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ea Neyer ee ae tee a aoe ROU oC Ean Ud the King went on, “I shall never, never forget!” “You will, though,” the Queen said, “ifyou don't make 2 memorandum of it” a And so here it is, the beginnings of what is to be a fan-written resource for the World of Darkness which began as a thread written by forumite Marikie in the official White Wolf Gaming Studios web vignettes and horrifying scenarios were contributed by various forumites, Allow me, however, to warn you. Some were inspired by reablife experiences, Others were based on existing movie or boolc ideas. While the concepts within this ebook may vary in their effectiveness in spocking out the reader, or may prove to be far more difficult than expected to fit into one's existing game chronicle, all share one thing in common: they can definitely shape a cl one can use to enhance any game if given ack ‘They may also cause tension, worry, and difficulty getting sleep at night. Or facing the next moraing. So without further delay, let the goosebumps rise and the pulse accelerate, Enjoy the horror and fear tocome from these Chiling images, Feel free to post more Chilling Images in the forum with the same name, which you can find online at, Compiled and ediited by Tobie Abad btp://garapata bip:// CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS VOLUME INCLUDE: Matikir (the forumite who started the thread), Sorren, DrNemesis, Kaloyan, Griezel, GregStolze, Zergplex, Medon, Etherial, Drakeap, Tato, ‘The Tac. MonkEd, Forumchilde, HaichetNinje, ‘TavishArtair, Revamp, Old_Nick, Fenris_Lorsrai, four_said, Anopheles, Smarugadus, Jazzowl, Sahajiya, {k421, Mojo, Moltenplastic. ‘This ebook and its contents are intended for use White Wolf Gaming Studio's World of Darkness line. ‘The ideas and concepts within, however, may be adapied for use with other game lines by creative Storytellers and Game Masters. Note: : What you have in your hands is currently the first volume of Chilling Images. T am not sure if I should have numerous volumes with 100 Chilling have more and more Chilling Images inside. Td appreciate your feedback and thoughts on ‘the matter. ‘To be updated on future releases, either visit http://garapata., or send me an_ e-mail at care a Hae the mortician in the dea oe esa neg praying. fe shivers when the scraping 1 pass by his door. He never looks for the ee that disappear. VAL a. A woman, allin white, with black hair, is staring directly at you. ‘You see that the crowd pushes around her, but her eyes never j leave you. A pool of blood collects around one foot. When you run A gd 6 toward her, she vanishes as a truck passes in between you two. YU, WA, Eve: anna notic G 35 Cee eee aa a Children chant a new rhyme as they play jump rope. "One for blood, two for stone. ‘You never know, when you'll be bone. Three for fire, four for death. ‘You never know, you'll loose your breath. Five for sin, Six to kill. ‘You never know, what's under the hill." You can hear a heartbeat. Bat, whose, you don't know. Itgrows faster over time. ‘What happens when it stops? LD, ¥] wn, ahi arene a place where a murder had taken place, you finda cae the tape reveals it to be a typical mix tape made by the victim's lover. ees Tarweatne atthe songs, a strange sound is heard, Repeated playing reveals that the sound changes each time itis played. Playing the sound backwards reveals it to be a chilling voice that says: "Four. Peyine i again results in “Three... Again: “Two... avec UF il a About to go on a night out, you knock on your housemate’s door, yon By oir Y ‘keys in their table earlier. You call them, but get no answer. The lights off andyouthink | you hear them breathing. Deciding he's probably asleep, you leave the light off and reach into the room and the desicto take your keys. (On returning home there's alot of missed calls on the answering machine. They are from your friend's mom, who sounds concerned as they were supposed to have met earlier that hight: Justo be safe you wal up tothe room, push the door open and flckon the Hight ¢ confronted by the mirror against the far wall, in which you see your housemate’s mulled body amidst sheets soaked crimson, sll wet and pisiening where the blood has pooled... ‘Yet even with this you can't help but stare agape in horror at the writing on the mirror, in ‘your friend's own blood: BET YOU'RE GLAD YOU DIDN'T TURN THE LIGHT ON. ¥ PKs & » : You see blood fall onto the carpet. You look up. There