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Motion and time study can reduce and control costs, improve working conditions and
environment, and motivate people.
The basic purpose is to improve the work and to reduce waste.
1. Motion analysis techniques
2. Time study techniques
3. Uses of time standards.
Manufacturing management and engineering students are being prepared to design work
stations, develop efficient and effective work methods, establish time standards, balance
assembly lines, estimate labor costs, develop effective tooling, select proper equipment, and
layout manufacturing facilities.
However, the most important thing is to learn how to train production workers in these skills
and techniques so they can become motion and time conscious.
Motion study offers a great potential for savings in any area of human effort. We can reduce
the cost by combining elements of one task with elements of another.
Motion study uses the principles of motion economy to develop work stations that are
friendly to the human body and efficient in their operation.
Motion study must consider the operator’s safety
Time study can reduce cost significantly well. Time standards are goals to strive for. In
organizations that operate without time standards, 60% performance is typical.
When time standards are set, performance improves to an average of 85%. This is a 42%
increase in performance:
85 % – 60 %
—————— = 42% performance increase.
Incentive systems can improve performance even further.
Incentive system performances average 120%, that is another 42% increase in performance:
120% – 85%
———————- = 42% performance increase.
Manufacturing plants with no standards average 60% performance.
Manufacturing plants with time standards average 85% performance.
Manufacturing plants with incentive systems average 120% performance.
If additional production output is required, don’t buy more machinery, don’t add a second
shift, and don’t build a new plant.
Just establish a motion and time study program.
Motion and time study is considered to be the backbone of industrial engineering, industrial
technology, and industrial management programs because the information that time studies
generate affects so many other areas, including the following:
1. Cost estimating
2. Production and inventory control
3. Plant layout
4. Materials and processes
5. Quality
6. Safety
Motion study comes first before the setting of time standards. Motion study is a detailed
analysis of the work method in an effort to improve it.
Motion studies are used to
1. Develop the best work method.
2. Develop motion consciousness on the part of all employees.
3. Develop economical and efficient tools, fixtures, & production aids.
4. Assist in the selection of new machines and equipment.
5. Train new employees in the preferred method.
6. Reduce effort and cost.
Motion study is for cost reduction, and time study is for cost control. Motion study is the
creative activity of motion and time study.
Motion study is design, while time study is measurement.
Once the importance of motion and time study is understood and accepted, the techniques of
motion and time study are introduced.
 Flow diagrams
 Multi activity charts
 Operation charts
 Flow process charts
 Process charts
 Operations analysis chart
 Work station design
 Motion economy
 Flow patterns
 Predetermined time standards system (PTSS).
The techniques of time study start with the last motion study technique, which shows the
close relationship between motion study and time study. The techniques of time study are:
 Predetermined time standards system (PTSS)
 Stopwatch time study
 Standard data formula time standards
 Work sampling time standards
 Expert opinion and historical data time standards.
Motion studies are performed to eliminate waste. Before any improvement in quality or
quantity of output, any study of operations time, any scheduling of work or balancing of
workload or any calculation of standard time, a study of the current and proposed method is
Studies of overall factory flow or process, called macromotion studies, and then additional
studies of detail or operations, called micromotion studies, should be completed for a project.
Motion studies were conducted by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth about a century ago in a search
for the “one best way.” It is important to note that such studies seek to minimize and simplify
manual efforts.
A Study On Resource Planning In Highway Construction Projects
          The Construction projects, especially the highway construction projects, uses huge
amount of resources on and off the field in various forms of resources viz., materials, plants,
equipments and human resources along with money, time and space. The uniqueness of the
projects makes the resource planning a tedious job as the efficiency of each resource depends
upon a huge number of working condition factors. A detailed study of resource planning and
productivity can, thus help in good resource planning, better monitoring and overall
controlling of the project. In highway projects, the same resource is often used for different
activities and the productivity of that resource being different for different activities, it
becomes inevitable to know the correct norms for correct estimation, planning and
monitoring. The main objective of this thesis work was to planning the main resources (i.e.
the equipments, plants and manpower) deployed at a highway project by using Microsoft Soft
Project Software. Keywords – BRTS, Resource Planning
1 Introduction
             Observing the trend in construction technology presents a very mix and ambiguous
picture. On the one hand many of techniques and materials used for construction are
essentially unchanged since the introduction of mechanization in the early part of twentieth
century. For example at the time of highway construction at the beginning of the nineteenth
century most of the highway project report stated that ―the work could not have been done
any faster or more efficiently in our days, despite all technological and mechanical advances
in the time, since the reason being that no present system could possibly carry the spoil
material away any faster or more efficiently then the system employed. No motor trucks were
in the digging of soil everything ran on the rails foe cutting and filling of soil at different
chainage to reduce the wastage of human resources and achieve maximum productivity. And
because of quantity of soil and rain, no other methods have work so well to achieve the
desired output.
In contrast to this view of one large project, it may also point to the continuous change an
Improvement occurring in traditional material and technique. This continuous improvement
in techniques help to plan and distribute the resources as per the requirement and efficient
distribution of all these resources helps in close monitoring and actual progress of the work
which includes resources like man, material, machinery and money with respect to their
2 Methodology
 First forecasting input and output is done in which the data wise requirement of project
manpower, costly equipment, production costs, sales or earned value of work done and
expected income.
 Then the planning the construction work force by determining the size of project work
force, its structuring into functional groups and workers team and scheduling
manpower recruitment to match task requirement.
 After this plan the construction materials which involves identifying the materials
required, estimating quantities, defining specifications, forecasting requirements,
locating sources material sample approved, material inventory.
 Then planning construction equipment which aims at identifying the construction tasks
to be undertaken by mechanical equipment, assessing the equipment required,
exploring the equipment procurement and finally selecting the equipment. Planning the
construction standard cost, the cost plan uses standard cost work packages, work items
or activities. Then finally plan construction budget which involves structuring of
project functional organization into production, services and administration
responsibility center, allocating resources with budgeted cost and finally compiling the
project financial plan in the form of project master budget.
3 Resource Planning
3.1 Planning Construction Work Force The project man power planning primarily focuses on
determining the size of project work force, its structuring into functional groups and workers
teams, and scheduling the manpower recruitment to match the task requirement.
This process chiefly involves identifying the trades or the skills required, establishing
productivity standards to determine the number of worker needed to perform a given job in
the specified time, data wise forecasting of workers requirements for accomplishing the
project work and finally organizing the planned work force into operating work-teams having
assigned programmed tasks.
3.2 Planning Construction Materials Efficient material management in project environments
calls for an integrated approach covering numerous functions such as materials planning and
programming, materials purchasing, inventory control, store-keeping and ware housing,
materials transportation and handling at site, materials codification and standardization and
the disposal of surpluses. The material planning and programming, which is the key function
on materials management is closely linked with the project planning and control set-up. Both
these work together to develop a plan to procurement and stocking of construction materials
so as to provide at site, materials of right quantity, at right prices from right source and at the
right time. The construction material planning involves identifying the materials required,
estimating quantities, defining specifications, forecasting requirements, locating resources for
procurement, getting material samples approved, designing material inventory and
developing procurement plan to ensure a smooth flow of materials till the connected
construction work are completed at the project site.
3.3 Planning Construction Equipment Production task needing equipment include excavating,
handling, transporting, filling, compacting, grading, hoisting, concreting, pre-casting,
plastering, finishing, trenching, and laying of pipes and cables. The supporting equipment at
project site consists of generators, transmission lines, pumping sets, other utility services
equipment. Construction equipment is indispensable in execution of modern high-cost, time-
bound massive construction projects. It produces output with an accelerated speed in a
limited time. It saves manpower, which is becoming ever more costly and demanding. It
improves productivity, quality and safety and also adds a sense of urgency. Acquisition of
equipment mass involves initial heavy investment but, on the whole, its ads to profitability by
reducing the overall costs, provided it is properly planned, economically procured and
effectively managed.
Equipment planning for a project aims at identifying construction task to be undertaken by
mechanical equipment, assessing the equipment required, exploring the equipment
procurement options and finally, participating in the decision making for selecting the
maintenance of construction equipment’s:

