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Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller

Modbus Communications Protocol

for software release 826530-032
This document describes the Modbus communications  Error Check (CRC) Field
protocol as an optional function supported by the
The maximum number of bytes contained within one
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller. It
packet of communications is 64.
includes instructions on how to activate this Option
and establish communication with the Diesel Fire Device Address Field This is the first byte of
Pump Controller via the network. each Modbus RTU transmission. The device
address is a number limited to the range of 1 – 247
Modbus Protocol for the Diesel Fire Pump Controller.
Function Code Field This is a second byte of
Implementation Basics each transmission and represents the commanded
The Diesel Fire Pump Controller supports the Modbus action to the slave device (for queries from the
protocol via the TTL port to an RS-485 or Ethernet master) or the action that was taken by the slave
communication network, where it functions as a slave device (for responses from the slave). Codes
device. The RS-485 medium is a multi-drop standard, between 1 and 127 are defined as Modbus RTU
which allows for multiple slave devices on a single functions. Presently, 2 functions are supported:
loop. In order to use communication functionality, the 1. Function #3. - Read Holding Registers.
user needs to have the Option installed in the factory 2. Function #6. - Preset Single Register.
or order the hardware connectivity kit and Option
activation as an add-on. These function codes are detailed in the Supported
Function Codes section.
Hardware, Option activation requirements
Data Field The Data Field varies in length
The Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus depending on whether the message is a request or
communication via the TTL port is available as an a response packet. This field typically contains
optional package. For those don’t have this option pre- information required by the slave device to
installed, they will need to contact the factory. perform the command specified in a request
packet or data being passed back by the slave
Option activation:
device in a response packet.
The option activation is done through the Diesel Fire
Pump Controller GUI by a factory authorized Rep. Error Check Field The Error Check Field
only. User can setup the parameters by following the consists of a 16 bit Cyclical Redundancy Check
procedures below: (CRC16). It allows the receiving device to detect a
packet that has been corrupted with transmission
1. Main Menu -> Settings -> Option Settings ->
errors. Refer to CRC-16 Algorithm for details.
Modbus Slave
2. Once in Modbus Slave screen, user can change
address and baud rate as desired. The default values Packet Framing and Timing
are address 1 and 19200 baud rate. The Modbus RTU protocol does not define any
 Baud rate selection range: from 1200 to 115200 explicit packet synchronization bytes. Synchronization
for Serial hardware package. 9600 and 19200 is accomplished implicitly with the use of silent
for Ethernet hardware package (restricted by intervals. According to the Modbus RTU standard, all
connectivity module) master messages must start with a silent interval of at
 Address setting range: from 1- 247 least 3.5 character times. This means that every byte
within a packet must precede the next byte by fewer
Modbus RTU Packet Format than 3.5 character times based on the baud rate. And
Every Modbus RTU Packet consists of the following every new packet of data must begin at least 3.5
fields: character times or more after the packet that had
preceded it.
 Device Address Field
 Function Code Field
 Data Field
ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932
Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 11 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol
CRC-16 Algorithm FOR Y = 1 to 8
Procedure The algorithm essentially treats the entire IF [(the least-significant-bit of CRC16REG) = 1] THEN
data packet (less the start, stop, and, if used, parity SHIFT CRC16REG one bit to the RIGHT
bits) as one continuous binary number. Since we are OTHERWISE
doing a 16-bit CRC calculation, the binary number SHIFT CRC16REG one bit to the RIGHT
(entire packet) is multiplied by 216 and then divided by END
the generator polynomial. In the case of the Modbus NEXT Y
protocol, the generator polynomial is 216 + 215 + 22 + 1. NEXT X
The 16-bit remainder of the division, which is the 16-
bit CRC checksum, is then appended to the end of the The resulting CRC16REG contains the 16-bit CRC checksum
packet. The resulting data packet including the 16-bit
CRC checksum, when divided by the same Generator
CRC-16 C Programming Language Example:
Polynomial at the receiver, will give a zero remainder
CRC16_checksum is a C language function that
if no transmission errors have occurred.
calculates and returns the 16-bit CRC checksum of a
The binary value of the Generator Polynomial is A001 string of characters. This is the brute force method as it
hex. This is obtained by first dropping the most- consumes a lot of processing power performing
significant-bit of the polynomial and then reversing the numerous bit shifts. A table look-up method based on
bit order. This yields 1010000000000001 or A001h. this function would be more suitable for embedded
systems where processing power is at a premium. The
The steps for generating the 16-bit CRC checksum
following four parameters are passed as part of the
are as follows:
1. Initially, load the 16-bit CRC register with the value 1. pointer to string
FFFF hex. 2. length of string (in bytes)
3. initial CRC value
2. Exclusive OR the 16-bit CRC register with the first 4. desired Generator polynomial
data byte of the packet and store the result in the 16- Included to make this CRC-16 function
bit CRC register. generic for any generator polynomial
3. If the Least Significant Bit (LSB) of the 16-bit CRC The function is defined as follows:
register is equal to one, then shift the 16-bit CRC unsigned int CRC16_checksum(unsigned char *Buffer, int Length)
register to the right by one bit and then Exclusive {
OR the result with the generator polynomial, A001 unsigned int index;
hex. Otherwise, just shift the 16-bit CRC register to unsigned int CRC = 0xFFFF;
unsigned int GenPoly = 0xA001;
the right by one bit.
4. Repeat step 3 until eight right shifts have been While (Length--) { /* for each data byte in string */
performed. CRC = CRC ^ (unsigned int) *Buffer++; /* exclusive OR
5. Exclusive OR the 16-bit CRC register with the next data byte */
data byte of the packet. For (index = 0; index < 8; index++) { /* for each of the 8 bits */
6. Repeat steps 3-5 until all the bytes of the data packet If ((CRC & 0x0001) == 1) CRC = (CRC >> 1) ^ Genpoly;
Else (CRC = CRC >> 1);
have been used in step 5.
7. The 16-bit CRC register contains the new checksum } /* for statement */
} /* while statement */
to be appended to the end of the packet, Least
Significant Byte first. return(CRC);
Example: Assume the transmitting device desired to
CRC-16 Pseudocode: Below is the pseudocode for
send the ASCII string “ASCO”. Using an ASCII
generating the 16-bit CRC checksum. XOR is the
character look-up table, we have the following
Exclusive-OR function:
hexadecimal codes for each of the ASCO letters:
GENPOLY = A001 hex A = 0x41 S = 0x53
C = 0x43 O = 0x4F
FOR X = 1 to number of bytes in packet
BEGIN The transmitter determines the 16-bit CRC checksum
XOR CRC16REG with the Xth data byte as follows (in C, both methods are equivalent):
ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932
Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 2 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol
CRC16_checksum((unsigned char *)“ASCO”, 4)
which returns CRC = 0xCD94

CRC16_checksum((unsigned char *)“\x41\x53\x43\x4F”, 4)

which returns CRC = 0xCD94

Before sending the string, the transmitter would

append the CRC checksum (in byte reverse order) to
the string as follows:
“ASCO\x94\xCD” or the equivalent in hexadecimal
notation “\x41\x53\x43\x4F\x94\xCD”

If the receiving device received the string without any

transmission errors, then doing the 16-bit CRC
checksum on the entire received string would yield
(again, both methods are equivalent):

CRC16_checksum((unsigned char *)“ASCO\x94\xCD”, 4)

which returns CRC = 0x0000

CRC16_checksum((unsigned char *)
“\x41\x53\x43\x4F\x94\xCD”, 4)
which returns CRC = 0x0000

Since the CRC checksum is equal to zero, the

transmission is deemed valid.

