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(12) United States Patent Schoell US007080512B2, (10) Patent No: US 7,080,512 B2 a) 03) ow) © ay 2) 63) ly (2) G8) 656) HEAT REGENERATIVE ENGINE, Inventor: Hare Schocll, Pompano Reach, FE. ws) Assignee: Cyclone Technologies LLLP, Pompano Beach, FL (U Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis patent is extended or adjusted under 35, USC, 154(b) by 0 days. Appl. No 11225422 Filed: Sep. 13, 2008, Prior Publication Data US 200610083793 AI Mar 16, 2006, Int. C1, FoIK 1/00 (2005.01), Ch, 0/670 Field of Classification Search 01670, 601671, 677 See application fle foe complete search history. References Clted (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 25, 2006 ABILGSS A * 91986 Molignoni - 165/163 GSM.S03 BL* 122004 Freyimaan “.e0.670 © cited by examiner Primary Examiner Hoang Nawy Robert M. Downey, PA (74) Auorney: Agent, oF Firm a} ABSTRACT A heat regenerative engine uses water as both the working ‘uid and the lubricant. In operation, water is pumped from ‘collection pan and throug coil around a cylinder exbust ‘port, causing the water to be preeated by steam exiaused from the cylinder. The preheated water then enters steam _zeneratorand is heated by a combustion chamber to produce high pressure superheated! steam, Aie is preheated in 2 heat ‘exchanger and is then mixed with Ful from a fuel atomizer, ‘An igniter bums the atomized Tel asthe lames and beat are ‘ireetd in a centrifuge within the combustion chamber. The speed and torque ofthe engine are controlled by a rocker and ‘cam arangemtent whieh opens a neodle-ype Valve t inject high pressure super heated steam into a eylinder having a reciprocating piston therein. The injected steam expands in ‘an explosive action on the top of the piston at high pressure Toeing the piston down and drivingly rotating laked eraak ‘cam and efankshafl. Exhaust steam is directed though 3 ‘cenirfigal condenser having an arangemsent of at plats. ‘Cooling ar from blowers creates thnowgh the at plates to US. PATENT DOCUMENTS. ‘condense the steam toa liquid state. The water condensation yeosois A © yoo? Mun Se ovsog 8 fotured othe colletion pan for subsequent se in steam 4um214 A * W978 Bake ta fostr— ueneration, Aa2687 48 V8 Fischer costa AS61256 4 © 121985 Molinoal coooz 12 Claims, 13 Drawing Sheets 10 AIR TO AIR. AIR FLOW HEAT EXCH) 12 42 [CYCLONE COMBUSTION [CHAMBER AIRTOAIR 20 22 HEAT EXCHANGER 42, U.S. Patent 16 Sheet 1 o' 7,080,512 B2 P: Jul. 25, 2001 Sheet 1 of 13 US 7,080,512 AIR FLOW ") AIR TOA eee HEAT CYCLONE COMBUSTION AIRTOAIR HEAT EXCHANGER oe 42 4 ENGINE 50 INTAKE CENTRIFUGAL NTA |CONDENSER 30 FIG. | U.S. Paten 16 Sheet 2 o' 7,080,512 B2 P: it Jul. 25, 2001 Sheet 2 of 13 US 7,080,512 WATERFLOW ° AIR TOA EXCHANGER AIRTOAIR HEAT EXCHANGER, 42 50 CENTRIFUGAL INTAKE BLOWER ee 30 38 U.S. Patent Jul. 25,2006 Sheet 3 of 13 US 7,080,512 B2 US 7,080,512 B2 Sheet 4 of 13 Jul. 25, 2006 U.S. Patent TOP VIEW FIG. 4 US 7,080,512 B2 Sheet 5 of 13 Jul. 25, 2006 U.S. Patent BOTTOM viEw FIG. 5 U.S. Patent Jul. 25,2006 Sheet 6 of 13 US 7,080,512 B2 FIG. 6 U.S. Patent Jul. 25,2006 Sheet 7 of 13 US 7,080,512 B2 Ci 47 60 46 YY 22 FIG. 7 U.S. Patent Jul. 25,2006 Sheet 8 of 13 US 7,080,512 B2 CL TDC 0.50 25% \ 1652 5 0” Piston Stroke exhaust port openiclosed ——"B0¢ exhaust port open/closed closed s exhaust port open U.S. Patent Tul. 25, 2006 Sheet 9 of 13 US 7,080,512 B2 R.H. ROTATION VIEWED FROM TOP &6 68 tow 85 ‘SPEED 8&7 60 60. 62 78 78 84 65 87 88 66 © 100 | \ua ic—, lio | FIG. 9 U.S. Patent Tul. 25, 2006 Sheet 10 of 13, US 7,080,512 B2 RH. ROTATION 88 VIEWED FROM TOP FWo. 86 HIGH 65 SPEED 67 60 60-5 62 78 78 84 A~85 88 86 | _— 87 106 % 100 i—102 7 104 60 FIG. 10 U.S. Patent Jul. 25, 2006 Sheet 11 of 13 US 7,080,512 B2 L.H. ROTATION 60. 78 84 68 &6 106 100 62 76 65 1 87 7——— 102 (X 104 FIG. II U.S. Patent Jul. 25,2006 Sheet 12 of 13 US 7,080,512 B2 13 US 7,080,512 B2 Sheet 13 of 13 Jul. 25, 2006 U.S. Patent 14 FIG. US 7,080, 1 PRATIVE ENGINE, HEAT REGE BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1, Feld ofthe Invention s ‘The present invention is directed to a steam engine and, more pirticulanly. wo a heat rigenerative engine which uses ‘water as the working fluid, a8 well as the Iubricant, and. ‘wherein the engine is highly eflcien, environmentally Tfiendly and adapted for mult fuel use 2, Disoussion of the Related Art Environmental concerns have prompted costly, complex. technological proposals in engine design For instance, fuel cell techaology