is nothing on the ceiling. Examining the drops, you notice that they are stil alin. But they ae ling rom & sptabout chest high in the middle of the room... from thin. Upon waking, you look out your window, You notice that it seems that the tree in your yard is writhing... until it bursts into thousands of birds: ravens, crows, magpies. ‘They have stripped the tree. 7 to get bigger day by day Ikis nowdead. bigger than should be PA Bk While wandering through the forest, one of the members ofthe group you are with spots a small bag dangling from a tree branch. Inside the bag are several human fingernails and teeth. ny Wate a ee ‘You go to.a bar to meet someone, you take the person home for a one-night stand. You have a great night and fall asleep next to the person. When you wake up the next morning, you find yourself alone in bed; your lover's internal organs are stacked neatly at the foot of the bec bed. As you jump up in shock, you see that om the pillow is written in blood the word "FORNICATE" across the pillows... As you turn to run out, the full length mirror on the door shows you that there!s a red 'R' on your chest. —_ - ee "You're experiencing little deja vu. And they are from dreams you dream the night before. And they get longer, and clearer. Doe night, the only thing you dream is about running through sewers for your life. A stray black cat guards your bere bate enone Serena something big every aight ight after midnight. : Sonera cm And each day it becomes weaker. a sa gpa bray Soon it will die... i ar Ce aes ee Td earns av) You suffer from an itch on your back, a really feisty one. But you can't scratch now, not now, Later that day the itch i til theré you finally allow yourself to scratch. Your touching a moist soft spot. Before you know it, you're scratching your bones. Alone at night while watching a i f ate oii eee <= i /htly, does something you don't do. fe when you take a sip, it doesa'. / ell Your reflexion in the mirror in ‘} t ‘ .~ 54 the morning, while you brush your , i, 7 {Os does things slightly different. You = brush up, it brushes down. You're at work alone, smorking: start up. You walk out to take a loa! taken from increasingly bizzare angles. Jn fact, the machine has been out of toner for ‘You start to leave work, alone again. As you walk out to your car, you hear a cat meow. Or was it a baby cry? Either way, it's gane now, As you continue toward your car. You hear it again. And then again. The source appears to be coming from the dumpster near your car. By this time the sound is constant and in fact, has been joined by dozens more. Opening the dumpster lid and peering in you are confronted by the horrific image of dozens of dead babies in various states of decay writhing atop one another. When you slam the dumpster closed, the sound of the crying babies abruptly ends. [f you Jools in again, the dumpster is normal, ide a hidden lab a scientist cuts a mans throat and iets the blood spill unto the ae skeleton laid out before him. He smiles as he lets the corpse join the numerious crumpled skeletons laying across the floor, Flesh begins to fall of the body and it convulses as the sclentist eaves the room. AAs he opens the door he to himself absent-mindedly, "The Boneyard is always so cold this time of night, I should bring a coat tommorow. late, when you suddenly hear the copy machine at what's going on and see several copies filling the tray. Picking up one of the pieces of paper you discover that it is a copy of a picture depicting you siting in your office chair, with your eyes torn out and your throatcut. the others are the same picture, but ‘There is no original picture in the copy machine. aweek. Overheard in line at the DMV... Deeg eee eee) Cae rea ar recs es Pirro netstat ta "Funay you should mention, because I recall Pee eee ae eet the same circular feature — he called it the eC ie ag i Cpe me reece Eetpereat ie purer eer eat rapist who had to be shot eight times ies etre eran You waken drowsily in bed... youcan't move... something is here... again... ike it has been every night for weeks now.... your heart beating in your ears you strugele to move... barely a fraction... groaning "Puck off under your breath.. yet still it draws closer, invisible, yet palpable... you finally relent... if it wants something this bad... maybe its just fear., maybe its trying to tell you something... Suddenly it is around you, choking as you fee! anothers mind push into the back of your neck... suddenly