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MBM740: Learning Organisation


Dr Chipo Mutongi

Contact 0772422812/0712529824


This module aims to explore the dynamics of how organisations learn through the empowerment
of individuals in the organisation as organisation learn through people who learn. It goes beyond
the incidence of mistakes as a punishable offence and treats these as opportunities to learn and
enhance organisational performance. It will also examine the leadership regimes necessary for
such organisational learning.

The objectives of this course are, To:
 realise that there are forces that are reshaping workplaces and pressing managers to
consider the role of learning in organisations;
 identify learning organisations and organisations with learning disabilities
 realise that learning occurs and may be analysed in different ways and different contexts;
 Understand Knowledge Management as a key component in learning organisations
 Understand the importance of emotional intelligence in learning organisations
 realise that there are many different elements, processes and skills involved in
implementing a learning organisation;
 realise that organisational learning is interrelated with most organisational and
management goals;
 realise that the strategies for building learning organisations may vary with particular
theoretical sets and mental models of the process

Course Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course candidates will be able to:

 Understand learning organisation practices
 explore the factors that influence the reshaping of employees, workplaces and
organisations from a learning perspective
 critically analyse and apply different theories of learning organisation at individual and
organisational levels.
 practice emotional intelligence and understand its impact on learning organisation
 reflect on personal mastery and development strategies, approaches and preferences in
relation to organisational and individual needs.
 Analyse and evaluate knowledge management strategies in work organisations.
 develop strategies and management practices for building learning organisations

1.0 Peter Senge and the Learning Organisations.

Peter Senge 5th Disciplines
Learning disabilities- Peter Senge
Adaptive and Generative Learning
Single, Double and Triple Loop Organisation
Organisational Ecosystems
Chris Argyris- learning organisation model
John Denton Concept of Learning Organisations
Supportive atmosphere
Learning strategy
Blame free atmosphere

2.0 Overview of Learning Organisations

Characteristics of Learning Organisations
Factors contributing to the prevalence of Learning Organisations
Innovation and Creativity
Cultural Dimensions of learning Organisations
3.0Emotional Intelligence and learning organisations
Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence
The inner and the outer circle
Importance of emotional intelligence

Ability model
Mixed ability model
Competence model

4.0 Knowledge management

The knowledge management cycle (create/find/acquire-organise-share-use/reuse-evaluation)
The DIKW Model (Data, information, Knowledge and Wisdom)
Knowledge Management theoretical framework
The competence stages-beginner, learner, apprentice, expert
The hierarchy of Knowing
The management of knowledge Workers
Communities of Practice

5.0 Leadership Styles and Learning Organisations

Learning Organisations and Strategy formulation
Role of leaders in Learning Organisations
Marxwell -21 Laws of Leadership

6.0 Impact of New Organisational Structures in Learning Organisations

Boundary less organisations
Network structures
Strategic alliances, Matrix & Project forms
Virtual organisations
Horizontal organisations

7.0 Empowerment
Empowerment continuum
Learning and cultural transformation
Technology and information systems

8.0 Team Building

Types of teams – functional and cross functional
Top management
Organisational Development
Self managed teams

9.0 Developing Learning Organisations in Zimbabwe

Business environment (Economic, Political and Social)
Government policy and regulations

Senge, P. (1991) The Fifth Discipline. The Art and Practice of Learning
Organisations. New York. Doubleday Currency.

Daft, R. L (1998) Organisation: Theory and Practice. 6th Ed. Southwetern College

Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert (1995) Management, 6th Ed. Prentice Hall.

Mintzberg and Others (2003) The Strategic Process, Concepts, Contexts, Cases. Pearson

Robins & Coulter (1998) Management, Prentice Hall.

Luthans, F. (2002) Organisational Behaviour, 9th Ed. McGraw Hill.

Cole, G. A. (1999) Personnel Management: Theory and Practice. 4th Ed. ELST.

Little, S. et al (2005) Managing Knowledge: An Essential Reader. Sage Publications

Ltd. New Dehli.
Dalkir, K (2005) Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice. Oxford: Elsevier

Cavaleri, S. et al (1996) Managing in Organisations that Learn.

Flood, R. (2000) Rethinking the Fifth Discipline – Routledge, London

Cavaleri ,Steven and Seivert Sharon. Knowledge Leadership, The Art and Science of the
Knowledge-based Organisation.
Scarbrough Harry and Carter Chris. Investigating Knowledge Management.
Mintzberg Henry et al (1996) – The strategy process, concepts, contexts
Thomas Davenport at al (1998) Working Knowledge

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