Had an error been induced during the transmission,

such as the ASCII character ‘A’ being inadvertently
changed to the character ‘B’ (which is hexadecimal
0x42), the receiving device would determine the new
checksum as:

CRC16_checksum((unsigned char *)“BSCO\x94\xCD”, 4)

which returns CRC = 0x3300

CRC16_checksum(“\x42\x53\x43\x4F\x94\xCD”, 4)
which returns CRC = 0x3300

Since the CRC is NON-ZERO (0x3300), the receiver

would assume an error had occurred and discard the

ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 3 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol

Supported Function Codes

Function # 03 (03h) – Read Holding Registers about the data register definitions of the Diesel Fire
Pump Controller.
This function code allows the master to read one or
more consecutive data registers from the Diesel Fire The following example shows the format of a
Pump Controller. The data registers are always 16 bit transmission between a client device and the
(two byte) values, transmitted high order byte first. responding Diesel Fire Pump Controller at address 1.
Refer to the Register Map for details about the data The client desires to set the Selected Event register
register definitions of the Diesel Fire Pump Controller. 40077 to a data value 5 (05 hexadecimal).
The following example shows the format of a Master Transmission
transmission between a master client device and the Packet Format Example (in hex)
responding Diesel Fire Pump Controller at address 1. Slave address 01
The master desires to read the Timestamp (time & Function code 06
Data starting address (high byte) 00
date), beginning at Holding register location 40004 Data starting address (low byte) 4C
(which is a “Data starting address” of 3 decimal or 03 Set Data (high byte) 00
hexadecimal). Set Data (low byte) 05
CRC16 (low byte) 88
Master Transmission CRC16 (high byte) 1E
Packet Format Example (in hex)
Slave address 01
Diesel Fire Pump Controller Response
Function code 03 Packet Format Example (in hex)
Data starting address (high byte) 00 Slave address 01
Data starting address (low byte) 03 Function code 06
Number of registers (high byte) 00 Data starting address (high byte) 00
Number of registers (low byte) 06 Data starting address (low byte) 4C
CRC16 (low byte) 35 Data (high byte) 00
CRC16 (high byte) C8 Data (low byte) 05
CRC16 (low byte) 88
CRC16 (high byte) 1E
Diesel Fire Pump Controller Response
Packet Format Example (in hex)
Slave address 01
Function code 03 Function # 16 (10h) – Preset Multiple Registers
Byte count 0C This function currently is not supported.
Data word #1 (high byte) 00
Data word #1 (low byte) 0C
Data word #2 (high byte) 00 Exception Responses
Data word #2 (low byte) 09
Data word #3 (high byte) 00 If the Modbus master device sends an unsupported
Data word #3 (low byte) 25 command, attempts to read an invalid holding register,
Data word #4 (high byte) 00 or attempts to write invalid data, the Diesel Fire Pump
Data word #4 (low byte) 01
Data word #5 (high byte) 00
Controller issues an exception response. The format
Data word #5 (low byte) 08 for the exception response is as follows:
Data word #6 (high byte) 00 1. SLAVE ADDRESS
Data word #6 (low byte) 0A 2. FUNCTION CODE*
CRC16 (low byte) 8E (with the most-significant-bit set to a 1)
CRC16 (high byte) B7 3. ERROR CODE
4. CRC16 – low order byte
5. CRC16 – high order byte
Function # 06 (06h) – Preset Single Register * Note the high order bit of the function code has
This function code allows the master device to modify been set to one to indicate an exception response
the contents of a single configuration register within has been generated.
the Diesel Fire Pump Controller. The data registers The following table is a list of the exception codes
are always 16 bit (two byte) values, transmitted high supported by the Diesel Fire Pump Controller.
order byte first. Refer to the Register Map for details
ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932
Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 4 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol
Exception Response Error Codes CRC16 (high byte) 23

Error Error Diesel Fire Pump Controller Diesel Fire Pump Response
code name implementation
The slave does not support the Packet Format Example (in hex)
01 Illegal function function code contained in the Slave address 01
master query packet. Function code 86
The slave does not support the Error code 02
Illegal data Holding Register address CRC16 (low byte) C3
02 CRC16 (high byte) A1
address referenced in the data field of
the master query packet.
The slave does not support the
Illegal data
03 data referenced in the data field
of the master query packet.
The slave is unable to perform
the action requested due to an
07 invalid privilege level, a
temporary restriction, or an
internal resource conflict.

The following example shows the format of a

transmission between a client requesting device and
the responding Diesel Fire Pump Controller at address
1. The client device attempts to write an invalid data
value 3100 (0C1C hexadecimal) to the Selected Event
register 40077 (4C hexadecimal). The Diesel Fire
Pump Controller responds with Error code 03.
Master Transmission
Packet Format Example (in hex)
Slave address 01
Function code 06
Data starting address (high byte) 00
Data starting address (low byte) 4C
Data (high byte) 0C
Data (low byte) 1C
CRC16 (low byte) 4C
CRC16 (high byte) D4

Diesel Fire Pump Controller Response

Packet Format Example (in hex)
Slave address 01
Function code 86
Error code 03
CRC16 (low byte) 02
CRC16 (high byte) 61

The following example shows the format of a

transmission between a master device and the
responding Diesel Fire Pump Controller at address 1.
The master device attempts to write to an invalid
address, 40141 (8C hexadecimal). The Diesel Fire
Pump Controller responds with Error code 02.
Master Transmission
Packet Format Example (in hex)
Slave address 01
Function code 06
Data starting address (high byte) 00
Data starting address (low byte) 8C
Data (high byte) 00
Data (low byte) 06
CRC16 (low byte) C8
ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932
Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 5 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol

Register Map
The following table describes the mapping of the registers defined in the Modbus protocol within the Diesel Fire
Pump Controller.
Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Register Map Table
Notes including a release number, e.g. “Rel. 30”, mean that the register number was introduced in that release, is
defined in that and higher-numbered release installations, and is undefined for lower-numbered releases.

Register Bit Description Units Write Range Scaling / Notes

40001-40003 Undefined Registers

40004 0x03 Fire Pump Time Stamp Hour Hr RO 0 – 23

40005 0x03 Fire Pump Time Stamp Minute Min RO 0 – 59
40006 0x03 Fire Pump Time Stamp Second Sec RO 0 – 59
40007 0x03 Fire Pump Time Stamp Month Month RO 1 – 12
40008 0x03 Fire Pump Time Stamp Day Day RO 1 – 31
40009 0x03 Fire Pump Time Stamp Year Year RO 1700 - 3000

40010 0x03 D0 Main Switch in Auto LED RO BOOL

D2 Engine Fail To Start LED RO BOOL
D3 Charger Malfunction LED RO BOOL
D4 Battery 1 Trouble LED RO BOOL
D5 Battery 2 Trouble LED RO BOOL
D6 System Pressure Low LED RO BOOL
D7 Engine Running LED RO BOOL
D8 Engine Temperature High LED RO BOOL
D9 Engine Oil Pressure Low LED RO BOOL
D10 Engine Over speed LED RO BOOL
D11 Low Fuel Level LED RO BOOL
D12 –
Undefined bits

40011 0x03 Battery 1 Volts V RO 0 - 5000 0.01 * Raw

40012 0x03 Battery 1 Charger Current A RO 0 - 1500 0.01 * Raw
40013 0x03 Battery 1 Malfunction RO > 0 - malf, 0 - OK
40014 0x03 Battery 1 AC Volts V RO 0 - 3000
40015 0x03 Battery 2 Volts V RO 0 - 5000 0.01 * Raw
40016 0x03 Battery 2 Charger Current A RO 0 - 1500 0.01 * Raw
40017 0x03 Battery 2 Malfunction RO > 0 - malf, 0 - OK
40018 0x03 Battery 2 AC Volts V RO 0 - 3000

40019 0x03 D0 Input 1 - User 1 RO BOOL

D1 Input 2 - User 2 RO BOOL
D2 Input 3 - User 3 RO BOOL
D3 Input 4 - User 4 RO BOOL
D4 Input 5 - User 5 RO BOOL
D5 Input 6 - User 6 RO BOOL
D6 Input 7 - User 7 RO BOOL
D7 Input 8 - User 8 RO BOOL
D8 Input 9 – Tester input RO BOOL
D9 Input 10 – Crank 1 RO BOOL
D10 Input 11 - Crank 2 RO BOOL
D11 Input 12 – Manual stop RO BOOL
D12 Input 13 - Manual mode RO BOOL
D13 Input 14 - Off RO BOOL
D14 Input 15 – Auto mode RO BOOL
D15 Input 16 – Manual test pushbutton RO BOOL