you hear it, though not in your ears.. in your mind... like you tuned in..a scream has no end or beginning... maddening and relentless, then as suddenly as it begins you push the presence out.. its gone... In the moments following as you feel yourself able to ~ move once more, you try to shake the feeling that scream Was your OW... wiiiby . Roleplaying games becomes not only acceptable to polite it becomés trendy. Everyone is doing it. Paris Hilton's favorite clan is Gangrel, "Becau they like dogs, teehee" -epy huh? Tt took years for you to find it, but you managed not only to discaver the location of a ‘sleeping elder - buf you managed to keep it secret from the Tremere Power Structure. The ekler eee eet creer epee tenner cee sea eee etree) you manage to finagle an appointment as head of the chantry there (a small demotion, but the lightened workload would serve you well), you managed to convince the previous guy that you were doing Poe eerecec De Me Re AR me te oe Pe Meo Me ett eRe ot nial in esata er ese Peete eet kes etn ce erica pet shererit nce re Heke bt Sakata tos reece Represent eee stent ‘em. Fase eat the many pieces you needed to construct De eee cee eet a Ren te et cn me an crew discovered a slight snag. The body had been moved in the centuries it lay here, and it seems some well-meaning members of the populace guided construction of the city to hide the Sleeping Menace both Parente steed “The old rail tracks of the city had been designed to contain a spell to entrap the Elder and several possible resting sites had been built into the city. Over the summer, various projects to work on the roads were proposed and passed, and they all happened to remove the old tracks. ‘As the excess rails were removed, the specific shape of the spell pattern became more clear and the final resting place - until now - could be determined. You gathered your forces and ensured that all participants knew their part-and that the apparatus would work. Just to make sure, you even tested iton one ofthe more Eos ene Ce ee eee eee a eee ree ae Ce ee eee ee ee AR SS oS ao Doren Ue ten ee isto e es eee teo ‘The body was removed and strapped down, ritual scarification af runes of power began, and sigils of cosmic import were branded on its chakra. The temples were bathed in neonate blood and Jacob's Ladders eg era Cem en mean gene renege tec at staked and pedir (is and an unholy white light shot out of its forehead - You looked to check that all ‘was well and a Third Eye opened in its forehead and searched frantically about- finally focusing its attention Cr See a eee een ee ee es ma aa ‘The ritual began now in ful force asa dark red fluid -blood so potent f was almost black -drained from the Ceres eRe UG COE After only three hours since the ritual began at midnight, the creabure's body bust into unholy flame as the last ofits soul dripped out. All that remained was to toast to your victory. ————— , fou are eating an orange. ey After putting a section in your mouth you bite down on what feels like a seed, butitis peculiarly, hard. Upon examination, it appears to be a small black gem stone. ‘You return to work the same day and as soon as you get in, the dispatch tells you there's been. a homocide in one of the cities roughest districts. You find the victim, who appears to have asphixiated on many black gems, Lo ‘The next day you are eating an orange, and instead of the normal center 1 is asmall piece of rope. aim . Driving home at night, you notice that all the lights in your % apartment are on. As you park the car, they all turn off at the'same time. The house is empty and the doors are locked from the inside, While you're calling home to check your answering machine, someone icks up the other end. The voice sounds familiar and answers the phone with your name. a short and angry conversation in which the person insists he is in fact the rightful tenant, you speed home in an attempt to catch the guy. When you get there, no one is there, but your phone starts ringing. You answer it with your name... ites enesa cae whe brie! Pata olied Ome You've just had breakfast, but you take another sandwich on the way. Before you enter work you just gotta have another snack. And justin case, you buy some more. But no matter how much you eat, you can't slake your hunger, in fact you become ‘more and more hungry with each bite. DOP UR Gaerne is oe Sore omnes Sr m TEL SMO ML nTSmT tolm eT ae me Seed Tree Oreo arco SR NE a Pee Together with your