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A Laboratory Manual for Mobile Application Development (22617) Semester- VI (CO/CW/CMIIF) Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai (Autonomous)(ISO-9001-2008) (ISO/TEC27001:2013) ans Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education Certificate This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. Porth. Sachin. Roll No....2..... Comenicn...209) Fang) has completed the term work satisfactorily in subject Mobile of Sixth Semester of Diploma in Application Development (22617) for the academic year 20,29. 20.22)... as prescribed in the curriculum. Enrollment No.\2\82229° Exam Seat No. Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal ‘Content Page Daeat | Dated [Kee | Remark = Til ofthe practical Pete | perform ot | om Dated Se | Gt any) “a Sanous operating systems) Poo 9.2 [25-5 -2) 1 fsith android os. Tnstall and configure java hg frg-3-2) development kitUDK), android — | s studio and android SDK. Cont gure android development 1=9-21 | 1-3-2) 4 Jtwok (ADT)plug-in and create 9 Pret aes 4 vg Pes-28 far-3a Develop a program to implement | . ww [g-4-20 |s-a-21 Inncar layout and absolute layout, : mv to implement 6 | frame layout, table layout and, a te relauve layout 7 [Develop a program wo implement |" Ia, faces sxt View and Edit Text «| Desclopa program to implement [Ta [yqeq nat AutoComplete Text Vi Develop a program to implement 9 | Bution, Image Button and Toggle | 31 Baton ']DeXelop a program to implement 10, |Jogin window using above UL “8 sontzuls, his -ty-24 |tu-u-us Ng W-2if\g-4 mas Develop a program to implement Chechbvon Develop a program to implement Racho Button and Radio Group, Develop a program to implement Progress Bar, ss eee Pewee sa fag gut teas ot P9-G-UP eur! Develop a program to implement 14 | List View, Gnd View, Image View| « and Scroll Vie 35-21 Develop a program to implement . ss-u1 'S [Custom Toast Alert 2 Devclopa program to imple . 1 # program to mnplement | #2 [toxs-2] 0-5-2 Date and Lime Picker, ee Mabarashiis State Besant Tex! Mote Applicatian Development (22617) Develop a program to create an we frase fies-41 {acuvaty Develop a program to implement a 2 sw activity using explicit intent | 6 and ty Desslon a program to implement ent provider |_| Develop a program to implement senice os [93-74 tg—9- 20 "Develop a program to unplement | broadcast receiver. to [RHJ-LL | I-LE lop a program to implement us Pa3~21 | 245-21 jau-snts |te-s-2) [program for providing Bluetooth connectivat tam ]26-5-20 [263-1 | Develop 4 program for animation, | ru 26 3-u fear [Pertorm Asyne task using SQLite. | 6 Create sample application with Jogin module (Check usemame Jai3-20 [319-21 a7 {ara password) On successful | 4, . in, Change Text View “Login Successful” and on Jogin fail, alert user using Toast “Login fai! c login application where | 28 | you will have wo validate usemame | P‘?-t and password ull the username | , and password is not validated, login button should remain q 29, [Develap a program to ple pees Send SMS by Receive SMS 2-6-0 xo, | Develop a programtosend and P| oo cay |recerve e-maul, 41, | Deploy map-based apphicanon, ww [y--2 |o-e-21 yy map-based application. | Ty cca | geo Total Marks Total Marks (Scaled to 25 Marks) © To be Transferred to Proforma of CLAAN-2017 Muburwshtna Sate oan! of echnical Education va —|_ptocrical net: compate various oan System with andtoid 06 Were Heat Met different atwimid me version, > Android Lo Android b-O Lecream sinceich —{Ardreid 1.) Android 4% \to4-3. 