Visal Art Math Shamsa Abdullah

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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Topic or Theme:

Class: Kg 2 -6 Date & Duration: 8,march,2020

Trainee Personal Goals

My goal in this semester to let the student respect each other’s, and to do a lot of fun assessment

Lesson Focus

By end of the lesson 80% of the student

Student well able to no understand number 1-5

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to: K2NS5

1.identify familiar and patterned arrangements for 1-5 and recognize these arrangements by sight
for 1-3.

2.identify familiar and patterned arrangements for 1-5

3. identify familiar and patterned arrangements for 1-5 correctly.

recognize arrangements for 1-3 by sight correctly.

Links to Prior Learning

Learn number 1-5

21st Century Skills

Critical: expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgements.

Creativity: the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness

Collaboration: the action of working with someone to produce something.

Communication: the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some

other medium.
Key vocabulary

Number ,one, two ,tree, four, five

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

Some student don’t know number 1to 5 Teacher well show student how to write and now
number 1-5 .

Resources/equipment needed

Spray bottles, colours (water colour or oil colour) ,A3 papers, gross or leaves ,Toy
guns ,scissors ,Tape ,Plate to make, water color or oil color ,white Papers

& Time
Students will: Teacher will:

Student well set in carpet then well Teacher well tell to student to set in the
and well do normal routine. carpet. teacher well do normal routine.
(how many student in class, colander,
month). Teacher well set with student in
the carpet the she well seed today well
learn number 1-5. First well song the
number song. then teacher well bring
different object then student will account
how many they hove. second activity I will
tech student how can write number. then I
will tell student to write number 1-5 to
practice the number .then I will send
student to different sinter.
Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:

Teacher will go let the student set in the

Group 1: In this active well used a carpet and she will explain for each center
visual art technique it is Splatter Paint what they have to do the each Group
.student well hove this material a teacher will say “ if anyone need help
Spray bottles, colors (water color or oil please raise your hand” . While the student
color) ,A3 papers, gross or leaves ,Toy work in their activity she will go around
guns ,scissors ,Tape ,Plate to make and see the student work.
number 1-5 .The steeps are :
1.we will take the student outside
and give them the instructor.
2- we will give them objects they
have to count the objects one to
3- they will make the number with
the tape then put it in the A3 paper
4- Then they will splatter the color
in the paper with different objects
5-let the color dry then remove the
6-share with your friends.

Critical thinking: student will think

about how they well make number
with Splatter Paint technique
Collaboration: each child can help the
other child.
Communication: student well share
with student hare work .

Group 2: student well make number

with finger panting well hone this
material different Colors (water
color or oil color ,white Papers .
teacher well tell the diarchies
1.Each group will have the
materials in front of them and they
can share together(paper , different
2. Each students will think about
what is what the number they hove
and how they can flow the number
with her finger .
3.Students will use the various
materials to draw on the paper, they
will put their finger in the colors
they used.
3.They will start to use the paint to
create their favorite number with
her finger.

Critical thinking: student will think

what they make the number .
Collaboration: each child can help the
other child.
Creativity: student well using visual art
will do the number.

Group3: well used visual art teachings

finger panting. Student well have a
paper A4 , oil colors . in each paper
hove number student, must make
finger panting with this number. for
example they hove number 5 they
must take a oil colors and put their
hand with the clear and pasted in the
paper .
Creativity: student well using visual art
finger panting they well using they
hand to show the numbers .
Critical thinking: student will think
how what this numbers

Differentiation activities (Support)

Group 3: I must be with her to don’t mess the classroom.

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

Group 1; teacher must help student and give direction.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

Students will Teacher will

Students will Teacher will

Student well go to the carpet with her Teacher will distances with the student
activate and well discuss what they do what they do in each activity and well see
and what they learn . how understand.

Critical thinking: student well think

what they to .
Communication: student will able the
talk and discuss with each other.


☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback



Select (S):

Identify a lesson and what standards are you addressing :

By end of the lesson 80% of the student ,Student well able to no understand number 1-5.
Approaches to Learning

Social: Roles and responsibilities.

Emotional: Self-image and awareness.

Emotional: Expressing and managing self.

The lesson was in the classroom; the lesson was for KG2 student in AL MASK KG. there are 23 students
in the classroom. , The basic outcome is identify, learn one to five . expose the ideas by song the song
number . These help student to learn number . then I teach student how they can write the number . In
this activity, the students will learn how they can write the number. They I will tell to student to came
and write the number in the board. in this lesson I try to let the student know the number 1-5 and write .
First I teach the students the numbers. Some of them understand quickly and some of them couldn’t
understand. I went to each centre and explained more to them in various ways to make them
understand the numbers. I explained these numbers in easy way to facilitate getting the idea to them.
this lesson the student will learn One to five and how to it in different ways with visual art teaching .
next time I will make students more engaged in the learning process by drawing the numbers, by using
the clay and making numbers . I will control the time precisely next time to give students more time to
practice more activities. Because this time I noticed them they are confused a little bit, but next time I
will make them more relax the thing that will make them understand the numbers easily . The students
were very quiet because in the beginning I told them if they behave bad I will give them minus mark in
the class dojo and if they sit quietly and answer well I will give them stars. So, the class was quiet. There
are different student levels in the classroom. and I tried to deal with all of them. The mastered students
are given activity suitable for their level for example I give them paper with numbers and I ask them to
make some number with finger panting . I didn’t need much time to explain the activity to them. I made
three different activities for them, because most of the class is developing students. I take more time to
explain the activities to them. The emerging students didn’t understand quickly, so I sat next to them
and helped them to get the idea and make the activity. From the beginning I tried to attack the
attention of the students by showing the numbers of different colours And then I showed them real
objects like banana, strawberry , apple and orange . They touch the fruit and felt enjoyment in doing
this. I think the students get a lot of fun while doing the activity and in sharing their activity and idea to
each other. I notice that they follow the instruction and they behave well with me, so they understand
the lesson. but in next time I will change some steps in explaining the numbers to let the students use
their critical thinking, and I will let the student share their activity together and let them stand up and
each one will say what he did in the centre. My lesson met my teaching goal, because I think I did all the
needed things in the class. I made the lesson plan, made various activities, explained the activities well
and helped the students of all the levels . I encouraged students and give them stars and tried to engage
all of them in this learning process. In next time, I will try to control the time well and finish everything
on time. I will improve my pronunciation and speak the language well. I will give students more support.

This the work of student they did with Splatter Paint .they make number with visual art teaching .

This activity student did with finger painting .

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