provides the benefit of cunning on clean, buming hydrogen. However, the expense and size of Tiel cell engines, as well as the cost of ereating, storing, and delivering fel grade hydeogen disproportionstly offsets the ‘euvironmental benefits, Asa further example, clesa running ‘electric vehicles are limited to very short ranges, and must ‘be regularly recharged by electricity generated from coal diesel of muclear fueled power plants. And, while gis turkines ae elean, they operate at constant speed. In small sizes, gas turbines are costly to build, run and overhaul Diesel and gas internal combustion engines are ellcient lightweight and relavely inexpensive to manufacture, but they produce a significant level of pothaants that are baz: fadous to the environment and the health of the general population and are fuel specie, ‘The orignal Rankin Cycle Steam Engine was invented by, James Watt over 130 years ago, Present day Rankin Cyc Steam Engines use hes to carry super heated steam to the ‘engine and thereafter, to condenser. The single tes sed to pipe superheated steam to the engine have a significant ‘exposed surface area, which mits pressure an temperature levels: The less desirable lower pressures and temperatures, at which water ean easily change state between liquid and. ‘228, requires a complicated control system, While Steam Fngines are generally bulky and ineficien, they tend to be ‘environmentally clean, Steam Engines have varied ttl ency levels ranging from 5% on older model steam trains to as mult as 45% in modem power plants. In contrast, two-stroke internal combustion engines operate at approxi= mately 17% ellciney, while fourssteoke internal combs tion engines provide eficieney up to approsimately 25%. Diese! combustion engines, on the other hand, provide as much as 35% engine efficiency OBJECTS AND ADVANTAGES OF THE INVENTION. ‘With the foregoing, ia mind, its «primary objeet of the present invention to provide an engine that which is eompact and whieh operates at high efiiency Its father abject ofthe preset invention to provide a ‘compoet and highly eficient engine which provides for heat regeneration and whieh operates at or near super critical pressure 3,200 Ths) and high temperature (1,200 degrees arent). Ie is sill @ futher object of the present invention 10 provide « highly efficient and compact engine which is ‘environmentally friendly, using external combustion, ‘eyclone burner and water Inbrication, Ie is still « futher object of the present invention to provide a compact and highly efficient steam engine which has mult-uel capacity, allooring the engine to burn any of «a Variety of Tel sourves and combinations thereof 512 B2 2 Isyet a further object ofthe present invention to provide ‘8 compoet and highly eflicient steam engine which is light- ‘weight, with mo separate water cooling system and which produces no vibration and no exhaust noise. Ii is stil a farther objoct of the present invention 10 provide a compact and highly elliient steam engine which Feqqires no transmission These and other objects and advantages of the pre invention are more readily apparent with reference to the detailed description and accompanying drawings. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention is diacted to @ compact and highly ‘efficient engine which uses water asthe working fii, as ‘yell as the fobricant. The engine consists primarily of a condenser, a seam generator and a main engine section having valves, evlinders, pistons, pushrods, a main bearing, ‘cams and camshaft, Ambieat ui is introduced iawo the ‘condenser by intake blowers. ‘The air temperature is increased in twa phases before entering a eyelone Tirnace. Inthe frst phase, air enters the condenser from the blowers Inthe next phase, the airs directed from the condenser and through heat exchangers where the air ix heated prior to ‘entering the steam generator. In the steam generator, the preheated air is mixed with fuel from a fuel atomizer. The ‘hurner buens dhe fusl atomized in a cenit, easing the heavy fuel elements to move towards the outer sides of the famce where they ate consumed. The heter, lighter gasses move throngh & small tube bundle, The eylinders of the ‘engine are arranged ina radial configuration with the ‘ulinder heads and valves extending into the eyelone fur 1. Temperatures in the the bundle are maintained at 1.200 degrees Fabrenbeit. The whe hundle, canying the steam, is direct through the fimace and exposed to the high temperatures, In the famace the steam is