1 Jews Bean _ | Android 1.5 cop cave Android G4 wOou Kiyuat Android 6 done Android 9-0 10 S11 Cont Pop [Bndvoid 2-0 Ecioir Android G0 to 60-1 morsnpraiia [Pncrnid 2:2 Cyo¥p Andypid Fo jo F-1 Mougdt Android 2-9 Ginger bicod Android 9-6 Pic = —____l|®ndreid >-0 honey comb. Ad to @ I < iS roi Hi. > \. Beaurifu yT_ 1. Muli ouch, [2 connectivity @. Muiritosui ng . 13. arorage 9: Resized widget b. _Media Sueeort (©. Muli ianguage. 3 messaging (Nec 6 Web Brewsek PR. With Diyect l # lencercise ___ 4 ditfevence bet” windows og and androides, >| windows 06 android os QV uindows 6S io forge android os is for smartphones. a windows da comolety —_indroid_is oven spurce lctesed source 3 window lise _hubrid andtold erne\ use tinue. = _|| berres. Rerne |. : Test p2 : are alt C308, —____findinid_gtusio and android Spx. -— Brndilcal_Neloted questions “Nish alt steps to insta\l android Petting system _ 2 .\- _Downede gargie anaroid os = .2. write iso image File to Co/oup or Usporie - os ou L. install or test Run Googie andteid in youk pc S. \ OU 2. \is\ different Tpe's thot an he used fo execute android og __\_ ‘larpeé ¥) AW 23 Ovid seripr S) Python suis 2) cf? braid 6) Sova suite le ere J write difference bel” avm and _ovm. 4 Dym Svin D) Wis veg tcr based which ir lo stack based « L\s designed to run on ow menpy 2) ouin Support andreld esony — Ivim support multiple os. Bi Fer_Oum very few retools ae. For Jvm mony te ~to0lS ic. | owilawe avaliobe : 7 GA qhete is cotant pool forevery Wk NaS wnJtank poo! fer every | appiicarion Class. : —_ - 5]|_hele the eaeecutane IS apf Near He erecapable 15 gah. = 2 wine is Tok? wing _Jvd_developmen> — row iS Cssienvg | to Instat_an ancirola operating susie ——~ - - D+ on \nregreated develoPms von ment CTO&) ka sofjunte_appiicaien hat Prvide mer hens le facl\\ Heo fo computer progran inc For_SOPPWOr develo. [AL so0vO_ developmen kikcodK> 1 a software developmey “lerwironment_used fer deveinemenind 3avd applica Hons @ apPier it incudes tne qua punime environment Cee’) An jnict pretch \odet Cova) A tom pier Cave CD an achieves Teaor) a _doqumentation d enerotor Cyaiva clog) o MEF foow needecl_In Java development PIACHeA! nod configute andioid deveepment 10019 Chor) . pd in and creare android yirtua: devie - — | PLACHeeyh leiated _Questons - Mist basic reauirement of @nRiguning cdnaroid eon Lyre? 166 pit Sratament is yeouired fer andmoid 2.3 sb hlaner vewe 23368 Ram minimum BEC ¢emmonted - 326% avoliable Auk fate ¢minimum 463 rcomaneied . SJ SO AGCO MinimUM Severn Puoution- ' Erode Car un} 2 Diy because Java < anarnid us eseperare environment to rw 2\ android pos been medified to ran an small devices with LexchoW Hon of 1655 comaiting - et \- android Wes He davik vm inited of syne Java um- te ig e te? 1 A_buiid Vvoriont 15 © creas produer of o ould type & Preyer | ovr 4 io the configuraten Gradie uses fo puiid your ope Lusind build _ VOrOnt you can buicl the clebug ine verso) Lof your Product Flavere duning deveiopmenr gr signed ree® version of “our preduck Flavor fer distrauN'on. expan ane build procesS in android? [The build Press involves many tee!