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1. I have got a tortoise.

   is my tortoise. I keep   in a cage.

2. Nick is in the garden. Can you see  ? He is playing with   dog.

3. I've forgotten my pen at home. Can I borrow one of  , please?

4. We are German. But   English teacher can also talk to   in English.

5. Jenny and Sally are in the house.   are listening to music with   

6. You have got a new bike. Is this   bike? Do you drive   to school?

7. Who is that girl over there? Do you know  ?

8. The Scotts have got a house. This is   house. We can play in   

9. What did your brother say? Have you already talked to  ?

10. He is a famous actor. You can watch   new show on TV.

11. Is this Tina's cat? Yes, it is   cat.   often plays with her cat.

12. I collect old coins. This is   favourite one.

13. The kids like   new teachers because   are funny.

14. Where are my glasses? Have you seen  ?

15. Is this your pencil case? Yes, it is  .

16. This is an interesting play. You should read  .

17. Debbie is eleven.   is English. We can talk to   in English.

18. We need a new laptop because   doesn't work anymore.

19. My brothers play in a band. You can watch   playing at the festival.

20. What's the weather like in Rome?   is sunny and hot.

1. Hello Henry, Kate, Peter. Help ---- to some food and I'll be with you in a

A) you
B) yours
C) yourself
D) yourselves
2. A student of ---- has just been to see me.

A) your
B) yours
C) yourself
D) you

3. Her parents were in Malaya. So were ----.

A) mine
B) your
C) my
D) myself

4. The cat caught ---- tail in the door.

A) it's
B) itself
C) its
D) it

5. When Sally won the lottery, she pinched ---- to make sure she wasn't

A) hers
B) herself
C) her
D) himself

6. ---- in the village went to the party but ---- enjoyed it very much.

A) Someone / no one
B) Nobody / no one
C) Everyone / nobody
D) Everyone / somebody

7. William Shakespeare is ---- who I have always admired.

A) someone
B) no one
C) everyone
D) anyone

8. You mustn't blame ----. You are the guilty one.

A) yourself
B) me
C) myself
D) you

9. Almost no friend of ---- came to the funeral.

A) her
B) myself
C) theirs
D) them

10. It's partly finished. There is ---- left.

A) nothing
B) everything
C) anything
D) something

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