Proper maintenance of construction equipment decides the actual life of machinery.

Maintenance of heavy machinery used in construction, industrial, or mining
application is necessary to keep it in good working condition. Poor maintenance of
construction equipment may lead to a sudden breakdown that results in loss of money,
time, and jeopardizes the safety of workers. - initial final setting time concrete

In this article, we have put down some essential tips to maintain large construction
machinery to extend life.

1. Proper Operation of the Machinery

Machinery may have many operators during a project. Each operator has a defined
skill that differs. Therefore the way of operating the machine also varies.

This situation demands the need for a checklist that oversees the correct operation of
the equipment. Other than the initial training for the operators, regular training must
be provided to keep up the skill and promote the safe and correct operation of the
machinery. The proper operation of the machinery must be recorded as a manual so
that each operator can use it as a reference. The manual can be revised based on the
work condition and project type. Proper operation of the machinery can necessarily
help increase the life of the machinery.

2. Perform Regular Cleaning

Always schedule a regular cleaning routine. Cleaning can help to preserve and
maintain heavy equipment. The machinery is subjected to adverse environmental
conditions like rain, dust, mud, etc. Regular cleaning helps to keep track of the
conditions of different individual parts of the machine. Regular cleaning also helps in
maintaining the appearance of the equipment.
3. Perform Check of Lubricants
Lubricating the machinery at proper intervals helps reduce friction around the moving
parts. Following a good schedule for adding lubricants and checking the lubrication
enhances the machinery's performance and life.

Among all the maintenance checks conducted on machinery, lubrication is the most
important check. Always check for signs of oil or grease present in excess around the
piston parts or any leaks around the oil seals.

It is recommended to employ the right lubricant for the respective components. The
manufacturer’s recommendations give most of the specifications.

A proper check of lubricants helps to diagnose problems associated with the

machinery parts. The presence of contaminants in the oil gives an indication of which
part is suffering from wear and tear.