>_and pre thet Convert Jugur Prmect inte an andred appiicaHon package Carr) The Lhuid procesS ip very Flemble 50 1FS weAll te under nd Scmme. OF What |S haPPening undler $hE fool. [7 The bund process fey a r8Piel_anadreid ger mele Ferecu me general Sires O7The comeijer convert your source tat© an andy @nd_ Ofer Fie unijen jncude the byteade shot by ot) oo Id device 4 everthing else | tom eited oui 12) Ty eX package combines the DE Filed Ad come resource inte an single Ark pefole ueuk ape can po I \ Adept 1 Ndroi'd vice. “the opit_packoge san your ap UyiAd either she op eV Telease keystore : ~ 7 ODT sou are pullding o debud version of your apP that i ION age You intend eniy for FesHind And PrOFiling te patage Sign® your app with the debug rey Sie ® grit Studl © Ate roticaty oreigures new proiecis ulin a debug Rey store DI AE vow ote bpuliding a Yelease versian ak your ap) ‘hot Yeu Intend to release enternaily He pacage sign vol wy \ a Stanil Ip age in Andraid studio. ® Defore gereriting aour inal apy tre pacrose use phe 2ipalign to oorimise yout APP im use jess memos when traning ah covice /PIOCHco| NOU 4 _devei“pe a program ro digpiay Merlo word on scree t ~PYacNcul related quearions ._ Nor the gies “sogd fo wet lste WuttL_taram J). OCH VAY Jew & activin’ -main-semnt _ , Sap 2-189 | vosyes . - > redidrowable 1@ = build .gradie __- - : Vey i ming. + 1 Doan activity represent a single screen wi th a usek inter fae dush [we window or frome of JavO andimid acti by is tne [Subcias® of ronfent The mewmpper class Wh Ardioid sustm initiates iS eroaram. fake cs v5 cul ae COllpag method . Whine Actives class decines the folowing few back ie evey .) oncyearec) &) onstopg a 2) ONStoy bO) S) onmestrog ©? 6 >) on RejuMeC) 6) on pestayrlD a L _ Exercise - - —— ourirs 0_stcofain. so_diePos hele oor . i Cizont version ="1.o "encoding ="ure ~8"'2 2 : i C Lash id e nN layout cif (95 « oralrola =" HHO: I scheme - OPN! res/andiow ” -eniok foal-"“hirpsischema2 areal tan Linai “arms Pe’ hs pe Schemas andVoid com lap |reSoub ON Grol d.1 quouh aw id tb =" atch parent! | a ONGrONO ‘lgvoUk -neignk =" Mmokch fayene OPN -!avoup denouipur ; “crvi09 1. 0# 0 hop SCHON 2 LUI ew eb cu our’ FOO 1% SHOW Tn 2" ladOUk Coichivi by «met _D” AC015 (Ont RRE > Mal A AcHUiEN > Zisktyiew Th T \ _ { - landrotd: avout wid hs _landyoids taugub nelghhs " wrap consent o a - ~ “wrap-contene Nyyeilo world 1” — ptiom -fo Botton oF = 4a, landtol ch. Tevet = app. layoub- conotrainr 2 i -! i lope: iougut consiolnt pePh to let of 2" Brenr Tl ae S\garers" laep *-loypuk consrain ToP- TOP pe paren” /> 2 Candroid xconstralNt lauoub awit - con iit | touodk> . i wHte a preoram te display Siudenh rrame_and mary. 3] C22! version "he encoding -"UTe = 82> _Condre} dx. consralnr foyout woah . cONSH ry Nt fy out Zmims'- androids" nrtP it, Schema $ androie . coma ls. lhyes » andveid * lawout -wigsh =" match. Parent” andtola». - heignt =" match - Parenk" ip toolS sJhawnin ="@lauout Cactuiss. man” 40015 -CONtget =’ main achivita”d program 2 \ineattavoub aemins a ick =" AiO: 1) Schemas andi! Ws laps