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ARCHITECTURE SOP statement of purpose

During my early teens,my father drove me to South Mumbai. when i clambered up on the double
decker BEST bus i stared in awe when i saw magnificent century old structures, monuments,
Churches, buildings, museums,at Fort, Colaba and south Mumbai like The Gate way of India, Asiatic
Library, Chatrapati shivaji Maharaj station,GPO building, NCPA, Wilson college,Nehru centre, prince of
Wales museum.I was amazed by The Gothic columns, Indo -Sarcenic style of construction
mingled with history and culture.It took me in that era and I thought I was roaming around in London
or Europe.This was the beginning of my obsession for architecture.

I knew I wanted to do something creative.My passion for arts was identified when i was in school.I
was good at drawing and sketching.My drawing teacher inspired me to pursue my career in a field
which is related to my interest.This was boosted when i started making clay models at home during
vacation. My art teacher once told me if you want to create something, you must imagine, because
imagination is everything.

In addition to my academic activities,I have also participated in many exhibitions, where i

showcased my talent of architecture.I received many certificates,prizes,awards, trophies in
photography and sketching.This was distinctly gratifying experience for me which drove me to join the
best institution in the world.

For years, I have had my sights set on studying architecture in the UK,I am ready to strive hard and
challenge myself as a student of architecture.In the future, my goal is to have an aesthetic sense while
designing or creating buildings or homes. Through architecture, I can leave my permanent mark on the

"MUSIC IS A BLISS" My mother who is also a classical singer once told me, there is music in every
elements of Nature,be it drops of water,rustling of leaves,chirping of birds,gushing waterfalls,thunder,roar
to the heartbeats.As i grown up,My unquenchable thirst to learn music continued.

My first GURUS are Nature and my mother.,I often played Harmonium with her.The intricacies of
classical and western music attract me to learn more.I am blessed to learn under the able guidance of
Guru Pundit Satyadev Sharma and the music school," Swar-Sadhana"

The classes of harmony,music analysis,composition,background score,editing,synthesising

etc.matured me as an artist. In High school,I was an active member of Music club.We started Music
Association in our school.The "Saptak Musical club" in our college was a real platform for me to excel.

Throughout these years,i performed solo and musical pieces at musical concerts and festivals.Playing
various instruments was an invaluable experience for me.This has shown me firsthand the value of
teaching as well as learning which makes me yearn for teaching experiences in future career.

This is why i feel well prepared to enter your graduate program of music.If accepted, i will focus on
contemporary classical and western form of music.After my studies,i plan to return my country and seek
a teachers position,with the goal of nurturing the legacy to

Rajat comes home from school/college and finds the door locked. Since he has a duplicate key he
enters and finds a note from his mother kept on the table. In it, she explains that she had to rush to the
hospital with Mrs, Manohar ,their neighbour who had met with an accident, she has also written that he
should have the rice and curry kept on the dining table for lunch. He could heat the food in the
microwave oven if he wanted to, but he should be very careful while handling the switch.


Time 10.45 a.m.

Dear Rajat,
Mrs. Manohar (our neighbor) has met with an accident.
I am rushing to AIMS Hospital with her as Mr. Manohar is out of station due to his office work. I have kept
rice and curry on the dining table for your lunch. Heat it in the microwave,be careful while handeling the oven
and switch.Don’t worry I will be back at the earliest.I have called Mrs.Manohar’s relatives.Take care.


You are Madhura, a personal secretary to Mrs. Kapoor. She was away attending a meeting when Mr. Banerjee rang up.You spoke
to him and jotted down his message in your notepad.
Draft a message for Mrs. Kapoor using the information in your notes given below.
[ Mr. Banerjee-rang up - 11.45 am - has received the documents,tenders-coming tomorrow-to thank Mrs Kapoor
- hand over the cheque.]


11.45 am. [ 26th July]


Mr. Banerjee rang up at 11.45 am in the morning while you were away attending the meeting.He said he had received the
documents,tenders and would come tomorrow to express his gratitude to you.He said he would also hand over the cheque to
you personally.

( Personal Secretary)
Sample Answer:

Respected Principal, vice Principal, supervisor, teachers and all my dear friends!
Today, I welcome one and all on the occasion of the world Environment day. On this auspicious occasion I am going to share my views on the topic," Tree Conservation".
Respected Dignitaries on and off the dais, as we all know Trees are the best friends of human beings from ages and saviours of Mankind. Trees provide us Food,shelter,
oxygen, fruits,Wood, medicinal herbs unconditionally. We have been worshipping trees from generations as they give us everything without expecting anything.
It is rightly written by someone,
"Poems are made by a Fool like me but God can only make a Tree" how true is this! Trees maintain the ecological balance of the Environment. Trees prevent soil erosion. Trees
Invite rainfall. Trees attract people travellers, birds, animals. Forests and jungles help to reduce pollution.

