Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A: Göran E. Nilsson, Sara Östlund-Nilsson, Philip L. Munday

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Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 156 (2010) 389–393

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Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / c b p a

Effects of elevated temperature on coral reef fishes: Loss of hypoxia tolerance and
inability to acclimate
Göran E. Nilsson a,⁎, Sara Östlund-Nilsson a, Philip L. Munday b,c
Physiology Programme, Department of Molecular Biosciences, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1041, NO-0316 Oslo, Norway
School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook University, Australia
ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Water temperature is expected to rise on coral reefs due to global warming. Here, we have examined if
Received 21 January 2010 increased temperature reduces the hypoxia tolerance of coral reef fish (measured as critical [O2]), and if
Received in revised form 10 March 2010 temperature acclimation in adults can change the resting rate of O2 consumption and critical [O2]. Two
Accepted 10 March 2010
common species from Lizard Island (Great Barrier Reef, Australia) were tested, Doederlein's cardinalfish
Available online 15 March 2010
(Ostorhinchus doederleini) and lemon damselfish (Pomacentrus moluccensis). In both species, a 3 °C rise in
water temperature caused increased oxygen consumption and reduced hypoxia tolerance, changes that were
Cardinalfish not reduced by acclimation to the higher temperature for 7 to 22 days. Critical [O2] increased by 71% in the
Climate change cardinalfish and by 23% in the damselfish at 32 °C compared to 29 °C. The higher oxygen needs are likely to
Coral reef fish reduce the aerobic scope, which could negatively affect the capacity for feeding, growth and reproduction.
Damselfish The reduced hypoxia tolerance may force the fishes out of their nocturnal shelters in the coral matrix,
Hypoxia exposing them to predation. The consequences for population and species survival could be severe unless
Metabolism developmental phenotypic plasticity within generations or genetic adaptation between generations could
Oxygen consumption
produce individuals that are more tolerant to a warmer future.
Thermal tolerance
© 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction uptake (aerobic scope) is expected to decrease (Pörtner, 2001; Pörtner

and Farrell, 2008). A reduction in aerobic scope could cause a loss of
Tropical organisms are predicted to be especially sensitive to global fitness because less energy would be available to devote to feeding,
warming because they have evolved within a narrow and stable thermal growth and reproduction. The limited capacities of the circulatory and
range (Huey and Hertz, 1984; Bush and Hooghiemstra, 2005; Hoegh- ventilatory systems to keep pace with the increased oxygen demands of
Guldberg et al., 2007; Tewksbury et al., 2008), and therefore, might have basal metabolism at higher temperatures is thought to be the primary
a narrow thermal tolerance range. This is true for corals, where just a reason for a reduction in aerobic scope (Fry, 1971; Pörtner and Knust,
1–2 °C increase in maximum sea-surface temperature can cause 2007). Indeed, a recent study of five coral reef fish species showed that
bleaching and death (Hoegh-Guldberg, 1999). While considerable aerobic scope declined when ocean temperature was increased 2–4 °C
research effort has been directed at investigating the effects of elevated above summer average temperature, and it was primarily an elevation
ocean temperature on coral communities (e.g. Hoegh-Guldberg, 1999; of resting MO2 at higher temperatures that caused aerobic scope to
Hughes et al., 2003; Sheppard, 2003; Donner et al., 2005), much less is decline (Nilsson et al., 2009).
known about the direct effects of increased temperature on fishes and In addition to reducing aerobic scope, an increase in resting MO2 is
other organisms that inhabit coral reefs (Munday et al., 2008). also likely to reduce the hypoxia tolerance of a fish, because a fish with a
The effect of increasing temperature on aerobic performance is higher basal metabolism will need to extract more oxygen from the
thought to be the most important physiological mechanism determin- water to sustain its metabolic demands (Nilsson and Randall, 2010, for
ing the survival of fish populations faced with a rise in ocean review). So far, the effect of rising temperature on the hypoxia tolerance
temperature (Pörtner, 2001; Pörtner and Knust, 2007; Pörtner and of coral reef fishes has not been studied, although it is clear that coral
Farrell, 2008). As temperature increases the span between resting reefs can become severely hypoxic at night, and reef fishes rely on their
oxygen consumption (resting MO2) and the maximal rate of oxygen hypoxia tolerance to utilize the hypoxic coral matrix as a nocturnal
refuge from predators (Nilsson et al., 2007). Thus, coral reef fishes in
general display quite low critical oxygen concentrations ([O2]crit),
generally around 20–30% of air saturation at 29 °C (Nilsson and Östlund-
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 47 92057838. Nilsson, 2004). [O2]crit is the lowest [O2] at which resting MO2 can be
E-mail address: (G.E. Nilsson). maintained.

