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Release Notes

Open Text Vendor Invoice

Management 5.1.6

The Release Notes provide you with the most recent and up-to-
date information on Open Text Vendor Invoice Management

Release Notes
Open Text Vendor Invoice Management 5.1.6
Rev.: 2008-Oct-17
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Table of Contents

1 Introduction ............................................................................... 5
1.1 Welcome .................................................................................................. 5
1.2 About this document ................................................................................ 5
1.3 Contact information .................................................................................. 5

2 About Vendor Invoice Management......................................... 7

2.1 What is Vendor Invoice Management? .................................................... 7
2.2 What is new?............................................................................................ 9
2.2.1 What is new in version 5.1.6? .................................................................. 9
2.2.2 What is new in version 5.1.5? .................................................................. 9
2.2.3 What is new in version 5.1 ..................................................................... 10
2.2.4 What is new in version 5.0? ................................................................... 11

3 Packaging and documentation............................................... 15

3.1 Delivery information ............................................................................... 15
3.2 GUIs and documentation ....................................................................... 16
3.2.1 GUI and Online Help languages ............................................................ 16
3.2.2 Manuals.................................................................................................. 16

4 Supported software versions ................................................. 17

4.1 Compatibility with other Livelink products .............................................. 17

5 Installation information........................................................... 19
6 Known restrictions.................................................................. 21

VIM050106-RN-EN Release Notes iii

Chapter 1

1.1 Welcome
Welcome to Open Text Vendor Invoice Management (VIM). VIM is a prepackaged
composite application that works with existing SAP ERP systems to streamline
accounts payable operations. For an introduction to the product, see “What is
Vendor Invoice Management?” on page 7.

1.2 About this document

This document provides you with the most up-to-date information on this release of
Employee Information Management.
These Release Notes are updated continually. The latest version and further
technical information is available from the Open Text Knowledge Center.
• “Introduction” on page 5 gives you a short introduction to this document and
how to find additional information.
• “About Vendor Invoice Management” on page 7 briefly describes Vendor
Invoice Management.
• “What is new?” on page 9 lists what is new or has changed in Vendor Invoice
Management from version 5.0 to version 5.1.6.

1.3 Contact information

Open Text Online is a single point of access for the product information provided by
Open Text. Depending on your role, you have access to different scopes of
information (see below for details).
You can access Open Text Online via the Internet at or
the support sites at
The following information and support sources can be accessed through Open Text

VIM050106-RN-EN Release Notes 5

Chapter 1 Introduction

Knowledge Center
Open Text's corporate extranet and primary site for technical support. It is the
official source for:
• Open Text products and modules.
• Documentation for Open Text products.
• Patches for Open Text products.
The following role-specific information is available:
• Information on the Open Text Partner Program.
• Programs and support for registered partners.
Business Users
• Tips, help files, and further information from Open Text staff and other users
in one of the Open Text online communities
• Downloads and patches
• Documentation
• Product information
• Discussions
• Product previews
Feedback on If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions to improve our
documentation documentation, contact us by e-mail at

6 Release Notes VIM050106-RN-EN

Chapter 2
About Vendor Invoice Management

2.1 What is Vendor Invoice Management?

VIM is short for Open Text Vendor Invoice Management.
• VIM is a packaged business solution.
• VIM solves a business problem - paying correct amount to vendors on time and
with the lowest cost.
• VIM delivers not technology but best-practice business processes.
• VIM provides values to customers in process efficiency, visibility and
VIM is SAP centric.
• VIM is an add-on to your SAP system, the majority of the functions and
processes run inside your SAP system.
• VIM deals only with invoices that will be posted to SAP ERP.
• VIM uses SAP technology: ABAP and Workflow
• VIM integrates with standard SAP functions: Invoice Verification, Financial
Processing, etc

VIM050106-RN-EN Release Notes 7

Chapter 2 About Vendor Invoice Management

VIM consists of the following components:

Figure 2-1: VIM components

Document Processing
• Capture invoice metadata including line items for PO.
• Handle suspected duplicate invoices.
• Collaborate with others.
Invoice Approval
• List invoices to be approved.
• Approve and code the invoices.
Exception Handling (Invoice Exception)
• Handle the exceptions that arise after a SAP invoice is created.
VIM Analytics
• Overlook the invoices in progress in a unified dashboard.
Vendor Self Service
• This is an optional component.
• Allow vendors to check the status of their purchase orders, invoices, good
receipts and payments.