friends you have a nie at home. You talk about anything, but the subject grows sexy. You don't have a crush on any friends, neither those of the opposite nor of ‘ 3 3 the same sex. But that slowly seems to change, The ood ets ache hy te mie ad then + weirder. In fact it turns towards the bloody and agressive, the aecrophillic, the pedophilic. And none of ‘you can stop. It's like the conversation has a life ofits own. Ta ee SPO a lle ew - iene iain An old fashioned circus is in town. You've never been to ‘one, so you finally waat to see what the legend is all about. The show is after sunset and very mysterious. Lots of mists, magic, creepy clowns, fair white maidens sawn into pieces (is that blood “\_ nthe saw’). When you eaveit seems thatthe sun inst about to rise. The days thereafter bits of memories start to trickle in, images of other things which happend that night in the circus. \ Things with clowns and fangs. Sit in your ap artment, you ‘ " ae)! Ste ares poeta escape. It's raining es Sade ‘but something doesn't look quiet ‘You have been unable to visit right. your grandmo’ 8 grave i win cheth lor some time now. Every time In one certain spot, just outside your you do you can hear her pleading incre, isocicers seasicuns Sie bier From beneath the ground, begging to in mid air. Suddenly the rainfall distorts in pe et oud: She aye shes GARY breath such a way as to reveal an invisible find thet shes scared, presence. Heavy footfalls are heard as Someone hurridly climbs the fire escape. y ‘The rain now falls normally. . Something had been sitting there watching you through the window. It was invisible, but the rain had given. its presence away. No one else can hear it a ™ You're in your house, alone, ? in bed, eae ee ‘When you get the ‘you're not alone... teen god ing, it makes your pulse pound, your fingers tighten ch the »—aroudn the covers... its almost as if you ‘can sense it, havering above you, looking at you. Just when you're sbout vorite cologne of _ toturn and look up, you feel a sudden Rees Tha gust of wind blow through the window ‘and down under the covers, chilling you to the bone. Then its gone... you sit up, terrified, ane! goto else the window. 4, Thwasn't even open, Wretrrniy preme a CP You go out to watch a local band Fea in a dive bar on the far side of town. You f have trouble finding the location, but you find it, and it feels oddly familiar and alien at the same time. 7 ‘You enjoy watching a fairly generic rock band perform while knocking backa couple colds ones with your > buddies. All of a sudden you think you hear a scream, and a shatter of glass, followed by many long wailing noises, which eventually stop. Alarmed you look around, but your iriends have heard nothing. All of a sudden a woman very near you screams and points to the windows. Dark figures throw flaming bricks into the bar through the windows. You manage to get out, but half of the people get trapped inside nd are burned alive. You can hear them screaming for a long time before they all stop. Alone at work late one night, you are putting in a cd to install a_ program on your computer. ‘The od is blank and unlabelled though you Femember it beidg labeled like any other mass produced cd. You put itinto the drive and find it to have no data on it either, Instead of the normal cd spinning sound, it almost sounded like sereaming. t's obviously the wrong cd and you find the real one soon, and continue your work. ) Alone again on another night you need to back-up your hard drive on a blank cd, s0 ) 4 you put one in. You hear the vaguely familiar screaming noise, but this time your computer screen goes blank for a few seconds, before the entire floor goes dark f Now the screaming you hear is not coming from a computer drive, it's coming down the hall towards you. You check your watch. The big hand is on the 4, the little hand is on the 1. You'll be late for work. ‘At work, you find an email in your inbox. The sender is yourself, Puzzled, you open the e-mail you apparenily sent to yourself. Inside is the message "the out for watch watch," ‘You look at your watch. The little hand is on the 4, the big hand is on the 1. You look back at the screen. ‘The fourth and first words have swapped places. "watch out for the watch." You look at your watch again. ‘Your watch is sien Se ee ee ee aed ay Your Beast is screaming for release, but your body will not give itaction. And for the ee ee ee ee eh eS ee eae to awaken. And for the first falls, ee