leSrandrold'” android: tayour width Ven parent” androld \\ououb height ="Wwran content” andinid. -Orlention ="VverHeni's Lputto L android» lquoub ~ width 2" wrgn ntuck” android = loueuh -helonk ="wrah - conrexeh androld +, *BU+ton 1” — androld :10="@4 id; button” : android. background ="#35 803275 — —_Andtold: tquoub width ="wran- tonarent” AND o\d | inuout-hefant “wrap. conte andtold + tect ="Butkon2” Andvo ids Ipackground ~\# 6 VBi06" 17 Cl Vineat Lowe ud = Practkeal_ Nos". Deveioo a _Pregram fe _IMPkMENK jing. lout ond obsewute tauomt Practica related cuerHons - LNOME any spree auout manager? \Diinear touout S} Fram _lemou & H2) Reative taueut 6J ish view = 3] tuple iayout U Gridview absoiutre lauour 2umat 4 jew 2 wv No Fromeiaueup with g rounded cotner JOaCK found ans *\ cord view Wes elevation property an lo )PoOR Far shades Baws loack ts a cusism emulated Shadow —imPiemenyosior An elder PlopForm. 1 S\ Duc to ecpensive nature OF rounded giknek cv? Ping on i Platforms behole joytipop ,cardview deed nok cle iw i chiidren -Prab intereab with rounded camers ini iL {bh add paddind te auold inidsecHon . I) Before 1ON|POP rordujects ciode PUDDING te "35 corel & dYOw S shadow ta that arec. His Padding amount ie! fe_mascard Elevation +Ci-osas) # Caxcir Rua ida on He | SId@3 &_ mae corPElevoion & 1.5 4CKCo> Wd qe pod en to2 & Botrom. Erceyc|se th \ yfeorlie. a prearom toPiae wome Age and mabe WO \i nears Cversedl YON the aisolag Screen curing ine — IhQuout - A fneok louout o | androids \ayoub width =") a p/ android \ quaub-neignt="aeude” _ Id orientation ."verucai! Crack yiew | android» layout-width =“wrap content” N android + quout height = “ura r_ content! andyoild + teser = ame"? Leal btext M andtoid sid ="ta-id Led! bern!” * _ | androids loyouk wisths "CLI parent” “ondrotd souout- heighk'="argn~ content” android. ema="to’ 1 Sh, oanatoidl:. beret ="'@,si rin lentch. seach! 6 l android :inpubtype = "Perch LTexepuiew nde} d: ta Your width =wrap- ton tent | android iaysut . height ="wrap_ concn’ Android:.tect "Age" edittech android tid ="@td feo eset 2.” : Android ‘auoub width ="wrop canter” Ondrold '. ayout-helont =" wrap ~contcat l android: tnpdh yee =" number!’/D _Crecrvlew) | andyofd layout width > wyar. concent” | andyald No uodk-heignb+ "cura. content” andtold tea —"moile fumber!/> - a [cpa trereh | ondrold sid ="@ridreaittresrers |” Andtold ‘avout. width "wrap content” = andtold sioyoub-helghk = wrap-conknt androld sinpub.tyee =u mber? _ Zinn iauou oe \\\V i { [ . \ \\ 2 orlte pro program to to place, ome _o age_and mobic [Dumber centally on the_display screech using ~ | absolute layout - : ICAbsolute Couout SSUES y See | android Louous evigth =" 2 "19q0'o” | Ondtald * loyouk- -heiants"wetoe” _- . 1" Ondtold t orientation ="Hohizontal!, | CYechulew ————_—— — lho Ondrold. lagout width = "wrap content! a Android «!oyoUk eighh 2" wrap. onkene H Andtoid *. reek." Mame "> _—___||CEdl+ Teser oe a a _ Android :id ="@ id Leal tea” android * loyouk width = "Hit. ayreny” Oh uadth= i. Aakeny —_andreld slayeut he lank = "rad _ ronrene” ia Nig) ______Ahdtoy ds. teach “@Otn9 lenyer~ trey — | -ANGO\G input Type = tere ID | Cfeatyiew __ondtola : Lago width=! rop one { ANd roid : layouk -helgnk =" wrar~ (on tnt . Ondrpid tere -"Agel i> 12 Ed Tevet Indrotd "1d ="@ 41g Leal bees ¢/ Ondo ld: layouk-cuioith =" ‘Wrabon eft andtole tates telatt rap -conmnt —— androjd : LA Ri tae . "num perl /> | Crekb view ; = ahd rool” Iuedk. Wid 1 wan content i / GH "wrap conte UOUL net ant -"wrapcontht ADALON OA" kekt =" mopite num her> ‘tt Ablolute tayout - _— | | 7 , Practical noG."