superheated and maintained at «pressure upto approximately 3.200 Ibs Exhaust steam is directed through a primary evil whieh also serves to preheut the water in the generator. The exhaust steam is then directed through a condenser, ina centiugal system of compressive condensation, consisting ofa stacked arrangement of fiat plates, Cooling ai cireulates trough the ‘at plates, is heated in an exhaust leat exchanger and exits ino the fumzace. This reheat eyele of air greatly adds tothe ‘flcioney and compactness of the engine. ‘The speed and torgue of the engine are controlled by a rocker and cam design which serves to open and elose a needle type valve in the engine head. When the valve is ‘opened, high pressure, high temperature steam is injected into the eylinder and allowed to expand as an explosion on the top of the piston hiuh pressure, Use of dee or more pistons allows for sel'starting, BRIEP DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS For filler understanding of the mature of the present invention, reference should he made wo the following detailed description taken in conjunction with the accom panying drawings in which FIG. 1 is a genera diagram ilusteting ai ow through the engine ofthe present invention; FIG. 2 is a general diagram illustrating water snd steam flow through the engine: FIG, 3 isa side clevational view, showa in cross-section ittusrating the principal components of the engine: FIG. dis atop plan view. in partial cross-scction, along the plane of de line 44 in FIG. 3; taken US 7,080,512 B2 3 FIG. § is atop plan view, in partial eross-section, taken. ‘along the plane of the line $8 in FIG. 3, FIG. 6 is an isolated top plan view of a cranke disk assembly: FIG. 7 is an isolated cross-scetional view showing. a ‘compression relict valve assembly, injection valve assembly and cylinder head FIG. 8 is @ power stroke diagram; FIG. 9s cross-sectional view ofa throttle contro and ‘engine timing contol assembly engaged in a forwand ditec- tion at low specs FIG. 10 is eross-scctional view of the thtote ental ‘and engine Timing contol assembly engaged in a forward ‘rection at high spect FIG. 11 isa cross-scetional view of the throtle contol ‘and engine timing control assembly engaged in a reverse ditection FIG. 12 is 9 10p plan view of a splitter valve; FIG. 13 is a emse-setional view of the spliier valve taken along Hine 13-13 in a FIG, 12 illustrating a ow control valve in the splitter; and FIG. 14 isa top plan view, in panial cut-away, showing a poly-phase primary pump and manifold for the lower and high pressure pump systems of the engine ike reference mmerals refer to like pars throughout the several views of the drawings. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT ‘The preseat invention is direted to a radial steam engine ‘an is generally indicated as 10 throughout the deawinas. Referring initially to FIGS. 1 and 2, the engine 10 includes ‘steam generate 20, a condenser 30 and a min engine section 80 comprising eylinders 82, valves 8, pistons 84 push-rods 74, eank cam 61 and a crankshaft 60 extending axially through a center of the engine section, In operation, ambient ai is introduced ito the condenser 30 by intake blowers 38. The sir temperature is increased in to phases before enteriny a eyeloue fumaee 22 (refered 10 Ihoreatier as “combustion chamber"), Tho condenser 80 is a fat plate dynamic condenser with a stacked arrangement of flat plates M1 surrounding an inner core. This stractaral design of the dynamic condenser 30 slows for multiple pisses of steam to enhance the condensing function, In fi phase ar enters the vondeuser 30 from the blowers 38 and fs circulated over the condenser plates 31 to cool the outer Surfaces of the plates and condense the exhaust steam circulating within the plates. More particularly, vapor exit- ing the exhaust ports $5 of the eylinders $2 passes theovglh the prechestng coils surrounding the eylinders. The vapor “drops into the core ofthe condenser where centilugal foree from rotation of the crankshaft drives the vapor into the ner cavities of the condenser plates 3. AS tho vapor ‘changes phase into a ligui, i enters sealed ports om the perpliery of the condenser plates, ‘The condensed liquid ‘drops through collection shafts and into the simp 34 atthe bse ofthe condenser. A high pressure pump 92 rewums the uid from the eondenser sump 34 10 the evils 34 in the ston chamber, completing the Mud eyele of the ‘engine. The stacked arrangement of the condenser plates 31 presents @ large surface