Creation of The Standard List:: How To Create and Use A Standard List?

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A list of articles is a list that we can load in an OR or in a PO, in order to avoid

to encode one by one all the items. Thos list should be use as much as
possible to save as much time as possible for encoding.

It can be the list of the log items consumables monthly or quarterly, stationary,
cleaning material, food. We can also use them to encode the OR that will be
routed to the stock transfer, those will be equals to the stock contents,

Ideally in a mission all the log consumables regular should e part of a articles
standard list. The medical items should also be part foe standard list. All those
list should be encoded in LogX.

Creation of the standard List:

Go in articles, then List of articles:

List view of the existing articles list in the database:

How to create and to use the standard list? 1


Example of a list already created :

Have a look of the field of the list:


To create a new standard List, click on the button “new »:

Enter the name of the new list, and press Tab or enter

You encode one by one the articles like in an OR or you can import an Excel
File with all the articles.

How to create and to use the standard list? 2


- Creation from an export LogX

In our example, we are going to do a standard list for the stocked items for the
emergency project. First, we have to export all the articles of the stock, After
having filtered the stock, click on the floppy disk, select Export Stock Inventory
to an Excel file, vertical display, and Proceed.

Open the Excel file:

Normally your standard list should have 0 for the quantities, because you
don’t know the quantities that your client will order (if you want you can keep
the quantities in order to stock out all your stock).

Replace all the quantity with Zero.

Although the excel file contains more columns than the article list you can
import the file directly without any changes.

How to create and to use the standard list? 3


The items are imported one by one in the article list, however a alert message
appears, because some items are in double in the list (Batch Number, expiry
date).The duplicate items can not be import in the standard list.

Click on OK for all the articles in double.

The list is created.

How to create and to use the standard list? 4


Creation from a Manual list:

Open the Excel file (Example of a Medical standard list):

Format the excel file like the LogX article list (See above):

One row for the title

Column 1: Item (Can stay empty)
Column 2: Code
Column 3: Remarks (Can stay empty)
Column 4: Description
Column 5: Quantity (0)

Save the file and import it as mentioned above.

How to create and to use the standard list? 5


How to use a standard list:

In the OR / PO :

In your OR or PO select the list through the choice list. 

Once the list is selected, to load it do Ctrl+L (L like Load)

Select import without quantity (because normally your standard list have qty =
0), if you want to load the quantity select the second option.

The items are now encoded.

Encode the quantities for the items ordered.

Many times, the clients are not ordering all the items, so let the items not
ordered with qty = 0.

To delete all the items with qty = 0, do Ctrl+D (D like Delete)

Then do Ctrl+S, to sort the articles by codes.

Your OR is encoded. 

How to create and to use the standard list? 6


In the articles list:

You can load a standard list in the article list view.

This have for advantage to filter the items list, and so focus on the
standards/stocks articles.

Then export this list to excel by clicking on the floppy disk.

Use the export Excel 40 Columns. This export have the advantage of
containing all the info about the articles:

The descriptions in all the languages (if existing in LogX)

The Price, and above all, the modification date of the local price

The Price, and above all, the modification date of the «HQ»  price

The creation date of the article and by who ?

And a lot more of information than you can analyse… 

This is really interesting to analyse your values of the stocked items, et to

check form when the price have been updated. The price in the articles card
“local indicative value TE”, is the price used to calculate the stock value. The
corresponding column In the Excel 40 column is the ”ART_PriceHT” and the
date of modification is “ART_PriceDate”.

So :

1 - Create the articles list in the menu list of articles

2 - Use this list to filter the global list of articles.
3 - Export in Excel 40 columns to analyse your articles.

How to create and to use the standard list? 7

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