1095-6433/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
390 G.E. Nilsson et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 156 (2010) 389–393

Ectothermic vertebrates living in temperate and subtropical cli- inability to tolerate this temperature for several days, this species could
mates, with considerable seasonal variation in ambient temperature, not be tested after a longer acclimation period than 7 days. Fish were fed
show temperature acclimation: a suite of physiological and biochemical twice daily to satiation with frozen blood worms and INVE Aquaculture
adjustments that, usually within a week or less, reduce the acute in- Nutrition NRD 12/20 fish pellets, but they were starved for 24 h before
crease in metabolic rate and fall in hypoxia tolerance caused by a rise in determination of MO2 and [O2]crit. The measurements were carried out
body temperature (Whittow, 1970; Barrionuevo and Fernandes, 1998; in shaded daylight (09.00–18.00 h).
Angilletta, 2009). However, ectothermic vertebrates that have evolved
at relatively constant temperatures generally show a low capacity for 2.1. Respirometry for measuring resting MO2 and [O2]crit
temperature acclimation (Johnston and Bennett, 1996; Tewksbury et al.,
2008). Antarctic fishes are prime examples of such “stenothermal” This method has been described previously by Nilsson & Östlund-
species (Somero and DeVries, 1967; Wilson et al., 2001, 2002; but see Nilsson (2004). In short, each fish was allowed to acclimate in the
Franklin et al., 2006). Similarly, tropical reptiles (Tsuji, 1988) and respirometer (with water flowing through) for 2–3 h, whereupon water
tropical amphibians (Feder, 1982) have been found to lack the ability to supply to the chamber (a 750 ml plexi glass cylinder with 80 mm inner
temperature acclimate. With regard to tropical coral reef teleosts, no diameter) was closed off and the fall in water oxygen was continuously
studies has so far examined their ability to acclimate to changing recorded with an oxygen electrode for 10–20 min (OXI 340i from WTW,
temperatures, but there is one study on a coral reef elasmobranch, the Germany, calibrated daily). The respirometer was submerged in a tem-
bamboo shark (Chiloscyllium plagiosum), suggesting that it has no perature-controlled aquarium. All recording were done at oxygen levels
capacity for temperature acclimation (Tullis and Baillie, 2005). In of 70–100% of air saturation. Previous experiments have shown that
addition to temperature acclimation in adults, there is the possibility of acclimation periods longer than 2 h in the chamber do not further
developmental acclimation occurring during early life stages, and, of reduce MO2 (Nilsson and Östlund-Nilsson, 2004; Nilsson et al., 2009).
course, natural selection may promote genotypes with better suited The experiments were terminated when [O2]crit had been reached. MO2
physiological temperature optima (Angilletta, 2009). in mg O2 kg− 1 h− 1 (fish wet weight) was plotted against water [O2],
Average sea-surface temperatures in the vicinity of coral reefs are measured as % of air saturation. The [O2]crit was determined by fitting
projected to rise by at least several °C over the next 100 years due to two linear regression lines to the curve, one for the normoxic (oxygen
global warming (Guinotte et al., 2003; Lough, 2007; Munday et al., independent) part of the curve, and one for the steeply falling hypoxic
2009). If temperature induced increase in basal metabolic rate in coral part. The point where these lines crossed was taken as the [O2]crit. Fish
reef fishes cannot be counteracted by acclimation, a resultant reduction kept at 29 °C were tested at 29, 31 and 32 °C, while fish acclimated to
in hypoxia tolerance and aerobic scope will inevitably have significant 32 °C were tested at 32 °C.
effects on individual performance, with potential implications for long- All values reported are means ± S.D. Graph-Pad In-Stat 2.01 was
term population sustainability (Munday et al., 2008). Consequently, the used for statistical analysis. ANOVA followed by Student's Newman–
aims of the present study were: (1) to examine if increased temperature Keuls multiple comparisons test were used to compare result for 31 and
reduces the hypoxia tolerance of coral reef fish (measured as [O2]crit), 32 °C to the control temperature (29 °C), and for evaluating possible
