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Priscila Fojan

TE804 – Spring 2011

Post Assessment Analysis

Name: Priscila Fojan Unit: Circulatory System

School: Webster Elementary Grade Level: 5th

Part I: Analysis of Student Responses:

Individual Student Response Chart: Task 1
Student: CF (low achieving student)
Learning Goal: Student will be able to demonstrate
using arrows or words (on a diagram) the direction of
blood flow throughout and in/out of the heart.
Student work is on the next page.
Assessment task description and rationale: The
students will be given a diagram of the heart in which
they will have to show the direction of blood flow using
arrows. Lines are provided to guide the students in the
right direction. The left/right atria/ventricles and aorta
are labeled on the diagram. For the portions of the
diagram that blood enters or exits the heart there are
phrases such as BLOOD _____ THE BODY into which
the students have to write FROM or TO. Those portions
are also accompanied with lines for arrows.
This task will allow me to assess the students
understanding of blood flow throughout the body and
that there are 2 portions of the heart that take in blood
from either the lungs or heart and release it to the
opposite. Also I want to see if the students understand
that the blood only flows in one direction.
Assessment features: There are 8 features for this task.
First is the arrows/word identifying that the blood travels
from the body into the right atrium. Second is the arrow
identifying that the blood travels from the right atrium
into the right ventricle. Third is the arrow identifying
that the blood travels upwards in the right ventricle.
Fourth is the arrow/word identifying that the blood
travels from the heart into the lungs. Fifth is the
arrows/word identifying that the blood travels from the
lungs into the left atrium. Sixth is the arrow identifying
that the blood travels from the left atrium into the left
ventricle. Seventh is the arrow identifying that the blood
travels upwards in the left ventricle. Eighth is the
arrow/work identifying that the blood travels from the
heart to the body.

Directions that CF skipped

Red circles are the arrows I

drew in to show the correct
answer after checking.

Evidence from work sample of weaknesses in student Evidence from work sample of strengths in student
understanding: understanding:
 Did not follow directions and place arrows to show blood flow.  CF correctly identified using words that blood travels from the
 Blood can’t travel from both the body and lungs into a portion of body into the right atrium and that blood travels from the left
the heart. ventricle to the body.
 Blood can’t travel to both the body and lungs from the same  CF did identify that the blood has to travel to and from the lungs,
portion of the heart since no blood is entering the heart. but not correctly.
 CF doesn’t understand that blood can only travel in one direction  CF does understand that there are two paths that blood enters the
and that blood needs to enter and exit both the left and right side heart and two paths that blood exits the heart. He is confused on
of the heart. where these locations are in relation to the heart diagram though.

High Achieving Student: TL was able to correctly identify all the arrow directions to show the blood flow throughout and in/out of the heart.
He also used the correct words to explain the movement of blood in/out of the heart at 4 specific locations.

Medium Achieving Student: MR wasn’t able to correctly identify the majority of the arrow directions to show the blood flow throughout and
in/out of the heart. He doesn’t understand that the blood has to flow in one direction between the atrium and ventricle. He also wasn’t able
to use the correct words to explain the movement of blood in/out of the heart at 4 specific locations. MR wrote TO for all of the spaces
indicating that he doesn’t understand that blood has to enter the heart as well.

Individual Student Response Chart: Task 2

Student: CF (low achieving student)

GLCE/Learning Goal: Student will be able to identify the 3
different types of blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, and
platelets). Student will also be able to identify the main role of each
of these blood cells in the body. Red blood cells carry blood white blood cells kicks out the
bacteria and the capalaries help the clot.
Assessment task description and rationale: The question asked was
“Explain the role of the 3 different blood cells. Your answer should
include the name of each blood cell. Use the following roles to help
you explain the role of the 3 different blood cells (carry or transport),
(infection, disease, or bacteria), and (clot).