8 Release Notes VIM050106-RN-EN

2.2 What is new?

2.2 What is new?

2.2.1 What is new in version 5.1.6?
Version 5.1.6 is a minor version release. The core functionality has not changed from
the previous version 5.1.5. The following items describe the main changes that are
part of this version:
• Support for SAP ERP versions 4.6 C, 4.7 and 5.0, in addition to 6.0 which is
already supported in earlier versions.
• Out-of-the-box integration with some OCR technologies
• Extended support for country-specific business rules. Business rules
implementation for the following countries:
• Germany
• UK
• France
• US
• Switzerland
• Austria
• Support for SAP upgrades
• SAP ERP 5.0 to 6.0
• SAP ERP 4.7 to 6.0
• SAP ERP 4.6 C to 6.0
• Support for VIM upgrade from 5.1.5 to 5.1.6

2.2.2 What is new in version 5.1.5?

Version 5.1.5 is a minor version release to include a few technical and packaging
specific features. The core functionality has not changed from the previous version
5.1. The following items describe the main changes that are part of this version:
• Installation through SAP Add-On Assembly Kit (AAK) instead of transports
• Code refactoring to optimize performance
• All Z objects are moved to Open Text namespace with the result that there are no
non name spaced objects.
• Simpler and streamlined installation in line with other SAP components
• GUI translations now also include German and French.
• Table logging is activated for most configuration tables.

VIM050106-RN-EN Open Text Vendor Invoice Management 5.1.6 9

Chapter 2 About Vendor Invoice Management

2.2.3 What is new in version 5.1

Version 5.1 is a major release which incorporated a number of significant
infrastructure and functional enhancements to the product. Almost all the
components of VIM are enhanced in this release. Most of the code is refactored to
incorporate optimization and streamlining of user interface and expanded
functional requirements. The following section describes the technical and
functional changes included:
Technical enhancements
• Extensive optimization of all underlying workflow infrastructure for better
• User interface re-design:
• Standardized user interface across all sub processes
• Process Selection Screen renamed Dashboard
• Better infrastructure for developing custom extensions
• Expanded infrastructure for agent assignment configuration
• Role template infrastructure
• Better UI for agent assignment maintenance
• Elimination of the use of user exits
• Expanded and standardized infrastructure for phased roll-outs (by plants,
document types etc.)
• Expanded duplicate checking infrastructure
• VIM Analytics integrates DP documents.
New Extended Baseline with comprehensive OCR support
• Comprehensive set of out-of-box scenarios to handle most business scenarios
• Pre-configured invoice processing scenarios included
• Baseline invoice processing
• PO Invoice without OCR
• PO Invoice with OCR
• Non PO Invoice without OCR
• Non PO Invoice with OCR
• Baseline exception handlings
• Total of 35 exceptions

10 Release Notes VIM050106-RN-EN

2.2 What is new?

Implementing aids and tools

• Configuration wizards to help extended base functionality
• Expanded reminder/escalation utility
• Version determination tool
• Comprehensive installation check program
• Role test tool - investigate about key determination logic logging
• Option test tool
• Admin tool – to update work item texts and transporting them to effect the
inbox folder text
• Unified Admin console - to include links to all tools - area menu

2.2.4 What is new in version 5.0?

Version 5.0 is a consolidation version of the previous versions. Even though this
included a brand new component called Document Processing, the core
functionality is fairly close to the previous versions. There were a number of
implementation aids and core technical changes included in this release. The
following describes the changes in this version:
Implementation aids
• Implementation Guide (SAP SPRO style configuration tool) for DP, Invoice
Exception workflow (IE), VAN and Web Approval (IAP)
• Business Configuration (BC) sets support for some VIM components.
• Approval Diagnostic Tool (IAP)
VIM Analytics enhancements
• Performance improvements
• Additional customizable selection/output fields
• Plug-in for integration of Invoice Approval data
• Plug-in infrastructure
• Avoids creation of custom reports.
• Business Warehouse (BW) style report – with possible future support for BW
• More analytic grouping criteria
• Well documented with user guide
• Includes Current Liability report