_develn?_a_Progim to implemen Frame iquoctt able louqut and relattve louout > I. [practice eee ‘ ise t different attribute uhich @n be wed with ay layout \. amiyoid sid 9. angrold = layout x weyotd slayout width 10, qandyold > guout) : : ; oa 3: android tlauqut helgm WW android - width L& android » taueut matgintoe (2, apdvei de". Padding 109 5_dndtoid *. layout Botiom \D» dndreld ' Padeliing hortor: 1,6 Andtoid : lauedt marin vignk US. andyoid 1 Udling Riant Z_ Ans roid © \auoul. matdintert U- andvojd * fading tet S. andyoid * lquout gravis : 21 ube io Erid favout® La lauouk trap places 149 childien in o_Heckanguldk ghjo! i Vane grid fo composed of od seb of Inflalied tnin LAtnesrnat seporte pe viewing element inte cell. I | Pacerclie . Oo Spudker' An atable form wing fable iauou t- aS activites. main vem 1 7 0.;.m\_vewlon sV.6"' enaging ."ude-6"?> en ‘Londrol dee oN Wolnblayouk wider «(ow HYsAb iaqout 2 andipid ‘lauoub.width =" mech. AorcenkY |_cndto{os touou f. heiank =" ma keh —purorenr” || Ztaple (auouk —_andtord "lougit width ="maten parent” ____anettold ladout ela = ima toh ween” | GhaToL A. tour margintoo ="100 de" Ik ble Row a : | andrerd ». a culdth > march. parent 4 android * taunt eiank =" match - Purent” f | enclteid = backaround 20 86@EC > ee oo 7. onaroid: td."@- td/ heactui a!” a _ — andtoidid = tayouk wld th =" odr” : k— | androids. tayodk. heianh ="eunaP_ ont - ANdroids laud # - cormn 2! Ondtol 0 decks" udent nome” ~ android: Keize:"epe "2 _ el | ZisaverceS 7 lh | Cheschic pow i | Androl ds lavedt Colo = 2! mabe ravens! - | Android : loyoh - helgnk "month eve nt” 7 7 LC Texh jew —_ - | anorold fd :"@+id /ectyieuw” = Androl d+: layoubk. width “"WJoup” android ' lnyour, helcnh =" Core —contecr ANGvo1d lava Ub. Colum ty” 7 andre! a te "dope! 7 OO andiolde tcc ies! Nipio See Riexpview =o 77 ! androjd Ltd "@s id Perk cles 7, 7 ——andltold .ogouk width ="secte” | =itsodbhela ep Eni” Ldodkcowumn ao! Tndrold : turn 2g!’ oo |e oncrole 2 1 keectsire =" ‘ie so! "7 - | ___ | Ctsaple fow> | _ | crsaplewmuodt> — 7 | ee eee : A LYNE A Program sw dbpiciy all Ye dota tues in pwect Criented Programming wing frame tayouh Scher oe ee e CRxmt version 2 "Lo" encodings “ure-s!2> CG Crameigicg We : __ondiod taunub -tuloith ="match Pareny? 7 ___eandvoid stououtoheiants” meen Parent) Crext view | android * id -@ 41d (teetolew ” android lauouk width ="wral-oncnt” andtold Nouo Ub hela =" tg? -onknt” e Android ‘lauouk.oraui'ty ="' te” android *. tact 2 in! android: tuctize-“eucsel> Cext view i Androids id="Weid:rrebview2! ondyold * tough width ='w raP-onteny? Ondtord louout hela nt ="wrap~ on tne! _ —_andtoid ‘cach =" Alot! : __andyotd toot. arovita :'' righ!” —_angrold tpeabize ="2650'19 Vetus __anorold sid -"@+id [actu lew a!” ___andtor 4d’ lquou baw idth wan -tontent” : __ Grirof dd vouout. helahts"eurae content” Loe anoyol ct A a | aNd told "sect = ¢ — | andtol