eB A ed Le re Ra so rele ere EAL La whelp of a childe. IT curdles your blood in your heart. IT *glories* in IT's victory. You scream! You SCREAM for mercy! You scream for a second chancel You scream for ANY chancel You FRAY to wake up but you know you are awake. You PRAY to a God you have Petar HE does not answer. HE turns his back on you, leaving you to deal with your own *Beast* on your own. As IT slowly kills you, you SCREAM in horror, in abject FEAR... Then IT *TAKES* you, and you fall into the pit, helpless, defenseless, your immortal years falling et a mee Se Cae a se cae Rr gc ene i eee a Tee ‘You visit a Biel shop and buy a puzzle, Most of the pieces look weather ¥ worn and faded. When you start to assemble it, the picture it forms grows: 4 increasingly familiar. You realize itis the room you are sitting in right now, but in the j : window, there is an jahuman thing. 3 ‘The shade is drawn in the room, And as you raise it. * Soe “% , .* ‘The bile rises in your throat, and you rush to the bathroom, Bending over the toilet, your slomach rejects pure sewage through your mouth... vale Wi You're holding your lover, and as you begia to kiss, you know. Someone's watching you. Every time... ‘You have a walk through the old part of town on a late autumn afternoon. , You come here more often and mow the place pretty well. But on your way you spot a road § you haven't seen before where some sort of fantasy fair is held. Everyone's dressed up as knights and citypeople of the old. And they are really into character here, they all stare at)! you, It's all a bit too weird and you leave the street again quickly. Py ‘The next day you pass the place once more, but the street is gone. 8y * Ban 3 Pecks e RS ool ue sag and fall into a deep sleep. When you wake up, your body is stiff, your mind is still hazy and you stagger downstairs for a cup ofcoffee. Every single joint is as stiff as wood peer eens ete ent Sec ap tec oats pe Ta Ong PO ee bere a rae sae ay Coe ee ented Sy You hear the growl. You see the eyes. 4 Pe eet eee dy there. Just someone's leather jacket. we f 4 OR ere ee experience yourhead. 4 rote gera are tay ip like hell. So much you even o wake up. nd Nee tS a peed oe car a ot ae 7 Pines Sereneet rac a . MY eh UTI ate” Each month on the Sth you hear footsteps in the room above you. gas] Ifyou are on the top floor it sounds as if there is someone on the roof, Ifyou are on = the roof then it sounds as if someone is poking the floor below you with a broom, Each time there is no one on the floor the noises come from. * One day for no apparent reason you get a small sum of money added to your bank account.” | 5 i ‘There is no apparent reason for this mystery sum finding it's way in. The bank tell you that the donor Eeerennts Tas asked to remain anonymous. Pr Cotesia er eae too Lng eee : 5 Frnt et gests tated ny ‘The next day you accidently spill coffee over one of ae eee ert ear your co-workers and badly scold them. You check again at the banc about a week later and find that a ‘much larger sum has been added. This time around laughter of a little girl. You realise two Pi at ee tke sort yell over 1 million. Again the donor is anonymous. Freche spe Sine paren Sensing a pattern, the next day you knock over ae ager Cnet bicyclist on the way to work... during a transatlantic plane journey. ; Everytime you kiss someone the aroma of fresh blood wafts ¥ its way into your nose until you break contact. . cS You are si ing in the entryway to a building of = f F-. some sort, An accauntance walks > through and has a brief conversation | vwith you then walks out, 5 ‘ F ‘Then the same person walks through CCTY catteras start 4 and begins the same conversation f vith you again. When questioned to Hppesrane, yi our Prise ay why they are walking through again they look at you bemused. Then the same lime next week jt happens again, Rae ern eau ced A onecyed stranger keeps bumping into you # on he street once a day. Ifpressed she askes why you sre stalking ht ag Your _ hair — starts changing to unusual colours. When you try and dye it back your hair starts falling out in clumps. bis house to help him. He then ar ehin is As you park the car close to his house, he ealls es ein a eat oe toe Ca SMa CoCr cence) roe et anne ecg oem cee Una eee ke a ee j Mail with, no return address and addressed to pa her people: wig you have never heard of arrive each day in your post. You open this mail and find that someone is writing to someone else but