40020 0x03 D0 Input 17 - Remote Start RO BOOL

D1 Input 18 - Remote Interlock RO BOOL
D2 Input 19 - Deluge Valve Open RO BOOL
D3 Input 20 - Engine Running RO BOOL
ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932
Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 6 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol

Register Bit Description Units Write Range Scaling / Notes

D4 Input 21 - Engine Over-speed RO BOOL

D5 Input 22 - Engine Temperature High RO BOOL
D6 Input 23 - Engine Oil Pressure Low RO BOOL
D7 Input 24 - Low System Pressure Switch RO BOOL
Undefined Bits

40021 0x03 D0-D7 Undefined RO BOOL

D8 Input 25 – Low fuel RO BOOL
D9 Input 26 – High fuel RO BOOL
D10 Input 27 – Low pump room temp RO BOOL
D11 Input 28 – High reservoir level RO BOOL
D12 Input 29 – Low reservoir level RO BOOL
D13 Input 30 – Relief Valve open RO BOOL
D14 Input 31 – Spare RO BOOL
D15 Input 32 – Control voltage RO BOOL

40022 0x03 D0 Output 1 - Crank 1 RO BOOL

D1 Output 2 - Crank 2 RO BOOL
D2 Output 3 - Audible Alarm RO BOOL
D3 Output 4 - Common Alarm RO BOOL
D4 Output 5 – User output 1 RO BOOL
D5 Output 6 - User output 2 RO BOOL
D6 Output 7 - User output 3 RO BOOL
D7 Output 8 - User output 4 RO BOOL
D8 Output 9 - User output 5 RO BOOL
D9 Output 10 - User output 6 RO BOOL
D10 Output 11 - User output 7 RO BOOL
D11 Output 12 - User output 8 RO BOOL
D12 Output 13 - Test Solenoid RO BOOL
D13 Output 14 - Engine Running RO BOOL
D14 Output 15 - Engine Over-speed RO BOOL
D15 Output 16 - CPU Failure RO BOOL

40023 0x03 D0 Output 17 - Fuel Valve RO BOOL

D1 Output 18 - Not In Auto RO BOOL
D2 Output 19 - Engine Trouble RO BOOL
D3 Output 20 - Common Pump Room Trouble RO BOOL
D4 Output 21 - Engine Temp High RO BOOL
D5 Output 22 - Engine Oil Pressure Low RO BOOL
D6 Output 23 - Fail To Start RO BOOL
D7 Output 24 - Spare RO BOOL
Undefined Bits

40024 0x03 Pressure PSI RO 0 - 6000 0.1 * Raw

40025 0x03 Stop Pressure PSI RO 0 - 600
40026 0x03 Start Pressure PSI RO 0 - 600
40027 0x03 On Delay Setting Sec RO 0 - 5999
40028 0x03 On Delay Count Down Sec RO 0 - 5999
40029 0x03 Minimum Run Setting Sec RO 0 - 5999
40030 0x03 Off Delay Setting Sec RO 0 - 5999
40031 0x03 Motor Elapsed Time Sec RO 0 - 50000

40032-40033 Undefined

40034 0x03 Motor Crank Timer RO 0 - 100

Data Logging
40035 0x03 Last Engine Start Hour Hr RO 0 - 23
40036 0x03 Last Engine Start Minute Min RO 0 - 59
40037 0x03 Last Engine Start Second Sec RO 0 - 59
40038 0x03 Last Engine Start Month RO 1 - 12
40039 0x03 Last Engine Start Day RO 1 - 31

ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 7 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol

Register Bit Description Units Write Range Scaling / Notes

40040 0x03 Last Engine Start Year RO 1700 - 3000

40041 0x03 Last Engine Over Speed Hour Hr RO 0 - 23

40042 0x03 Last Engine Over Speed Minute Min RO 0 - 59
40043 0x03 Last Engine Over Speed Second Sec RO 0 - 59
40044 0x03 Last Engine Over Speed Month RO 1 - 12
40045 0x03 Last Engine Over Speed Day RO 1 - 31
40046 0x03 Last Engine Over Speed Year RO 1700 - 3000

40047 0x03 Last Charger Failure Hour Hr RO 0 - 23

40048 0x03 Last Charger Failure Minute Min RO 0 - 59
40049 0x03 Last Charger Failure Second Sec RO 0 - 59
40050 0x03 Last Charger Failure Month RO 1 - 12
40051 0x03 Last Charger Failure Day RO 1 - 31
40052 0x03 Last Charger Failure Year RO 1700 - 3000

40053 0x03 Last Battery Trouble Hour Hr RO 0 - 23

40054 0x03 Last Battery Trouble Minute Min RO 0 - 59
40055 0x03 Last Battery Trouble Second Sec RO 0 - 59
40056 0x03 Last Battery Trouble Month RO 1 - 12
40057 0x03 Last Battery Trouble Day RO 1 - 31
40058 0x03 Last Battery Trouble Year RO 1700 - 3000

40059 0x03 Last Low Fuel Hour Hr RO 0 - 23

40060 0x03 Last Low Fuel Minute Min RO 0 - 59
40061 0x03 Last Low Fuel Second Sec RO 0 - 59
40062 0x03 Last Low Fuel Month RO 1 - 12
40063 0x03 Last Low Fuel Day RO 1 - 31
40064 0x03 Last Low Fuel Year RO 1700 - 3000

40065 0x03 Minimum Battery 1 Voltage V RO 0 - 5000 0.01 * Raw

40066 0x03 Maximum Battery 1 Voltage V RO 0 - 5000 0.01 * Raw
40067 0x03 Minimum Battery 2 Voltage V RO 0 - 5000 0.01 * Raw
40068 0x03 Maximum Battery 2 Voltage V RO 0 - 5000 0.01 * Raw

40069 0x03 Minimum System Pressure PSI RO 0 - 6000 0.1 * Raw

40070 0x03 Maximum System Pressure PSI RO 0 - 6000 0.1 * Raw
40071 0x03 Calls To Start RO 0 - 50000
40072 0x03 Number Engine Starts RO 0 - 50000
40073 0x03 Last Engine Run Time Sec RO 0 - 50000
40074 0x03 Total Engine Run Time Sec RO 0 - 50000
40075 0x03 Total Unit Time Sec RO 0 - 50000

Event Logging
40076 0x03 Total Number Events RO 0 - 3000
40077 Selected Event RW 1 - 3000
40078 0x03 Event ID (See Diesel event description table) RO 1-191
40079 0x03 Event Hour Hr RO 0 - 23
40080 0x03 Event Minute Min RO 0 - 59
40081 0x03 Event Second Sec RO 0 - 59
40082 0x03 Event Month RO 1 - 12
40083 0x03 Event Day RO 1 - 31
40084 0x03 Event Year RO 1700 - 3000
40085 0x03 Event value (Pressure value or error codes) PSI RO 0 - 65535
40086 0x03 Event Onscreen Buffer RO 0-255

40087 0x03 Displayed (possibly filtered) Battery 1 Volts V RO 0 - 5000 0.01 * Raw
40088 0x03 Displayed (possibly filtered) Battery 1 Charger Current A RO 0 - 1500 0.01 * Raw
40089 0x03 Displayed (possibly filtered) Battery 1 AC Volts V RO 0 - 3000
40090 0x03 Displayed (possibly filtered) Battery 2 Volts V RO 0 - 5000 0.01 * Raw
40091 0x03 Displayed (possibly filtered) Battery 2 Charger Current A RO 0 - 1500 0.01 * Raw
40092 0x03 Displayed (possibly filtered) Bttery 2 AC Volts V RO 0 - 3000

ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932

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Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol

Register Bit Description Units Write Range Scaling / Notes

40093 0x03 AC Power Loss Start Enable RO BOOL

40094 0x03 AC Power Loss Start Time Sec RO 5 - 300
10 – System
40095 Battery Trouble Volts RO 0.1*raw
40096 0x03 Over Pressure setting PSI RO 0 - 600
40097 0x03 AC Power Loss Restart Hours
40098 0x03 ECM FIM Delay Enable
40099 0x03 ECM FIM Delay Time
40100 0x03 Heat Soak High Temp Delay Enable
40101 0x03 Heat Soak High Temp Delay Time

40102-40105 Undefined

40106 0x03 Software Version ASCII characters 1 and 2 RO ASCII

40107 0x03 Software Version ASCII characters 3 and 4 RO ASCII
40108 0x03 Software Version ASCII characters 5 and 6 RO ASCII
40109 0x03 Software Version ASCII characters 7 and 8 RO ASCII
40110 0x03 Software Version ASCII characters 9 and 10 RO ASCII
40111 0x003 Software Version ASCII characters 11 and 12 RO ASCII

40112 0x03 Model Number ASCII characters 1 and 2 RO ASCII

40113 0x03 Model Number ASCII characters 3 and 4 RO ASCII
40114 0x03 Serial Number ASCII characters 1 and 2 RO ASCII
40115 0x03 Serial Number ASCII characters 3 and 4 RO ASCII
40116 0x03 Serial Number ASCII characters 5 and 6 RO ASCII
40117 0x03 Serial Number ASCII characters 7 and 8 RO ASCII
40118 0x03 Serial Number ASCII characters 9 and 10 RO ASCII
40119 0x03 Serial Number ASCII characters 11 and 12 RO ASCII
40120 0x03 Serial Number ASCII characters 13 and 14 RO ASCII
40121 0x03 Serial Number ASCII characters 15 and 16 RO ASCII

40122 0x03 Number of Events in Onscreen Buffer RO 0 - 255

40123 0x03 Alarm 1 RO

40124 0x03 Alarm 2 RO
40125 0x03 Alarm 3 RO
40126 0x03 Alarm 4 RO
40127 0x03 Alarm 5 RO
40128 0x03 Alarm 6 RO
40129 0x03 Alarm 7 RO
40130 0x03 Alarm 8 RO
40131 0x03 Alarm 9 RO

40132-40134 Undefined

40135 0x03 Configuration Byte RO BOOL Match MarkII

D0 Undefined RO BOOL
D1 Reserved RO BOOL
D2 Undefined RO BOOL
D3 Reserved RO BOOL
Result same as
D4 Remote Start On Delay Enabled RO BOOL
register 40235

40136 0x03 Manual Stop Only RO BOOL

1 - PSI
40137 0x03 Pressure Units RO 2 – BAR
3 - kPA
0 - Off
40138 0x03 Low Suction Control RO 1 - Alarm
2 - Shutdown
40139 0x03 Low Suction Input RO 0 - Suction

ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 9 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol

Register Bit Description Units Write Range Scaling / Notes

1 - Level
40140 0x03 Low Suction Delay Sec. RO 0 - 65535
0 - Auto
40141 0x03 Low Suction Reset RO
1 - Manual
40142 0x03 Pressure Recording Hourly Enable RO BOOL
40143 0x03 Pressure Recording Delta P PSI RO 9 - 50

40144 Undefined

Day of
40145 0x03 Weekly Test Day RO 0-6 0 - Sunday
40146 0x03 Weekly Test Run Time RO 5, 30 - 60
40147 0x03 Weekly Test Week Interval Weeks RO 0-5

40148 0x03 Last High Temperature Alarm Hour Hr RO 0 - 23

40149 0x03 Last High Temperature Alarm Minute Min RO 0 - 59
40150 0x03 Last High Temperature Alarm Second Sec RO 0 - 59
40151 0x03 Last High Temperature Alarm Month RO 1 - 12
40152 0x03 Last High Temperature Alarm Day RO 1 - 31
40153 0x03 Last High Temperature Alarm Year RO 1700 - 3000

40154 0x03 Last Low Oil Pressure Alarm Hour Hr RO 0 - 23

40155 0x03 Last Low Oil Pressure Alarm Minute Min RO 0 - 59
40156 0x03 Last Low Oil Pressure Alarm Second Sec RO 0 - 59
40157 0x03 Last Low Oil Pressure Alarm Month RO 1 - 12
40158 0x03 Last Low Oil Pressure Alarm Day RO 1 - 31
40159 0x03 Last Low Oil Pressure Alarm Year RO 1700 - 3000
40160 0x03 ADEMDR00 RO 0 - 65535
40161 0x03 ADEMDR01 RO 0 - 65535
40162 0x03 ADEMDR02 RO 0 - 65535
40163 0x03 ADEMDR03 RO 0 - 65535
40164 0x03 ADEMDR04 RO 0 - 65535
40165 0x03 ADEMDR05 RO 0 - 65535
40166 0x03 ADEMDR06 RO 0 - 65535
40167 0x03 ADEMDR07 RO 0 - 65535
40168 0x03 ADEMDR08 RO 0 - 65535
40169 0x03 ADEMDR09 RO 0 - 65535
40170 0x03 ADEMDR10 RO 0 - 65535
40171 0x03 ADEMDR11 RO 0 - 65535

40172 Undefined register

40173 0x03 Battery 1 current Min. A RO 0-1500 0.1*raw

40174 0x03 Battery 1 current Max. A RO 0-1500 0.1*raw
40175 0x03 Battery 2 current Min. A RO 0-1500 0.1*raw
40176 0x03 Battery 2 current Max. A RO 0-1500 0.1*raw
40177 0x03 D0 LED 1-AC Power Available RO BOOL
D1 LED 2-Alarm RO BOOL
D2 LED 3-Main Switch In Auto RO BOOL
D3 LED 4-Main Switch In Manual RO BOOL
D4 LED 5-System Pressure Low RO BOOL
D5 LED 6-Engine Running RO BOOL
D6 LED 7-Engine Fail To Start RO BOOL
D7 LED 8-Engine Temperature High RO BOOL
D8 LED 9-Engine Oil Pressure Low RO BOOL
D9 LED 10-Engine Over speed RO BOOL
D10 LED 11-Engine Alternate ECM RO BOOL
D11 LED 12-Engine Fuel Injector Malfunction RO BOOL
D12 LED 13-Fuel Level Low RO BOOL
D13 LED 14-System Overpressure RO BOOL
D14 LED 15-Charger Malfunction RO BOOL
D15 LED 16-Battery # 1 Trouble RO BOOL
40178 0x03 D0 LED 17-Battery # 2 Trouble RO BOOL

ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 10 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol

Register Bit Description Units Write Range Scaling / Notes

Undefined RO

40179 0x03 Firmware build Version ASCII Characters 1&2 RO ASCII

40180 0x03 Firmware build Version ASCII Characters 3& 4 RO ASCII
40181 0x03 Firmware build Version ASCII Characters 5& 6 RO ASCII
40182 0x03 Firmware build Version ASCII Characters 7& 8 RO ASCII
40183 0x03 Firmware build Version ASCII Characters 9&10 RO ASCII
40184 0x03 Boot loader Version ASCII Characters 1 and 2 RO ASCII
40185 0x03 Boot loader Version ASCII Characters 3 and 4 RO ASCII
40186 0x03 Boot loader Version ASCII Characters 5 and 6 RO ASCII
40187 0x03 Boot loader Version ASCII Characters 7 and 8 RO ASCII
40188 0x03 Boot loader Version ASCII Characters 9 and 10 RO ASCII
40189 0x03 Firmware compile time ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40190 0x03 Firmware compile time ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40191 0x03 Firmware compile time ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40192 0x03 Firmware compile time ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40193 0x03 Firmware compile time ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40194 0x03 Firmware compile time ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40195 0x03 Firmware compile time ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40196 0x03 Firmware compile time ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40197 0x03 Firmware compile time ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40198 0x03 Firmware compile time ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40199 0x03 Weekly test start time Hour Hr RO 0 - 23
40200 0x03 Weekly test start time Minute Min RO 0 - 59
40201 0x03 Weekly test week counter RO 0-5
40202 0x03 Over pressure enabled RO BOOL