4. Record the Fluid Levels of the Machine

Some construction machines use more fluid and some use less. It is necessary to
establish a written standard guideline so that the machine's fluid levels are maintained.
Any operational problems can be detected by the inspector by looking at the periodic
refill schedules.

5. Perform Check for Wear in Construction Machines

The main factors that contribute to wear in construction machines are high
temperatures, friction, vibration, and the age of the machines. As soon as the
personnel determine the wear and tear in machine parts, it is recommended to bring
the necessary replacement of the parts as soon as possible.

6. Perform Misalignment Checks for Construction

The wheel alignment of machines gets altered as they work in very rough terrain. It is
true that these machines are made compatible with such site conditions. But still, it is
essential to check the machine wheel for misalignment to avoid unexpected working
issues at the site. Regular inspection done as a part of the maintenance check must
incorporate the check for misalignment.

7. Prepare Maintenance and repair schedule for the

Construction Machine
All the mentioned maintenance and checks must be recorded and documented. All
these inspections are performed based on a schedule. It is essential to have a
maintenance and repair schedule to promote the preventive maintenance of the

Below enlisted are the primary inspection performed on a construction machinery:

 Check the gearbox for lubrication, damage, and vibration.

 Check for wear and tear – mainly gaskets, seals, bearings, and friction materials.
 Check the oil and diagnose the issues. The filter must be changed frequently.
 Check bearing and bearing lubrication.
 Check gear lubrication
 Conduct torque checks on bolts.
The above mentioned seven major maintenance tips for construction machinery not
only help increase the life of the machine but also improve the return on investment

5 Effective Strategies to Manage

Construction Equipment
Construction equipment can be a very high expenditure for contractors. Thus, you need proper
management for the optimal return on investment. Downtime due to equipment damage can result
in discontented customers and difficulty winning future projects.

Therefore, it is important to execute effective strategies to extend the life of your construction
equipment and optimize its productivity. Here are five practical ways that you can implement.
Table of Contents

1. Know the Capacity of Your Construction

Each heavy piece of equipment is designed with a different purpose and paired with certain
attachments or spare parts. When operators use the equipment for jobs that do not fit its functions,
repair it with incompatible spare parts, or use wrong attachments, they can cause damage to it.

Therefore, it is important to comply with the manufacturer’s recommendations on your

construction equipment utilization and repair. Please note that some machines are also made to
lift and transport goods with a certain weight, and operators must know the limitations.

Using equipment that exceeds its performance specifications and limitations can reduce its
efficiency and effectiveness, which in turn can cause failures that can endanger workers.
Overloading, overuse, or excessive travel can contribute to mechanical problems and safety

2. Conduct Inspections Immediately After Use

After each use, checking your construction equipment is critical to know whether it is still in
good condition and can we use it for future projects. After returning from the construction site,
your machines may look fine, but they may experience performance degradation or invisible

Thus, it is important to perform an inspection as soon as possible after the equipment returns from
the worksite. If your machines are damaged after being leased to a client, you may request
compensation for the machine downtime. To enable you to record and view the details of your
equipment, consider using an automated asset management system.

3. Give Your Operators the Right Training

A well-trained operator can make a significant difference in the lifetime of your construction
equipment. A good-performed operator can reduce the risk of damage to equipment because they
will understand the capabilities and limitations of the equipment while identifying issues that may
occur to it.

A proper training program for heavy equipment operators must include manual reviews for
certain equipment, system demonstrations and controls, routine preventive maintenance reviews
for machines, and testing to ensure that the operators have acquired sufficient skills and
knowledge. For certain equipment, your operators may require special certification before they
start the work.
Related article: The Most Excellent Strategy for Implementing On-the-Job Training (OJT)

4. Perform Routine Maintenance

The first step in carrying out maintenance is establishing a routine for inspecting and maintaining
equipment. You have to check each piece of equipment daily to identify problems. The problems
could come from fluid levels, tire pressure, oil piping leaks, and any looseness, cracks, or loss of
important parts.

You have to do routine maintenance requirements, such as oil or brake replacement, according to
technical standards and scheduled in advance. However, if your construction equipment is
exposed to very harsh environmental conditions, you might want to adjust the manufacturer’s
recommendations. For example, in dusty areas, you may need air filter replacement more often.

To ensure that routine maintenance runs well, we recommend that you use an automated asset
management system. This system makes it easy for you to determine maintenance
schedules, assign operators to conduct inspections, and keep track of service logs. All these
processes can be done through one system.

5. Make the Most of Downtime

You and your entire team have tried as hard as possible to make everything smooth, yet
downtime still occurs. In this circumstance, there is nothing else you can do but make the most of

There are a few things you can do during downtime. You can handle and prepare documents,
move equipment from one location to another, have certain materials shipped, check the
condition of your other equipment, and take care of your transportation, including changing the
gas or oils.

Managing your construction machine with a Construction ERP System can certainly save you
time and money. This saving will ultimately result in better opportunities to win future projects
and maintain your business reputation.

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