and (2) if temperature acclimation in adults can change the resting MO2 effects of different acclimation times (0, 7, 10 or 22 days). In addition,
and [O2]crit. Experiments were carried out at Lizard Island (Great Barrier linear regression and correlation analysis was used to test for the
Reef, Australia) on two common species at this location representing expected correlation between MO2 and [O2]crit. Statistical significance
two families, Apogonidae and Pomacentridae: Doederlein's cardinalfish level was P b 0.05.
(Ostorhinchus doederleini) and lemon damselfish (Pomacentrus moluc-
censis). Fish were either kept at 29 °C, which is the long-term average 3. Results
summer sea-surface temperature at Lizard Island (Lough, 1999), or
allowed to acclimate for 7–22 days to 32 °C. This is within the range of Both species of fish showed significant rises in MO2 and [O2]crit during
maximum summer sea-surface temperatures recorded for short periods acute exposure to a higher temperature, and neither of them displayed
at Lizard Island (maximum 32.7 °C, Lough, 1999). Moreover, average any significant signs of temperature acclimation of either MO2 or [O2]
sea-surface temperatures on the GBR are predicted to increase by up to crit. For 29 °C-acclimated P. moluccensis, MO2 rose from 283±56 mg
3 °C over the next 50–100 years (Lough, 2007, 2008), therefore, 32 °C is O2 kg− 1 h− 1 at 29 °C to 398±85 mg O2 kg− 1 h− 1 when acutely exposed
expected to be closer to the average sea-surface temperature at Lizard to 32 °C in the respirometer, and this rise persisted even after 10 and
Island by the end of this century. 22 days of acclimation to 32 °C (Fig. 1A). Similarly, for 29 °C-acclimated
P. moluccensis, [O2]crit increased from 25.6±3.5% of air saturation at 29 °C
2. Materials and methods to 31.5±3.4% of air saturation during acute exposure to 32 °C, and this rise
persisted after 10–22 days of acclimation to the higher temperature
All experiments were carried out between December 2008 and (Fig. 1B). Indeed, with regard to both MO2 and [O2]crit of P. moluccensis,
January 2009 at Lizard Island Research Station (LIRS; www.lizardisland. there were no significant differences between the acclimation groups on the Northern Great Barrier Reef (14°40′S 145°28′E). Adults of (0, 10 and 22 days) when measured at 32 °C. The Q10 for resting MO2 of
O. doederleini (weighing 1.49 ± 0.34 g) and P. moluccensis (weighing P. moluccensis was 2.2 (calculated for the span 29–32 °C for fish measured
3.34 ± 1.24 g; mean± S.D.) were caught in the Lizard Island lagoon, at their acclimation temperatures).
either by hand nets at low tide at night or using a hand net after lightly In 29 °C-acclimated O. doederleini, MO2 rose from 266 ± 33 mg
anaesthetizing them with clove oil while SCUBA diving at a depth of O2 kg− 1 h− 1 at 29 °C to 356 ± 92 mg O2 kg− 1 h− 1 when acutely
2–5 m (see Nilsson & Östlund-Nilsson, 2004). All fish were immediately exposed to 32 °C in the respirometer, and this rise persisted after
transferred to 50 l shaded out-door aquaria continuously supplied with 7 days of acclimation to 32 °C (Fig. 2A). For this species [O2]
fresh seawater pumped directly from the ocean. Water oxygen level in crit increased from 28.2 ± 2.8 to 48.3 ± 10.0% of air saturation when
the aquaria varied between 95 and 100% of air saturation. Controls were 29 °C-acclimated fish were acutely exposed to 32 °C, and [O2]crit
kept at 28.5–29.5 °C, which was the current ocean temperature. Other remained high after 7 days of acclimation to 32 °C (Fig. 2B). As
fish were kept in identical aquaria where the water temperature was mentioned, it was not possible to acclimate O. doederleini for longer
increased over 1–2 days with aquarium heaters to 32 °C (max daily periods as fish started dying after 8 days at 32 °C. No such mortality
variation was ±0.5 °C). The fish were kept at each temperature for was seen in fish kept at 29 °C. At 32 °C, O. doederleini showed no
approximately 7–22 days prior to experimentation. Due to a progressive significant differences in MO2 and [O2]crit between the acclimation
increase in mortality in O. doederleini after 8 days at 32 °C, indicating an groups (0 and 7 days). The Q10 for resting MO2 of O. doederleini was
G.E. Nilsson et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 156 (2010) 389–393 391