VIM050106-RN-EN Open Text Vendor Invoice Management 5.1.6 11

Chapter 2 About Vendor Invoice Management

Document Processing enhancements

• Indexing workflow renamed and productized as Document Processing
• Sophisticated early archiving workflow
• Can be configured to work for any early archiving scenario (not just invoices)
• Can be used independent of other VIM components
• Can work with Open Text DocuLink for SAP Solutions to provide sophisticated
document management features
• Direct support from Livelink ECM – Imaging: Enterprise Scan
• Mass archiving step can be eliminated if used with Livelink ECM – Archive
Server and Enterprise Scan along with Open Text DocuLink for SAP Solutions.
• Sophisticated collaboration
• Process collaboration through familiar user interface of Process Selection
• Highly customizable
• Configurable document types
• Eliminates screen development for index data collection in most cases
• Eliminates BDC coding for document creation
• Index/OCR pre-processing
• Built-in simple rules engine
• “Process Types” similar to parking reasons for various document types
• DP workflow to support line item information handling
• Pre-processing configuration to determine processing type – through rules
• Plug in function module for use with Kofax release script
Invoice Approval enhancements
• Coding BADI
• Each coding field can be customized by a single BADI method – no need
to rewrite method validateacctdata any more.
• BADI is accessed by coding configuration table /ORS/APPR_GL_CFG.
VIM Configuration Tools
• SAP IMG (SPRO) style configuration tool
• For all VIM modules: DP, Web Approval, Invoice Exception workflows

12 Release Notes VIM050106-RN-EN

2.2 What is new?

• Online help included

• Support SAP BC sets

VIM050106-RN-EN Open Text Vendor Invoice Management 5.1.6 13

Chapter 3
Packaging and documentation

3.1 Delivery information

The software CD-ROM is labeled Open Text Vendor Invoice Management 5.1.6.
The CD-ROM contains the software and the documentation.
Release Notes Delivery also includes the Release Notes Open Text Vendor Invoice Management
Release Notes are delivered with every Open Text product. They describe in detail
the hardware supported by the product or package and whatever changes or
important dependencies should be known. They also describe where to find
documentation and further information about the products.
The latest version of the Release Notes is available in the Open Text Knowledge
Documentation The documentation of all products and all supported versions is available in the
Open Text Knowledge Center.
You can find the product documentation as follows:
The product CD-ROM contains the documentation corresponding to the product
and the version. You can find the documentation in the <CD-ROM>:/documentation
Note: You can find the latest information on manuals and online help files for
each product in the corresponding Release Notes. This includes the
identification codes of the current documentation.

Access to the technical documentation

The manuals are available in PDF format (Acrobat Reader).
PDF version If you want to print a complete manual, open the PDF version. The PDF format is
also useful to search for certain items in the whole manual.
You can find the newest versions of Acrobat Reader on the Adobe
( Web site.

VIM050106-RN-EN Release Notes 15

Chapter 3 Packaging and documentation

3.2 GUIs and documentation

The following section gives you an overview of GUIs and manuals that are available
for Open Text Vendor Invoice Management and in which languages they are

3.2.1 GUI and Online Help languages

Component en1 es1 de1 fr1
Open Text Vendor Invoice Man- G, G, G, G,
agement O O O O
1. G=GUI, O=Online Help

3.2.2 Manuals
For Open Text Vendor Invoice Management, the following guides are available:

Document title Available languages

Code number
en es de fr
Open Text Vendor Invoice Management 5.1.6
Installation Guide X

Open Text Vendor Invoice Management 5.1.6

Configuration Guide X

Open Text Vendor Invoice Management 5.1.6

Administration Guide X

Open Text Vendor Invoice Management 5.1.6

User Guide X X X X

Open Text Vendor Invoice Management 5.1.6

Terms and Definitions X

Open Text Vendor Invoice Management 5.1.6

ArchiveLink Configuration Guide X

16 Release Notes VIM050106-RN-EN

Chapter 4
Supported software versions
Open Text Vendor Invoice Management is released for new installations for SAP
R/3 4.6C, SAP R/3 4.7, SAP ECC 5.0, and SAP ECC 6.0.

4.1 Compatibility with other Livelink products

The following Livelink products are compatible with Vendor Invoice Management:

Product Supported versions

Open Text Archive and Storage Services all versions
(Livelink ECM – Archive Server)
Open Text Imaging Enterprise Scan all versions

VIM050106-RN-EN Release Notes 17

Chapter 5
Installation information
See Open Text Vendor Invoice Management 5.1.6 - Installation Guide (VIM-IGD) for

VIM050106-RN-EN Release Notes 19

Chapter 6
Known restrictions
• Restrictions on behalf of non-Open Text products are not listed here. See the
respective Release Notes for those products for further information.
Daylight saving time support
Since Vendor Invoice Management 5.1.6 is based on SAP R/3, ECC, and
NetWeaver, the limitation for the time switch during the duplicate hour between
daylight saving time and non-daylight saving time applies to Vendor Invoice
Management. Open Text recommends that the system is not used productively
during the duplicate hour.
Accessibility support
Vendor Invoice Management 5.1.6 is compliant with minor exceptions to
Section 508 and WAI WCAG 1.0 requirements. For more details, refer to the
Section 508 Voluntary Product Accessibility Template for the Open Text
Vendor Invoice Management 5.1.6 (VPAT) document.

VIM050106-RN-EN Release Notes 21

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