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Party Scene Choreography:

1. First Motif “I found you”:

For this first sequence The Nurse is paired with
Capulet, for duet choreography, as the following:
 On the second “I found you” in the music both
Capulet and The Nurse turn around anti-clockwise.
 For 2 beats Capulet raises their hand to The
Nurse’s face.
 For 2 beats Capulet leans in to kiss the Nurse,
meanwhile The Nurse places her hands on
Capulet’s shoulders.
 For 2 beats the Nurse pushes Capulet away.
 Then for 2 beats Capulet pushes away The Nurse’s
hands and gets into a waltzing position.
 For 16 beats Capulet and dance, anti-clockwise in
a circle.
 Then for 2 beats The Nurse places her left and on
Capulet’s chest. (count 1,2)
 For another 2 beats The Nurse pushes Capulet
away. (Count 3,4)
 For 2 beats The Nurse walks away, turning her
head, remaining her actor’s gaze on Capulet.
(Count 5,6)
 On count 7 The Nurse turns her head away and
Capulet grasps onto her hand.
 To conclude this section The Nurse walks away
into position for the next section.
2. 8 beats of “Rewind” Party Scene
“Swoosh” into the rewind, (elevated physicality, drop
down heavily and quickly and directly spring into the
reverse choreography.)
1. Walk Juliet over the box and steps backwards, holding
their hand.
2. Catch Juliet, with (Juliet 1 [Lauren] and 2 [Brooke].)
3. Sit down on the block, swinging legs back and forth,
looking outwardly, shoulders hunched up the by neck.
4. Stand up, right hand on my hip, and bouncing leg
(Bending my knee, so that my weight is transferred to
the right leg.)

3. 8 Beats of “Marionette”
The “Marionette” movement is highly stylised, such as the
practitioner Chekhov’s choreography it is non- naturalistic
and highly exaggerated, distorted and almost mechanical.
After Revisiting, this marionette movement was cut due to
the fact that it wasn’t coherent with the narrative journey
of the piece.

4. 8 beats of Party scene Motif,

After 8 beats of rewind, there is a swoosh into the
motif again where Romeo and Juliet Bump into each

5. 8 Beats Of “Rewind”:
There is another swoosh, where we then return to the
rewind, faster pace sequence.

6. 8 Beats of Repeated Sequence:

There is another forward moving choreography

7. Into 1st Still Image:

In this 8 beats, as the Nurse I stumble, as though I have back
pain, clutching my back, until we “pop” (Highlight using a
direct, exaggerated movement) into the still image.

8. 1st still image:

For this still image, as The Nurse I lean on my left knee with
my left hand on my hip and right arm extended out towards
Juliet, meanwhile my actors gaze is constantly on Juliet.
While there is dialogue from Romeo and Benvolio directed
at Juliet.

9. Transition into 2nd Still image:

This transition occurs after an exaggerated physicality
“woosh” into movement moment, after the cue from
Balthasar “woah”. In this transition I am pushed by Lady
Capulet to Upstage Left, where I am “pushed” to my knees,
while my actors gaze is on the floor.

10. 2nd Still image:

This still image is held, at the same time as Capulet and
Tybalt have dialogue.

11. Transition into clubbing

After the audible cue of Tybalt stamping his foot on the
ground there is another “woosh” moment of exaggerated
physicality before the ensemble, dances as though in a club,
flocking around the block CenterStage. I am Up-stage
dancing on the middle and lower step, before Romeo
pushes past and I slowly move down, creating a sense of
weightlessness by raising and lowering my arms as though
in slow-motion.

12. 3rd Still Image:

For the final still image my right arm in laid on the 2 nd step
of the block, both legs are stretched out and my body is
contorted in a twisted manner by turning my torso to the
left while I tilt my head, that is leaning against the corner of
the block to the right.
13. Transition into The Nurse’s
As the Nurse I walk slowly from CenterStage to upstage left,
I face forward towards the block, Juliet is to the left, my
actors gaze is wandering around the landscape of the party
and then focused on Juliet. Before I deliver the dialogue,
“You okay?” while Juliet walks slightly towards Romeo and
delivers “Who was that?”, I then lean my body towards the
block and deliver the line, “Their name is Romeo, they’re a
Montague, the only child of your great enemy.”

14. Transition into final still image:

For this transition after the line, “Anon, anon, come let’s
away, the strangers are all gone.” I grab Juliet’s left hand
with my right hand and walk them down off the block
towards Upstage left where we freeze in a still image.

15. Final Still Image:

For this final still image my actors gaze is straight ahead,
with my left foot ahead of my right. My right arm behind,
holding on to Juliet’s hand who is behind me.

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