40203-40206 Undefined

40207 0x03 User input audible RO BOOL

40208 0x03 User input common alarm RO BOOL
40209 0x03 Primary crank type RO 1-2
40210 0x03 Primary crank attempts RO 0 - 255
40211 0x03 Primary crank interrupt RO 0-8
40212 0x03 Primary crank fail output RO 0 - 16
40213 0x03 Primary crank reset time Sec. RO 0-
40214 0x03 Secondary crank type RO 1 - 23
40215 0x03 Secondary crank attempts RO 0 - 255
40216 0x03 Secondary crank test RO BOOL
40217 0x03 Secondary backup RO BOOL

40218 0x03 Undefined

40219 0x03 Non alternating RO 0-2

40220 0x03 Undefined

40221 0x03 Engine speed factor RO 100

40222 0x03 Engine type RO 0-2

40223 0x03 Undefined

40224 0x03 Primary start RO BOOL
40225 0x03 Battery voltage RO 0-999 0.1*raw
40226 0 – Lead
0x03 Battery type RO
1 - NiCad
40227 0x03 Battery voltage Min. alarm limit setting V RO 0 - 5000 0.1*raw
40228 0x03 Battery voltage Max. alarm limit setting V RO 0 - 999 0.1*raw
40229 0x03 Battery AC voltage Min. alarm limit setting V RO 0-3000
40230 0x03 Battery AC voltage Min. limit enabled RO BOOL
40231 0x03 Battery AC voltage Max. alarm limit setting V RO 0-999
40232 0x03 Battery AC voltage Max. limit enabled RO BOOL
0 – OFF
40233 0x03 Coil continuity RO 1 - Coil 1 only
2 - Coil 2 only

ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 11 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol

Register Bit Description Units Write Range Scaling / Notes

3 - Coils 1 & 2
40234 0x03 Manual test duration feature settings Min. RO 0 - 99
40235 0x03 Remote start use on delay RO BOOL
40236 0x03 Remote start auto shutdown RO BOOL
RO 0–
1 – PTR
40237 0x03 User input pump room
2 – ETR
3 – ETR + PTR
40238 0x03 Battery fault RO BOOL
40239 0x03 Program mode input RO BOOL
40240 0x03 Test mode input RO BOOL
40241 0x03 Clock battery input RO BOOL
40242 0x03 Total Engine Run Time hour Hr. RO 0 - 65535
40243 0x03 Total Engine Run Time Min. Min. RO 0 - 59
40244 0x03 Last Engine Run Time hour Hr. RO 0 - 65535
40245 0x03 Last Engine Run Time Min. Min. RO 0 - 59
40246 0x03 Total Unit Time hour Hr. RO 0 - 65535
40247 0x03 Total Unit Time Min Min. RO 0 - 59
1 – PTR
40248 0x03 User input 1 pump room setting RO
2 – ETR
3 – ETR + PTR
1 – PTR
40249 0x03 User input 2 pump room setting RO
2 – ETR
3 – ETR + PTR
1 – PTR
40250 0x03 User input 3 pump room setting RO
2 – ETR
3 – ETR + PTR
1 – PTR
40251 0x03 User input 4 pump room setting RO
2 – ETR
3 – ETR + PTR
1 – PTR
40252 0x03 User input 5 pump room setting RO
2 – ETR
3 – ETR + PTR
1 – PTR
40253 0x03 User input 6 pump room setting RO
2 – ETR
3 – ETR + PTR
1 – PTR
40254 0x03 User input 7 pump room setting RO
2 – ETR
3 – ETR + PTR
1 – PTR
40255 0x03 User input 8 pump room setting RO
2 – ETR
3 – ETR + PTR
40256 Undefined register
40257 0x03 Software Version ASCII characters 1 and 2 RO ASCII
40258 0x03 Software Version ASCII characters 3 and 4 RO ASCII
40259 0x03 Software Version ASCII characters 5 and 6 RO ASCII
40260 0x03 Software Version ASCII characters 7 and 8 RO ASCII
40261 0x03 Software Version ASCII characters 9 and 10 RO ASCII
40262 0x03 Undefined register
1 – PTR
40263 0x03 Opt. AF pump room temp setting RO
2 – ETR
3 – ETR + PTR
1 – PTR
40264 0x03 Opt. AG low reservoir pump room setting RO
2 – ETR
3 – ETR + PTR
40265 0x03 Opt. EG relive valve pump room setting RO 0–

ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 12 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol

Register Bit Description Units Write Range Scaling / Notes

1 – PTR
2 – ETR
3 – ETR + PTR
1 – PTR
40266 0x03 Input 26 pump room setting RO
2 – ETR
3 – ETR + PTR
1 – PTR
40267 0x03 Input 28 pump room setting RO
2 – ETR
3 – ETR + PTR
40268 Undefined register
40269 0x03 Opt. AF pump room temp audible RO BOOL
40270 0x03 Opt. AG low reservoir pump room audible RO BOOL
40271 0x03 Opt. EG relive valve pump room audible RO BOOL
40272 0x03 Input 26 pump room audible RO BOOL
40273 0x03 Input 28 pump room audible RO BOOL
40274 Undefined register
40275 0x03 Opt. AF pump room alarm RO BOOL
40276 0x03 Opt. AG low reservoir pump room alarm RO BOOL
40277 0x03 Opt. EG relive valve pump room alarm RO BOOL
40278 0x03 Input 26 pump room alarm RO BOOL
40279 0x03 Input 28 pump room alarm RO BOOL

0 – Disabled
1 – EN Low Zone
40280 0x03 Opt. EL EM EN Series Pumping Enable RO
2 – EL High Zone
3 – EM Mid Zone
0 – inactive
40281 0x03 Opt. EL EM EN Series Pumping User Input RO
1-8 User Input
40282 0x03 Opt. EL EM EN Series Pumping Normally Connected RO BOOL
0 – inactive
40283 0x03 Opt. EL EM EN Series Pumping User Output RO
1-8 User Output
40284 0x03 Opt. EL EM EN Series Pumping RESERVED RO

40285-40299 Undefined registers.

40300 0x03 Calibration factor Pressure RO -32768 - +32768

40301 0x03 Calibration factor 01 RO -32768 - +32768
40302 0x03 Calibration factor Volts1 RO -32768 - +32768
40303 0x03 Calibration factor 03 RO -32768 - +32768
40304 0x03 Calibration factor VAC1 RO -32768 - +32768
40305 0x03 Calibration factor VAC2 RO -32768 - +32768
40306 0x03 Calibration factor Volts2 RO -32768 - +32768
40307 0x03 Calibration factor Amp2 RO -32768 - +32768
40308 0x03 Calibration factor Amp1 RO -32768 - +32768
40309 0x03 Calibration factor 09 RO -32768 - +32768
40310 0x03 Calibration factor 10 RO -32768 - +32768
40311 0x03 Calibration factor 11 RO -32768 - +32768
40312 0x03 Power starts RO 0 - 65535

0-do nothing
1-Message Only
2-User 1 Out
3-User 2 Out
4-User 3 Out
40313 0x03 User input 1 action to take RO 5-User 4 Out
6-User 5 Out
7-User 6 Out
8-User 7 Out
9-User 8 Out
10-User 9 Out
40314 0x03 User input 2 action to take RO Same as 40313
40315 0x03 User input 3 action to take RO Same as 40313

ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 13 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol

Register Bit Description Units Write Range Scaling / Notes

40316 0x03 User input 4 action to take RO Same as 40313

40317 0x03 User input 5 action to take RO Same as 40313
40318 0x03 User input 6 action to take RO Same as 40313
40319 0x03 User input 7 action to take RO Same as 40313
40320 0x03 User input 8 action to take RO Same as 40313
40321 0x03 User input 9 action to take RO Same as 40313