" Woods are lovely

Dark and deep but
I have many promises
To keep before I sleep,
before I sleep,
before I sleep!

Unfortunately, in some parts of the world human beings start deforestation at a large scale for making a living. Loss of flora and fauna, species, extinction of rarest of rare birds,
animals affect the biodiversity. It results in degradation of the environment. Depletion of Natural Resources cause damage to Mother Earth. The large scale industrialisation,
urbanisation influenced the beauty of Nature.

If we do not seize it
It's curtains on our
Living things.

But the Questions arise.....

Do we really feel concerned about it? Are we really serious about this issue?

Remember ,we have a little time so, think, introspect and act. We only can stop this degradation by realising the value of Nature and Trees. On this pious day, Let's take a
pledge to Protect the Environment,Trees,Nature,
Each one plant one and protect one is the need of the time. I am very optimistic that with United and collective efforts we will surely do this.

Thank you for your patient hearing!

Sample Film Review one (01)

Name of the film: TITANIC

Director: - Steven Spielberg, of Jurassic Park fame

Theme: The film is a real life tragic drama, enacted more than one hundred and fifty years ago, on the luxurious and inviscid ship ‘Titanic’, that struck
in an iceberg. It sank in the pacific ocean, with more than one thousand and five hundred people on board. The director ingeniously weaves a love story
against the backdrop of this tragedy.

Plot: It is the story of a poor girl‘Rose’ who falls in love with a young lad “Jack” emigrating to America for work. Rose’s mother, an ambitious woman,
wants her to marry a wealthy young man, travelling aboard the shop. The drama has the usual twists and turns, with the wealthy man conspiring and
accusing Jack of stealing a diamond necklace. ‘The Heart of the ocean’. At this juncture, the ship collides with an iceberg, and starts to sink gradually.
There is a wild scramble, as people behave like animals for their own self-preservation, fighting for life jackets and lifeboats. The young & couple on the
other hand risk their lives to save each other. The hero finally succumbing to the icy waters, to save his beloved.

Casting, acting: It goes to the credit of the director who has been able to extract a stellar performance from Kate Winslet, “Rose” and Leonardo Di
caprio “Jack”, in their debut performance

Camera work: The film has good cinematography with excellent camera work Sound effects making some scenes like the sinking of the ship, look real
and breathtaking. The digital stereophonic sound effects give a ‘true to life’ experience. So mush so, that one can actually feel the emotions of the people
struck by the calamity.

Dialogues, settings: The smooth screenplay and effective dialogue delivery is costumes engrossing. The elaborate costumes, make-up and props, truly
reflects the period of the tragedy.
**** 4½ Excellent
Sample Film Review Two (02)

Name of the film: GANDHI

Written by John Briley, Produced and directed by Richard Attenborough

Plot: In 1893, the 23 years old Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is thrown off a south African train for being on Indian sitting in a first-
class carriage despite having a first-class ticket. He realized that the laws are biased against Indians. He decided to start a non-
violent protest campaign for the right of all Indians in South Africa. In 1915 as a result of his victory in South Africa. Gandhi is
invited back to India. He is urged to take up the fight for India’s independence (Swaraj, Quit India) from the British Empire. The 1919
Jallianwala Bagh massacre is also depicted in the film.

Cast, acting :The lead role is played by Ben Kingsley as Mahatma Gandhi. Rohini Hattangadi played the role of Kasturba Gandhi.
The other characters like Jawaharlal Nehru and Vallabhai Patel were played by Roshan Seth and Saeed Jaffrey,Ben Kingsley as
Gandhi is simply outstanding.

Settings / Dialogues: More filming took place at the Aga Khan palace, Pune Nagar Highway, Pune. It is now designated as Gnadhi
memorial. It is an epic historical drama. Bhanu Athaiya, The costume designer of Richard Attenborough’s 1982 classic done a
fantastic job of costume designing. The dialogues are best suited for the occasions and thought provoking.

Stars / Rating: *****Excellent movie.

Sample Group Discussion

Do you think teenagers should be given Personal mobile phone?

Evaluator : You’ve all been given a few minutes to think on your topic for today’s group discussion.The topic for Group Discussion is,‘Do you think teenagers should be given
personal mobile phone?’You may now begin the discussion.
Who would like to start?