area for maximizing heat transfer ‘within a relatively compact volume. The centrifugal force of the crankshaft iipeller that repeatedly drives the condensing ‘vapor into the cling plates 31, combined with te stacked 4 Plate design, provides 4 multipass system that is far more effective than conventional ‘condensers of single-pass design ‘The engine shrouding 12 is an insulted cover that ‘encloses the combustion ehamber al piston assembly. The shroud 12 incorporates air transfer dels 82 that channel air from the condenser 30, winere it has been prcheated, tothe intake portion of si-ossi heat exchangers 42, where the air is further heated. Exiting the heat exchangers 42, tis heated intake air enters the atomizeriigiter assemblies in the ‘burner 40 where it is combust in the combustion chamber ‘The shroud also includes retum duets that capture the ‘combustion exhaust gases at the top center of the cambis- tion chamber, an leads these pases hack throngh the exhaust portion of the airsonsir heat exchangers 42. The engine Hrouding adds to the ellcieney and compactness of the ‘engine by conserving heat with its inelation, providing hevessary ductwork for the airflow of the engine, and incorporating heat exelungers that harvest exhaust has heat ‘Water in is delivery path from the condenser sump pomp to the combustion chamber is pumped via through ene or more main steam supply lines 21 for eal cylinder. The min steam line 21 passes Uurough a pre-hesting coil 28 thit is ‘wound! around each eylinder skirt adjacent to that eylinder's cexhutist ports, The vapor exiting the exhanst ports pives up heat to this coil, sohich raises the femperamure ofthe water being directed thretgh the coil toward the combustion chamber. Recipically i giving up heat to the preheating ‘coils, the exhaust vapor bens the process of cooling ou its path through these eoils preparatory to entering the con- ‘denser, The positioning of these coils adjacent to the eylin der exhaust ports seavenges heat that would otherwise be lost to the system, thereby contributing 1a the overall ef- ciency of the engine. Inthe next phise, the ais directed through heat exchang- ‘ere 42 where the air is heated prior to entering the steam penertor 20 (see FIGS, 2 and 3), Tn he sleun generator 20, the preheated si is mined with fel frm a fel atomizer 41 (See FIG. 8), An igniter 43 burns the atomized fuel in a centrfige, causing the heavy fuel elements to move towards the outer sides ofthe combustion chamber 22 where they are ‘constmed, The combustion chamber 22 is amauged in the form of a eylindar which encloses eirevlarly wound coil of densely bundled tubes 24 Torming a portion of the seam nly lines leading ta the respective cylinders. The bundled tubes 24 are heated by the biming fuel of the combustion razzie burner assembly 401 comprsing the air blowers 38 fue atomizer 41 andthe igniter 43 (se FIG. 4). The burners 440 are mounted on opposed sides of the circular combustion ‘chamber wal and ate slgned to diet thie Names ina spiral dlrseion, Ry spinning the lame front around the cambs- tion chamber, the eal of tubes 24s ropettively “washed” by the heat of this combustion gas which circulates ina motion to the center ofthe nbe bundle 24. Temperatures inthe tube bundle 24 are maintained at approximately 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. The tube bundle 24 carries the sieam and is ‘exposed Io the high temperaures of eombustion, where the steam is superheated and maitained at a pressure of approximately 3.200 psi, The hot gas exits through an aperture located atthe top center of the round roof of the ‘Mlindsical combustion chamber. The eenclugal motion of the combustion gases causes the heavier, unburned panicles suspended in dhe gases to accumulate on the outer wall of the ‘combustion chamber where they are incinerated, contribu ing toa cleaner exhaust. This cyclonic circulation of com- bustion gases within the combustion chamber creates higher cellciency in the engine. Specifically, multiple passes of the US 7,080,512 B2 5 coil of nihes 24 allows for promoting greater heat sauraton relative tothe amount of fel expended. Moreover, the shape Of the ciculiely wound bundle of tubes. penis greater Jengths of tube 1 be enclosed within combustion chamber ‘of limited dimensions than within that of a conventional boiler Furthermore, by dividing each eylinders seam sup- Ply line into two oF more lines at entry to the combustion ‘chamber (je in the tube bundle), a greater tube surface area is exposed to the combustion gases, prmoting greater heat transfer so thatthe Hui can be heated o higher temperatures ‘and pressures which further improves the efficiency of the ‘engine. ‘As the water exits the singe fine 21 of each indivihal ceylinder's pre-heating ceil on its way’ fo the combustion, chamber, it branches into the two oF more lines 28 per ‘eslinder forming pavt ofthe tube bundle which consists ofa coiled bundle 24 of all these branched fines. 