40322 0x03 User input 1 debounce time RO 2-99

40323 0x03 User input 2 debounce time RO 2-99
40324 0x03 User input 3 debounce time RO 2-99
40325 0x03 User input 4 debounce time RO 2-99
40326 0x03 User input 5 debounce time RO 2-99
40327 0x03 User input 6 debounce time RO 2-99
40328 0x03 User input 7 debounce time RO 2-99
40329 0x03 User input 8 debounce time RO 2-99
40330 0x03 User input 9 debounce time RO 2-99
40331 0x03 User input 1 pump room audible RO BOOL
40332 0x03 User input 2 pump room audible RO BOOL
40333 0x03 User input 3 pump room audible RO BOOL
40334 0x03 User input 4 pump room audible RO BOOL
40335 0x03 User input 5 pump room audible RO BOOL
40336 0x03 User input 6 pump room audible RO BOOL
40337 0x03 User input 7 pump room audible RO BOOL
40338 0x03 User input 8 pump room audible RO BOOL
40339 0x03 User input 9 pump room audible RO BOOL
40340 0x03 User input 1 pump room alarm RO BOOL
40341 0x03 User input 2 pump room alarm RO BOOL
40342 0x03 User input 3 pump room alarm RO BOOL
40343 0x03 User input 4 pump room alarm RO BOOL
40344 0x03 User input 5 pump room alarm RO BOOL
40345 0x03 User input 6 pump room alarm RO BOOL
40346 0x03 User input 7 pump room alarm RO BOOL
40347 0x03 User input 8 pump room alarm RO BOOL
40348 0x03 User input 9 pump room alarm RO BOOL
40349 0x03 User input 1 ON message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40350 0x03 User input 1 ON message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40351 0x03 User input 1 ON message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40352 0x03 User input 1 ON message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40353 0x03 User input 1 ON message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40354 0x03 User input 1 ON message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40355 0x03 User input 1 ON message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40356 0x03 User input 1 ON message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40357 0x03 User input 1 ON message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40358 0x03 User input 1 ON message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40359 0x03 User input 2 ON message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40360 0x03 User input 2 ON message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40361 0x03 User input 2 ON message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40362 0x03 User input 2 ON message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40363 0x03 User input 2 ON message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40364 0x03 User input 2 ON message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40365 0x03 User input 2 ON message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40366 0x03 User input 2 ON message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40367 0x03 User input 2 ON message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40368 0x03 User input 2 ON message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40369 0x03 User input 3 ON message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40370 0x03 User input 3 ON message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40371 0x03 User input 3 ON message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40372 0x03 User input 3 ON message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40373 0x03 User input 3 ON message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40374 0x03 User input 3 ON message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40375 0x03 User input 3 ON message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40376 0x03 User input 3 ON message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40377 0x03 User input 3 ON message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII

ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 14 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol

Register Bit Description Units Write Range Scaling / Notes

40378 0x03 User input 3 ON message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII

40389 0x03 User input 4 ON message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40380 0x03 User input 4 ON message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40381 0x03 User input 4 ON message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40382 0x03 User input 4 ON message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40383 0x03 User input 4 ON message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40384 0x03 User input 4 ON message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40385 0x03 User input 4 ON message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40386 0x03 User input 4 ON message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40387 0x03 User input 4 ON message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40388 0x03 User input 4 ON message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40389 0x03 User input 5 ON message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40390 0x03 User input 5 ON message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40391 0x03 User input 5 ON message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40392 0x03 User input 5 ON message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40393 0x03 User input 5 ON message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40394 0x03 User input 5 ON message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40395 0x03 User input 5 ON message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40396 0x03 User input 5 ON message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40397 0x03 User input 5 ON message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40398 0x03 User input 5 ON message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40399 0x03 User input 6 ON message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40400 0x03 User input 6 ON message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40401 0x03 User input 6 ON message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40402 0x03 User input 6 ON message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40403 0x03 User input 6 ON message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40404 0x03 User input 6 ON message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40405 0x03 User input 6 ON message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40406 0x03 User input 6 ON message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40407 0x03 User input 6 ON message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40408 0x03 User input 6 ON message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40409 0x03 User input 7 ON message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40410 0x03 User input 7 ON message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40411 0x03 User input 7 ON message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40412 0x03 User input 7 ON message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40413 0x03 User input 7 ON message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40414 0x03 User input 7 ON message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40415 0x03 User input 7 ON message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40416 0x03 User input 7 ON message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40417 0x03 User input 7 ON message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40418 0x03 User input 7 ON message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40419 0x03 User input 8 ON message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40420 0x03 User input 8 ON message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40421 0x03 User input 8 ON message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40422 0x03 User input 8 ON message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40423 0x03 User input 8 ON message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40424 0x03 User input 8 ON message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40425 0x03 User input 8 ON message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40426 0x03 User input 8 ON message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40427 0x03 User input 8 ON message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40428 0x03 User input 8 ON message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40429 0x03 User input 9 ON message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40430 0x03 User input 9 ON message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40431 0x03 User input 9 ON message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40432 0x03 User input 9 ON message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40433 0x03 User input 9 ON message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40434 0x03 User input 9 ON message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40435 0x03 User input 9 ON message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40436 0x03 User input 9 ON message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40437 0x03 User input 9 ON message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40438 0x03 User input 9 ON message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40439 0x03 User input ON message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40440 0x03 User input ON message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII

ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 15 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol

Register Bit Description Units Write Range Scaling / Notes

40441 0x03 User input ON message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII

40442 0x03 User input ON message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40443 0x03 User input ON message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40444 0x03 User input ON message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40445 0x03 User input ON message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40446 0x03 User input ON message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40447 0x03 User input ON message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40448 0x03 User input ON message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40449 0x03 User input 1 OFF message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40450 0x03 User input 1 OFF message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40451 0x03 User input 1 OFF message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40452 0x03 User input 1 OFF message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40453 0x03 User input 1 OFF message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40454 0x03 User input 1 OFF message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40455 0x03 User input 1 OFF message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40456 0x03 User input 1 OFF message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40457 0x03 User input 1 OFF message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40458 0x03 User input 1 OFF message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40459 0x03 User input 2 OFF message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40460 0x03 User input 2 OFF message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40461 0x03 User input 2 OFF message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40462 0x03 User input 2 OFF message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40463 0x03 User input 2 OFF message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40464 0x03 User input 2 OFF message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40465 0x03 User input 2 OFF message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40466 0x03 User input 2 OFF message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40467 0x03 User input 2 OFF message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40468 0x03 User input 2 OFF message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40469 0x03 User input 3 OFF message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40470 0x03 User input 3 OFF message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40471 0x03 User input 3 OFF message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40472 0x03 User input 3 OFF message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40473 0x03 User input 3 OFF message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40474 0x03 User input 3 OFF message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40475 0x03 User input 3 OFF message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40476 0x03 User input 3 OFF message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40477 0x03 User input 3 OFF message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40478 0x03 User input 3 OFF message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40479 0x03 User input 4 OFF message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40480 0x03 User input 4 OFF message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40481 0x03 User input 4 OFF message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40482 0x03 User input 4 OFF message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40483 0x03 User input 4 OFF message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40484 0x03 User input 4 OFF message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40485 0x03 User input 4 OFF message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40486 0x03 User input 4 OFF message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40487 0x03 User input 4 OFF message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40488 0x03 User input 4 OFF message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40489 0x03 User input 5 OFF message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40490 0x03 User input 5 OFF message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40491 0x03 User input 5 OFF message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40492 0x03 User input 5 OFF message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40493 0x03 User input 5 OFF message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40494 0x03 User input 5 OFF message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40495 0x03 User input 5 OFF message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40496 0x03 User input 5 OFF message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40497 0x03 User input 5 OFF message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40498 0x03 User input 5 OFF message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40499 0x03 User input 6 OFF message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40500 0x03 User input 6 OFF message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40501 0x03 User input 6 OFF message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40502 0x03 User input 6 OFF message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40503 0x03 User input 6 OFF message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII

ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 16 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol

Register Bit Description Units Write Range Scaling / Notes

40504 0x03 User input 6 OFF message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40505 0x03 User input 6 OFF message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40506 0x03 User input 6 OFF message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40507 0x03 User input 6 OFF message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40508 0x03 User input 6 OFF message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40409 0x03 User input 7 OFF message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40510 0x03 User input 7 OFF message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40511 0x03 User input 7 OFF message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40512 0x03 User input 7 OFF message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40513 0x03 User input 7 OFF message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40514 0x03 User input 7 OFF message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40515 0x03 User input 7 OFF message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40516 0x03 User input 7 OFF message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40517 0x03 User input 7 OFF message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40518 0x03 User input 7 OFF message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40419 0x03 User input 8 OFF message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40520 0x03 User input 8 OFF message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40521 0x03 User input 8 OFF message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40522 0x03 User input 8 OFF message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40523 0x03 User input 8 OFF message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40524 0x03 User input 8 OFF message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40525 0x03 User input 8 OFF message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40526 0x03 User input 8 OFF message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40527 0x03 User input 8 OFF message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40528 0x03 User input 8 OFF message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40429 0x03 User input 9 OFF message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40530 0x03 User input 9 OFF message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40531 0x03 User input 9 OFF message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40532 0x03 User input 9 OFF message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40533 0x03 User input 9 OFF message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40534 0x03 User input 9 OFF message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40535 0x03 User input 9 OFF message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40536 0x03 User input 9 OFF message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40537 0x03 User input 9 OFF message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40538 0x03 User input 9 OFF message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40439 0x03 User input OFF message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40540 0x03 User input OFF message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40541 0x03 User input OFF message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40542 0x03 User input OFF message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40543 0x03 User input OFF message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40544 0x03 User input OFF message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40545 0x03 User input OFF message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40546 0x03 User input OFF message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40547 0x03 User input OFF message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40548 0x03 User input OFF message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40549 0x03 Service message line 1 ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40550 0x03 Service message line 1 ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40551 0x03 Service message line 1 ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40552 0x03 Service message line 1 ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40553 0x03 Service message line 1 ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40554 0x03 Service message line 1 ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40555 0x03 Service message line 1 ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40556 0x03 Service message line 1 ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40557 0x03 Service message line 1 ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40558 0x03 Service message line 1 ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40559 0x03 Service message line 2 ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40560 0x03 Service message line 2 ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40561 0x03 Service message line 2 ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40562 0x03 Service message line 2 ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40563 0x03 Service message line 2 ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40564 0x03 Service message line 2 ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40565 0x03 Service message line 2 ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40566 0x03 Service message line 2 ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII

ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 17 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol

Register Bit Description Units Write Range Scaling / Notes

40567 0x03 Service message line 2 ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII

40568 0x03 Service message line 2 ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40569 0x03 User input enabled RO BOOL
40570 0x03 User input debounce time RO 2-99
40571 0x03 User input audible RO BOOL
40572 0x03 User input alarm RO BOOL
40573 0x03 Service due enabled RO BOOL
40574 0x03 Service due month RO 1-12
40575 0x03 Service due day RO 1-31
40576 0x03 Service due reset RO BOOL
40577 0x03 Standard input 55 ON message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40578 0x03 Standard input 55 ON message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40579 0x03 Standard input 55 ON message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40580 0x03 Standard input 55 ON message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40581 0x03 Standard input 55 ON message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40582 0x03 Standard input 55 ON message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40583 0x03 Standard input 55 ON message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40584 0x03 Standard input 55 ON message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40585 0x03 Standard input 55 ON message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40586 0x03 Standard input 55 ON message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40587 0x03 Standard input 65 ON message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40588 0x03 Standard input 65 ON message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40589 0x03 Standard input 65 ON message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40590 0x03 Standard input 65 ON message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40591 0x03 Standard input 65 ON message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40592 0x03 Standard input 65 ON message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40593 0x03 Standard input 65 ON message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40594 0x03 Standard input 65 ON message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40595 0x03 Standard input 65 ON message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40596 0x03 Standard input 65 ON message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40597 0x03 Standard input 141 ON message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40598 0x03 Standard input 141 ON message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40599 0x03 Standard input 141 ON message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40600 0x03 Standard input 141 ON message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40601 0x03 Standard input 141 ON message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40602 0x03 Standard input 141 ON message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40603 0x03 Standard input 141 ON message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40604 0x03 Standard input 141 ON message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40605 0x03 Standard input 141 ON message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40606 0x03 Standard input 141 ON message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40607 0x03 Standard input 151 ON message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40608 0x03 Standard input 151 ON message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40609 0x03 Standard input 151 ON message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40610 0x03 Standard input 151 ON message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40611 0x03 Standard input 151 ON message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40612 0x03 Standard input 151 ON message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40613 0x03 Standard input 151 ON message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40614 0x03 Standard input 151 ON message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40615 0x03 Standard input 151 ON message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40616 0x03 Standard input 151 ON message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40617 0x03 Standard input 161 ON message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40618 0x03 Standard input 161 ON message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40619 0x03 Standard input 161 ON message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40620 0x03 Standard input 161 ON message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40621 0x03 Standard input 161 ON message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40622 0x03 Standard input 161 ON message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40623 0x03 Standard input 161 ON message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40624 0x03 Standard input 161 ON message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40625 0x03 Standard input 161 ON message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40626 0x03 Standard input 161 ON message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40627 0x03 Standard input 55 OFF message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40628 0x03 Standard input 55 OFF message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40629 0x03 Standard input 55 OFF message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII

ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 18 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol

Register Bit Description Units Write Range Scaling / Notes

40630 0x03 Standard input 55 OFF message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40631 0x03 Standard input 55 OFF message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40632 0x03 Standard input 55 OFF message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40633 0x03 Standard input 55 OFF message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40634 0x03 Standard input 55 OFF message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40635 0x03 Standard input 55 OFF message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40636 0x03 Standard input 55 OFF message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40637 0x03 Standard input 65 OFF message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40638 0x03 Standard input 65 OFF message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40639 0x03 Standard input 65 OFF message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40640 0x03 Standard input 65 OFF message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40641 0x03 Standard input 65 OFF message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40642 0x03 Standard input 65 OFF message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40643 0x03 Standard input 65 OFF message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40644 0x03 Standard input 65 OFF message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40645 0x03 Standard input 65 OFF message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40646 0x03 Standard input 65 OFF message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40647 0x03 Standard input 141 OFF message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40648 0x03 Standard input 141 OFF message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40649 0x03 Standard input 141 OFF message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40650 0x03 Standard input 141 OFF message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40651 0x03 Standard input 141 OFF message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40652 0x03 Standard input 141 OFF message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40653 0x03 Standard input 141 OFF message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40654 0x03 Standard input 141 OFF message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40655 0x03 Standard input 141 OFF message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40656 0x03 Standard input 141 OFF message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40657 0x03 Standard input 151 OFF message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40658 0x03 Standard input 151 OFF message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40659 0x03 Standard input 151 OFF message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40660 0x03 Standard input 151 OFF message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40661 0x03 Standard input 151 OFF message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40662 0x03 Standard input 151 OFF message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40663 0x03 Standard input 151 OFF message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40664 0x03 Standard input 151 OFF message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40665 0x03 Standard input 151 OFF message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40666 0x03 Standard input 151 OFF message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40667 0x03 Standard input 161 OFF message ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII
40668 0x03 Standard input 161 OFF message ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII
40669 0x03 Standard input 161 OFF message ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII
40670 0x03 Standard input 161 OFF message ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII
40671 0x03 Standard input 161 OFF message ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII
40672 0x03 Standard input 161 OFF message ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII
40673 0x03 Standard input 161 OFF message ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII
40674 0x03 Standard input 161 OFF message ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII
40675 0x03 Standard input 161 OFF message ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII
40676 0x03 Standard input 161 OFF message ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII
40677 0x03 Service message line 3 ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40678 0x03 Service message line 3 ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40679 0x03 Service message line 3 ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40680 0x03 Service message line 3 ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40681 0x03 Service message line 3 ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40682 0x03 Service message line 3 ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40683 0x03 Service message line 3 ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40684 0x03 Service message line 3 ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40685 0x03 Service message line 3 ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40686 0x03 Service message line 3 ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40687 0x03 Service message line 4 ASCII char 1&2 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40688 0x03 Service message line 4 ASCII char 3&4 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40689 0x03 Service message line 4 ASCII char 5&6 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40690 0x03 Service message line 4 ASCII char 7&8 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40691 0x03 Service message line 4 ASCII char 9&10 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40692 0x03 Service message line 4 ASCII char 11&12 RO ASCII Rel. 30

ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 19 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol

Register Bit Description Units Write Range Scaling / Notes

40693 0x03 Service message line 4 ASCII char 13&14 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40694 0x03 Service message line 4 ASCII char 15&16 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40695 0x03 Service message line 4 ASCII char 17&18 RO ASCII Rel. 30
40696 0x03 Service message line 4 ASCII char 19&20 RO ASCII Rel. 30

ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 20 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol
Diesel controller event message descriptions corresponding to event ID
Numeric IDs defined in the current release will retain their meanings in later releases. As additional features are
added and events defined, this list may expand; therefore user applications should treat unspecified IDs as
“unknown” rather than hard errors. This list may include numeric IDs which do not apply to a specific
installation due to feature set (particularly optional features).

ID Event message description ID Event message description ID Event message description

1 Engine Running 50 Reserved 99 Relief Valve Closed
2 Engine Stopped 51 USB drive near full 100 Charger 1 Fail
3 Low Clock Battery 52 USB drive has space 101 Charger 1 Recovered
4 Fail to Start 53 USB drive error 102 Charger 2 Fail
5 Fail to Start Noted 54 USB drive OK 103 Charger 2 Recovered
6 Call to Start 55 Pressure Log 104 Battery 1 Trouble
7 Over Voltage 56 Pressure Log Run 105 Battery 1 Clear
8 Under Voltage 57 Database Clear 106 Battery 2 Trouble
9 Battery Normal 58 System Reset 107 Battery 2 Clear
10 Nominal Voltage 59 Disk Dump 108 Crank 1 Button
11 Nominal Voltage 60 Disk Dump Clear 109 Crank 1 Button Clear
12 Interlock On 61 Data Log Cleared 110 Crank 2 Button
13 Interlock Off 62 Clock Set Entered 111 Crank 2 Button Clear
14 Deluge Open 63 Clock Set Complete 112 Calibration Error
15 Deluge Closed 64 Low Suction Pressure 113 Cal. Error Cleared
16 Low Pressure 65 Suction Pressure Clear 114 No Control Voltage
17 Normal Pressure 66 Pump Room Trouble 115 Control Voltage OK
18 Manual Stop Button 67 Pump Room Normal 116 Missing Battery
19 Manual Stop Released 68 Zone Enabled 117 Missing Battery OK
20 Local Start On 69 Zone Disabled 118 AC Power Lost
21 Local Start Clear 70 Zone Call To Star 119 AC Power Restored
22 Remote Start Run 71 Zone Start Done 120 Test In Progress
23 Remote Start Term 72 Weekly Test Running 121 Test Completed
24 Emergency Run On 73 Weekly Test Done 122 Automatic Start
25 Emergency Run Clear 74 Parameters Reset 123 Automatic Start Clr
26 User 1 On 75 Passwords Reset 124 City Water Press LOW
27 User 1 Off 76 Service due – line 1 message 125 City Water Press OK
28 User 2 On 77 Service Due Reset 126 Low Suction Level
29 User 2 Off 78 Flow Meter On 127 Suction Level OK
30 User 3 On 79 Flow Meter Clear 128 Target Alarm
31 User 3 Off 80 Fuel Spill Input 129 Target Alarm Clear
32 User 4 On 81 Fuel Spill Clear 130 Main Switch Off
33 User 4 Off 82 Engine Over speed 131 Main Switch Auto
34 User 5 On 83 Engine Over speed Clear 132 Main Switch Manual
35 User 5 Off 84 Engine Temp High 133 Jockey Pump Running
36 User 6 On 85 Engine Temp High OK 134 Jockey Pump Off
37 User 6 Off 86 Oil Pressure Low 135 Jockey Pump Trouble
38 User 7 On 87 Oil Pressure Low OK 136 Jockey Pump OK
39 User 7 Off 88 Fuel Level Low 137 Battery 1 Out
40 User 8 On 89 Fuel Level Low OK 138 Battery 1 Out Off
41 User 8 Off 90 Fuel Level High 139 Battery 2 Out
42 Secondary ECM On 91 Fuel Level High OK 140 Battery 2 Out Off
43 Secondary ECM Clear 92 Low Pump Room Temp 141 Charger 1 Out
44 Emergency Switch On 93 Pump Room Temp. OK 142 Charger 1 Out Off
45 Emergency Switch Off 94 Reservoir High 143 Charger 2 Out
46 Motor Start Checked 95 Reservoir High Clear 144 Charger 2 Out Off
47 Pressure Fail 96 Reservoir Low 145 Weekly Test Due
48 Pressure in range 97 Reservoir Low Clear 146 Weekly Test Due Clear
49 Reserved 98 Relief Valve Open 147 System Overpressure

ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 21 381339-300 C
Firetrol Mark II XG Diesel Fire Pump Controller Modbus Communications Protocol
ID Event message description ID Event message description ID Event message description
148 System Pressure OK 184 Test Button 220 Reserved
149 Fuel Injector Fail 185 Test Failed 221 Input 26 ON
150 Fuel Injector OK 186 Test Override 222 Input 26 OFF
151 Primary Fail Start 187 Auto Shutdown Disabled 223 Input 27 ON
152 Primary Fail Clear 188 Auto Shutdown Enabled 224 Input 27 OFF
153 Primary Interrupt 189 Manual Start 225 Input 28 ON
154 Primary Int. Cleared 190 Reserved 226 Input 28 OFF
155 Reserved 191 Daylight Savings 227 Input 29 ON
156 Coil continuity 1 Fail 192 Service due – line 2 message 228 Input 29 OFF
157 Coil continuity 2 Fail 193 Reserved 229 Input 30 ON
158 AC Power Loss Start 194 Reserved 230 Input 30 OFF
159 AC voltage high 195 Reserved 231 Reserved
160 AC voltage normal 196 Reserved 232 Reserved
161 AC voltage low 197 Reserved 233 Reserved
162 Secondary Crank 198 Reserved 234 Reserved
163 Secondary Crank Off 199 Reserved 235 Manual Test Input
164 AC Power Loss Delay 200 Duty pump 236 Manual Test Clear
165 Fuel Valve Relay Status 201 Standby pump 237 Tank 1 Fail Input
166 Low Pressure Sensor 202 Unit available 238 Tank 1 Fail Clear
167 Auto start Input 203 Unit not available 239 Tank 2 Fail Input
168 Auto start Input Off 204 Dump valve On 240 Tank 3 Fail Clear
169 Reserved 205 Dump valve Off 241 Service Due line 3
170 Pressure Delta 206 Shutdown activated 242 Service Due line 4
171 Cranking 1 207 Shutdown released 243
172 Cranking 2 208 User input On 244
173 Reserved 209 User input Off 245
174 USB Drive Found 210 New firmware load 246
175 USB Access 211 New firmware detected 247
176 USB Open 212 Reserved 248
177 USB Open Failed 213 Reserved 249
178 USB Writing 214 Reserved 250
179 USB closed 215 Reserved 251
180 Mode Off OFF 216 Reserved
181 Mode Auto OFF 217 Reserved
182 Mode Manual OFF 218 Reserved
183 Reserved 219 Reserved

ASCO Power Technologies, 50-60 Hanover Rd, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Modbus is a registered trademark of Gould Inc. 22 381339-300 C

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