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Draft version: 1.

IT Governance Training Syllabus (COBIT & ITIL)

April 2022

A lot of organizations need an Enterprise IT Governance System to integrate the understanding, the
processes, and the improvements relating to IT Governance between IT, Audit, and Risk &
Compliance. Therefore, for the initial step all the related parties in an organization need to get the
same understanding about the best IT Governance related frameworks such as COBIT 2019 and ITIL
4. This course can also be used as a trigger for next IT Governance System implementation program.

COBIT® 2019 is a framework for the enterprise governance and management of information and
technology (I&T) that supports enterprise goal achievement. This course is intended for those new
to COBIT who are interested in achieving the latest understanding.

ITIL 4 is for anyone working within an IT function and other related functions who needs to
understand the key concepts of IT and digital service delivery and is interested in helping their
organization address new service management challenges.

Training Objective
The objective of this training/course is to provide the understanding about the best IT Governance
related frameworks, namely COBIT 2019 and ITIL 4.

The table below gives a summary of the learning outcomes and topics that are delivered in the
course, and the duration estimate of each session. The total course/training duration is 8 hours.

Learning Outcome Topic Duration

1. Understand IT Introduction – IT Governance 45 min
Governance in • Overview of IT Governance: COBIT 2019, ITIL
general 4, ISO 38500, etc.
• Preliminary Assessment Questionnaire (IT
Governance maturity)
• The questionnaire results

COBIT 2019 4 hours

2. Understand Framework Introduction 30 min

COBIT 2019 in • The target audience of COBIT 2019
general • The context, benefits and key reasons from
which COBIT is used as an information and
technology governance framework
• The descriptions and purposes of the COBIT
product architecture
• The alignment of COBIT with other applicable
frameworks, standards and bodies of

3. Understand Principles 15 min
principles of • The governance “system” principles
governance • The governance “framework” principles
system and
4. Understand Governance System and Components 1 hour 30
governance • The components of a governance system min
system and its • The overall structure and contents of the
components Goals Cascade
5. Know how to Governance and Management Objectives 15 min
read governance • The 40 Governance and Management
and management Objectives and their purpose statements
6. Understand how Performance Management 15 min
to measure • COBIT based performance management using
capability and maturity and capability perspectives
7. Understand how Designing a Tailored Governance System 30 min
to design a • How to design a tailored governance system
governance using COBIT
8. Understand how Implementation 30 min
to implement a • The phases of the COBIT implementation
governance approach
system • The relationships between the COBIT Design
and Implementation Guides
9. Know key points Business Case 15 min
of a business case • The key points of the COBIT business case

ITIL 4 3 hours

10. Understand the Key Concepts of Service Management 15 min

key concepts of • Key definitions
service • Key concepts of creating value with services
management • Key concepts of service relationships
11. Understand how The ITIL Guiding Principles 30 min
the ITIL guiding • The nature, use and interaction of the guiding
principles can principles
help an • The use of the guiding principles
adopt and adapt
12. Understand the The Four Dimension of Service Management 30 min
four dimensions • Description of the 4 dimensions
of service

13. Understand the The ITIL Service Value System 15 min
purpose and • Description of the ITIL service value system
components of
the ITIL service
value system
14. Understand the Service Value Chain 30 min
activities of the • The interconnected nature of the service
service value value chain and how this supports value
chain, and how streams
they interconnect • The purpose of each value chain activity
15. Know the ITIL Management Practices 30 min
purpose and key • The purpose of the 15 ITIL practices
terms of 15 ITIL • Key definitions of ITIL terms
16. Understand 7 ITIL The 7 Important ITIL Management Practices 30 min
practices • Details of the 7 ITIL management practices
17. Know the next Suggested Next Actions & Closing 15 min
actions to do for
BNI Life

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