Airbnb Outline.

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Analytical Report Outline

Report: Describe the situation and two reasons for the success Airbnb Source Texts

1. Introduction

General topic:
General topic of
 describe subject of  Airbnb success due to unique product offering
 include definition Definition:
of key terms if
 Airbnb is a lodging company, which uses a business model that assists
Aim of the report
homeowners to rent their homes to travellers
 describe report
Aim of the report :
Brief background
and/or history of
company  To provide data and indicate factors that contributed to Airbnb's success
 include descriptive
details e.g., when, Background:
where, who, why,
and how it started
and/or grew  Started by Brian Chesky (Gallagher, 2017)
Importance of topic
 mention why other  (2007) moving to San Francisco(Gallagher, 2017)
businesses should
be aware of this
 Brian was too poor(Gallagher, 2017)

Sequence  (August, 2008 ) grown quickly(Gallagher, 2017).

 list paragraph
topics using
bullets  3 million properties available on website.(Tate, 2017)

 homes listed in 65,000 cities in 191 countries on its platform. (Tate, 2017)

 headquarters is in San Francisco, USA (Tate, 2017))

Importance of the topic:

 Other businesses should learn about Airbnb's success and aim to emulate its
tactics and practices.


1. Introduction

2. Airbnb’s Success

1 ∎ EAP: AB, DB, JH, SB, & TG

∎ IAE for College of Business & Economics
3. Reason #1 unique product

4. Reason #2 developed technology

5. Conclusion and recommendation

2. Write main idea: Airbnb’s Success

2 ∎ EAP: AB, DB, JH, SB, & TG

∎ IAE for College of Business & Economics
 Increasing Numbers of Bookings:
Main idea
Provide evidence of
the company’s o (February 2011) 1 million booking
 use revenue
changes, market
o (June 2012) 7 million booking
share, # of
customers, etc o (October 2013) served 9 million guests
 include supporting
data when
possible o (2017) served more than 150 million travellers.

 Revenues Continue to Climb:

o (2013) revenues $250 million

o (2015) revenues $900 million

o 2016) revenues $1.7 billion

(Tom, 2017)
o (2017) revenues will reach $2.8 billion

o (2020) revenues $8.5 billion

 Acquisition of Other Businesses:

o Crashpadder:

 rival business to Airbnb

 argest lodging website in the United Kingdom.

○ Localmind:

 question-and-answer platform

3 ∎ EAP: AB, DB, JH, SB, & TG

∎ IAE for College of Business & Economics
3. Write main idea: Reason #1: Unique Product
 Low Prices for Comfortable Accommodations:
Main idea
Explain the 1st main
reason for the o Living room -renting it to travellers at a low cost. )Gallagher, 2017).
 provide an
overview of the
o Don’t have to pay labour costs )Gallagher, 2017).
 use of supporting o not required to charge their guests taxes )Gallagher, 2017).
use of supporting o goal to make moderate profit, not a high one )Gallagher, 2017).
examples (qualitative
o accommodation 25-50% cheaper than hotels.(Tate, 2017)
o cost is lower than the prices at a full-service hotel .(Tate, 2017)
o practical amenities available e.g. washing machine, dryer & kitchen .
(Tate, 2017)

 Simple Advertising and Simple Booking

o allows hosts and guests do business directly

o hosts can advertise directly to the website. (Caldwell, 2016)

o guests can instantly book a lodging

 Interesting cultural experiences

o guest can experience an equal or higher level of comfort .(Tate, 2017)

o cultural experience E.g. tour or aquarium. .(Tate, 2017)

4. Write main idea: Reason #2: Well-developed technology

Main idea  Established Web 2.0 (Caldwell, 2016)
Explain the 2nd main
reason for the
success/failure: o Allows direct, easy, private & fast communication
 provide an (Lauterbach, & Truong, 2009)
overview of the
 use of supporting o Enhance trust through: (Lauterbach, & Truong, 2009)
 use of supporting
examples o Messaging Feature:
 Easy communication between hosts & guests

o Answer inquiries

o Get to understand each other

4 ∎ EAP: AB, DB, JH, SB, & TG

∎ IAE for College of Business & Economics
o Reputation Feature:

 Allow to post feedbacks publicly

 extended short-term accommodation unprecedented ways

(Dolnicar, 2019)

 become an iconic, category-defining case study in industry and scholarly

discourse (Dolnicar, 2019; Kuhzady et al., 2020).

 adapted the platform business model to the long tail of hospitality

(Reinhold et al., 2020).

 (1990) Interest in the business model was triggered (DaSilva & Trkman,

5. Conclusion
Restate the aim Restate aim:

Summarise main  To provide data and indicate factors that contributed to Airbnb's success.
 use bullet for each
 include key data Summarise main ideas:

Future Airbnb’s Success

 apply what was
learned to make  Increasing Numbers of Bookings:
to other
companies o (June 2012) 7 million booking
 use bullets for
each o (October 2013) served 9 million guests

o (2017) served more than 150 million travellers.

 Revenues Continue to Climb:

o (2013) revenues $250 million

o (2015) revenues $900 million

o (2020) revenues $8.5 billion

● Acquisition of Other Businesses:

o Crashpadder:

5 ∎ EAP: AB, DB, JH, SB, & TG

∎ IAE for College of Business & Economics
 rival business to Airbnb

o Localmind:

 question-and-answer platform

Reason #1: Unique Product

 Low Prices for Comfortable Accommodations:

o Don’t have to pay labour costs

o accommodation 25-50% cheaper than hotels.

 Simple Advertising and Simple Booking

o allows hosts and guests do business directly

o hosts can advertise directly to the website.

 Interesting cultural experiences

Reason #2: Well-developed technology

 Established Web 2.0

o Allows direct, easy, private & fast communication

o Enhance trust through:

 Messaging Feature

 Reputation Feature

Future Recommendations:

● Companies should consider & keep up w/ external changes

●Alter business model / strategies if necessary

●Be open to new, innovative ideas

●Analyse potential risks to avoid bankruptcy

6 ∎ EAP: AB, DB, JH, SB, & TG

∎ IAE for College of Business & Economics

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