despite the fact you never write backand keep all the letters, they seem to be getting replies. You are getting gas. It's windy, The tin sign for gas swings back in forth in the breeze, creakcreak, creak-creak, just like in every horror ‘movie that ever included a deserted town ‘You look across the street, and through the bottom windows of the Masonic Temple can see they're apparently busy with some ritual. At 1AM, Creak-creak goes the siga. Chantchant go the Masons. Don't buy gas at 1AM. Oe wea oll ‘You stop to get gas. The card reader on the pump doesn't want to read your card, has a little message that says "see attendent." You go inside, see attendent. He says you just need to swipe it real slow, You come back outside. There is now this persistent high speed, high pitched *bipbipbipbip" noise, vaguely reminiscent of the noise Pacman makes. No idea what's making it, but it sounds vaguely as if it's coming from the direction of the traffic light. ‘Tey swiping card again. No go. Try the other card. No go. ‘Meanwhile, the sound of chanting starts. This is sufficiently loud that you can hear it outside, about 40 feet away from the building. The attendent is inside chanting, in a foreign language. Your business is in an old building, a converted Victorian house that has been broken up into smaller apartments. While remodelling, you find a door. You've know it was there for awhile, you coul see the doorframe, but since you're remodelling, it would be nice to open the door and get some more space. You ‘ discover that the doorknob has been removed, the door locked, and panelled over on one side. You need to cut a hole in the wall to even attempt to open it. When you do, you find the door has been nailed into place. Cian ae ea enc! RAO ue cre ae cae Tue ‘There is a house in the center part Three years of hard of my small town, Allaround it are nice, ae Victorian houses. All arousd them are Eee ce eet cy popular businesses, bustling with tourists. 4 oer This house is abandoned and falling apart. t Se eae F All the shutters are open and broken. All the Stee a Led windows are dusty. All the trees and bushes cs in the yard are overgrown, and make the ! entire yard darker than the rest of the world. Seed The curtains in the downstairs windows are aR hd ever so slightly open. aes aad ‘The place just doesn’ feel right. pra Se RMI in aan ea Pr a eRe ae ee ee a Middle of the night. A furious rainstorm. Thunder, swaying of trees. ‘You can hear rain falling on the roof over your head and splashing on the windows. But when you look outside, the sity is clear moe Pon a Wi Sitting in your chair, watching TV or something. ‘You getthe occassionaly feeling of being watched, even though no one is there. Eventually you get the impression of ) something breathing lightly against the back of your neck. 7 ; § fe Chena rk Mitta Ree Umea eg the timbers and between panels, but you een Soca ae ere TT SOC orem ccm You call a friend on the phone, He answers and you say "Hey, it's mel” You give your name, He goes silent for a few 4 seconds before angrily : replying, "Who IS this? My friend hs been dead for 2 years!" i Your , tire goes flat While changing it, you see that the old tire ¢ “i was punctured by bones, Human finger bones. Doren non Parreniren ects? "Oh, I didn't mean that. I meant the species, the race .. . not you as an individual." Deen kin Trust me, i am a fiend ‘The room you are in has a large picture on the wall of the local skyline lit up at night. As you turn to leave the room, out of the comer af your eye, you see a window in one of the buildings go dark. sin Shere aM Ahiker finds the skeletal remains of a body, ‘The skeleton is intact except for a shattered skull. Forensic examination of the remains shows that the deadly blow ‘came from inside the skull Si You are eating unshelled peanuts. Cracking open one of the shells reveals the fingerbones of children instead of peanuts, of Your roommate puts up a Vallejo-style poster: It shows a muscular and . well endowed woman, chained to a rock as an apparent sacrifice, looking up in terror as the shadow of some beast falls over her. On the third night after the poster is hung, a scream rings out with no apparent source. The next morning, the poster shows only broken chains and a bloodstained rock. On the floor beneath the poster isa single bloody footprint af something with three toes and long claws. You come into possession of an old box. Inside are several glass vials filled with