d+ tedebsi 26 °'26 sp" > : ZL iframe jqugubds “PACHA NO? . pevelbe a prearam to JM Pile Met tars, md Ad r teat = —PrOCHL related _quemon ‘unich of ynue LU not defined al a Hoel — Ba, hon -wible C- foreajpun? > 6 - visipie a. Bocxaround- >| non-visale . : 2.thak b sre pome of phe Fold@h rhok Condwiar MWNeR. yova Kiet. ashe ¢ bin : b. ted o. Gem - Si aen. Frere. \ write _@ progiam Ye atepe cename and Paliwery From $e 38 {uigh ina teh view ond elk tye. DOcHvisy moi ekms C&xmi version =“.o" ending "Up _g"2 + _Zardroid «ton Soin yuou kei 08h coma ink auodks andioid : tquout widah ="march~ parent! android ouput. nejant = "match ~ parent! > _L Button . andrd id >"@ sid fbn login” ae “touour width ="wrap .onkn! — i: andre. ‘ “1ououh helgnh .wyap. SARA |e - ondroid *. tech =" login 2 Gert view rear 7 androld a :'@ NO Lea tube 7 ___afdtold \lououh -wiggh <“wrae ron ke ___ondter * ta ueut - neiant ="wpue ton kat— Ci b peat 7 — —_andioid il "@ss'd Let Urome’. 7 ansto! dé: auodh -helant *"wroP-rontent “andiol@ layouk-heiant = "woe - concent” arndyoid « hink = enter wername” andio! d) input TYPE ="Tereb Person ame "1D Creepview andioid Lid '@+/dtkectuiews” android iauguk- width wren ent androtd lauoub nelaht = "“wrae-conkne” andvol da. teat = Enter password) > (Edi Hee android vid="@41d rerrapugd” ' Android *. loupub_width =" ular content” and roi 0. layout. helahk = "wraP-tontent android Hint = “Ener Paliword” andvetd. inmuttufe ="Ireep passevord > Chet view | android id "@Md femioaln Jpespss (> Gandtnl da. combine Lauout . wider. convtrank ta yodt> wre preayom to ocrePh ANd dil plod erbne/ infor maton of yhe ShudeAt- malA acHui by jeu - Parka COM. example Student INFO + “}mporh oindola -aPAomPh. PP a PP coma rACHO! KY wit anayold . content ron Nt Pioui'dl eh client Lmrork android -tes . Mundie impor bh andjosd vie view} tmnor Undid .widgeh. Kd) t Test’ oe mPortr android. wilder. peat view} / | r | i - - : Hpubiic Class main activi ky ede tend? aPPOM Pat 901, fdi hTeah ett,eb2) ee ‘ Texbulew fret) a a zs Mutton pt. ee - ; L@oeide i —Prokcted old on create (Buneie seed EN Stance Stan) - _I¢ ;—_ [Super .0N Crate CJaved TMhene Chater, a + Seb Gon nth Yew (CR -loryouk cr hivity main? i ett: find ew Byrd CR Id- eb NGM - - et 2: Find view bl Bnd view Burd Ce yd.ieh Inomey, [Me find view Quld§Jnomel ML= find view By'd CRIA eh . Phone): Is 5 - publS old pm cick Clevo) . 7 - . " a i Hebrerlergeb segs 7 ~ 1 Tb es sebTexh er? Meee = - : } Nee — _ ———— —______ - ipracHedll vo @ = deyelo? 2 q prodtam jo Implement burton , _Vmed@ burton gnd joyale butto - ee ___l@racrical_veiabeol quetHon . — write a piete of pode ws ser id of the button Bubron "android: lauouk widis ="wrae content” _ andro} Os tauounk helanh Soran -tonkent” _ Andrald >. tech =" SH ind [button reat” android s fo ="@+fdrpuror ld . 