Assessment features: There are 6 features for this task. First is
identifying that one type of blood cell is the red blood cells. Second is
explaining that red blood cells carry oxygen to the rest of your body
(can also include carrying nutrients and getting rid of waste). Third is
identifying that one type of blood cell is the white blood cells. Fourth
is explaining that white blood cells fight off bacteria to protect your
body. Fifth is identifying that one type of blood cell is the platelets.
Sixth is explaining that platelets form clots that help you heal when
you get injured (i.e. paper cut).
Evidence from work sample of weaknesses in student Evidence from work sample of strengths in student
understanding: understanding:
 CF doesn’t understand that red blood cells are part of your blood.  CF was able to identify 2 blood cells correctly.
 Red blood cells don’t carry blood they carry oxygen and  He also understands that the white blood cells fight bacteria by
nutrients. using the phrase “kicks out” in reference to getting rid of the
 Doesn’t explain that red blood cells transport things to the rest of bacteria.
the body (cells).  CF understands that red blood cells carry something.
 Couldn’t correctly identify the third type of blood cell (platelets).
 Platelets don’t “help” the clot they form them.
 CF was able to identify 2 of the 3 blood cells and correctly
explain the role of only 1 of those blood cells. He has not received
mastery of this task due to his lack of correct explanation.

High Achieving Student: TL’s response was “One type of blood call is the red blood cell and the role of this blood cell is to carry oxygen to
your body. Another type of blood cell is the white blood cell and the role for this one is to fight bacteria and diseases so you body can stay
healthy. The last type of blood cell is platelets and they form clots so when you get a cut it forms a clot which is also called a scab.” This
student shows mastery since he can identify all 3 blood cells correctly and fully explain their main role in the body.

Medium Achieving Student: MR’s response was “Your red blood cells transport blood to your body, your white blood cells fight off diseases,
your blue blood cells gather clots to heal your bruises.” This student doesn’t show full mastery of this task since he like CF doesn’t
understand that red blood cells are part of your blood and thus they can’t carry blood. He does understand that the role of the red blood
cell is the transport something. He understands the role of the white blood cell and the role of the platelets, but he wasn’t able to identify
platelets correctly. MR also believes that there are “blue blood cells” which we have discussed that our blood isn’t actually the color blue.

Whole Class Student Response Feature Analysis Summary Form: Task 1
Unit: Circulatory System Task: Showing Direction of Blood Flow Using Arrows on a Heart Diagram Black Box = No Answer
Student Sub Goal Features (Rubric Domains) for Task #1
Initials Group From Body From Right Going From Right From From Left Going From Left Total # of Criterion for Criterion for
into Right Atrium into Upward in Ventricle Lungs into Atrium into Upward in Ventricle goal features understanding partial
Atrium Right Right into Lungs Left Atrium Left Left into Body (8 total) (6 are met) understanding
Ventricle Ventricle Ventricle Ventricle (4 are met)
SB X X X X X 5 X
DB X X X X X X X X 8 X
SC X X 2
EE 0
CF X 1
TG Sp. Ed. X X X X X 5 X
FG X X X X X X X 7 X
CH Sp. Ed. X X X X X X 6 X
JJ X 1
FK X X X X X 5 X
TL X X X X X X X X 8 X
JM X X X X 4 X
SM X X X X X X 6 X
DP X X 2
AP X X X X X X X X 8 X
MR X X X 3
RR X X X X 4 X
LS 0
AS X X X X X X X X 8 X
LS2 X X 2
JT Sp. Ed. X X X X X X 6 X
AW X X X X X 5 X
JW X X X X X X X X 8 X
BW X X 2
No. 10 5
% 42% 21%
Whole Class Student Response Feature Analysis Summary Form: Task 2
Unit: Circulatory System Task: Explain the Role of 3 Different Blood Cells (including name) Black Box = No Answer
Student Subgrp Goal Features (Rubric Domains) for Task #1
Initial Type Identify Role of Red Identify Role of Identify Role of Total # of Criterion for Criterion for
(ELL, Red Blood Blood Cells White White Platelets Platelets goal features understanding partial
Cells Blood Cells Blood Cells (6 total) (5 are met) understanding
etc) (4 are met)
SB X X X X X 5 X
DB X X X X X X 6 X
SC X X X X 4 X
EE X X X X X X 6 X
CF X X X 3
TG Sp. Ed. X X X X X 5 X
FG X X 2
CH Sp. Ed. X X X 3
JJ X X X 3
FK X X X 3
TL X X X X X X 6 X
JM X X X X X 5 X
SM X X X X X X 6 X
DP X X X X X 5 X
AP X X X X X 5 X
MR X X X X 4 X
RR X X X X X X 6 X
LS X X X X X 5 X
AS X X X X X X 6 X
LS2 X X X 3
JT Sp. Ed. X X X 3
AW X X X X X X 6 X
JW X X X X X X 6 X
BW X X X X 4 X
No. 14 3
% 58% 13%
Part 2: Patterns in Student Learning and Responses:

 Did different students understand different aspects of the learning goal as reflected in the
response features? Were certain features more problematic than others?
For the most part the students answered similarly for correct and incorrect answers.