Manisha : I think the topic of this discussion is very relevant to all of us here. As teenagers, we are so fond of our mobile phones, and its different features that have become
irresistible to us. I feel mobile phones are quite necessary, they are quite helpful for educational purpose, we can get support for their various subjects just at the click of a

Anamika : I also agree with Manisha because now-a-days people use smartphones and they can get access to any information they want like travel information, recipes,
courses, colleges etc

John : Yes, I would like to add to it. I don’t think students use the mobile phones only for seeking useful information. They use it for entertainment too. They listen to songs,
watch movies etc. I am afraid they see unsuitable things too. Moreover they spend long hours on phone.

Anamika : Yes John, you are absolutely right. But, I think parents have made them aware of the abuses of the mobiles and they are mature enough to understand how to use
mobile phone productively.

Ananya : Yes, all this is true but don’t you all agree that they do see unwanted things and waste their time in things not suitable for their age group.
John : I agree with what Ananya says. It is a sheer wastage of time, money and energy.
Anamika : I feel that most of the students have forgotten the basic use of mobile phones; they have to travel long distances for tuitions and other purposes. The
parents can keep a track of their children. That is the main reason why parents have given them mobiles.
John : Yes, but students have become lazy. They lack concentration, they don’t read books, the phone keeps ringing and disturbs them now and then.
Manisha : Parents, institutions block some sites so that students are not able to view unwanted material. The risk is there but with advantages there
are disadvantages too.
Evaluator : All right, everyone. Your time’s nearly up. Could someone conclude, please?
John : Taking the points into consideration mobile is a good and useful tool but a time period should be allotted to the students to use mobile so that students do
not become couch potatoes. Eye problems, posture problems, psychological problems have increased. They sometimes become violent if mobile phones are taken
away from them. They can use these phones but they should be made to use them judiciously.

i) You have visited a science exhibition on Environmental pollution organised by the Education Department. A number of Carts, models, slides etc. were on
display. Prepare a report of about 20 lines for the college magazine appreciating the work of the students.



Mumbai: 18th December 2019. A science Exhibition called Tech-Expo 2019 was organised by K.J. Somaiya college of science and commerce.It was organised by
the Department of Education in association with B.A.R.C Mumbai at Somaiya Grounds last week.The primary objective of this event was to create a scientific
awareness among the students.

The three day long Exhibition was inaugurated by the famous scientist Dr. Jayant Naralikar. In his inaugural address,he emphasised the need to have a scientific
approach in life.Many Student Participants from various colleges across Maharashtra participated in this Exhibition.Many posters,charts,models,presentations
were displayed by the students highlighting scientific issues affecting our lives.

The issues like Global Warming,Ozone layer, Air Pollution, water pollution,Noise Pollution,Acid Rain,climate change were prominent.The students of Wilson
College Prepared a Mechanical Robot whereas students of Somaiya college displayed a Solar operated Battery car. It was really a fun to have a special
programme organised by T.I.F.R on daily use of science around us.

The Exhibition was concluded with the Prize distribution ceremony.The chief Guest of this function,renowned scientist, Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar gave away the
prizes and certificates to the winners.He congratulated one and all. Dr. Vijay Joshi, Principal of K.J. Somaiya College of science and commerce thanked one and
all in the end.He announced a special prize for young aspiring Scientist.
1) Imagine that you are a compere of a ‘Prize Distribution Ceremony’ of your college. Write a script for the same. You can take the help of the following points.

1)Introduction - A brief introduction of the programme / function / show.

2)Welcome speech - Welcome of all the guests, felicitation of the guests
(Principal, vice-principal etc.
3)Lighting the lamp
4)Welcome song
5) Main events
6) Vote of thanks.

Sample Answer:
Introduction - Good evening to all present here today on this special occasion. Today is the day we acknowledge and appreciate the hardwork and effort put in by so many of our
students through the year. Yes, today is the long-awaited ‘Prize Distribution Ceremony’, the day when we decorate with awards prizes and medals all those students who have
performed par excellence in different fields, shining in academics and sports or even in arts.

Welcome speech : On behalf of the Principal, teachers and students of our college, I take pleasure in welcoming our Chief Guests, Mr. Siddharth Nayak and Ms. Urmila Nayak
Welcome Sir, Ma’am. I also warmly welcome all the parents, who have been the backbone of their children’s success; without their efforts, we would never have achieved all that
we did during the year. Welcome to one and all, once again.
Lighting the lamp : Let us begin this wonderful programme in the traditional Indian way. For this, I request all the honourable members on the dais to kindly light the traditional
lamp and offer prayers. Sir, Ma’am, please.