Fig. 1. A–B. MO2 (A) and [O2]crit (B) in P. moluccensis at 29 °C (current ocean Fig. 2. A–B. MO2 (A) and [O2]crit (B) in O. doederleini at 29 °C (current ocean
temperature; n = 12) and at two higher temperatures. The fish were either acutely temperature; n = 8) and at two higher temperatures. The fish were either acutely
exposed to 31 °C (n = 6) or 32 °C (n = 6) in the respirometer, or allowed to acclimate to exposed to 31 °C (n = 7) or 32 °C (n = 6) in the respirometer, or allowed to acclimate to
32 °C for 10 (n = 6) or 22 days (n = 9) before measured at this temperature. The highest 32 °C for 7 days (n = 6) before measured at this temperature. The highest temperature
temperature caused a significant rise in MO2 and [O2]crit in all three acclimation caused a significant rise in MO2 and [O2]crit in all three acclimation groups ([O2]crit was
groups, while there were no significant differences between the acclimation groups. For also significantly increased at 31 °C), while there were no significant differences
clarity, the 32 °C groups have been spread out along the x-axis. Values are means ± S.D. between the acclimation groups. For clarity, the 32 °C groups have been spread out
* = P b 0.05; ** = P b 0.01; *** = P b 0.001. along the x-axis. Values are means ± S.D. * = P b 0.05; ** = P b 0.01.

6.1 (calculated for the span 29–32 °C for fish measured at their accli- cardinalfish, from 28.2% to 48.3% of air saturation, but only by 23%, from
mation temperatures). 25.6% to 31.5% of air saturation, in the damselfish. This is further evidence
Since it is likely that much of the temperature induced rise in [O2]crit is that responses to global warming will vary among species and that
related to the increased MO2 seen at higher temperatures, the correlation cardinalfishes may be one of the most thermally sensitive groups of coral
between these variables was examined. For both species the correlation reef fishes.
was highly significant, with r2 =0.285 for P. moluccensis (Pb 0.0005; As expected, there was a significant correlation between the increase
Fig. 3) and r2 =0.359 for O. doederleini (Pb 0.001; Fig. 4). in MO2 and [O2]crit for both species of fish. A straightforward expla-
nation for this is that a higher minimum level of oxygen will be needed
4. Discussion to sustain a higher rate of oxygen consumption, and this type of rela-
tionship has been observed previously (Fry and Hart, 1948; Schurmann
Our results indicate that the two coral reef fish species studied lack the and Steffensen, 1997; Sollid et al., 2005). Thus, the high [O2]crit at 32 °C
ability to acclimate their metabolic rate (measured as oxygen consump- is most likely an effect of the temperature induced elevation of MO2.
tion) and hypoxia tolerance to an increase in ambient temperature, at Having a high [O2]crit could be problematic for many reef fish species.
least as adults. P. moluccensis and O. doederleini represent two major Coral reef fish in general have been found to have a strikingly low [O2]
families of coral reef fish, damselfishes (Pomacentridae) and cardinal crit (at present day ocean temperature) (Nilsson and Östlund-Nilsson,
fishes (Apogonidae), respectively. The inability of the apogonid to tolerate 2004), and this widespread hypoxia tolerance is probably needed to
more than a week at 32 °C corroborates previous findings that cardinal allow them to seek nocturnal shelter from predators in the coral
fishes are particularly sensitive to a rise in ambient temperature (Nilsson matrix — a habitat that can become severely hypoxic at night (Nilsson et
et al., 2009). Furthermore, in this study, increased water temperature had al., 2007). Thus, a future loss of hypoxia tolerance could force coral reef
a larger effect on hypoxia tolerance in the cardinalfish than it did in the fishes out of their nocturnal shelters and thereby expose them to an
damselfish. An increase of 3 °C caused [O2]crit to increase by 71% in the increased risk of predation, with potentially negative consequences at
392 G.E. Nilsson et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 156 (2010) 389–393