28 for all inders, as deserbed shove. As seen in FIG, 3, these rultple Fines 28 are identical in eniss sectional areas and lengths. While such equalization of volumes and eapscitios between the single feeder’ ine 24 and the branched lines 28 would be balanced under static conditions, under the dynamic conditions of supercritical high temperatures and high pressures, comparative flow in the branch Hines can. hocome unbalanced leading 10 potential overheating and possible wal faire inthe pipe with lower flow. The spiter valve 26, located at the juncture ofthe single line 21 to the Iultiple lines 28, equslizes the few between the branch Tines (see FIGS.'3, 12 and 13). The spliter valve 26 minimizes turbulence atthe juncture by forming nota right 3 ‘angle “Tinterseetion, but # "¥" intersection with @ nartow ‘apex. The body of this “Y” junetion eoitains flaw contol valves 27 that allow unimpeded flow of fluid towards the ‘eam generator 20 through each ofthe branch lines 28, bu emit any incremental overpressure in one lie 0 “bleed” buck to the over pressure valve (pressure regulator) 46 to prevent over-pressuring the system, ‘As best seen in FIG, 8, the eylinders $2 of the engine are arranged ina racial configuration withthe cylinder heads St ‘and valves 53 extending into the eyclone furnace. A cam 70 _moves push:tods 74 (se FIG, §} o control opening of steam, Injection valves $3. At higher engine speeds, the steam injostion valves $3 are fully openod to injct steam into the ‘evlinders 82, causing piston heads $4 1 be pushed radially inwand. Movement ofthe piston heads 54 emtses connecting rods 56 to move niall inward to rotate eran disk 6F and crankshaft 60, As shown in FIG. 6 each connecting rod 56 ‘connects (othe crank disk 61, More specially, the iager circular surface of the connecting rod link is fitted with a Dearing eng §9 for enggement about hub 63 on the crank disk 61. In a preferred embodiment, the crank disk 61 is, formed of bearing material whieh surrounds the outer surface of the connccting rd link, therchy providing a dovble-backed beating {0 cary the piston load. The eon: necting rods $6 are driven by this crank disk 61. These ids ‘re mountod at equal intervals around the periphery of this circular bearing. The lower portions of the double-haeked hearings joining the piston connecting reds othe crank disk GI are designed to limit the angular deflection of the ‘connecting rods $6 so that clearance is maintained between, all six compecting rods duriay one ful sotation of the ‘rankshaft 40. The conte ofthe era disk 61 is yoked 10 a Single crankshaft journal 62 that is offSt Tom ihe central fais of the erankshaft 60, While the bottom ends of the ‘connecting rads 56 rate ina circle about the crank disk 61 the oflset ofthe eank joumal 62 on which the crank disk 61 ides creates a peometry tht makes the resultant rotation of 6 these ods travel about an elliptical path. This unique geom- cetty confers two advantages to the operation of the engine, Fist, during the power stroke ofeach piston, its connecting rod is in vertical alignment with the motion of the driving piston thereby trnsterring the full force oF the stroke, Scoond, the feet between the connecting mids 86 and the crank disk 61, the offset hetwoen the crank disk and the ‘rank joa 62, and the offct ofthe crank journal 62 to the crankshaft 60 itself, combine to creste a lever ann that amplifies te Foree of eal individual power stroke without increasing the distance the piston raves. A diagram shove ing this unique power stroke is shown ia FIG. 8, Aceord: ingly, the mechanical efficiency is enhanced, This arrange- ment also provides increased tine for steam admission and exhaust Referring to FIG. 7, at lower engine spoeds the stew injection valves $3 are partially closed and @ clearance Volume compression release valve 46 is opened to release seam from the eylinders 82. Tho clearance volume valves 46 ae controlled by the engine RPM's. The clearance volume valve 46 is am innovation that inyproves the ee

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