Welcome song : Thank you, I request our guests to please take their seats in the auditorium and enjoy the cultural programme.
We begin the cultural events for the day with a heartfelt and cheerful welcome song. I invite on stage our star singers, Shilpa, Varsha, Mihir and Yogesh. For musical
accompaniment, we have Sumeet on the guitar and Raunak playing the table.

Main events :
A big round of applause, please, for our singers and musicians. Thank you. The next item on our programme is a light one-act play presented by students of Std. XII. I request the
audience to maintain complete silence so as not to miss the surprise ending .......
That was indeed a surprise ending ! I can see that you have enjoyed this offering by our students. Well, now we go on to the most eagerly awaited part of the programme - the
prize distribution. May I request our Chief Guests and the Pricipal of our college to please step onstage and hand over the prizes to the winners .... Thank you, Sir, Ma’am.
I now request our Chief Guest to address the audience.
Thank you, Sir. Your speech has indeed given us wonderful insights on the various aspects and responsibilities of social networking. We are immensely grateful to you for your
invaluable words of enlightenment and advice.
We proceed to the next part of the programme. India, as we all know, is a country that has many diverse ways and customs. And where is this more obvious than in the dances of
the different states ? Yes, we now present a quartet of dances from the east, west, north and south of India. Let us see
how it ends ! Please give a big hand to welcome the students of Std. XII, presenting the dances.
That was indeed a wonderful performance ! Thank you, audience, for your appreciative response.

Vote of thanks : Before we conclude this programme I take the opportunity to thank all those who have lent a helping hand to make this Prize Distribution Ceremony a grand
success. For the formal vote of thanks I invite our Cultural Secretary, Ms. Seema Pai. I take my leave of you with a big ‘Thank you’. You have indeed been a wonderful audience !
Q. Imagine you are a compare of a ‘Annual day programme’ of your college. Write / prepare a script for the same. You can take help of the
following points.
Introduction :
1)A brief introduction of the programme / function / show.
2)Welcome address : Welcome of all the guests / dignitaries / felicitation of the guests (Principal, Vice Principal etc.)
3)Lighting the lamp
4)Welcome song
5)Main cultural events.
6)Vote of thanks

Sample Answer:
Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Supervisor, Teachers and all my dear friends, I, Rahul Singh, cultural Secretary your host for today’s
event welcome one and all on this special occasion. Today is the long-awaited mega event called ‘TARANG’ of our college. This is the
platform where we can exhibit our talent and potential. On behalf of the college Management, Principal, I take pleasure in welcoming our
Chief Guests for todays function. Mr. Prakash Amte and Mrs. Sindhutai Sakpal. The renowned social workers from Maharashtra. I also
warmly welcome all the parents,distinguished guests gathered over here. welcome to and all once again.
As per our tradition, we always begin our programme by soliciting the blessings of the almighty in the traditional Indian way. For this, I
request all the honourable members on the dais and off the dais to light the traditional lamp and offer prayers ‘Let the darkness of
ignorance be dispelled and let there be light everywhere'.
Thank you all the dignitaries, I request all our guests to take their seats in the auditorium and enjoy our cultural treat. We begin our cultural
event with a welcome song, I invite on stage our star singers, Miss. Shraddha Sawant, Sachin Patil, Atul Parab, Ameeta Sinha for musical
accompaniment, we have Sumeet Deshpande on the Tabla and Raunak Sharma on the casio.
A big round of applause for our singers and musicians. Thank you, The next item on our programme is a group dance. May I invite our
dance group from XII G Division to perform folk dance. I request the audience to maintain silence and enjoy the performance.
That was indeed a breathtaking performance!. Give a big round of applause for all the artists. We have a surprise package for you dear
friends our commerce students now going to perform a skit on the topic “Save Girl child” to create an awareness I hope you will surely like
this skit as it has a social message for all of us it was indeed a fabulous performance!. It is an eye-opener for all of us, isn’t it ?
I now request our Chief Guests to felicitate the student of the year award. The student of the year
award for this year goes to Miss Nikita Hiwalkar from FYJC division H. A big round of applause I request our guest to address the audience.
Thank you Sir, Your speech has indeed given us wonderful insights and responsibilities of social networking. We are highly indebted to you
for giving us your valuable time.
Before we conclude this programme, I take the opportunity to Thank our Management, Principal, Vice Principal, Supervisor, Teacher and all
Q. Nature’s Club, Wardha is organizing tree plantation. Make campaign by using slogan.

‘Plant Trees! Plant Life!’


Trees are our best friends!

Don’t you agree to it?

But what do you do for your best friends?


Now, here is an opportunity for you.

Join us.

Join Nature Club’s Tree

Plantation Programme.

Plant Trees! Plant Life!!

Nature Club Wardha – in union with nature

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