developmental plasticity. Exposure to elevated temperatures early in

life may condition enzymatic systems to operate more efficiently at
elevated temperature. Future studies could rear coral reef fishes from
birth at control and elevated temperatures to investigate if there is any
capacity for thermal developmental plasticity in these species and if this
can confer some degree of adaptive thermal acclimation.
We kept fish at 32 °C for 7 to 22 days, which should be sufficient time
for temperature acclimation to become apparent. In fishes that are able
to acclimate to an increase in water temperature, the process usually
takes 1 week or less (while cold-acclimation takes longer) and in the
case of a tropical freshwater fish where temperature acclimation has
been observed, it is completed in just 1–2 days (Barrionuevo and
Fernandes, 1998, for review). Our data is also in line with the only
previous examination of metabolic temperature acclimation in a coral
reef fish, the bamboo shark. Like the coral reef teleosts we studied, this
elasmobranch was found to lack the ability to acclimate to a rise in water
temperature over a period of days to weeks (Tullis and Baillie, 2005).
Indeed, our data is in line with several previous studies revealing a lack
of capacity for temperature acclimation in stenothermal vertebrates,
including tropical amphibians and reptiles, and Antarctic fishes (Somero
and DeVries, 1967; Johnston and Bennett, 1996; Wilson et al., 2001,
2002; Tewksbury et al., 2008).
Fig. 3. Correlation between MO2 and [O2]crit in P. moluccensis. The material includes all To conclude, our study of two species of coral reef fish revealed that a
fishes tested at 29, 31 and 32 °C, and all three acclimation groups. 3 °C rise in water temperature induces an increase in oxygen needs and
a loss of hypoxia tolerance, changes that were not reduced by accli-
mation to the higher temperature for 7 to 22 days. The rise in oxygen
the population and species level. Reduced hypoxia tolerance at elevated needs are likely to reduce the aerobic scope of the fishes, thereby
temperatures could therefore be a contributing factor to the range of reducing the amount of energy that can be allocated to feeding, growth
geographic locations that populations of thermally sensitive species can and reproduction, while the loss of hypoxia tolerance may force the
persist in a warmer climate. fishes out of their nocturnal shelters in the coral matrix, exposing them
Our results suggest that adult coral reef fishes have no significant to predation. The consequences of these changes for population and
capacity to acclimate to elevated water temperatures as adults. This is species survival could be severe. Long-term rearing experiments are
perhaps not surprising as they live in a relatively stenothermal environ- now needed to test if phenotypic plasticity during development, or
ment. Thermal acclimation demands a suite of enzymes with different natural selection favoring warm water tolerant genotypes, could com-
thermal optima, and enzymatic systems that are capable of optimizing pensate for the short-term physiological effects of global warming on
the lipid composition of cellular and subcellular membranes (Battersby coral reef fishes.
and Moyes, 1998; Watabe, 2002; Gracey et al., 2004). If the ancestors of
coral reef fishes had such systems, these may have been lost after many Acknowledgements
generations at the relatively constant temperature of tropical coral reefs.
Although we found no evidence of thermal acclimation in adult fishes, it We thank the LIRS staff for enthusiastic help and great hospitality. This
is possible that some acclimation could occur through the process of study was supported by funding from the University of Oslo to G. E. N. and
from the Australian Research Council to P. L. M. The experiments followed
ethical guidelines from James Cook University.

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