2, How © odd imade te reowce Ale? “sos ae Loren dour project in android Jtuolle. |e click on 1D - Pah cick on arovdble JG. citk on snpw ih Explorer S. Pouble ciltK oN drawable foldet [© . coPY Your _jmane Rite {alh 44rname a youve wile. i LiDA feat andjold teqaie€ button conto! - A#Hribure \ondtoid : dlable ‘alpha. : : = 12. andteld 2 hecho F 1 %- OndVOld ! texhod U-andield ! outed. exerde : lwylte oa Plearam Ho create O toggle buNen ke dad _ SF Jonlofe piuteoth on the afzplay sereen, I dindrol dt layout shelahh 2" tro rkns ; a ae To : ‘ y [CRelanve jayouks emit tandyol'd sh MP si Sch emg —Ond reid. com fapX [v% fandrod” LPcminS : foold ="Mtp-. schemas androld. com lage's OC MIN : ool =" HHP etlondroy'd” Lonely | endo d, \aueut = width ="'core content” Androl d_! heck = "'8 lyepooth "12 \Ctoaole button i : Androl * layout. wich = "tre? conte” andres a loGcit. helaht "ora? conteny— Andi! Od WO 4101 toga le Bubton’"D £1 Retative layout , Jturlie omerm te Create a Sime ay lalaten. Zac) yetsion ="v.0"! enreding « Mupk ~9!29 Candrel d~uppert. convalnk. COMIN leat - Ami: ordidd =" wes py Schemas andrord. omaklanieit anti d’ Icoyr tolath =" patch. nay ery!” | ee 7 | andistd + lduaus neat = "match. parent” Sool! \ Comer =" main OC Hoi pall, I ftahle Row - —,itdint ds Loti litt "Chop contend 7 Androtd ‘ewat ehefdika! 7 wrap. conten! . = ae Cres vi BOID I d"@yid ( fReruitY n reld luuouh 5 idtb: "ora. con rer?” _ | jd. - " andro} O4oUt —headhk I! Con kre a “Program 4e> “4 implement button __Limane pattem and beagle budton = [proc cal releted quesHon \iwrlte a piece of mde pe isk Id oR He. button _ DiC burton android: lquouk width =. iap-hten” : andtoy + ayouk height ="wraP concn” andro d tteret ="@ring / button, wet!7 android’. td "@4ld [button 11> 2: \How fo add Imane to Fefource plie? | Mopen your piojeck in android studio @ ide on O_Pighb cick on drawable © Alek OM Show jn exePioreh ® Double cilsik on oyowable folder | | 4 QJ Your = ® now write your imaae Rile name afieh @divble/ LISt four andlold tegile_buitoh ontic! cea dMVibuke. 1. ondrold \dligpled 6 irhg- handhold s eactorR a. androld » texton- 16. 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Nome the aif erent eth of crecboe Da) Public boolean ig checkede?: tetuin tye ic bin checved ib) public void setcherkedt>: ChangeS the State oF the Checkhe list di yent attribute of _checkhor - 2} andreid «pack ‘\ wonie to use as Me = “I Ad nt clescriPH \ eR INES keer that briefly describe conter of ie de idewitier (dlangrid :enctick this Ia the nome of the. meitiod_in iat ulew Content fo involve When the view {9 clicked Doanayold: vioibiity +hid contol the imiMol vbipiiity Othe View Sur rN © oe. “android a -Ccheckt Bove ___apsiwid sid = 2@ sid /checor _aingynid \ lowouk width ="unie.con reser — __andvoid = lowout —ineiaht “wrap content’ + : zi = ee android test Angiola" lexcersise = write a. Progr to shot Five _checkbo aces ‘and. “feast. 2eem) Nerslon = ee "ure -@"2> | aemind ae ohsto; eeeEeegE > ongreid com ean Licslangieid’ — — Lonayeid slaupuk-width = match. parent” a | androids iousut-heignt = match - Parenk”” Ne 1 EC 0319 checked) YRS +. 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Andvold _yadle foutttoy jo a widget cbich can have more the vilon to choose Prem & the user Cah Choe only one opHon Lae osime - Each opHon in this yeterS fo a radio button. le aeerclse ——\urlte o pteqrom to Show te ene out pur. Pint |yue Yadlo pitten aye whtnout using yodi6 9/0uP and _neseb |rwo yoda button> are using tod!6 grwe. nore the Chaged between trese jwe. 