Processes in Nucleus Cell Biology: By: Furi Intan Wahyuni 4401408061

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Processes in nucleus

Cell Biology

By :

Furi Intan Wahyuni




Proccesses in nucleus

1) Protein syntesis

Protein syntesis is formed procces protein from monomer peptide that arranged from
genetic code structure. The protein synthesis begin from daughter cell of nucleus.
The young cell nucleus, ribosome, and cytoplasm the protein cynthesis consist of
three fase there are :

a. Transcription.
DNA opens a separate chain 2. Because the single-chain mRNA, then one
DNA strand is transcribed (copied). Chain called the DNA is transcribed
template and the sense or encoded genetic code called kodogen. While that is
not transcribed called antisense DNA / complementary. RNA Polymerase
chain wrench to open and insert DNA nucleotides to pair with the sense DNA,
forming a chain mRNA.

b. Transfer

Transfer of nuclei in prokaryotic cell is transferred the information or all

information from DNA in parents cell to DNA in daughter cell. And this will
be descend to daughter cell.

c. Translation
mRNA / RNAd which has been formed out of the child to the cell nucleus
rRNA. There mRNA into the rRNA / tRNA followed by RNAr / RNAt. When
the tRNA anticodon matches the mRNA codon and then shifted to the middle
of the chain. Next mRNA codon and tRNA are matched with the first amino
acid binds to a second amino acid. The first tRNA from rRNA. This process
lasted until the stop codons, ribosomal small and large subunits separately,
mRNA and tRNA from theribosome
Fast formula: mRNA = complementary DNA = DNA antisense = protein code

tRNA = DNA = DNA template = kodogen sense. Here is a picture of protein

synthesis process.

2) Cell division ( Cell proliferation )

Mitosis is to half in a cell that produce two identic daughter cell.the daughter
cell is similiary with parent cell.

Meiosis is to half in a cell that produce four daughter cells. The amount of
daughter cell is a half from parent cell.

The purpose of the mitotic division in many-celled living creature

is to enlarge the size of the body and replace cells damaged body. While the single-
celled living creature, mitotic aims to increase the number of cells and keep from

The purpose of the meiotic divisions is for the formation of sex cells (gametogenesis).
The formation of sperm in males is called spermatogenesis and the formation of an
ovum is called oogenesi. In higher plants the formation of pollen called
mikrosporogenesis, whereas the formation of the fruit will be called
makrosporogenesis or megasporogenesis.

Linkage (relationship) of cell division by inheritance. Both cell division mitosis and
meiosis that actually has the same goal of leaving nature (genetic) that there are cells
that divide the derivative cells. There are cells in the chromosomes that contain genes.
When the cells do divide, chromosomes in the nucleus would be menduplikat
inherited by daughter cells. So that daughter cells will receive (inherit) the
chromosomes and genes and type the same size of the parent.
Thus every individual has the same number of chromosomes with the parent and each
chromosome is a contribution from the second parent.


Kariokinesis during mitosis shows different caracteristic in each phase. Some

aspects that can be learned during the process of division of the core material is going
to change - change in chromosome structure, the core membrane, micro-tubules and
centrioles. Caracteristic of each phase in kariokinesis are:

a. Interfase

- In here like break fase but it is not like this

- It’s happening preparing to do in next proccess

b. Profase

- Tread of chromatin to become a chromosome

- Nuclei wall and nuclei daughter is lose

- Tread spindle was formed between two polars in two half

c. Metaphase

- The chromosome line arranged in half place or in equator

- Each of cromosometo hang at gelendong tread with sentromer

d. Anafase

- The sentromer that from chromosome is divide to two parts

- Each of cromatida is separates from this pairs

- All of cromatid is moving to each polar

e. Telofase

- The cromatid which in polar is change to tread of chromatin again

- The nuclei wall and nucleus shaped again and shapes to two nuclei

- The tread of gelendong is lose

- It doing a fission of cytoplasm ( cytokenesis to two parts )

- Shaped cell membrane that separates in middle of place to separates

- Shaped two daughter cell which has same amount of chromosome with
parent cell
Results of mitosis:

1. One Stem cells are diploid (2n) into 2 daughter cells that each - each diploid.
2. The number of chromosomes to daughter cells as the parent cell chromosome

During cytokinesis progresses, the cytoplasm of animal cells are divided into two by
the formation of contractile ring formed by actin and myosin in the middle of the cell.
This contractile ring formation causes the flow division that would eventually produce
two daughter cells. Each - each formed daughter cells contain a cell nucleus, and
organelles - cell organelles. In plants, cytokinesis is marked by the formation of walls
in the middle - the middle of the cell. Cytokinesis stage is usually included in the
telophase stage.

Cell division in Amitosis

The process of cell division in prokaryotic cells differ from the eukaryotic cell
division. In the prokaryotic cell division in a simple place that includes the process of
cell growth, the duplication of genetic material, the division of chromosomes, and
cytoplasmic preceded by the formation of new cell walls. Such division process called
amitosis, amitosis is cell division directly without involving the chromosome, for
example in bacterial cells.

Chromosomes are duplicated, will initially stick to the plasma membrane.

Furthermore, the growth will occur between the two chromosome attachment to the
separation of the core material. Sitokenesis will then occur, followed by the formation
of new cell wall until the two daughter cells are formed, such division is also often
called binary fission (binary fision) or direct cell division.

Meiosis I

1. Prophase I

a. Leptoten

Chromatin to form chromosomes thicken.

b. Zygoten

Homologous chromosomes begin to pair, the two centrioles move toward opposite

c. Pachytene

Each chromosome is thickened and doubled in two kromatida with one centromere.

d. Diplotene

Kromatida dilate and shorten, the homologous arm and a meeting.

e. Diakenesis

Marked by a crossing (crossing over) from the chromosomes that have undergone
duplication. This only occurs in meiosis course,, which may result in gene
recombination. nucleolus and the core wall disappeared. Centrioles split into
berawanan poles, spindle fibers are formed between the two poles.

2. Metaphase 1

At this stage, tetrad placing himself in the plane of the equator. Membrane core is no
longer visible and spindel bound by centromere division.
3. Anaphase I

At this stage, division spindel shortened and interesting parts of the tetrad (diad) to the
opposite poles of the cell so that homologous chromosomes are separated.
Chromosomal crossing over the results of moving to the cell poles carry different
genetic material.

4. Telophase I
At this stage, the cell membrane, forming a septum forming two daughter cells that
are haploid, but each chromosome still has two chromatids (siser cromatid) connected
through the centromere.

Meiosis II

1. Prophase II

a. Tread of chromatin to become a chromosome

b. Chromosome consists of 2 does not have duplication kromatida again.

c. Nucleolus and the core wall are lose.

d. Centrioles split into polar opposites.

e.Fiber - spindle fibers are formed between 2 polar division.

2. Metaphase II

Chromosome kebidang equator spindle fibers hang on through the centromere.

3. Anaphase II

Kromatida separated from homologous, and move toward opposite poles.

4. Telophase II

a. Chromosome turned into yarn - yarn chromatin again.

b. Nucleolus and re-formed the core wall.

c. Fiber - spindle fibers disappear and re-formed the centrosome.


Distinguishable aspects Mitosis Meiosis

Purpose For The nature of growth maintained the diploid

The results of cell division 2 children 4 children cells

The nature of daughter cells diploid (2n) haploid (n)

Place of occurrence of gonadal cells somatic cells

in animals known of meiotic events in the formation of gametes, namely

Oogenesis and Speatogenesis. While in plant known

(Megasporogenesis) and Mikrosporogenesis.

3) Growth

Cell specialization Mature cells are usually specialized. As cells mature, their
shape and contents change so that they can be most efficient at the work that they
must do.

In the blood, all of the white blood cells keep their nuclei so that they can alter
their function to meet the challenges of protecting the body from invaders. The red
cells, however, lose their nuclei and fill up with the special oxygen-carrying molecule,
hemoglobin. They also assume a special shape that is flexible, yet allows rapid
transfer of oxygen into and out of the cell.

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