dirt, dust and tiny bits of gravel or cement. The vials are labeled with places and dates such as "Port Chicago 7/17/1944", "Halifax 7/6/17" and "Guernica 7/17/36". AA trip to the library confirms that all are dates of massive loss of life in explosions. A few days later a package arrives with no return address, Inside is an empty vial labeled with your home town and next week's date, ‘You wake after a wild night of partying to find that whil some reason you had a crude smiley face tattooed om your foot. to never drink that much again, ‘The next time you wake, however, you discover the face is now on your ankle, and it's not pS Om The day after that, i's on your lower leg, and it's starting to look more like a drawing of a real face. Asit continues to move up and become more realistic looking, you wonder what happens when it reaches your own face. ie aS ee You stumble across a, small cavern and decide to explore. Inside are crude shelves bearing glass jars, Each contains the severed and mummified head of a small child, and is sealed with wax bearing ritualistic loolany no 4 Saree ane eae Seg ie Sere ¥ Cards attached to each the jars Bates ames , give adate of September Sand "S| - ‘year, with afificen year gap between jars. Although the oldest of the jars is dated over a hundred years ago, all seem. to be written in the same handwriting. ‘The next September 9 in the ‘ sequence is justa few days away. down the street as the crowd silently bow their heads, When you go outside to see what's going on, the sidewalks are empty and there aré no cars in the street. Cerna junk out of your attic, you look out the window and notice a large crowd has gathered on both sides of the street. A parade of black cars moves slowly ‘ You are spending the night in a motel after a long day of driving, Py Looking atthe tacky wood paneling, itscems that the knot in the wood. . Jokes a little like a face. Now that you think about t,t looks alot like a face. A face distorted in a scream. The longer you look, the more distinctly you can see it. And there are dozens upon dozens. of knots in the paneling, each one a face twisted by agony and torment. WITT In the middle of a terrible thunderstorm, a small dark shape is visible from your window. Despite the pouring rain afd the late hour, a crow or raven is perched just within view. It could easily be some sort of statue, except for the occasional twitch of the head as it watches you with one eye, then the other, Closer ‘observation with binoculars or the like reveals maggots dripping off its wings instead of rain. Ruaning outside to investigate reveals no sign ofits presence - not even remnants ofits grisly sheddings... Perce eee ened Cece eo Re eau soe a eRe then you find Co) Beate eee en ener ceo s tg sion. You jerk to attention whea you Sram eerie cement sts eeu e rere) Pe eter eect Cements rr) adoctor about it. He puts you on medication for it. It seems to work for a few days, until you notice Cr) the speck returning. You return to the RecN ena a Stari gene ta aves you (Copntioy pr bnecceet nyc raetecas? doesn't help. Now the speck is ia the Reem Reta ee ems little red speck, it doesn't move no Deen the speck. Eventually the speck gets big enough to make out its shape. It's your own face, completely red, itscems like nay it's looking tight at you, mouth frozen ices tei ae acd Siete a cacy always stuck in the center. Soon it fills your vision, and all you can see is (nothing) On a certain street in the bad part of town, there a Streetlight that malfunctions. Late at aight the light is stuck on yellow, and all of the gang bangers and drug dealers get quiet. No one looks up, everyone stands still and stares at the ground while the lightis yellow, An old women, grisled and ancient, slowly pushes an empty shopping cart across the other side of the i. street. There isa large burlap sackacross her back and something struggles inside the sack. Itis the old woman everyone knows not to look at. As soon she is out of sight, the streetlight starts working again, and the tough men of the street tacitly agree that nothing happened. Why do you keep on blacking out? Why are there plasters across your fiagers that keep on gelting burat every time you black out? Why does it happen gguin every time your fingers haye healed? Why do houses in your neighborhood keep burning down? There is an abandoned building you see on the way to work. It has been derelict for about three years, One day a light is turned on in one