For the heart diagram task there were not features that were more problematic than the
other features. There were at least 12-15 students that got each portion correct.

For the written task explaining the role of the red blood cells and platelets were both
equally more problematic than the other features.

 What ideas and practices were generally understood and what more preliminary (or
naïve) ideas and practices remain?
The understand were able to understand that there are red and white blood cells since the
whole class was able to identify those 2 blood cell types. The majority of the class also
grasped that red blood cells carry/transport something and the white blood cells fight

 Try to account for the patterns of student learning in terms of your classroom teaching.
Why did the students succeed and struggle where they did? Look at the specific examples
from the individual student response chart above. How might your teaching need to
change to help all sample students?
I believe to better all my students including my sample students that struggles is for them to
do more tasks in class in which they need to follow instructions. We did much reading,
discussing, and simulations and not enough practicing the skills and concepts they need to
learn for the unit. The students need to read direction thoroughly and be able to take notes
and study effectively. The students that did succeed voluntarily took notes during my
lessons and thus did better on the assessment.

Part 3: Unit Reflections:

 Why did the students succeed and struggle where they did? Think about the intended
contributions of your activities and whether or not they were effective.
Many students struggled on the heart diagram activity because they didn’t follow directions.
The other students did not understand key ideas that were taught and reviewed such as blood
can only flow in one direction throughout the left and right atrium.

Many students struggled with the written response about blood cells because they confused
the roles of the blood cells and/or forgot the third type (platelets). I also noticed students
knew that red blood cells carried/transported something, but a few thought it was blood that
they carried/transported and not oxygen and nutrients.

 How might you modify your instructional approach and/or teaching next time?
I might have the students take more notes to record the information I teach them. We did
much reading, but didn’t work on the skill of taking notes. The students will need to work on

that skill for middle school since the teaching styles are much different compared to
elementary school.

 How do the patterns in overall student achievement data and results from selected groups
of students support your conclusions about your unit and its implementation?
My special needs students did much better with the task of labeling the heart diagram than
the written response. All 3 of those students are certified in writing. I feel that if they verbally
answered the question 2/3 students would of answered the question correctly, because they
do very well in class discussions. CH on the other hand also has problems verbally
explaining her answers since she has a tendency to not pay attention and thus doesn’t grasp
the concepts.

If my high achieving students followed the directions for the heart diagram task then they
succeeded. Several of my students didn’t follow the directions and create arrows showing the
direction of the blood flow throughout and in/out of the heart. I can guess that they would of
done well if they actually fulfilled the task. I tried to make sure that the students understood
the directions for that task by underlining and bolding certain portions of the instructions to
catch the students’ eye. I also verbally explained the instructions to the whole class and
informed them that there was TWO parts and asked if anyone didn’t understand the

 What have you learned from this experience that will influence your future teaching?
I have learned that diagrams can be easy to complete and thus make sure that the chances of
getting the correct answer isn’t 50/50 because then you won’t truly know if the student
understands the concept. I also learned that if a student doesn’t read the directions and listens
to you there isn’t much you can do to make sure they follow the directions. That is a skill
they will have to learn if they don’t want to lose point on assignments/tests by just not
following directions.

Part 4: Effectiveness of Assessment Strategies:

 What were the strengths and limitations of the types of assessments you chose?
The first task of labeling the heart diagram with arrows to show blood flow had the strength
that it didn’t involve much writing and thus the many students that have trouble reading and
writing in my class were not limited to the few words they knew. The limitation of this task
is that students could guess very easily since it was 50/50 chance they would get the direction
of the arrow correct or the word correct.

The second task of identifying the 3 blood cells and explaining their roles had the strength
that the students are able to explain their understanding rather than them guessing and
possibly getting the answer right. Reading their response shows if they know what they’re
talking about. The limitation of this task if that I do have many students who have difficulty
reading and writing and thus their answers might be stunted or not include all the required
information to be considered mastery.

 What changes would you make for your next class in order to get more information and/or
a clearer picture of your students progress in mastering your content and inquiry
GLCE/learning goals?

For the diagram I would have them also explain in a written response the path of the blood. I
would remove the short word answer and guiding lines. The students would have to show the
path of the blood throughout and in/out of the heart by creating their own arrows.

For the written task I might have the students that are certified in writing write out the answer
first and verbally explain to be their answer since they tend to add more then what they
actually write down.


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