to get things.


What is it you have to do? Focus on dealing with it.

Just take one step at a time.

Think about what you can do about it. That's better than
getting anxious.
No negative or panicky self-statements; just think rationally.

Don't worry; worrying won't help anything.


Don't think about fear; just think about what you have to do.

Stay relevant.

Relax; you're in control. Take a slow, deep breath.

You should expect some anxiety; it's a reminder not to panic

and to relax and cope steadily with the situation.

Tenseness can be an ally, a friend; it's a cue to cope.


When the fear comes, just pause.

Keep the focus on the present; what is it you have to do?

You should expect your fear to rise some.

Don't try to eliminate fear totally; just keep it manageable.

You can convince yourself to do it. You can reason your fear

It's not the worst thing that can happen.

Do something that will prevent you from thinking about fear.

Describe what is around you. That way you won't think about


It worked! You did it!

It wasn't as bad as you expected.

You made more out of the fear than it was worth.

You're getting better. You're learning to cope more smoothly.

You can be pleased with your progress.

You like how you handled it. You can be proud of it.

Adapted from Asserting Yourself, Bower, Sharon Addison-Wesley

Publishing Co., 1976.


The list below contains some common thoughts and worries

which many test anxious people have. Check those which you
can identify with most. Feel free to add statements which
more accurately reflect what usually goes on in your head.

A. Worry About Performance

___ I should have studied more...I'll never get through.

___ I just want to finish and get out of here and hope
for the best.

___ I don't know anything...what's the matter with me.

___ My minds a blank...I'll never get the answer...I

must really be stupid.

___ I can't figure out what the professor wants...no

way I'll do well on this test.

___ I can't remember a thing...this always happens to

me...I never do well on anything.

___ Only 10 minutes left...there are so many

questions...I'll never get through everything.

___ I just can't think...why did I ever take this course.

___ It's no use...might as well give up.

___ I knew this stuff yesterday...what's wrong with me.

___ My mind's a blank...I'm just not cut out for this.

___ I have to get an A...smart people always get A's.

___ This stuff is easy...I should get everything right.

___ This is terrible, absolutely the worst test I've

ever had.

___ I'm just a no good, terrible, worthless person.

B. Worry About Bodily Reactions

___ I'm sick...I'll never get through.

___ I'm sweating all over...it's really hot in here.

___ My hands are shaking again...can't even hold the

lousy pen.

___ My stomach's going crazy...churning and jumping.

___ Here it comes...I'm getting really tense

again...normal people just don't get like this.

C. Worry About How Others Are Doing

___ I know everyone's doing better than I am.

___ I must be the dumbest one in the class.

___ I'm going to be the last one done again...I must

really be stupid.

___ No one else seems to be having trouble...am I the

only one?

D. Worry About Possible Negative Consequences:

If I fail this test, I'll:

___ flunk the course

___ be kicked out of school

___ never get into graduate school

___ have to get A's on the midterm and final

___ have to go to summer school

___ never get a good grade

___ never graduate on time

___ never get the kind of job I want

___ my family (or friends, boyfriend/girlfriend,

teacher, etc.) will really be disappointed in
me...I'll never be able to face them again

___ everyone will think I'm stupid...I'll really be



- Be sure your goals are your own. It's your life. Do what
means most to you. Self-set goals are better motivators
than those imposed by others.

- Put goals in writing. This will lessen the odds of losing

sight of your goals in the shuffle of daily activity.
Writing goals also increases your commitment.

- Make your goals challenging but attainable. Good goals are

neither too easy nor impossible. They should cause you to
stretch and grow. A challenging, attainable goal will hold
your interest and keep you motivated.

- Goals should be as specific and measurable as possible.

Don't say, "I want a better job." Ask yourself: What kind
of job? Making how much money? In what industry? Living
where? Requiring what kind of skill? By when? Specify
clearly what you want and you will save an enormous amount
of time and effort.

- Every goal should have a target date. Never think of a

goal as a goal until you set a deadline for accomplishment.

- Check your major goals for compatibility. Don't fall into

the trap of setting major goals where the achievement of
one will prevent the attainment of another.

- Frequently revise and update your goals. As a growing

person your needs will change over time, and this means
goals will have to be modified, discarded and added from
time to time. Plan flexibly. Don't think of your goals as
carved in stone.

Counseling Center
Division of Student Affairs
120 Richmond Quad.


Copyright, Counseling Center,

State University of New York at Buffalo, 1994.

End of Document

7 Study Time Management Principles

Basic Principles of Time Management that you can apply


As a student, there are some basic Principles of Time Management that you can apply.

