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Appendix 5:

Lesson Plan Template

LESSON PLAN Subject: In English/Science/Math

Trainee: Topic or Theme: weather

Class:kg2g Date & Duration: 2,3,2022

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working to be student able understand the weathers.

Lesson Focus

know the different weather.

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to:

-ESS2-1: Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time.

K-ESS3-2 Ask questions to obtain information about the purpose of weather forecasting to prepare for, and respond to, severe

Links to Prior Learning

I can write sentences using sight words

I can draw pictures about the weather.

I can use punctuation marks, spacing and sound unknown words.

21st Century Skills

 Social Skills
 Self-Management
 Thinking
Key vocabulary






Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

Student cant student can now the
weather will I will make different activity to earn the

Resources/equipment needed



& Time
8:45 Students will: Teacher will:
I will start with mooring routing. first I
10 mints Student will answer the teacher will say good mooring kg 2. How are you
good mooring MS. We are fin. today. Then I will ask student what today
student will answer Thursday, is? what yesterday is? what is tomorrow
Friday, Wednesday .march ,student is? what month we are in ?
will answer and count .student will Then I will ask student to tell my how
answer knowledgeable many student in class today?
Student will sing together First we will count how many Gils today?
Knowledgeable I will be. raise your hand Gils?
Knowledgeable I will be. Then how many boys we have today?
I will learn all I can. Then student how many toots of student.
Knowledgeable I will be. let count together
Then I will ask student about I will ask student boys and girls how can
weather. tell my what aware learn profile for this
month? knowledgeable
Let sing together
Knowledgeable I will be.
Knowledgeable I will be.
I will learn all I can.
Knowledgeable I will be.
Then I will ask student about weather.
how can tell me what the weather
I will song with student song about
Then I will read a story about the
Kg 2 you must learn and answer if you
hove question remember our role.
Then I ask student what did you see I
will make a main map.
Then I will ask student to draw a
favorite weather and write sentence for
example I can see/I like.
then I will ask student to reflect what
they did.

Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
Student will do the activity . Then I will ask student to draw a
5 favorite weather and write sentence for
example I can see/I like.


then I will ask student to reflect what

they did.

then I will ask student to take our box

and they have different activity they can
do it. for example :
Emergent student :in this activity
student will wears a bar different
clothes in different weather .

high student :in this activity student

will try to write a sentence .

developing activity :in this activity

student will sort the different pitcher in
different weather for example :
umbrella ,hat.
emergent student :this activity student
will have a pizzal in different weather.

emergent student :this activity student

must make a circa for what you see on a
rain day, cloudy day, sunny day and
snowy day.
developing activity: this activity student
will have different pitcher of clothes and
hove pitcher of different weather they
must pout clothes in correct weather
where they can were this clothes’.

developing activity this activity student

will have different pitcher of clothes’ and
hove pitcher of different weather with
bear they must put clothes in correct
weather where they can were this

high student :This activity student will

make a sentence
What they can see (sentence order).
Differentiation activities (Support)
Make a book with different weather.

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

Make activity with weather topic .

& Time
5 Students will Teacher will

Student will come and reflect what I will ask student to come and reflect
they did . what they did in activity .

Homework -
☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral ☐ Peer assessment
assessment questioning

☐ Quiz ☐ Student ☐ Written work ☐ Verbal feedback

presentation and feedback


I did my lesson with my kg 2 g student it was about weather. It was wonderful lesson. First
start with mooring routing, and we song about song learn profile for this month .then I ask student
to chees what weather today ?then we song song about weather .after than I ask student how now
what we will learn today .then I read a story about weather and I make main plan for them to see
what they did see in a story and student like this way and I see it help me to now how understand
the story .then I ask student some question about weather .then I tell for then to make for me a
book about weather they drown favorite weather and the clothiers for this weather .then when
they finish they reflect what they did . then I give student different activity what her levels make 9
activity . think the students have a lot of fun while doing the weather activities. The process of
sharing their activities and ideas help them in getting the addition number easily I noticed also
that they followed the instruction and they behave well with me and with their friends , Although
they understand the lesson but I intend to change some steps in doing the activities to let the
students use their critical thinking. My lesson met my teaching goal, because I did my best in
the class and I changed the way of teaching in all the centers and I did all the details that I had
written in my lesson plan. so, the student understood the lesson well. But I think the students of
this age must have more activity to have more fun. In the future, I will develop my skills achieve
to do more and activity understand the field of education and improving my language when I
teach. I will use a different strategy in the classroom. I like this experiment because its help me
to look at my wrong part and do it better in next time and this is will help me in my future
career to be a good teacher and success.

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