room. The next day itis gone. JETT ae He bought the stained glaes mirror from the old shop in the down town alley, the one most people walked by without giving a second glance. The store smelled funny and had a definite chillin the air but he felt drawn when he saw the beauty of the mirror; he felt like it called to him. He hhung it on the closet door in the upper hallway of his house, As he passed by that night his hallway felt cooler than it should have for the summer night, and he saw the beaten girl in the reflection, though his hall was empty. The reflected gitl stared at him coldly, silently calling for him to follow. Wry ag 7 While, she was a sceptic herself sometimes things Become too real to 4 : ‘Such was the case when she heard voices | carried faintly on the wind, - Voices which cried out “You're going the wrong way... Don't come back, don't go back to them...” whenever she walked towards home, Why she moved that far into the midelle of nowhere always battled him, but, this beings the first time he had gone out to see her, perhaps he would discover what she found so appealing. He had been driving his pick-up for nearly 2 hours now this night, down a Jong straight road which was wooded on both sides, when he passed the gas station and stopped for gas. He got his fill never mincing the hunched old employee who grinned at him the whole time he was there. He went back on the road resumed his drive. An hour and a half later he had seen nothing but a straight wooded road as faras the eye could see, and he came again upon. a gas station. To ensure he wasn't lost he pulled into the station to be greeted by the same hunched, old, and grinning man, who ensured him he was headed right on his way. ‘ee Together with your friends you find due yoodoy tall on the Hes rumrloct and buy itiora laugh. Just for the sake of it, you attach your mother's hair to it and pinch the thing with a long needle in the forehead. And yes, your mother gets a splitting head ache. So you regret what you've done and want to remove the needle, But the puppet is gone. Your mother dies two days later, f You get bitten by some tiny brown spider. Hurts like hi but the swelling passes soon and you have a little rash, that's al. But the rash won't go away. Its growing. And one moraing you wake from what you think sweaty bed. But when you look, you see that it is all blood. Your blood. The rash has broken open, it has eaten away you sidn and you are bleeding out of various places, Nee aod F Damion Tee ae re aa Peseta eer oe ee Og ee eee ALEy Dee eR ORC ‘you try it once again. This book is great. pone CC Lc arc Perens r ‘You are casually scribbling ona pad of paper when suddenly you gasp at ‘what your subconscious mind has weitten: LEAVE MY BODY NOW!!! ere always told you how lucky you were to have survived that terrible crash two years ago... bout lately, oh so frequently, you begin to doubt having been so lucky after all. 36 You bang and bang against the wall. You scream to be let out. You know they can hear: Youtve heard the new baby crying. The new family arrive... Just like the old family and the one before that... You've heard them making love... You've heard them laugh at the dinner table... They must have heard you banging and screaming... Yelling and pleaing for help... The MUST have heard you. Why don't they free youl?! wa TE Working at night, you hear a vacuum cleaner down the hallway from you. You don't think about itand continue. Eventually, when you finish, you move {o the elevator. You push the down button. You hear footsteps behind you. The door opens. You step in as the person steps in with you. You push the ground floor. The person pushes a floor below you, but not the ground. You notice that the person's hands are callused and slightly gnarled. Soon enough, the elevator stops, ‘You glance at the floor number as the doors open and the pérson slips out, You blink to make sure you're seeing the number right. 13. "See you soon," the person says, using your same, as the door closes. ‘You look at the panel of floor buttons. 10,14, 12, 14, 16... 13 isn't listed. ‘You can't stop shivering. Se Saree Emenee Carn aise een sa a yesterday. The ink only turns red when you s ‘The ink turns (dries?) black after a moments, You are shaving, when you nick yourself. ‘As you look in the mirror, you realize that the mirvor image is moving one-half second behind you. Volume one compiled on 99/11/97

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