1. Identify "Best Time" for Studying: Everyone has high and low periods of attention and
concentration. Are you a "morning person" or a "night person". Use your power times to study;
use the down times for routines such as laundry and errands.
2. Study Difficult Subjects First: When you are fresh, you can process information more quickly and
save time as a result.
3. Use Distributed Learning and Practice: Study in shorter time blocks with short breaks between.
This keeps you from getting fatigued and "wasting time." This type of studying is efficient
because while you are taking a break, the brain is still processing the information.
4. Make Sure the Surroundings are Conducive to Studying: This will allow you to reduce
distractions which can "waste time." If there are times in the residence halls or your apartment
when you know there will be noise and commotion, use that time for mindless tasks.
5. Make Room for Entertainment and Relaxation: College is more than studying. You need to have
a social life, yet, you need to have a balance in your life.
6. Make Sure you Have Time to Sleep and Eat Properly: Sleep is often an activity (or lack of activity)
that students use as their time management "bank." When they need a few extra hours for
studying or socializing, they withdraw a few hours of sleep. Doing this makes the time they
spend studying less effective because they will need a couple hours of clock time to get an hour
of productive time. This is not a good way to manage yourself in relation to time.
7. Try to Combine Activities: Use the "Twofer" concept. If you are spending time at the
laundromat, bring your psychology notes to study. If you are waiting in line for tickets to the
REM concert, bring your biology flashcards to memorize.

These are some ideas to get you started. You can read more about time management in one of the
books in the bibliography. You can also learn more at time management workshops. In addition,
you should know that college students aren't the only ones who have become more efficient
workers. Get a headstart and learn how to manage yourself in respect to time NOW.

If you have some favorite time management tips, send them to the developers via the feedback
link at the bottom of this page. Also, if you have questions about time management, send them to
the Study Strategies TAs .

Evaluate Where Your Time Goes

Evaluation of Time Use Summary - POSSIBLE PROBLEMS & SOLUTIONS

Evaluation of Time Use Summary


This might be considered the "intermediate step" in the time-scheduling exercises. First, you
were asked to keep track of how you SPENT your time. Later, you were asked to BUDGET your
time. Now, you are asked to analyze your expenditures -- so that an appropriate budget may be
determined later. Respond to the following:
1. (Although it may be true that there is no such thing as the "typical" week in the life of a
college student, for our purposes we will define "typical" as a situation in which YOU had
control over what you did and when you did it, as opposed to a situation where demands were
placed on you over which you could exercise little or no control.)

My Time-use chart appears to be ____typical ____not typical for me. If not typical, the reasons
why include...

If this was not a typical week for you, make another Time-use chart and try charting the up-
coming week.

2. SPECIFICALLY, what behavior changes, if any, will you need to make to bring your actual
time schedule into agreement with what you think your ideal schedule should look like? Print a
copy of the Planned Weekly Schdule and create your ideal schedule.


Too much time spent PREPARING to 1. Determine the time of day when you are most alert and
study and not enough time actually use that time for studying.
STUDYING 2. Set realistic goals for amount of studying to be
accomplished per day or week.
3. Have ONE FIXED place for study.

Lack of an adequate study plan 1. Schedule a set number of pages or chapters per study
2. Know what you're responsible for (ask the instructor or
look at the syllabus).

Difficulty in deciding WHAT to study 1. Put the most uninteresting and/or difficult subject first
WHEN on your study schedule.
2. Schedule each of your classes into some study-time-
slots during the week.
3. Use times when you are most alert for study.

Having to ask yourself, "What am I Study to discover key concepts and main points. The details will
learning?" only make sense once you have mastered the general ideas.
Charting Your  Time Usage
you should print a copy of this


Directions: Print a copy of the Time Use Chart.
Record everything you do during each half-hour period of a week that you choose. (You may even want
to divide the blocks in 15 minute periods). At the end of a week, complete the Summary of Activities
(you should also print a copy of this) to see how you spend your time.
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
6:00 am              
Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
6:00 pm              

Summarize Your  Time Usage Activities


Directions: At the end of the week, summarize your activities on the chart below. Once you
evaluate where your time goes, print a copy of the Planned Weekly Schedule and fill it in with
your course schedule, study time and other activities. Try to follow your schedule to improve
your time use.

Class & Lab                  
School Related
Clubs & Organizations                  
Social & Recreational                  
Personal TV & Stereo                  
Health-related Eating, Bathing,                  
Exercise, etc.
Total Hours 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 168 100

*To determine percentage, divide the number of hours in an activity by 168. For example; 56
hours of sleep divided by 168 = 33.3%

Here is how to evaluate your Summary with a couple of suggestions on how to improve as well.
Planning Your Weekly Schedule
Use this sheet for your "Planned Weekly Schedule"

Planned Weekly Schedule

Use this sheet for your "Planned Weekly Schedule" (to be completed after the Time-use Chart
has been completed and summarized). First fill in your commitments (classes, work, mealtime,
etc.). Then think about how you want to use your time for studying, reading, and recreating. Try
this for a week or two and readjust as needed. For some tips on time management see some Basic
Time Management Principles

Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

6:00 am              
Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
6:00 pm              

Learning from Lectures Effectively
- Effective Listening
- Deciding What to Write Down
- Complete Assigned Readings
- Use a Partner
- Note Taking Mechanics

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