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YMcikcn parent’? - onore fa: lauouk -Nelahk = "mo toms aa rent > : : | Chatreon 7 | Andiola id ="@ Hd ¢ parton’! _ | andyoi a: quou--nelank ="bora. con Rn = I andold rtext= "Orting take tecyt!D — : fc [Pelerd lcmout) > Tain AcHe ry . raya 7 : Limport android -oJ Bundie: . impor & -andros a __| Pun S CAS pct age = - + = 1 iL £ — {| passon bli __1@ overide 4 Proieted Lod om Creare (Bundle Sav el rnthance rite) |_¢ AWfer.onCrate Ciaved tnirance Jto be) “Sebconteniiew CRiiusoub ochyitd main) Jb) (Buble n ACH VEG view By id CR. fo bution)” 5 1 bl ye bondicd iene view vonclikck Win OF : | 1O weryide pawiic void ancilcr Cuiewv : “rou! b-moketoct (main achuikd. pal 9 "TnfS I) reat Moglt [LEnath Lone) chow O55) ae ome No 18. Develope oa program. to imetement rev Activity Using evePrici t ‘INyeNnt and implicit Inrent practical related qusmiion. ‘iot_olfeerent metenda used in iret __ Vaction.main S) ction cal) 2) action . Sick §)_ Aclon- send action -chenser 7) Acton -sendTo ‘J action - oi write dn inteoh tp disPay the phone diaieh cult thegwery Number Fi\\ed jn. ; mmol nAckviry SOW impor andinid coment intent) - Loopy b anslyeld support .V7.crP. REP cam pach pcNvity /, impor b android. view view | Qub\lC clASS malin AcHVity exetends APP comAach AVY € : - | Protected yoid on.cre: ndie TNS te | super oncreateC sove Josrane as : 1 Se! Ar view( RL bivi in) : 1% public yold call Cviewv) | € pole TerehCEdintesct) Rind viewSyTd CRid- edit. 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Fragment L limeorh androld .a#?.conent Innny. ab — Thm poor andig Id» OPP-nek urs — Thm port: android .or. puncite oe 7 fimeort—anareldviee.touoet - i ao c andre} of. Oa vie pend _ = ——yiners Andrord -vi ew view erouD a —" mport= android . view. Wew o — [Ltn __ [Burton bly . __ Rol bTeveb et, | @uerriee protected veld Oncredie. 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So ORGYOID lauout -Wwidth = “wre. vonteny! 2nd id Ha yout Weight “wrap £09 KAM” Android sens = Wy> LV Bbsoiure agoudd « 2"@aid (buttont!) andtold \ayoutuidth ="wraP content” Pert eau > Mat n~AcHulsy.sova pARAge CoM chimay-acts 3 \mmport angrova , ap. acHvits Aw port andwid apm. gerionbar) import androla. ap Fragments AUyoab— helah te wraP-content) - (mport androla . content -iienk} \i\Mor+ gndrod . nerve} A\mPort Gndro\d .6%-bunale} Am port androld Utew layoub In pure M fort andvold . yiausmenu y rport andyo|d view. nena (inports ondreid vit menu tiem) Amporh andvoid ui ey meni ew’ ___Am fort ondvold view view: yvouP - AmQorr andyald tutdaeb fdlh bexe Ayndorr android widaet bupoh. 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SrorHing « size ore Bom asce parting Je Fre , NS A U’CTCSZ "CC Here is the modified code of res/layout/activity_main.xml. « android: layout) widt! rap content" android: layout _height="wrap_content" android: text="Alent Dialog" android: id=) @+id/textViel" android: textSize="30dp" android: layout_alignParentTop= true" android: layout_centerHorizontal="true" /> sInageViow android: layout_width="wrap_content" “wrap_content™ android: sre="@drawable/indext" android: Layout_below="@+id/textView2" android: layout _ajjgnRight="@+id/textView2" android: layout_glignbnd="@+id/textView2" android: layout_alignbeft="@+1d/textView' android: layout _alignStart:

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